(IR) IR Interlude Turn 4 - 5 (thread 3)

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William Ronald


I know who the Eternal Empire of Toril is, but the other powers are unfamiliar to me at the moment. Is one Alyx's and one kaboom's. Whatever knowledge I have of them is shared with the natives. Again, they can scan my representatives.

I have stated that I have told them what I know of Toril. As I had an ambassador on Toril for several months, I should be able to give them some decent information on the Eternal Empire of Toril.
I also inform them about the other Torillian powers.

I again apologize profusely for any offense on my part. I am not going to lie to the people of AnaKeri or try to use them.

(OOC: From now on, I will look at the boards before replying to an e-mail. No problem. Mea culpa. Not to be confused with Mia Farrow.:D)

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Mr. Draco

First Post
As an overture of peace, the Union emmissaries tell the natives that they will assist in dismantling and removing the bases set up on their continent by other factions, if the natives would just show the union representatives where the bases are. Also, should the natives agree, the union representatives will communicate the location of the bases telepathically to the god-emporer and kas, before taking further action.

The emmissaries also explain, in detail, that the Union of Oerth differs from all the other factions they brought forth evidence of.

Back in the Union, extensive research is began into who or what the other two factions could have been. Once anything is discovered, it is brought to the natives as proof that the Union was not responsible.
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William Ronald

Sorry, Edena, missed your post.

I explain the misunderstanding and offer to help them with the situation. I explain my actions completely and say that I will try to convince the other powers to leave them to pursue their own destiny.

When I am in the wrong, I do make up for it. I misunderstood what was going on, so I have to correct it. (Both to the people I have offended on the boards and in character with the people of AnaKeri.

What is the reaction of the people of AnaKeri after I share EVERYTHING I know about Oerth and Toril with them. I am not going to lie to them. This may be their first experience with sincerely repentant foreigners. (I am having a few servings humble pie and crow before I eat supper tonignt. )

I will ask when they first saw signs of the Eternal Empire of Toril and ask how they have been treated by the various visitors to their lands.


First Post
To Hazen's emmisary:

"Let your president know, Kevellonder, that our intentions towards Anakeris are and always have been peaceful cooperation and salvation in the faith of our church. Inform him also that we completely understand his reactions to the alarming but false reports that he recieved and that we would react in exactly the same way to similar information. Tell him that we intend to maintain our defacto alliance with the Alliance of Oerth and that our resolve to fight the enemies of Oerth is undiminished. Send him my warmest greetings.

You may leave."

I completely agree with you, in and out of character. I took no offence, mistakes are easy to make and I have made several during the course of these threads. :) :) :)

William Ronald


Thanks for being reasonable. Well, I guess I have just proven to everyone that I am as human as everyone else.


Everything is explained honestly to the people of AnaKeri. I am sending missives to my allies to comply with the wishes of the peoples of the continent.

Sorry if I rattled any cages.

I send word to Lord Kalanyr asking him to investigate the actions of the agents of the Pomarj and to assist in cleaning the damaged area of the Union of Oerth.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, how do the natives react to our offer? Also does our research about the aggressors on AnaKeri or regarding the rumors (i emailed you about that) turn up anything?

William Ronald

I offer the people of AnaKeri my sworn pledge to ask every power that I know of on their lands to leave, if that is their wish.

Also, I am waiting for their reaction to everything in the IR, about Oerth and Toril. If they have any questions, my emissaries answer to the best of their ability.

If they wish us to trade with them or have embassies, I will do so. However, I will honor their wishes. I will tell their representatives and if asked, show them anything they ask about our culture and soceity. If any wish to travel to my lands, I will treat their ambassadors with every courtesy and explain what we are doing with technology and magic. If they wish trade, they have it. However, I have to await their decision. I am not coming as a conqueror to their shores.

Again, I ask them about the Eternal Empire of Toril and its involvement in their lands. I explain what ever I know of them. It may be hard to do so, but I make every effort to communicate with them.

I have contacted the parties whom they wish to have leave their lands. Any response that I receive is shared with the people of AnaKeri.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
To further improve relationships between the Union of Oerth and the natives, the Union emmesaries offer to teach the natives how to use the new technology that we have (i.e.- guns, etc...) so that they can better defend themselves should the factions that attacked them earlier return. Consider this the Union sharing technology with them.

William Ronald

If any of the parties that I am negotiating with wish to learn about technology, I will share the knowledge with them. If they ask me to share tech with them, I do so. I will again ask about the Eternal Empire of Toril and the treatment that they have received from them and other powers.

Again, I let their representatives scan my emissaries for proof of their good intentions. They also receive a full history of the IR, and anything else they ask is answered honestly and openly. No attempt to hide any blemishes or whitewash anything.

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