(IR) Preparations for the IR

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William Ronald

Kara Tur

Kara Tur was originally thought to be part of the World of Greyhawk, but ended up being part of the Forgotten Realms.

The Celestial Empire takes their place.

I have still yet to hear from The Forsaken One about the Sky League. Kaboom, I hope that you get it.

We have to give new people a chance to gain powers.


I sent you an e-mail with a few possible powers for people to take. As this has been a GREAT day for our thread, we might have to expand a little.

This may end up being more of a global conflict than the first IR thread.

I will bring Archcleric Hazen of Veluna in as a character. He is a 20th plus cleric of Rao. (Edena, you decide the levels.) I would still like to send out my ambassadors and political officials like in the previous thread.

Kaboom: Glad I could help out. I am still waiting on the Forsaken One to make himself known. So, how did you learn about our fine little thread?
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Incredible as this may sound, there is still one major power up for grabs you have all forgotten.

The Iron League, which consists of:

The Demihumans of the Iron Hills

And Sunndi, a neighboring country which is friendly to the Iron League, is unclaimed.

Kalstrand, on the coast east of Sunndi, is unclaimed.

The Free Cities of Verbobonc and Dyvers are unclaimed.
The People of the Kron Hills are unclaimed.
The People of the Gnarley Forest are unclaimed.


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William Ronald

I did not know that. But even west of the Celestial Empire there is plenty of unclaimed land. The Empire of Lyrn, Erypt, Ishtarland, Dragons Island and many other.
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Edena_of_Neith said:

We have a new PC in the game.
The Emperor of the Dark Union. PL 3.

Edena, We rule the Dark union jointly. Mr Draco's PC is Kas, mine is "The Emperor". He was the emperor of most of the union territories before Kas arrived, but now they rule as equals to exploit eachothers power.
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Serpenteye wrote:

I did not know that. But even west of the Celestial Empire there is plenty of unclaimed land.
The Empire of Lyrn, Erypt, Ishtarland, Dragons Island and many other.

- - -

Edena here.
Does anyone have any idea what the Empire of Lyrn is like?
Does anyone have any idea what the Empire of Erypt is like?
Does anyone have any idea what the Empire of Ishtarland is like?
Does anyone know who lives on the Dragon Isles?

Note - I have seen the large map, and I know those places are there.
They are a LONG WAYS from the Flanaess (although Varnaith probably trades with them by ship.)

William Ronald


Can you tell what sources you are using.

Edena: I just remembered if you have the Dragon Magazine CD Rom for the early issues, there was an apocryphal article on the rest of Oerth in the earliest issues. I think 1-12. Although the esteemed Colonel_Plahdoh, Gary Gygax, disapproved of the map which someone did, it may be useful for our purposes. I think the places SerpentEye mentioned are in that article.

Or you could check out Legendary Adventures or Dark Journeys whose maps more resemble Gary's original world, as I understand.

Ishtarland? If someone wants a pseudo-Babylonian/Sumerian culture try Ki-Uri or Kalam, which were used. (There is another name but it is in my homebrew. I did say history and linguistics are hobbies of mine. I can also give something better than Erypt for Egypt. Mitzraim (Hebrew, similar to the Arabic Misr), Qem (an ancient Egyptian name for their land), and others.)

For laughs, I translated the name Chicago 'place of the wild onion' into its Sumerian equivalent of Kibarsumma. (Which is in my home campaign.)

I will also go to the General RPG discussion forum and ask in my Legendary Persons and Places thread about unmapped areas and the Chainmail setting.

I can rename most places pretty easily. So, if you find something, and think the name stinks to the Seventh Heaven, let me know. I have books and tons of notes.
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I think those lands are pretty undeveloped as a game setting. That map may be all that is, it was certainly all I used. This mysterious quality could allow the player to shape the nation to fit his vision.
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Maudlin, I need to tweak the map a little more.

Heimmorj extends slightly further down the coast.
Extend it down to a level just west of the westernmost part of the Burneal Forest.

Now, put one of your large spots, in Eastern League green, on the southern Lortmils right between the Uleks and the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj.
That is the Lortmil Technomancy.

Now, see that small area southwest of Greyhawk City?
The area from the coast inland to the forest, but not including the forest?
That's the northern Wild Coast, and it all belongs to Greyhawk City.
Extend the dark shade color of Greyhawk to cover that area, right down to Turrosh Mak's northern border.

Now, Lynux has claimed a number of countries, so you will need a new color for him.
He's take the Hold of Stonefist, Tehn, the Theocracy of the Pale, in the east.
He's take Fellreev Forest (that large area right in the middle of Iuz's Empire.)
He's taken the Tiger Nomands and the Wolf Nomads in the west.
He's taken the Valley of the Mage in the west.

Put a spot on the Barrier Peaks southwest of the Valley of the Mage to represent the Robots he has claimed.

He has taken the Demihumans of the Northern Lortmils.
Color in about the northern ONE-THIRD of the mountain range with his color.
He has taken the Isles of Touv and Olman.
Those are the two little isles between Hempmonaland and the Amedio Rainforest - the Isles that seem to be the southern limits of all land, before you head south into the great equatorial Ocean.

Lynux has claimed the elves of the Vast Swamp, so ... put a spot of his color right in the middle of Acererak's red!

He has claimed the Hold of the Sea Princes.
This is in the southwest, south of the Yeomanry.

And finally ...
Put a large pot of that blue you have over the Uleks on the northeast side of the Lortmils, in the orange area of the Kevellond League (but it should be south of Greyhawk City if you look straight east.)
Those are the people of the Kron Hills, now claimed by Dagger.
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