(IR) IR Interlude, between Turns 2 and Turns 3


First Post
Yeah, I too wanna see the room where the fate of the world is going to be played out. :)
I'm alright with the dice if that's the way you want to do it. In the end, it still boils down to the same thing: both quality and quantity are important. However, don't reduce everything to numbers and chance. The storytelling is far more important and fun.

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To Serpenteye/Mr. Draco...

I accept this treaty,

A peace treaty of the fighting between me and you till the end of turn 3.

I give up the Grandwoods (PL 1), but I get to withdraw my men into Delrune and Calrune.

I give up the Celadon Forest (PL 1), but I get to withdraw my men into Delrune and Calrune.

You give me 3 PL of Adamantine Weapons and Mithral Armors/Shields.

I looked it over again, and I completely agree to these terms.

(Statistics results)
Grandwood Forest becomes Purple (No PL)
Celadon Forest becomes Purple (No PL)
Calrune is Reinforced (2 PL moved)
Adamantine and Mithral are attached to the Giant Eagle Riders unit (+ 3 PL)

Done deal as soon as you agree.
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To Sollir,

We have not had much talk about this so I believe we are going to maintain a simple truce.

I will pull back my trebuchets that have been firing at the Riftcrag out of range. I halt any conflicts that are going on. All fighting is halted while Prisoners from both sides are exchanged. Food is shipped into your territory to deal with any starvation issues. Patrons from both of our armies are allowed to inspect the others prison facilities to make sure they are up to par, and generally afirm that both sides are not using POW's for experimentation, games, or slaves.

If this is agreeable, simply state so and it is done. This will last through the turn.


To Edena,

There are advantages to using the dice method. I agree that you need a difinitively fair way to decide conflicts. Dice work, random probability works.

There are advantages to using a d6. A d6 are readily found anywhere, are the cheepest, and the most mass produced. A d6 are quickly read and can be rolled fast.

There are advantages to using a d10 or a d20. I feel that these dice leave you more room for circumstances. You can add a +2 or -2 to favorable odds such as having the high ground. This lets you keep the feel of creativity being important valid.

I believe that for each day of the turn that fighting occurs you should only have to roll a certain number of dice. I hate to reference risk, but Risk made use of this. In DnD only 8 opponents can attack one unit at a time under normal circumstances. This would be my basis for saying that you can only have 8/1 odds on rolling. So the cap would be that in a day only 8PL per PL can be rolled.

That might be confusing... I'll do an example...

Me and Sollir, lets say we have 25 PL on one side and 425 PL on the other side. That means Sollir could hit me with all 400 PL but that left over 25 is over the 8/1 cap so it is not possible for him to hit me with that part. I was thinking 8/1 per turn is the most a unit can be hit with.... That sounds fair enough, and still allows a large force to quickly dominate a small force, but maybe not all at once....

So if I had 1 PL and Sollir still had that 425 PL he could only use 8 PL against that 1 little unit...

So consider the d20, but you may just stick with the d6 because they are plentiful... and that is a major major major concern...

And consider my 8/1 damage cap.... seems fair enough....

Anyone else feel anything about either of these?
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First Post
It doesn't really matter

If Edena gets a mass-dice-rolling program, as he will if he is sensible, he could use seven sided dice and have all he needed and easily be able to roll them fast enough. The tricky bit will be finding the right dice roller.

However, I do agree with the maximum 8 PL attackers to 1 PL defenders. There are only so many people who can attack something at the same time. It also keeps the whole idea of quality over quantity in evidence - You can't crush one man with a M4 and kevlar body plate using twenty orcs with axes, if the man knows what he's doing.


Notice to Serpenteye...

Those Treaty Terms are Null till something is resolved.

Edena of Neith

Edena here.

No. He cannot. He cannot lend PL like that. Now, he could aid you
by deploying armies in your lands, and their PL would be under his
control, unless he specifically gave control of those armies to you.

But he cannot loan PLs like that. He cannot trade PLs to you in
return for adamantium.

I am asking for the game to be delayed (at least the two or three things involving me) if Serpenteye does not respond to this.
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First Post
It is NOT my intent to replace the energy and euthusiastic roleplaying of the IR with dice.

The point was to be able to handle having 400 armies running around fighting each other, all at once.

I have set up a system that can, hopefully, handle that.


What meaning is there if I, overwhelmed by posts and e-mails, see a post and just make an instant ruling off the cuff?
That army is dead, or, that army is dead.
This system enables me to think about it, see where the armies are, establish what parameters they are fighting each other under, and then allows me to make rulings based on that.

The dice prevent me from simply saying - Oh, he's got 5 to your 2, so he loses 2 and you are destroyed.
I wanted a chance factor. And I wanted to create a way for YOU to create your own luck.

You can do that.
You advance technologically, your attacks and defenses improve (you started with + 12, not + 15, GnomeWorks, Melkor, Forrester.)
You gain 10th level magic, your attacks improve further, and your defense improves.
You hide in a forest, or defend from mountain ledges, or defend from the deeps of the earth, your defense improves.
You post to me clever tactics and ideas, and your attacks and defenses improve.

You roll over a 6, cumulative, and you kill more than 1 PL of enemy with that roll.
You roll over a 12, cumulative, and you kill more than 2 PL of enemy with that roll.
You roll over an 18, cumulative, and you kill more than 3 PL of enemy with that roll.

The Robots of the Barrier Peaks have an attack 6, defense 5.
Bissel has an attack 1, defense 1.

That is why the Robots, SL 3, wiped Bissel, SL 3, out.

The City of the Gods has an attack 6, defense 6.
And 300 PL.
So if they are awakened by raids, Gods help you all.

I have modified the Lists to account for Melkor's NPCs, and added 12 points to the Technological Arms Race for GnomeWorks, Melkor, and Forrester, because all their armies started with tech levels in the late 19th century.
They are all three now sitting at 20 PL in the Technological Arms Race.
Are you SURE you wish to share technology with these three powers???
After all, they only gain 1 point per turn if you do not share with them.
If you continue to share with them, you will advance them all too quickly through the 20th century in weapons terms ...

William Ronald

Kalanyr, the Forsaken One, and Festy Dog:

I will share non-military tech as previously stated. I believe some of my allies will do so as well. (They may be a little more cautious than I am. However, I did strike first, so consider this as part of the peace agreement.) I think peace will benefit us all.

Edena: I will be out and about at the start of the thread and out for dinner tomorrow. I will post when I can. You should have received my plans for next turn.

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