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(IR) Announcing a New Strategic Roleplaying Campaign of Epic Proportions!

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First Post
Paxus Asclepius said:
One very simple, but quite important to me, question is this: does the lack of access to the Astral prevent teleportation?

No, it does not. Nor is ethereal travel prevented. Because, in fact, you have access to the Astral and Ethereal. At least those parts of those planes that lie paralell to the crystal sphere of Oerth. Those parts of those planes are however themselves cut off from the rest of the Astral and Etheral respectively and therefore to the rest of the Multiverse.

No, in short.

Nor does the cutting off prevent evocations and non-summoning conjurations. The stuff brought forth from such spells are just as easily drawn from Oerth as from the Planes with a few simple adaptations to the spells.

Positive and negative energy, since it can not be drawn from the outside, will instead be drawn from the forces of life and death on Oerth. Thus, when you cast a Cure Light Wounds you draw a miniscule amount of energy from every living thing in the sphere that's less powerful than yourself. And when you cast a Cause Wounds spell you draw from the everprecent forces of entropy. With normal levels of use the difference shouldn't be noticeable...
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Questions. :)

Had anone taken Iuz already ? :)

If not, I'm quite interested in Him and his little empire. It need a lot of improvement ... Especially bigger temples. :]


First Post
Rikandur Azebol said:
Had anone taken Iuz already ? :)

If not, I'm quite interested in Him and his little empire. It need a lot of improvement ... Especially bigger temples. :]

If I recall correctly someone was talking about claiming Iuz, I think it was one option among others. I don't think he ever got back to me on that. I'll re-read the thread tomorrow (don't have time now), if he didn't claim Iuz the faction is yours.

And Welcome Rikandur Azebol! Welcome to the IR. :)


Serpenteye said:
What kind of faction would you want to play? What alignments would you want and would you prefer an specialized arcane faction over an industrial Imperial one? If you want to focus on magic, and don't mind being evil, I can throw in Acererak and his Tomb of Horrors and some of the other territories with plenty of undead (like the Cold Marches and Blackmoor).

Most delicious! Would love Acererak and environs.

Many thanks,

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Serpenteye said:
If I recall correctly someone was talking about claiming Iuz, I think it was one option among others. I don't think he ever got back to me on that. I'll re-read the thread tomorrow (don't have time now), if he didn't claim Iuz the faction is yours.

And Welcome Rikandur Azebol! Welcome to the IR. :)

*Rikandur Azebol is hiding bloodied axe behind his back.*

Um ... I did my best to convice him in civilised way ... ;)

Thank You for warm welcome ! Questions: Will it be somewhat similiar to Brightright ? Economy there was preety simple ... even if there was no improvement. Or somewhat along the line with Fields of Blood, with generals leading armies to clash on the battlefield ! Or it will be somewhat similar to Civilization series ?

Anyway ... Funny scene that I just imagined.


"All will obey Iuz ! Iuz rules all !"

*Reads, with great difficulty, book's cover wich mysteriously appear in his sight.*

"Um ... I can read ... It states ... Echem ...Book ... of ... Exatle ... Esalted ... Chrum, chrum ..."

*Incincerates anyone watching and secretly don's hourglasses.*

"Book ... of ... Exalted ... Deeds ... What the &%$# is that ?! Let's read ..."

*Cry of pain echoes trough capital. One etheral wizard to another.*

"Like You saw, Bigby. Pen is more powerful than sword. Let's go."


Sorry for spoilers, couldn't stop myself.

Thomas Hobbes

First Post
The church of Tritherion: 'cause every industrial revolution needs its uppity proleteriat.

"No king! No queen! No lord! We will not be slaves again!"

*Begins humming various tunes from Les Miserables.*

Edit: Does this make me the first good guy?
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Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Iuz children would crush You beneath their feet. ;)

And, as far as I'm oriented You are in light hearted minority. Probably You have elven queen as possible ally. :)

If I would have opportunity to use Iuz, the other player didn't seem very fixated on him, I would begin to forge alliance with evil lich Acererak ...

Devilish, what would You say ? Fresh experimental subjects, for arcane support ? ;)


First Post
devilish said:
Most delicious! Would love Acererak and environs.

Many thanks,

Thanks yourself :).

Rikandur Azebol said:
*Rikandur Azebol is hiding bloodied axe behind his back.*

Um ... I did my best to convice him in civilised way ... ;)

Turns out he never did write anything definite about claiming Iuz. Maybe your bloody axe scared him off or maybe we'll be finding pieces of him floating in the Whyestil Lake. Either way, you sure know how to handle the competition ;).

Blue Genie, you can still pick any other unclaimed faction for yourself.

