(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 1)

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Kessel continues his sending.

<<You are most gracious, wise leaders of the Eternal Empire. Your gifts are well-received, and a plot of land for your embassy will be reserved until a time as such you can place one here on Oerth.>>


Edena - exactly WHAT do we have left in the way of an arsenal? Did we have to use any of the equipment that had been reserved for research?

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We send the delegation and gifts mentioned earlier to the new military leadership of the EET. We also send quite a few missionaries of the Church of Aerdi under the name of the Church of Law to the EET, promising salvation and order to the people of the EET. Lots of money is sent with them to enable them to build their influence quickly.

The Baklunish Confederation (Darkness) has allied with Acererak (Maudlin.)

News, or desinformation? Our spies are sent to find the answer.
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You have everything, still, GnomeWorks, except for your anti-missile missiles.

They are depleted, and the arsenal must be restocked.

The news out of the Baklunish Confederation, is confirmed.

The leader of the Baklunish Confederation, in the Spirit Empire of Garnak, just openly declared the new alliance with Acererak.

William Ronald


I have e-mailed Darkness.

I try to determine three things:

1. Has Acererak achieved his Apotheosis.
2. Is this another Black Brotherhood trick?
3. Where is the leader of the Baklunish Federation (Darkness' PC)?


Edena - please check your mail.

I just want to know if it exists, and if that is possible. If it is, the named department will go hunting for it.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Back at Union Headquarters, Rauxes, Enaroril Akn gazes on at a giant political map of Oerth. Suddenely, while looking over the continent of AnaKeri, something crosses her mind.

"First lieutenant!"

"Yes maam?"

"Has Lord Kas arrived back from AnaKeri yet?"

"I believe so..."

"Good, then find him and let him know I wish to speak with him. Regarding a matter..." she pauses for a moment, searching for the proper words, "a matter of great importance. Fiery importance."

The lieutenant rushes off in search of Lord Kas as Enaroril continues her vigil over the map.


First Post
We have a new Arms Race, folks.

The Simulacrum Arms Race.

All Powers may create up to 50 simulacrums of one of their PCs or NPCs, each Turn.

Each simulacrum has a PL of half of the PL of the PC or NPC in question, rounded down.

Thus, each Power could gain one heck of a lot of extra PL per Turn in this fashion.

- - -

Kaboom thought this one up.
And, since it could be done, I am allowing it.
I cannot squash creative ideas that work within the rules, even if they create utter bedlam and imbalance.

After all, the whole IR is about utter bedlam and imbalance.

Mr. Draco

First Post

The Union of Oerth is entering the Simulcrum Arms Race full force. We'll create 25 Simulcrums of Kas & 25 of the God-emporer.

OOC: Am i not the only one disturbed at the possibility of 50 PL12 Anabstercorians running around the map? With regards to this, edena, i think 50 may be a little extreme. That would allow 600PL worth of Anabstercorians after one round.
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