(IR) IR Interlude between Turns 3 and 4 (thread 2)

Suddenly a very furious sending interrupts the party. Lord Melkor appears in it, and he seems REALLY ANGRY, you feel incredible hatred directed at you! He speaks to Kalanyr:

- You IDIOT! What you have chosen is nothing but enslavement!
For there are no Good and Evil, these are lies, only power and weakness, freedom and enslavement! I say lies for it is in the nature of the multiverse, that Strong, Worthy Ones should pray upon the weak, and take from them what is rightfully theirs. Mercy, Compasion, these foolish concepts make you slave of others. For now you, one of the mightiest beings on this world, will have to care about petty commoners, no longer will you be able to crush any weakling on your whim, now you will be their slave, slave of your own servants! But wait, I will show you something!

He speaks a word and suddenly a spirit appears before his Throne, spirit of a certain Orc that you recognise.

- You propably wandered what happened with Turrosh Mak , know that he made a mistake of personally leading his troops in last battle, but he met his demise from the hands of Baelros, Demon Lord Of The Shadow, for no stinking Orc can defeat one of my Champions! Baelros gave me his soul, and now he belongs to me, and I will torment him for eternity for betraying me!

Turrosh Mak tries to say something, propably words of encouragement, but Melkor waves his hand and black lighting strikes Orcish Warlord, and he screams in torment, than disappears.

-Soon Queen Yolande will also come to me, if my children will be attacked, and all others that dare to deny my will!For I am Melkor The Mighty, Melkor The Shadowking, Melkor Lord Of All, Lord Of The Void that is eternal, and WILL be when everything else is long lost and forgotten!

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First Post
I would recommend you all take a look at Maudlin's map of the Flanaess.

There has been a change in the middle of the map.
A most interesting change.
One might even say something shady is going on here, with the map.

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First Post
Kalanyr, this seems a bit odd. One of my NPCs is Xaene the Accursed, Lich (NPC, two-headed lich, mage of extremely high level, evil) (INTACT) PL 2
One of your NPCs is Xaene the Blessed, Archlich (NPC, two-headed archlich, mage of extremely high level, chaotic good) PL 3

Did you make a copy of my Xaene with 10th level magics? Or what? Were there two Xaenes originally? Do we rule separate heads?
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First Post


Reading it now

ANSWER: What is the reaction of Hope Isle to the Sending of the Wanderer?

- - -


Edena- Can I stop Vecna's Catastrophe with my own 10th level magic?

ANSWER: Yes, by the rules. No, because he moved too swiftly for Kalanyr - he has already done it, in fact.

- - -


A better question: If Kalanyr and I work together, can we stop Vecna's catastrophe?

Two 10th level spells are better than one

ANSWER: You could have easily done so, but Vecna has already inflicted the Catastrophe. It is just that Turn 4 has not started, so I cannot state it in a post yet.

- - -


That Poor Kender you killed Vecna...

It was not mentioned that you killed him and then sealed him with 10th level magic. If this is the case, I will use True Ressurection on him. If this is not the Case I will ask Forrester or Kalanyr to revive our good little Kender friend that was mercilously attacked by Vecna...

And Vecna... you are going to die, you just don't know it yet...

ANSWER: Forget it. Vecna killed that kender, body and soul. Even 11th level magic won't bring him back.

Edit: That blood goo you guys are playing with... I need a simple drop so I can use detect evil PERSONALLY on it... Why has nobody done this yet? It emits strangely strong elementally effected magic... so I am pretty sure that it is also affected by negative or positive energy as well...
It appears to have evil affects on people... so I probably am right in my thesis... It is also born of agony... and from an area where Vecna Died... It could be some kind of Lich-Blood metal that we don't know about... and that could mean that Vecna could be gaining +1/+2 troops from all of you, and that would not be fun...
If I do obviously detect evil, I am going to try to create a rust monster that can rust this type of metal especially... And then I am going to bread them. And then I am going to name them Sanguis Absumeres (Blood Eaters). Maybe I can get them to look less like tenticles on ant eaters and more like Huge Blue Turtles with tenticles flittering around in front of them...
If I can make them I will...
If I need to make sacrifices I will...
If I need 10th (or 11th) Level Magic I'm screwed...

