(IR) IR Interlude between Turn 1 and Turn 2


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Re: The Events of Turn 1

Edena_of_Neith said:

One showed up by the name of Anabstercorian, who proceeded to throw a psionic blast that deafened everyone in the arena permanently.

Hmm, this suspiciously sounds like something Zagyg told me he was planning on doing. His plan involved a Thunderstone the size of a boulder, however. Guess he forgot to go through with it. :p

ZAGYG'S idea, not mine. Blame him.

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For many reasons, primarily because of people not getting to play on Turn 1, I am doing the following:

I am starting earlier, at 1 in the afternoon my time (that is, 13:00 hours eastern standard time United States of America.)

The thread will remain open until midnight my time (24:00 hours.)

I don't care how many new threads I have to create (because the old ones are approaching the 200 post mark.)
I intend to make sure everyone gets a chance to play, and also importantly to post to his or her heart's delight.

Just remember what you can and cannot do in a month's time In Character.

Everyone who reads this, please e-mail the others and tell them. I want everyone to know they're going to get a fair chance here, this time.



Creamsteak, Sollir, it is beyond my capacity to arbitrate the battle between your characters.
However, I believe a chatsite has been set up for the IR - it has been used for discussion by people in the IR.
Such a chatsite could be used for an actual D&D combat, should you desire one.
I do not know the URL of the chatsite, nor have I ever visited it, but I believe Williams and many of the others have, and could help you, if you e-mailed them and asked for aid.

Personally, I think this should be the rule for all character to character battles, where there is not some special circumstance involved that requires I arbitrate things.
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Willians, Uvenlei

Hey! You guys are not being nice. I just wanna kill and torture people, I never hurt anyone who didn't deserve it. ;)
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Black Omega

First Post
Coalition of Light and Shadow Interlude
4th Month of the Torilian Year
Siobhan Silirevnur's Study - Highfolk

The once neat and tidy study is now piled with charts, scrolls, maps of current positions, maps of projected enemy movement and maps of projected counter attacks to projected enemy movements. And in the middle of it all is Siobhan, silverhair mussed from lack of sleep. Luckily green leather doesn't wrinkle. Gazing over the reports of huge battles, betrayals, and staggering losses one thing is on her mind.

"Morre! I'm Bored! Boredboredbored! Why did they assign me to do this? I'm a seelie, fun and flighty! Why not a dwarf, they love being reliable and dutiful."

The young page enters, carrying a armful of scrolls "I'm sure I don't know, ma'am. Here's the reports from The Kevellond League. They had some success but it didn't go as well as we might have hoped. Dyver's was taken and there is heavy fighting still along the front."

Siobhan sighs, nodding "Ok. We'll consult with the generals later on troop movements. Take a letter. Dear Archcleric Hazen of Veluna. We deeply regret hearing the news of the loss of Dyvers. Of course, we'll providewhatever assisstance we can. However, we also must view with concern your crackdown on dissidents in your lands. While some of them were clearly enemy agents, others might have legitimate grievences. Once you start down the slippery slope of oppression..it's hard to stop..because..because it's a slope...and slippery! Um..you clean that up, something about oppression only breeds resistance, maybe promise to look into grievences later. That way if you lose the war you won't have to worry aobut it. Deepest regards, Siobhan Silirevnur, Emissary of the Seelie Court, Glittering White Flame of Titania, Undisputed Mud Wrest..no, scratch that. It never impresses the clergy for some reason."

"Next up." the fae brightly went on "To Azaghul Doomhammer of the Dwarves of Perrenland. Our deepest thanks for the fine work that has been done building up our defences along the borders. We can't help but think more strongpoints could have been built if you did not stop to add statues of dwarven heros and engravings, but we understand you want everyone to know who did the work. It has come to our attention that you are planning to participate in a revolution. We've consulted the maps and determined there are no such people as the 'Industrials' so we can only assume this is some obscure cause. Please note the Seelie Court has no sense of humor about lawless rebellions. If you have a grievence, we'll be happy to work it out with you after the war. Deepest regards, Siobhan Silirevnur, Emissary of the Seelie Court, the Hammer of the Seelie Smiting the Rocks of Evil."

Then a sigh from the young fae "Ok, Suppose I should get this one over with. Hope he's not too upset, he's had a rough time this past month. Dear Vecna, Thanks for your invitation to dinner, but really, a date between us could never work. You're dead and I'm alive for once thing. You've evil and I'm good for another. Thanks for the enameled halfling skull set in bloodgold, but really, I have nothing to wear with it. Best wishes, hope we can still be friends. Siobhan."
The weird ideas that come to you at 5 AM....:) Don't take it too seriously.
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Black Omega- Dang that Vecna part is funny!

IC-Hmm I think I will have to send Siobhan Silirevnur a bunch of Bloodroses from the 374 layer of the Abyss. I like Fae 'specialy with Ketchup (OOC-demons are a little flighty too ones with 48 Int probably are worse since they are thinking about 8 or 9 things at once) and Elf-Blood wine. I like Fae. "Someone send the flowers or a pack of Abyssal Kittens whatever you find first" Kalanyr shouts to pne of his demonic aids. The poor Quasit flies off looking confused.

OOC-Sorry couldn't resist.
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Black Omega

First Post
Kalanyr said:
Black Omega- Dang that Vecna part is funny!

IC-Hmm I think I will have to send Siobhan Silirevnur a bunch of Bloodroses from the 374 layer of the Abyss. I like Fae 'specialy with Ketchup (OOC-demons are a little flighty too ones with 48 Int probably are worse since they are thinking about 8 or 9 things at once) and Elf-Blood wine. I like Fae. "Someone send the flowers or a pack of Abyssal Kittens whatever you find first" Kalanyr shouts to pne of his demonic aids. The poor Quasit flies off looking confused.

OOC-Sorry couldn't resist.
OOC - Sounds fine to me, this was just a bit of fun. Wars can't be -all- violence and mountains dropping on people. Siobhan might get a little suspicious of the ketchup scented perfume sent as a gift though.:)


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My own little role playing.

Somewhere deep beneath the godspires, the sound of thunder is heard.

In one of the largest of the Solistarim's caverns, Anabstercorian is engaged in training with the best and brightest of his warriors. He is a target, powerful rays of all kinds ricocheting off of his dweomer-shielded form, his eyes wide with amusement.
<< Come on, you silly mammals, hit me! I'm not moving all that fast. >>
Lightning bolts and rays of fire and beams of energy blast towards him, only to sputter and ricochet from his magical shielding.
<< Good, good. You show promise. Now, keep attacking! >>
With a thought Anabstercorian sends pain shooting through their bodies, manifesting Mass Recall Agony. The mages wince, some fall to their knees, but a few merely scream and unleash more arcane power. Anabstercorian slowly hovers to the floor, nodding.
<< Better. But still, too many of you cannot fight the pain. You must grow stronger. >>
Turning on his heel he floats out the door, enjoying the effects of a Persistent Fly, and seeks out his slime pools, peeling off his magical items and sliding in to the bilious muck, closing his eyes, and thinking...
The Great Kingdom of Aerdi had been properly chastised for its foolishness. Kas still lived, and Vecna still lived, and neither of them held grudges against him. No one had attempted to assault his fortresses yet. Things were going well.
Blasted Angels. He'll show them yet...

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