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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 2)

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--Two people were sitting in the dark room, Rivalen Tanthul, High Prince of Netherese, Archpriest of Melkor, and Rhamagaum, Lich of great power, first among Shade Arcanists. To preserve secrecy meeting took place in Rivalen`s private pocket dimension.

-So, Rivalen, what is your plan, was the data I provided on my Chronomancy research useful? I quess that you are interested in moving back to the time you come from, time when Empire of Netheril reached its height?

-Indeed, you have quessed, we shall travel through the vast infinities of time to meet a certain person, greatest Arcanist from The Empire of Arcanists, only person known to posess knowledge of 12th level magic...

-You mean Karsus?!

-Naturally, we shall take his knowledge, and, most important, we shall take posession of only 12th level spell I know of...

-Karsus`s Avatar! You got me interested! And who do you plan to target with this spell?


-What!!?? Explain yourself- demanded the lich, as he stood up, and crimson fire in the sockets of his skull intensified.

Rivalen laughed, seeing his companion`s surprise:

-Calm down, don`t try to fool me that you are so loyal towards him, he consider us to be nothing more than his slaves! You cannot deny his incompetence , his leadership over Shade resulted in failure after failure- first Toril, than Oerth, finally Athas! He he is nothing more than an insane megalomaniac, who lets his ego dictate his decisions! He desires oblivion, and oblivion will be our fate if we follow his lead- look how carelessly he summoned the Elder Ones, we lost most of our allies because of his foolish decisions!

-Hmm, I must admit that I mostly agree with you, so you think that our rebellion will be succesful? And of course you intend to replace him?

-Yes! I shall steal his Divine Power with Karsus`s Avatar, I shall be The New God Of The Shade, I will restore the Glory Of Netheril, I won`t make any of Melkor`s mistakes, Shade shall flourish under me, and you will the second beneath me!

-So be it, I shall support you, Long Live The Shadowking! ( Second? We shall see!)
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William Ronald

A Reaction to the Sending of the Angels

Hazen sits down on a wooden bench in Veluna City. He is tired, and a little overwhelmed. Lord William Ronald of Keoland, Hazen's newly appointed chief of staff, stands by him.

"Unbelievable," Hazen says in a hushed voice.

"The message is perfectly simple; the meaning is clear. We can either learn to live in peace, harmony and mutural respect or risk annihilation or a free one way trip to the Domain of Dread -- complete with a one way guided tour of Castle Ravenloft." Lord Ronald says softly.

"I can at least make the attempt to sponsor this peace. It won't be easy, but it beats the likeliest alternative. I share some of the blame for the current situation. The least I can do is work towards a solution."

"I will send ambassadors to all my allies and those who have been my enemies. To Lord Melkor and Lord Iuz, I will send simulacrums incapable of feeling pain. I will suggest that we end these hostilities and end the threat of the Red Waste and the Mists. We are on the brink of annihilation."

"Any special messages for the ambassadors?" Lord Ronald asks.

"I think the Union of Worlds -- the Union of Oerth and the Humanoid Alliance -- needs to state how they are changing themselves. Statements from their leadership and strong actions would help clear up much of the needless suspicion. They need to be open about their intentions. As do all of us."

"Peace will not be easy, but it is far better than falling under the shadow of the Dark Powers."

"Some may not want peace. They may want war. They may want conquest. They may want revenge." Lord Ronald says, gazing at Hazen.

"True. However, the effort must be made. Or the second half of the Sending will become our fate." Hazen says. He rises, and rushes towards the Great Hall of the Kevellond League. "Come on, there is much work to be done."

"There always is," Lord Ronald says with a smile.


Edena, that sending was fantastic and eloquent.

Hazen will contact the leaders of the various IR factions and propose an end to all hostilities. Current borders would be recognized. Of course, we can discuss some of the issues ourselves.

The restoration of Oerth and the othere worlds is paramount. We must take steps to prevent any further touches from the Dark Powers and restore our worlds.

Mr. Draco and Serpenteye: Mr. Draco made an out of character statement that the Union is turning away from the forces of darkness. Now is the time when both actions and words must speak loudly. Statements from Kas and the God Emperor on the reasons behind these statements need to be made. What do you think of the Sending of the Angels?