Rikandur Azebol said:
Thank You for warm welcome ! Questions: Will it be somewhat similiar to Brightright ? Economy there was preety simple ... even if there was no improvement. Or somewhat along the line with Fields of Blood, with generals leading armies to clash on the battlefield ! Or it will be somewhat similar to Civilization series ?

I don't know about Birthright or Fields of Blood (never read them), but it will not resemble the Civilization games. The economy will be a lot simpler than in Civ, there won't be nearly as much micromanagement and there will be more avenues of advancement. I'm not sure if it's very close to any particular game, besides the 3rd IR, as far as the rules are concerned. Hmm...

Rikandur Azebol said:
Anyway ... Funny scene that I just imagined.


"All will obey Iuz ! Iuz rules all !"

*Reads, with great difficulty, book's cover wich mysteriously appear in his sight.*

"Um ... I can read ... It states ... Echem ...Book ... of ... Exatle ... Esalted ... Chrum, chrum ..."

*Incincerates anyone watching and secretly don's hourglasses.*

"Book ... of ... Exalted ... Deeds ... What the &%$# is that ?! Let's read ..."

*Cry of pain echoes trough capital. One etheral wizard to another.*

"Like You saw, Bigby. Pen is more powerful than sword. Let's go."


Sorry for spoilers, couldn't stop myself.

Seems like Iuz is trying to fabricate a diplomatic incident to establish a casus belli against the Circle of Eight. "They attacked me first with that cursed book, I had no choice but to slaughter their entire population..." :D

Thomas Hobbes said:
The church of Tritherion: 'cause every industrial revolution needs its uppity proleteriat.

"No king! No queen! No lord! We will not be slaves again!"

*Begins humming various tunes from Les Miserables.*

Edit: Does this make me the first good guy?

We have a couple of Neutrals, but you are the first Good. Good luck, brave man. :D
The Church of Tritherion is yours. Even though your clerics are unable to cast spells or turn undead while Oerth is cut off from the rest of the Multiverse the cause of Freedom will always attract the masses of the world. You won't be an Infiltrator organization but you will still hold a strong partial influence over a lot of territories.
Would you like some elves with that order?


First Post
Player List:

"Greyhawk illuminatus" -Secret organization with Infiltrator trait, based in Greyhawk.

Knight Otu:
Cult of Ashardalon. The Great Kingdom: Northern Aerdy, United Kingdom of Ahlissa, Almor, Rel Astra, the Sea Barons.

Blue Genie:
Celene, or the Scarlet Brotherhood, or a Dwarven/Gnome Union. (Would you like the Lortmils? A major industrial power.)

Circle of Eight, Highfolk, Vesve Forest and The Yatil Monutains.

Demon Atheist:
The Shadow Guild -Infiltrator trait.

Paxus Asclepius:
The Pomarj, Crystalmists, Jotens, Hellfurnaces, Griff Mountains, Raker Mountains, and the Dreadwoods.

Valley of the Mage, Acererak and the Tomb of Horrors, The Cold Marches and Blackmoor.

Gnomeworks: ?

Mr Draco: ?

Rikandur Azebol:
Iuz: Demigod. Empire of Iuz: Stonehold, The Empire of Iuz, Tenh, The Bandit Kingdoms.

Thomas Hobbes: The Church of Tritherion.


Unclaimed territories:

Minor nations of the NW:
Suel Barbarians (Snow-, Ice- and Frost-barbarians and Ratik.) The Bone March (Mostly Orcs). The Theocracy of the Pale (Human). The tribes of the Timberway Forest (Elves, Fey, Humanoids and Monsters of many kinds). Gamboge Forest (the same) The Troll Fens (Mostly Trolls). Phostwood (Tenha partisans, Undead, various Monsters). Fellreev Forest (anti-Iuz partisans, various Monsters)

Minor nations of the SE:
Irongate (Dwarven, major city). Iron Hills (Dwarven). Sunndi (Human). Lendore Isles (Elven). Grandwood Forest (Elven, Fey, Human).

Scarlet Brotherhood:
(Suel Humans, Monsters.)
(Tilvanot Peninsula, Lordship of the Isles, The coast of Hepmonaland, Onwall, Idee, The Olman Islands, The coast of the Amedio Jungle, The Hold of The Sea Princes.

Greater Nyrond:
(Mostly Human)
(Nyrond, Almor, Flinty Hills (Dwarves, Gnomes), The Celadon Forest (Elves, Fey), The Duchy of Urnst, The County of Urnst.

The Kevellond League:
(Human, Halfling, Gnome, Elf, Dwarf)
The Shieldlands, The Kingdom of Furyondy, Veluna, Verbobonc, Dyvers, Bissel Gran March, the Kingdom of Keoland.


