(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 5 (thread 2)

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Unfortunately for Spoof, Acererak hasn't lived that long without learning to pick his battles :) Obviously, he will attack only where all divinations and communes confirm he has a clear superiority.

Even if within a few seconds of the attack you learned about it, which is doubtful, there'll be none of that cutting down swathes of great wyrms with one blow while Acererak is there, believe you me :D
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First Post
Humm where then that would be none then :) Gotta love be the right hand of God at times :) Also I will ask a few of the Angels on Hope Isle to assist with the evacuation of the refugees, to ensure their protection. I am sure that once they learn what has happened and why they are needed that will assist. If a force of Angels come to assist in the removal of the people then I will continue to release souls from the goo, if not then I will safeguard the people there.

Alzem gives you the Good eye :Rolleyes:

Wow Anabstecorian, the way in which you killed these Eternal Losers was great! You definately have a style! And don`t listen to Mr. Peacemaker( by the way Forrester, peace can NEVER be achieved, less total oblivion). He makes a big mistake to underestimate us, but soon revenge against Aber-Toril will be ours, their decadent and awfully peaceful society is a disgrace! We shall become more active next turn, when we have 10th level magic and nuclear level technology.


First Post
Cackle madly, baby!

OOC: Thank you, Melkor. I like to think I show a little flair.

Acererak! I'm pretty sure it's too frickin' late for secrecy anyway, and I don't care what they know about me personally. Do you require any aid against Alzem's forces? I would be happy for the opportunity to train against such competent warriors.

You know what? I'm appearing with Acererak and challenging Alzem to single combat. << Put up or shut up, angel boy! >>

Edena! Additional request. I believe I may have shown enough moxie in the eyes of Ilsensine to become his Chosen. May I claim the title of Chosen of Ilsensine?
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First Post
Spoof said:
Humm where then that would be none then :)
So... you concentrate your troops in but a few settlements? Eeeeexcellent :D

The others all get a visit from the Church of Pelor.
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First Post
Anabstercorian said:
Acererak! I'm pretty sure it's too frickin' late for secrecy anyway, and I don't care what they know about me personally. Do you require any aid against Alzem's forces? I would be happy for the opportunity to train against such competent warriors.
By all means! Together, they would need to send an army against us, anything less would surely be blasted into thin red vapour.

Let's hunt some birdman.


First Post
Maudlin said:

By all means! Together, they would need to send an army against us, anything less would surely be blasted into thin red vapour.

Let's hunt some birdman.

More than one army, I'd think. Remember who just killed 5 million heavily armed soldiers?

Once more, I'd like to say, Ha ha. Neener neener neener. :cool:


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
The Eternal Empire's soldiers' carelessness and misguided belif in their own superiority was the direct reason for their downfall. Let's hope that the rest of them have the sense to remain on their own world.
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First Post
Anabstercorian I do not need an army to defeat you, trust me. You might be powerful but you are still a mortal, if you really want to die then by all means let us wipe out squid boy and pasty face. AS for armies, no there are none really here, this was not an attack force, it was a rescue mission, turned defense.

Edena if this goes down then I will use all of my listed powers in this fight, and use my Sword to trap their souls after they are slain. Also all of the Heavenly host will appear as before and collapse ALL planer/time/space travel Psychic/Magic/ or any other kind. The only way to leave would be horse and buggy.

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