Melkor: I have already given you advice on resisting the Dark Powers. If the choice is peace or mutual annihilation, which will you choose. You have a choice; we all have choices. What do you think of the Sending of the Angels?

Tokiwong: Lord Iuz has issued statements that he has put aside the Red Goo. Can it be proven? What does your faction want? The sending of the Angels was quite powerful. What is your reaction to it?

Anabstercorian: The restoration of the Illithid Empire in some manner seems to be your goal? However, this will never be achieved in any fashion if we all fall into the Domain of Dread? What are your thoughts on the Sending of the Angels? Is peace possible?

Sollir: You now control Acererak in addition to your own faction? What do you think of the Sending of the Angels? Will you discuss a lasting peace settlement?

The Forsaken One: What is your reaction to the Sending of the Angels? Do you think a lasting peace is possible? I have had a lasting peace with you and the members of the Underdark Alliance for several turns. A lasting peace may serve the best interests of our peoples.

Festy Dog: We have a good chance of making a permanent peace if we will it. The Sending of the Angels was a powerful message of two divergent paths. I would rather have the first future than the second one.

Zouron: What does the Eternal Union want for a future? I think the Sending of the Angels was important. Do you think you could help further a lasting peace, even if this means giving up some of your personal plans. Everyone would have to abandon some goals. Is a universal peace possible.

Oerth Alliance members and allies: I want your input on a possible peace settlement. The Angels have given a powerful message. What do we want to do?

On the way back to the Great Hall of the Kevellond League, Hazen passes an Angel. He bows politely and says. "Thank you for your message. I will try. I will try." He rises and hurries over to the Great Hall.

Hazen relays his conversation above to all parties in the IR, and sends his questions to each faction.

William Ronald


I think Edena has ruled out chronomancy for this IR. This is what he wrote on the back up boards. (I do think your idea is brilliant, however.)


You can go back in time, and conduct 11th level feats, yes ...
There is a minor problem with that.
Just one minor little problem.

If YOUR Power is going back in time to gain more time to accomplish 11th level feats ...
Then MY Powers (the Black Brotherhood, Acererak) are going back in time to accomplish 11th level feats ...

And, of course, every other Power in the IR will go back in time, in order to gain all those weeks, months, and years (and decades, and centuries, and millennia) to work on 11th level projects.

Of course, if YOUR Power, Kaboom, goes back in time to do this, MY Power - Acererak, goes back to PRECISELY the point in time where you went back, and IMMEDIATELY Attacks your Power.
Acererak is not going to allow your Power endless time to work on 11th level projects! Oh no, not when he can destroy you and have endless amounts of time for HIS projects!

Of course, Melkor will go back in time too.
And, then, other Powers will go back in time to stop him.
Then, other Powers will go back in time to stop THEM.

In other words, Day 2 occurs normally.
I am not sure WHEN Day 2 occurs - it could be in the Now, or it could be 100 years back in time, or it could be 1,000,000 years back in time, but Day 2 DOES occur - in the standard way.

- - -

I can take this a step further yet.

Time travel is 9th level magic.
The name of the spell is Time Conduit, 9th level, from the sourcebooks.

Rajaat, realizing he is fried in the Now, can use his 9th level spell, Time Conduit, to travel back to when his Power still had 11th level magic.
He can then warn HIMSELF that this happens to HIM in the near future.

Then, the other Rajaat can shift his entire Power backward in time, to the Blue Age of Athas, and spend all the years they want on 11th level research.

You go back in time to stop them, right?

Well, Rajaat, knowing you are coming - after all, in the Now he READ THIS in his own histories, that you CAME, can take his Power further back in time, thus avoiding you.

Then, of course, you go further back in time to catch him, but he read that too, so he goes yet further back - or forward! - in time, to avoid you.

Of course, all this leapfrogging back and forth in time starts generating Alternate Realities by the dozens.

Your Powers get sucked into these Alternate Realities, and thus can never come back into the Now, for for them there is no Future as they remember it ... the Future has not been made yet.

Remember how Tasslehoff Burrfoot got the Device of Time Travelling?
They don't allow kender to handle even minor spell components, much less spellbooks and 1st level spells, much less 9th level spells, much less great magical items, much less artifacts and relics, much less time travelling devices - unless it's in a book.