The Lortmil Confederacy:
(The most powerful dwarven nation)
The Lortmil Mountains (Dwarf), The Lortmil Underdark (Dwarf), The Kron Hills (Gnome), The Lorridges (Human, Gnome, Dwarf), The Duchy of Ulek (Human, Dwarf), the County of Ulek (Human, Dwarf), The Principality of Ulek (Human, Dwarf).

Minor Nations and Regions of the SW:
The Yeomanry (Human). Sterich (Human). Geoff (Humans under Giant rule). The Crystalmists Underdark (Drow). The Hellfurnaces Underdark (Drow, Formians).

Minor Nations and Regions of the NW:
Ket (Bakluni Humans). Tusman Hills (Bakluni Humans). Perrenland (Human). Wolf Nomads (Human). Tiger Nomads (Human). Burneal Forest (Quaggoth, Monsters). Land of Black Ice (Unknown)

The Bakluni Empire:
(Bakluni Humans)
(The Zultanate of Zeif, The Caliphate of Ekbir, Tusmit, Udgru Forest, The Plains of the Paynims, Ull.

The Nations of the West:
Barbarian Seameast: A windswept land covered with primeval forests where fiery but convivial tribesmen dwell.
Celestial Imperium: A vast nation peopled with a hard-working peasantry ruled by a complex bureaucracy.
Dragons Island: Tales from the Celestial Imperium speak of a land ruled by a dragon prince. If such a place exists, it probably lies here.
Elvanian Forest: An enclave of lofty trees clinging to foothills rising from the desert below. Elves and other wild sylvan races dwell here.
Elven Lands: It seems that eleven seafarers crossed to (the? RH) Solnor Ocean millennia ago and established a kingdom upon this peninsula.
Empire of Lynn: A sea of burning sands fill most of Oerik's western end. The fabled city of Lynn, perhaps settled by seafarers from the Flanaess, has grown rich from coastal trade and the desert's mineral wealth.
Erypt: An arid land ruled by a dynasty of priest kings.
Fireland: A land not unlike the Hellfurnaces region of the Flanaess. Volcanoes and geysers sprout amid glaciers. A hardy folk dwells among the coastal fjords.
Gigantea: A land populated by giants, or so I've heard tell.
High Khanate: An and land peopled by two tribes of sturdy nomads. The inlanders resemble the horsemen of the Balkanish (Baklunish? RH) Basin, but on the coast they take to boats.
Hyperboria: My own name for an icy continent whose interior holds Oerth's north pole and secrets even I have not fathomed. A semi-permanent bridge of ice connects the land to Oerik proper, but the crossing is treacherous at best.
lshtarland: A land watered by southern storms and at least two great rivers. The city of Ishtar vies with the merchants of Lynn and the warlords of Tharquish for control of coastal trade.
Kingdoms of the Marches: A temperate land filled with princely states. Perhaps another locale colonized by seafarers from across the Solnor.
Low Khanate: A companion realm to the High Khanate; named more for its location in a deep vale below the mountains than for any inferior status. A hidden valley reputedly contains the tombs of khans from both realms.
Nippon: A densely populated island nation of fishermen, warriors, and poets. Unsure of the place's real name.
Nippon Dominion: A protectorate only recently conquered by the warriors of Nippon.
Orcreich: A nation of orcs ruled by a tyrannical king. The orcs seem to thrive under the brutal regime.
Polaria: Not a land mass at all, but a collection of islands locked in a semi-permanent ice cap.
Red Kingdom: This land is so named for the color of its rocks. It's inhabitants remain unknown to me.
Suel Empire: You know this area as the Sea of Dust. Tales of its former glory is known to you.
Tarquis Dominions: An ancient protectorate of the Tharquish Empire.
Tharquish Empire: An island nation of seafarers who have ambitions that extend to the neighboring continents.
The Tribes of Enllaves: A land of proud desert nomads who eke out a living on a high plateau that escapes the worst heat of the sand sea. A few tribes-men live in mud-brick towns built around central squares that contain steep-sided pyramids. I have never learned whether the pyramids serve as monuments, tombs, temples, or something else altogether.
Wall of Tsian: A massive fortification separating the Celestial Imperium from Orcreich, a formidable deterrent to anyone but the king of Orcreich. The Imperium has begun another, even grander wall farther west.
Zindia: A tropical land where rich cities rise from steaming jungles.
Gulf of Ra: A deep body reputed to hide a kingdom of sahuagin.

Organizations not primarily based on a specific location:

The Black Brotherhood:
(An undercover organization inflitrating the Scarlet Brotherhood, seeking to bring about an apocalypse)

Various Churches:
(Though they have lost all their spellcasting-ability many clergies still hold considerable power over the peoples of Oerth)
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