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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 2)

Mr. Draco

First Post
Alzem: You can obviously see we do not stand with Mina. If that is your only qualm against us, then release what (and those) that you have taken. In return, we will do the same with your 11th level infrastructure. If you will not agree to this prisoner exchange, then we will integrate your forces into the Union of Oerth in order to replenish our infrastructure. Surely once they see the perfection that is being a Cydian contrasted with the overtly-militant nation they once served they will willingly agree. If not, then we will integrate what items we can, and begin "convincing" your mages to cooperate.

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First Post

Although Alzem's Power is Disarmed, he retains all prisoners from the Union of Oerth.

The ONLY way those prisoners can be freed is if ALZEM ALLOWS IT.

Do not attempt to free the prisoners by e-mailing me, or posting actions to the board - your efforts are futile.

Now, you could threaten Alzem's Power with a Coup de Grace if he does not give up the prisoners.
That is up to you.
Coup de Graces kill people. The Mists of Ravenloft like it when you kill people.

William Ronald

A letter is sent to Hope Island, Oerth to Alzem and to Lord Kas and the God Emperor of the Union of Oerth.


I suggest that you immediate cease hostilities. The Union of Oerth is no longer allied with Mina. As all of you have captured spell casters of the other, I suggest a peaceful transfer of prisoners."

"I suggest you reflect on the sending of the Angels. I think it is time to speak of peace and mutual survival. I humbly and respectfully await your response."

Archcleric Hazen of Veluna, President of the Oerth Alliance.

Hazen sends the messages out and sits behind his desk. The elf lord Orrin Rilanth steps up to him and hands him several pieces of paper.

"We have lost perhaps 3 percent of our spellcasters to the Black Brotherhood. I fear that they died horribly."

"So, do you think my offer of peace will be meet by them?" Hazen says. He shakes his head as he reads the casualty list.

"It is doubtful. However, stranger things have happened. As you have said, in the end all we can do is hope. Free will is a wonderful gift and a terrible responsibility. Although it would be unprecedented, the Brotherhood may decide that our world entering the Domain of Dread would not fit in with their plans." Orrin said.

"All I can do is try. You can't force peace. It takes but one person to start a war, but many people to build a peace." Hazen says.

"True. All we can do is wait and hope," Hazen says.

"In the end, perhaps all we have is hope," Orrin replies. The elf lord frowns at the list of names, shaking his head.


First Post
Considering the attempted Coup against Melkor, I was considering ruling that the Shade were halting their Coup de Grace against Anabstercorian's Penumbral Hub.

Then I looked at how many Powers were Attacking the Shade.

The Seers of the Shade could clearly see an attack was about to commence against them, and that this attack would be massive.

Perhaps if they had not detected this incoming attack - perhaps if there had been no incoming attack - the Shade would have decided not to go ahead with their attack.
Perhaps reason would have prevailed (that is, I would have Ruled the Shade did not attack.)

However ...

The Seers DID see a massive incoming attack.
Reason was cast aside.
Seeing their imminent destruction (the odds said they would suffer 100 percent destruction ... they simply got lucky) they struck.

The result, is rather sad:

In Greyspace, lit by the purple sun, perhaps there was nothing more beautiful or majestic as the Penumbral Hub.
A slender, graceful ring, only partially completed, fully 70 million miles in diameter, encircling that sun.
Built of Sunstare, the mysterious illithid substance, it was miles wide and miles deep.
Eloquent towers and shapes adorned it's length, great windows looked out into Wildspace.

Here was the beginning of a whole new civilization, an evolution of both illithid and non-illithid alike, a new beginning.

The Shadow closes around the Penumbral Hub.

In the Shadow, the Penumbral Hub withers.

The Sunstare, gleaming in the sunlight, rusts, cracks, becomes brittle.
The atmospheric pressure on the inside becomes too great for the weakened metal.
Piece by piece, area by area, giant explosions begin obliterating the Penumbral Hub.

Those caught inside are caught in the 11th level Coup de Grace.
They wither as their bodily fluids evaporate, turning into dried up husks, then finally crumbling into ash.
A terrible astral howl, the voice of a million souls in agony, rocks Greyspace, as those souls wither into ash also, consumed by the power of Shade.

The explosions continue, the surface of vast parts of the Penumbral Hub turn black.
Eloquent windows shatter, towers break off, dropping towards the sun, great cracks appear in the main superstructure.

There is a great wrenching, the sound of tortured metal breaking and shattering, and the Penumbral Hub breaks in half completely at one spot, thousands of pieces of it richoted off into space, hundreds of people screaming as they are flung helplessly into the ether.

Finally, though, the Knights of Neraka (who are still without their leader, Mina) bring their 11th level magic to bear.

Powerful light springs up, clashing with the Shade, producing spectacular whirls and eddies across Wildspace.
Great shields go up, stopping the loss of air, saving the lives of millions of beings.
11th level magic fortifies the Sunstare, driving back the withering effects of the Shade, enabling those parts of the Penumbral Hub yet uncorrupted to withstand the assault.

When it is over, the Penumbral Hub is severely damaged, and millions are dead.
Effectively, the Penumbral Hub is half destroyed.

However, half of it is not destroyed, and still reflects the purple sunlight back in Sunstare glory.
In the half that survived, towers still stand, great windows yet look out into Wildspace, great minds survive, and the lore of the illithid is yet preserved.


