(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 4 (thread 1)

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Cleaning up the office.

KAS -- regarding the Phylactery . . . .

I hear that you would like to have the remains. I can understand this, and, by the way, I'm hope you don't feel "cheated" that a Kender finished Vecna, instead of you. Let's talk. Perhaps there is a favor I might ask of you, for which the price might be the Phylactery.

EVERYONE ELSE -- regarding the body parts of Vecna

After we confirm that Vecna is GONE for good, and didn't manage to sneak away some way magically w/soul intact (almost impossible given all the preparation we put into this), the corpse of Vecna will be thrice-thrice disentegrated.

No Hand of Vecna.
No Eye of Vecna.
No Head of Vecna.
No Left Ass-Cheek of Vecna.
No Spleen of Vecna.
No Pinky Toe of Vecna.

Nothing. He will be disentegrated into dust, that dust, disentegrated again, the remains of which will be thrown into a Sphere of Annihilation, which will then be thrown into the Sun.

No more Vecna. Ever.

I know, you're all broken up :).


PS Given the trick I pulled with the Dictum, I'm sure that some of you out there are wondering whether you might cause ME a bunch of problems by mind-controlling or Magic-jarring (less useful because you don't gain the knowledge of the person you hop into, and it's blocked by Protection from Evil) one of my followers.

Don't even think about it <shows 10th level magic badge>. I'm expecting it, will be checking for it, and if I find anyone trying to do it, they'll have a 500PL army landing on their heads seconds later. I'm not kidding.

(And I'll know who REALLY tried to do it, so don't even consider trying to frame someone. Sheesh. Children.)

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One final point -- should missiles come raining down from wherever (meaning my distracting the City was for naught), I'll teleport back to my troops and we'll be . . . well, going somewhere.

Either to Shade Central, or a pocket dimension. I'll decide if and when that happens.


PS You know, Kalanyr, that's one nice big-ass mountain you have there. And it only took you a day to rip it off a mountain range and build a Mythal around it?

I'm humble enough to admit when I've seen a great idea. Edena, when I get a chance, I'll do the same. I thought you posted somewhere that it took a Turn to build a Mythal, but if Kalanyr has one already, then I should be able to build one relatively quickly as well.


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Re: Cleaning up the office.

Forrester said:
KAS -- regarding the Phylactery . . . .

EVERYONE ELSE -- regarding the body parts of Vecna

After we confirm that Vecna is GONE for good, and didn't manage to sneak away some way magically w/soul intact (almost impossible given all the preparation we put into this), the corpse of Vecna will be thrice-thrice disentegrated.

No Hand of Vecna.
No Eye of Vecna.
No Head of Vecna.
No Left Ass-Cheek of Vecna.
No Spleen of Vecna.
No Pinky Toe of Vecna.

Nothing. He will be disentegrated into dust, that dust, disentegrated again, the remains of which will be thrown into a Sphere of Annihilation, which will then be thrown into the Sun.

LOL! There is one thing you have forgotten. The Dark Union has the first Body of Vecna. We took it after the battle of the Bloody Waste and it's hidden somewhere in the infinite planes of the Multiverse. Not even you could find it. It's quite secure, no need to worry. ;)


First Post
Serpenteye -- fair enough, but I'm not sure that that it would be much good anyway :). It's probably only the last body that counts -- otherwise there could be twelve Eyes of Vecna, forty-two Shins of Vecna, thirty-seven Earlobes of Vecna, and so on.

Actually, to be honest, the body parts probably only work while Vecna is alive, fueling them. Remember the part about if Kas grafted Vecna's arm on, it would try to strangle him?

Now that Vecna's gone bye-bye, you probably don't have anything there but an admittedly very nifty tourist attraction.



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Duck and cover!

Bracing ourselves!

Oh, by the way, Forrester? Just so you know, Anabstercorian is (and has always been) shielding his mind from your probing. You can't get a reading on him.
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Mr. Draco

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Forrester, you forget, Kalanyr promised me the remains of Vecna's Phylactery for allowing his troops passage through the DU. I owe you no favor, should you choose to pay that part of the debt for him.


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Serpenteye said:
Eventually... I think it was a major mistake for us to post our actions before the turn actually started and before everybody sent their templates to Edena. Showing our cards might well have lost us the game.
If you're talking about me, mine was already in, so no surprises. I was fully expecting you to join the uberalliance anyway, wouldn't have made a difference :)


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Maudlin said:
If you're talking about me, mine was already in, so no surprises. I was fully expecting you to join the uberalliance anyway, wouldn't have made a difference :)

So you put everything on defence anyways? Or were you evacuating to the Negative Energy Plane? Or is that what you want us to think? Hmm. Perhaps you will sacrifice your legions to power your apoteosis? Perhaps you already have? I'm frightened. No, I'm terrified, really. ;)
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Serpenteye said:
Hmm. Perhaps you will sacrifice your legions to power your apoteosis? Perhaps you already have? I'm frightened. No, I'm terrified, really. ;)
Wanted to, but Edena changed his mind on that. I'm going out with a whimper, I'm afraid. The bang was courtesy of Kalanyr :)


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My sense is that Acererak doesn't have the troops allocated to defense that he'd like.

A suspicion.

<shows off 10th level magic badge>


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