What is being proposed here, would be like giving several thousand kender those time travelling devices, along with Carte Blanche (remember my article??) to use them in ANY way they wanted, with no interference from the deities, or anything else.

In other words, the IR will explode into a Chronomantic Version of Red Goo, which will eat the DM for dinner, and the players for dessert.

(For that matter, who is to say Melkor didn't go back in time with Red Goo, and turn all the worlds into Red Goo Balls, in which case the whole IR never happened, and ...)

- - -


Your Power CAN state it is going back in time, to gain time to work on 11th level projects.

When your Power goes, all other Powers in the IR capable of 11th level magic also go, and arrive at your precise time (they would, logically, do this.)

Day 2 occurs normally (it may occur a million years ago, but it still occurs normally.)

History is not altered.

Day 3 occurs normally, and Day 4 occurs normally, etc., regardless of who shifts where in time.

If several Powers declare they are travelling to different times in the past (such as Melkor goes 1,000 years back in time, Kaboom 100 years, and the Black Brotherhood 10,000 years) ...

I am ruling that your 11th level Powers can strike forward and backwards in time.

In other words, you declare Attacks and Defenses normally - you are still attacking the enemy Power normally. You are simply sending Attacks forward or backward in time, to hit the enemy Power wherever it happens to be in time.

- - -

In other words, you cannot gain extra time to work on 11th level projects by going back in time.

You cannot gain any special advantage by going back in time.

You cannot alter history by going back in time.

You CAN carry on an interstellar, chronomatic war, in which you carry on 11th Level Dueling, and Coup de Graces.
Instead of the war occurring in the normal 3 dimensions, it occurs in all 4 dimensions (and, I suppose, it could even occur in dimension 5, cyberspace.)

However, the results are the same.

There are no changes in the rules whatsoever, and nobody gains any particular advantage from time travel.

It will be an interesting aside - Melkor, instead of Dueling with William in the here and now, will be dueling with him from 1,000 years ago, while William is 100 years ago, but ... the rules will not change.
Attacks, Defenses, Held Actions, Days, will all occur as per the standard rules.

Sorry folks, but I will not allow the IR to turn into a Chronomatic Red Goo Monster, which eats me for dinner.
I'm too thin to be edible and tasty anyways.



First Post
Iuz ponders the vison of the sending... and sighs, "Visions do not actions make... I enjoyed the pretty picture painted but I have my plans and goals to deal with..."

Talindra nodded, "You work towards an end that will bring prosperity for your people... is that not enough?"

"For most it should be... I have not lifted a finger in these dark times... I have kept my oath... and will not interfere in their wars. We have much to rebuild and much to do..."

Iuz pauses and sends a message to Hazen, "We have disposed of the Red Scourge, we have learned all we needed from it. Scry my lands and you will find no trace of it... my people need it not... as far as oertrh is concerned, I leave that task to you, I shall work to further my people's prosperity..."

OOC: Edena I am using my action for the 2nd day to create 10,000 pocket dimensions size LL and then use my action for the 3rd day to connect all of those dimensions into one large dimension... same defense as Day 1

William Ronald

A message is sent to Lord Iuz:

"I thank you for your prompt response. I have scanned your lands and found no sign of the Red Goo. In appreciation for this, I will ensure that your territories are restored to a far healthier state than their present condition. That is the least I can do for such a prompt and courteous reply."

"You are, of course, invited to any discussions on solving the present wars or you may send a delegate if you wish. Perhaps your experiences with the Red Goo have taught you something valuable. Perhaps you can share that with all of us. It seems you are far more focused on the life cycle than in the past."

"I must apologize for not sending you and your wife Tallindra a wedding gift. I am sending my very last barrel of Keoland brandy. I believe both of you should enjoy it. May the two of you know much happiness."

The Kevellond League will try to scan for any sign of Red Goo in any of Iuz's territory, including his traditional lands, pocket dimensions, and the Eternal Empire.

Hazen turns to Lord Ronald. "I must give Iuz a chance to prove himself. Peace will take risks, but I will make sure that we are not vulnerable to attack."

Black Omega

First Post
Melkor: Heard back from edena.
As the poor Seelie falls, the Mysterious Fae, now revealed as Melkor, feels a Dimensional Black fall into place. And power growing around him, mages readying spells and more mages suddenly appearing, no doubt teleporting into the area. Power even gathering in the fruit trees, the living Vesve rousing itself.