ANSWER: The goo radiates no evil, but the Blood Waste does.
The Red Steel does not radiate evil.
You cannot rust the Red Steel. Not because it is immune to rust monsters, but because - as you are just discovering - it is not actually metal.
Whatever substance it is, it isn't metal.
As previously stated, 9th level magic will destroy tiny amounts of it.
10th level magic will destroy it in limited quantities.
11th level magic would enable you to get rid of it from the world of Oerth, if you had 11th level magic.

Late Edit: Edena... did you just say that we can have up to 16 PL of NPC's? If so... should I count Tenser (who I lost a while ago) against my total of 16 PL?

ANSWER: Yes. Since you lost him, and I'm doing this mid-game, that's fair.

- - -


Edena, we try to avoid poisoning Islands of Woe.

ANSWER: Very well. The poisoning of the Isles of Woe is lessened (not totally abated.) They do not need to be evacuated permanently ... yet.

- - -


Edena, if Vecna needs help in awaking City of The Gods, we will help him, we may sacrifice some pl to do it.
However, Vecna`s phylactery will be send to The Deep Shadow Plane, where Lord Melkor has his realm. We inform him, that if he doesn`t obey Lord Melkor, we shall destroy it.

ANSWER: Vecna states he does not wish the help of the Shade.
For if the Shade help, the City of the Gods will target the Shade as their number 1 priority target after Vecna himself.
And Vecna wants Forrester to be the number 1 priority target after himself, and Alzem priority number 2.

When Vecna finds out you have done what you stated to his phylactery, he just laughs.
He informs the Shade that that was foolish.
He does not seem to care, or bother with the situation, after that.

- - -


A slow dance in the moonlight

Edena: You will have my template in the morning. I will create some NPCs. I will also e-mail people who need to send in their templates shortly.

ANSWER: Thanks much. I need those Templates to start Turn 4, and this Interlude is almost over, one way or another.

(The following post is to be free of violence and a tender interlude in an often violent IR. In order to assure the peace, Heward and Murlynd, two demigods are present. As one of the parties invited to this event has 10th level magic, I must assume it is protected from all scrying and teleportation effects. There are two people who are meant to post responses to this thread. No gate crashers allowed. Guests who wish to honor the participants are. Your
intentions will be known. Edena, if anyone tries to ruin this, I ask that some of the Angels of Hope Island - the actual angels - wag fingers and move the offending party back home.)

ANSWER: The Angels are unable to come to Oerth itself, as per the ruling on Turn 0.
However, Heward and Murlynd are able to stop all interference from Powers with 9th level magic and below.
They cannot keep gate-crashers with 10th level magic out.

"They should be here soon. This is a pristine natural setting. The waterfall is one of the best kept secrets on Oerth. It is musical and responds to music. It has been weeping at the wounding of our world. Something must be done," Heward says, a look of worry on his face.

ANSWER: You should be worried. Let me worry you some more. The waterfall, is tinged with red. A faint odor of rot comes from it. An emanation of strong sorrow and fear comes from the water, causing those near it to weep.

- - -


Edena- Also can I undo shade poisoning with 10th level magic? If I can I will do it drive the shadowstuff back towards Shadow Throne. And I am using 10th level magic to Light up as much of the Shadow Throne as I can for a Turn.

Melkor- Enjoy the Light. My gift to you.

ANSWER: Yes. You can HALT the spread of the Shade Poisoning with 10th level magic. Prevent it from spreading further.
You cannot drive it back, though. That would take 11th level magic.

You can light up Shadow Throne. The Shades all too easily darken it again.

- - -


As elven armies prepare to attack The Shadowlands, they have to face a small force of undeath emerging from it. At first they smile at the foolishness of the enemy, but then they see who are they facing, for these zombies were once their brethren, members of their families. Their bodies show signs of terrible torture, their faces twisted forever in the expressions of terror. Efforts to resecurrect them fail, and divinations will reveal the true, that their souls were given to denizens of The Shadow Plane, Yugoloths, or sacrificed to Lord Melkor himself. They will suffer for eons, and Arvandor is denied for them.

ANSWER: That was an unnice thing to do.