OOC- Ouch. :eek: Thats not good. Very, very not good.

Are we going to see the results of the Various day 2 non attack actions soon or are you going to give time for people to respond to the massive destruction first?


First Post
I am going to give people time to react to the destruction.

- - -

If you wish to declare Attacks and Defenses for Day 3, now is the time to do it.

- - -

All Powers that Attacked have their Attacks reset - they must start over from Category 0.

All Powers that Held their Attacks have their Attacks gain two Categories in strength.

- - -

All Powers that were subject to Attack have their Defenses reset - they must start over from Category 0.

All Defenses not discharged by Attacks gain 2 Categories in strength.


First Post
From GnomeWorks's e-mail to me:

Edena. We begin Project Pi.

We teleport into one of the semi-finished parts of the Penumbral Hub around the sun. We begin our search. Very carefully, very cautious.
We keep track of ourselves and any enemies, we destroy our enemies very quickly. All of the Lortmils Government Staff is going, and I have
already told you of their armament (substare weaponry + armor).



GnomeWorks's people who were involved in Project Pi were on the Penumbral Hub when it was hit.

Most of GnomeWorks's people involved in Project Pi were just killed.

The entire Lortmil Government Staff just ceased to exist.
Killed by 11th level magic, there is no way to ever bring them back.

- - -

What was Project Pi?
Anabstercorian, you might well ask.

Ask GnomeWorks and his friends, the Alliance of Oerth, what Project Pi was about.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Alzem & edena: Alzem, you say the word, and a complete prisoner & item transfer will occur. Edena, this means that even if neither I nor Serpenteye are online, and alzem gives it the go, the prisoner/item transfer occurs. This only pertains to a total and full prisoner/item transfer. Alzem, the Union has no qualm against you. We did not wish to cause such imprisonment of your forces. We were made to defend ourselves by your attack.

Unvenelei: you just got taken off the list of the Union's enemies because you didn't attack again. congratulations.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Alzem: VERY IMPORTANT- Consider this a threat. Next day your power will be hit with a coup de grace focusing on the elimination of all forms of weaponry in existance in your territory (not counting whatever you have imprisoned). Also, your military commanders, all NPCs, and your PC will be targeted. You can stop this attack. All you need to do is post that you are agreeing to a total and complete prisoner/item transfer (this means EVERYTHING). I have given edena instructions in an email that if you agree to this, whether or not I or serpenteye is online, it immediately occurs, and the coup de grace is immediately called off. I now leave the descision in your hands.


First Post
Updated Status of the Powers - Start of Day 3


Alyx’s Church of Toril - 100% intact
Alzem’s Hope Isles of Toril and Oerth - 0% intact: DISARMED (now subject to a Coup de Grace Attack)
Anabstercorian’s Knights of Neraka and Mina - 99% intact
Black Omega’s Coalition of Light and Shadow - 100% intact
Creamsteak’s Church of Mercy - 100% intact
Dagger’s Kingdom of Ulek - 100% intact
Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Union of Oerth - 25% Intact: - 3 to Attacks and Defenses
Mr. Draco / Serpenteye’s Humanoid Alliance - 100% intact
Festy Dog’s Scro Star League - 100% intact
Forsaken One’s Hive Cluster - 75% intact: - 1 to Attacks and Defenses
GnomeWork’s Veiled Alliance - 100% intact
Kaboom’s Nations of the Chosen of Mystra - 100% intact
Kalanyr’s Ishtarland and Drow/Yuan-Ti/Elf Alliance - 100% intact
Melkor’s Church of Shade and Shadow Empire - 74% intact: - 1 to Attacks and Defenses
‘o Skoteino’s Immortals of Mystara - 100% intact
(Reprisal, Forrester) The United Commonwealth of Toril - 97% intact
(Rhialto) The Black Brotherhood - 88% intact
Sollir’s Unseelie of Oerth - 99% intact
(Sollir/Maudlin) Acererak, Acererak’s Minions, and Scarlet Brotherhood (100% intact)
Tokiwong’s Eternal Empire of Toril - 50% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses
Uvenelei’s Republic of Selune - 100% intact
Venus’s Emerald Order - 50% intact: - 2 to Attacks and Defenses
William’s Kevellond League - 97% intact
Zelda’s Thillronian Alliance - 100% intact
Zouron’s Eternal Union - 100% intact


Alyx’s Alliance of the Rising Sun - 100% intact

Anabstercorian’s Penumbral Hub - 50% intact: - 2 on Defense on the Coup de Grace chart

Creamsteak’s Delrunian Alliance - 100% intact
Festy Dog’s Under-Oerth Alliance - 100% intact
GnomeWork’s Lortmil Technomancy - 100% intact
Kaboom’s Sky-Sea League - 100% intact
‘o Skoteino’s Orcish Empire of the Pomarj and Allies - 100% intact

Rajaat and his Champions - 50% intact: - 2 on Defense on the Coup de Grace chart

Sollir’s League of the Warlords - 100% intact
Tokiwong’s Empire of Iuz - 100% intact
Uvenelei’s Alliance of the Crescent - 100% intact
William’s Baklunish-Esmerin Confederation - 100% intact
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Voidrunner's Codex

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