But the hastily cast Block is not sufficient and Melkor is able to form the Portal and escape.
Ah well, worth a try.;)

An image of Hellmaster, in his child form, before the giant skull form of Acererak appears before Arch-cleric Hazen.

Hellmaster speaks, "We have decided we will play your game, and while we have our own agenda, the mists are too malevolent to be let loose upon these worlds. That city in that vision looked very fun, and I expect to be invited when it is complete." Phibrizzo smiles.

The eyes of the great skull glows with crimson light.

"Oh yes," Hellmaster continues, "However Mr. Acererak here is still quite mad at a few of your Alliance members for losing his territories as well as a great sum of his undead legion, he seems to want to be compensated. However, we will allow you to keep your undead if you wish to create them...although all undead must revere Acererak the Transcendent in some shape or form." Hellmaster then pauses to think a bit, "What further do you need from us?"

(Acererak allows the Alliance of Oerth to keep all the undead they animate from this point on although he relinquishes none of his power.)


First Post
Edena, I am (as usual) attacking Melkor with an 11th level Starlight Shock attack, same as Day 1. However, I'll defend myself this turn... And I'd appreciate it if someone else would help me out too! I've got a Melkor on my arse.

11th level feat, hour long - I'm safeguarding the forcefields that support the superstructure of the Penumbral Hub around the sun.

Also, Edena? I love your way of dealing with time travel. Totally brilliant! Thank god for non-linear timeflow. Additionally, I had an alliance with Acererak of sorts. I ask him to help me out against Melkor.

Melkor, great RPing. I look forward to the results.
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The Swarms reply.

A jumpgate opened in Oerths atmosphere as a small fleet appeared in low orbit, consisting of a capital ship escorted by around a dozen frigates and destroyers.

As the small detachment descended into Oerths atmosphere the alarms went off on the surface where a young corporal get's woken up by it's sirens and rushes up to contact it's superiors.

"This is corporal De Vries reporting sir, we have a spacial anomoly in near space. Seems like a jumpgate to me sir, possible hostiles incoming."

<Roger that corporal, what are the ships specifications and types?>

"it seems like a small detachment fleet sir, consisting of a single capital ship, a behemoth type battle cruiser of Scro design, and several do.. Hold it sir, we have a incomming transmission from the approaching fleet."

"Patch it through private"

The communication screen in the control tower splits in two as a second transmission and image appears. A decorated Orc in SSL uniform appears in the view screen.

<<This is Commodore Parduuk from the Scro Star league battle ship Rumoldus. I am here to deliver a delegate from.... a delegate Hazen wishes to speak to.>>

<<You may report to Lord Hazen that his summons have been answerd and that the representatives of the Scro Star League have arrived, we also carry another delegate he might like to speak to.>>

<<We are awaiting your permission to take position over your coordinates and send our emmisaries down to the surface.>>

<<Parduuk out.>>

The young corporal looks at the unifying screen again and awaits his orders.

"Sir what do we respond to this Orc sir?"

<One moment corporal, I have to take this up with my superiors.>

A few seconds later the Major appears in the view screen again.

<They are cleared corporal, they are being expected and Lord Hazen is waiting to see them. Give them the green light and the correct coordinates for the meeting, a escort will await the delegates.>

The screen turns black again and the corporal turns around, issues some orders and the message and coordinates are send to the approaching fleet.

As the fleet receives the coordinates and the clearing codes from Keoland Air Control they continue their decent into Oerths Atmosphere.

While the battle cruiser takes position and the escorting vessels form a protective arch around it and several dozen fighters are deployed and take defensive positions around the small detachment fleet.

"Sir the ships are in position, formation secure and fighters deployed. Ready to ship out the emmisaries sir."

<Very well captain imform the delegates that the situation is secure and that they are being expected. Their transport is waiting in bay 5.>

"Roger roger"

As the captain enters a liftshaft and moves down to the delegates quarters the shutlle gets prepared.
The delegates are informed that they are being expected by lord Hazen and they enter the shuttle.

As the shuttle appoaches the surface and the awaiting honor guard and escorts someone aboard is more then the eye can tell.

Voidrunner's Codex

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