- - -


(I will ward the area against scrying and teleporting, any uninvited "guests" will be sent home (by home I mean upside down in the largest collection of dung I can find in their country) or placed right in front of Zagyg with an "I like really complex long practical jokes and have an excellent sense of humour" sign on their chests whichever suits my whim.)
Kalanyr approaches the area, bringing a party of guests with him, Zuggtmoy, Xaene, Lyzandred,Eclavdra,Iggwilv,Kerpatis and Ivid (who I hope left the Tarrasque at home, could be a little difficult to find food for all otherwise).
He stares around the place waiting for everyone to arrive. "A fine setup you have put on. I thank you for this Heward,Murlnd and ArchCleric Hazen"
Zuggtmoy goes to find Keoghtom to talk to him about the healing properties of certain fungi.
Eclavdra, wanders around gazing at the beauty of nature all around her, a Holy Symbol of Kalanyr hanging from her neck, for now Freedom grants her her spells.
Ivid decides he will be the bouncer or the charrer if things get to bad and takes up a rather righteous guarding pose.
Keraptis is babbling about making a fun maze with magical treasure at the end, while Xaene,Iggwilv and Lyzandred listen.

ANSWER: I do not think the implications of the above could be understated.
To the people of Oerth, this is beyond amazing; it is stupifying.
To the elves, it is beyond even stupifying.
If I was to use an IRL equivalent ... well, any RL equivalent I could think of, would be so drastic that I think it would offend someone if I wrote it in this post.

The presence of the drow, all turned good, and Ivid the celestial king, and the others, is a world altering event.
A massive turning point in Oerthian history.

- - -


edena: Is there a limit on the number of PLs a player can put into advancing one's civilization.

ANSWER: I was wondering when someone would ask that question. The limit is 150 points per Turn.

If Lord Melkor's god is slain, are the souls of his victims released? Also, can I build a fortress out of the corpse as was done by the Githyanki with Moander's body on the astral plane? (Have a sense of humor for a change, Lord Melkor. You can go out of character and not be penalized.)

ANSWER: You cannot slay Lord Melkor in this IR, for he is a God.
Conversely, he cannot interfere in the IR in any way other than verbally.

Alzem: An official welcome aboard. I look forward to reading your reply to the Wanderer's post. I will bring my ambassador, Gwilym Raonul, who went to Hope Island back before Turn 4 begins. Your PCs and NPCs probably met him as he investigated Toril and did a tour of the planet and Realmspace. He has been there since Turn 0. (How long did it take him to Realmspace.)

ANSWER: Alzem, if you read this, it is quite true. The Kevellond League sent Gwilym Raonul on Turn 0 to Toril as a friendly ambassador.
Your people have been showing him around the world of Toril.
William, he has returned home now, with a very ardent refutal of most of what the Wanderer had to say, and confirmation of some of what the Wanderer had to say (the world is tropical, for instance, and the sky is green.)

- - -


Hah, like Zagyg needs a sign in order to know that people like his jokes.
Besides, I don't think you'd want to put uninvided guests in front of Zagyg; he and Aurican will be at the feast to celebrate. When Zagyg shows up, he sits in with the orchestra; he brought his slide-whistle (he is, however, surprisingly good on it).

ANSWER: Heh, it is a merry festival, except for the dire red tinge of that waterfall.
Unaware of the implications of the waterfall, many common people of the Kevellond League show up and wish to join the festivities.

- - -


Edena- I will begin forging Red Steel weapons and armour, however no one will use it, it will be locked in a 10th level magic protected building with strong guards. Divinations continue about the ratio of good to bad affects. Anyone caught attempting to abscond with the Red Steel or the Goo will be chucked off the side of the mountain and not get the benefits of the mythal on the way down.

ANSWER: The Red Steel is already affecting your people, according to your Seers, simply because you choose to keep it in your presense.
A locked vault does not seal away it's properties from you - physical proximity is all that is required.
What the effects are, are not known.
What is going to happen, is not known.
Your Seers report about half of the effects are harmful, and half of the effects are helpful. Beyond that, they do not know.
Those forging the stuff into armor and weapons receive the greatest exposure to it, but all the drow in the flying city are receiving some exposure, since it is IN the city, period.


Kalanyr, there will be a time you will receive my gift, and you WILL ENJOY IT. As I see it, Shadow Throne is now between Material Plane and Shadow Plane, so Shade don`t create this Shadowstuff, they can only slightly control its flow.

ANSWER: Melkor finds, to his delight, that 10th level magic will not stop the flow of Shade Poisoning.
It will stop it from spreading any further outward into Oerth, though, and I doubt that is pleasant hearing.

Edena, I don`t believe that all of Kalanyr`s Drow will suddenly abandom Lloth and follow their leader. I think he may face a civil war.

ANSWER: You would be surprised. Kalanyr has been very clever about this changeover, and Lolth is unable to directly intervene (as per the rules of the IR.)
Some of the drow are warned in time, and they stand against their comrades.
But they also stand against 10th level magic, when they don't have 10th level magic to fight back with.
Guess what happens next?

- - -


Edena, I sent you an email, but you didn`t respond to one I sent a day ago. Did you get it?

ANSWER: Send it again, just in case. I can only read e-mail so fast, folks.

- - -


Also Iuz changed the alignment of his entire empire from Chaotic to Lawful without 10th level magic or a rebellion, so if I get one and he don't its going to be mighty strange.

ANSWER: No, he did not. It is just they are gradually changing because they live in a society of law, now.
After enough of that, they start to follow it by rote.
Their inherent chaotic nature is still there, but they can adapt to a lawful society.

And yes, Kalanyr, your efforts to change the drow to chaotic good are meeting with overwhelming success.
The evil allies of the drow are now shunning them, or turning into enemies.

- - -


So you too Forsaken One? And you Festy Dog? Please tell me that it is a clever plot to deceive Oerth Alliance. Please. Otherwise I feel that THIS GAME IS OVER! Nothing will stop Oerth from becoming a place like Toril , paradise with all races leaving together, where Dragons give children rides insted of eating them, and all the other crap, for it seems that vast majority of players want it.

ANSWER: The Wanderer tried to warn people. He explained that the corrupting influence of Toril would spread over Oerth like a fungus, and Oerth would be subverted into a sub-nation of Toril.
However, nobody listened to the Wanderer.
Now, ironically, Vecna is Oerth's last real chance to throw off the increasing influence of Toril.
Vecna says that all the Oerthians listening to the Torilians are at best dupes, but most of them are traitors to Oerth, and should be tortured, body and soul.

- - -


Silver Phase arrives at the dance with a small group of friends, new and old. He's still getting used to being a good guy (he just followed his old friend Kalanyr into it) so although he is quite well dressed, and trying to be nice and polite, the 90th lvl vampiric kobold is visibly unnerved as he passes among so many powerful, good-aligned people.
He brought his old friends with him, Khelarque Stonechoke and Obmi, but also there with him is a group of new friends, acquired through the good endeavors of Kalanyr. There is Durgrim Dragonaxe - a mountain dwarf fighter, Kcyldyei Nightbreeze - a high elf archer, James Hale - a human druid, and James' fiancee -Lenaurae Layteliear, a half-celestial sorceror.
Silver looks to them for advice on how 'good' people act in social occasions, and he is quite surprised at how much they're able to relax here.

(article continues)

ANSWER: Festy Dog, nice rping there. :) I need your Template for Turn 4.

ANSWER: By the way, Kalanyr, if the drow attempt to return to evil, the Gods of Evil are going to demand an ENORMOUS sacrifice of lives (think, one-third of your entire population or more) as redemption for the sins of the drow in embracing the ways of the Light.
No return to Lolth is possible. Lolth has disowned the drow of Oerth, permanently.

- - -


Suddenly a very furious sending interrupts the party. Lord Melkor appears in it, and he seems REALLY ANGRY, you feel incredible hatred directed at you! He speaks to Kalanyr:

- You IDIOT! What you have chosen is nothing but enslavement!
For there are no Good and Evil, these are lies, only power and weakness, freedom and enslavement! I say lies for it is in the nature of the multiverse, that Strong, Worthy Ones should pray upon the weak, and take from them what is rightfully theirs. Mercy, Compasion, these foolish concepts make you slave of others. For now you, one of the mightiest beings on this world, will have to care about petty commoners, no longer will you be able to crush any weakling on your whim, now you will be their slave, slave of your own servants! But wait, I will show you something!

ANSWER: I will allow the above. Melkor, being a God, may not interfere in the IR in any other way than verbally.
However, this is verbal only.

He speaks a word and suddenly a spirit appears before his Throne, spirit of a certain Orc that you recognise.
- You propably wandered what happened with Turrosh Mak , know that he made a mistake of personally leading his troops in last battle, but he met his demise from the hands of Baelros, Demon Lord Of The Shadow, for no stinking Orc can defeat one of my Champions! Baelros gave me his soul, and now he belongs to me, and I will torment him for eternity for betraying me!

ANSWER: Overruled. Turrosh Mak is still alive. He was not killed in the Great Battle of the Wild Coast.

-Soon Queen Yolande will also come to me, if my children will be attacked, and all others that dare to deny my will!For I am Melkor The Mighty, Melkor The Shadowking, Melkor Lord Of All, Lord Of The Void that is eternal, and WILL be when everything else is long lost and forgotten!

ANSWER: This is quite true. The Shade have the bodies of Queen Yolande and Melf Brightblade, and thus they have their souls.
A dark fate awaits these two.
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Edena, we discussed this very well. Festy and me are going to follow Kalanyrs path. The path to freedom. The freedom and taking faith in your own hand and live what you can be.
We choose the light for darkness fell and became no longer dark but fell into shadow. Evil was not evil anymore, but the light is dimmed by darkness as well. But wel will shift it out, and make the light pure again. It's just going to take 2 more turns to change us all into CG and LG :)

We shall not be denied, for one cannot change destiny, one can only fullfill it.


First Post
ANSWER: I was wondering when someone would ask that question. The limit is 150 points per Turn.

I was afraid something like this would happen. Now I will have to abandon the plan I've pursued since turn 0. ... Could there be an exception for large empires? ;) I guess not. :(

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Poor helpless Kender... how horrible...

As I have little else to do before the IR (other than declare 15 PL of NPC's) I am going to do something more for fun.

With the Sudden Rise in NPC's...

I will create a dueling arena represending the six elements (positive, negative, fire, air, water, earth).

This arena will be set up to hold duels for all willing participants. These duels are to the first blood (or goo... or whatever else you bleed) and are meant to invite all comers. When I get home tonight I will post a more elaborate set of rules and an IC presentation.


First Post
An answer to the Wanderer

Ah, so this was the candle that set fire to the barn among you was it. Well had any of you ever even considered that what happened upon Toril was while tragic in some cases were also wonderful in others? No, you all just believed what was shown you like sheep, without the ability to think or reason for yourselves.
Yes, unfortunately Forrester did lay waste to the Elven homeland of Evermeet and while we tried to save those elves we could they insisted that in the end even if they could not win they would all die for a piece of ground. But before any of you decide that this one act makes Forrester Evil, do you know why it was done? The Elves in the belief that they were superior to all the other races decided that they and they alone would dictate to the other races what they could do. But when the other races would not listed to them then they unleashed Magic such as you have never seen before, which destroyed millions of people across the world, from the old to the unborn child.
Now I want you to all look at this message, and the red mist that was in the air. Was that Toril or was it the Wanderers hope for what this would become, and has become as he foretold it. Are you sure that this Wanderer is here as a force of good, or maybe he came to inflame your passion for hate and violence to start you down this path for reasons you do not fathom. In the end let me tell you this while some of what the wanderer has told you has a spark of truth in it, the rest has been told to you as nothing more than lies sprinkled with the truth, and a very bitter lie was born. I shall seek to find the creature called the wanderer and try to determine his purpose, and reason for starting this conflict. Toril today is a wonderful place where all live in peace. This Curch of Shades that has taken your great city of Greyhawk was driven from Toril but they came here as with all evil, it shall only win when good men refuse to fight.
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Black Omega

First Post
And last but not least...

Fashionably late...in a sparkle of glittering white silver Siobhan Silirevnur appears. Clad in a forest green and silver gown with a fashionably daring slit up the side. And an emerald brooch burning with a silver fire. She's accompanied by friends, mostly elven and seelie but a few humans, gnomes, halflings and a single gruff dwarf who hangs back from the proceedings.

Siobhan sashays out, a little clap of her hands to get people's attention as she smiles dazzlingly "My thanks to the Kevellond League, Heward and Murlynd in particular, for this lovely evening. In the joyous spirit of celebration, we've come bearing gifts. I know many of you have hear tales about the dangers of accepting fits from the fae. These tales are not without some merit." she admits, still smiling "But no strings attached. This is a night to enjoy the peace, however long it lasts. To savor these moments and remember there is more to life than war and blood."

The gifts are jeweled flowers, as best as possible something appropriate for each of the guests already present. Last of all, Siobhan going to greet Kalanyr personally, a golden, green jeweled rose offered.

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