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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 5)

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Zelda Themelin

First Post
William, we woudn't like nothing better, than to have this constant destruction to freedom, all life and on Nature itself cease. We have been trying to counter this destruction, and we haven't assaulted anyone.

Our seers have sad visions. They see visions of greatest destruction ever before, if this war continues. They see destruction of every life in many parts of cosmos. They see peace, that comes from silence of barren and lifeless worlds. They see dark forces hungry for sustanace and devouring themselves. They see entropy rising and devouring all. They see hope. They see new spark of life that comes after. All creations done this far by each of us, they see come to nothing, they see everyone winning nothing, could that nothing be called losing? No. They don't see losers or winners, they only see goners. They see this new time, without our names existing in it's memories.

That's how Nature pays for letting it down. That is how it repays deeds it can't forgive... it forgets.

This might or might not come to pass, if things continue like this. Our seers' visions are known for their lack of perspective.

We hope we find another path, that can still be walked by us, instead of those who come after.

(Again, no offense taken William, offering a chance for complete surrender is IC, not OOC, I realize that you would all very doubtfully surrender)

William Reynold:
Hellmaster retorts, "Do you take me for a fool William? You offer me no way to be sure that you are telling the truth, and not simply buying time waiting for your precious taraakans to come. I know how noble and respectful you are, but you were once mortal and can make mistakes...furthermore you ally yourselves with others such as the Dark Union...er, I mean the Union of Oerth, how can you expect us to trust those backstabbers? Well???"

(Edena, I saw your email saying you didn't get my replies to your emails, did you get my emails yet?)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Mr. Draco:

Indeed, as Black Omega said about Taraakians. To add, I mention something about angels. If they don't indeed judge, they would surely tell to Taraakians, that 'they are not ones to pass judgement on mortal creatures'.

Thinking using angels to twisty plans like that, sounds pretty Lawful Evil, btw. :)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
I am going to sleep now. Enjoy.

Mmh, and in case the Taraakians show up, how about little lyric to decribe my thoughts:

And we'll know for the first time
If we're evil or divine
We're the last in line

Mr. Draco

First Post
Zelda Themelin said:
Mr. Draco:

Indeed, as Black Omega said about Taraakians. To add, I mention something about angels. If they don't indeed judge, they would surely tell to Taraakians, that 'they are not ones to pass judgement on mortal creatures'.

Thinking using angels to twisty plans like that, sounds pretty Lawful Evil, btw. :)

Nah, not lawful evil, it's lawful neutral. We're just trying to find a way to guarentee survival, moral obligations aside. :D

William Ronald

Lord Ronald sends a message to Hellmaster Phibrizzo and all the leaders of the Alliance of Dread. (OOC: You seem to be confusing Hazen my PC with my NPC Lord William Ronald of Keoland. Two different people.)

"There are now no spells on me to prevent you from telling whether or not I am telling the truth. I suggest you do a scan. Mind control, teleportation and destruction spells are prohibited."

"As for the Union of Oerth, you allied with them under Mina's banner. You must decide if you can trust them. However, unleashing your forces and unleashing ours would likely mean that whoever survives -- if any -- would meet the Taraakians in a weakened state. I was under the impression that your forces believed that their survival was paramount."

"The Union is prepared to act in their own interest and what they believe is the best interest of their people. We expect nothing more of them. Nor can we really speak for them. We expect you to seek your own best interests. I would argue that not attacking is in the best interests of everyone."

"Yes, we have contacted the Taraakians. If it is a choice of universal destruction and a chance of survival, what would you chose?"

"Also, I am mortal. Hazen is the one who has been transformed into an Angel. He has made mistakes. I have made mistakes so huge that the Scro Star League could fly their armada through and still have room left over for a few dragons."

"However, if we do not fight each other we can be in a better position if the Taraakians desire to obliterate all. If they just desire to obliterate you, then being at full strength serves your interest. Either way, you gain something. By attacking, both of us will lose."

"So, while I can't guarantee what the future will bring, I can speak for today. I suspect you would prefer to face the Taraakians at full strength."

"Possibly you may be able to destroy us, and we may be able to destroy you. (OOC: Sollir, there are more factions arrayed against you than with you.) However, we can chose not to attack each other and survive for the present. No attacks mean that individually we will be stronger than we would be after an attack."

"Hellmaster Phibrizzo, your people hold power to be valuable. Does it not make more sense to harness your strength for the future rather than to expend it now? Especially when those whom you oppose will not die without a fierce fight."

"The decision is yours, Hellmaster Phibrizzo. You may wish to consult with your allies. Patience is a greatweapon as well. Perhaps patience will serve your ultimate aims more than an attack which would be countered by strength at least equal to your own."

"No one knows yet if the Taraakians are righteous or self-righteous. You may ask what is the difference? A self-righteous man will punish the innocent with the guilty. So, if the Taraakians decides Oerth must be destroyed, obviously we are not helping them to destroy Oerth."

"So, once again, no further attacks would be in your interest -- especially if the worst opinions of the Taraakians are the most accurate. I politely wait your response and that of your allies, Hellmaster Phibrizzo."

William Ronald

An embassy to the Taraakians

A message to the Taraakians

(As the Taraakians are telepathic, I am including some of the images they will see in Gwilym Raonul’s mind. He is being open to them.)

Gwilym Raonul reappears in a burst of light before a group of Taraakians. His presence was long detected; and an emotional message was sent ahead of him by the Oerth Alliance Diplomatic Corps to announce the ambassador.

Gwilym appears and bows respectfully.

“Leaders of the Taraakians, I greet you on behalf of the Oerth Alliance, its members, and its allies of many worlds. In particular, I greet you in the name of our allies, the Angels of the Seventh Heaven, who speak well of you and the United Commonwealth of Toril, which has been a force for tolerance and progress. I greet you in the name of President Hazen of the Oerth Alliance, who has been honored by the Angels to truly join them. I greet you in the names of our allies and the peoples of Oerth, Krynn, Toril, Athas, and Mystara. In the names of the many faiths and philosophies of our peoples, I greet you in peace” Gwilym says all of this reverently. The Taraakians, who are perceptive people, will note a tone of awe in Gwilym’s voice at the mention of the Angels. He is also sending the emotional message of welcome and trying to open his mind, his heart, and his soul to the Taraakians.

“We regret beyond our ability to express the deaths that some of Oerth have caused on other worlds. We only recently became aware of these actions, and have sought to stop them. Millions of people have died. On Krynn alone, half of its people are dead.” A deep sorrow grips Gwilym, as he sees the cities of Ansalon in ruin. A story of Goldmoon that Hazen once shared floats through his mind. A wondrous tale of how a woman found faith in a world that truly needed it.

“For now, we ask you to do something that you may consider difficult. We ask you to save the peoples of Oerth, Krynn, Mystara, Toril and Athas from destruction. I am not lying when I tell you that over 100 billion people may soon be dead. Murdered by the same forces attacking worlds that you have sworn to protect.” Images of the peoples of these worlds, and of Ian Payne, a man whose faith called the Angels to fight for Toril, spring to Gwilym’s mind. He recalls praying at a memorial for Ian Payne and all the dead of Toril from its wars to achieve what they built.

“I realize that you have cause to be angry with the people of Oerth and those of many other worlds. There are those who have been murderers, as well as fools, and those who have made honest mistakes. Yet there are those who have placed body, mind, and soul in defense of their brothers, who defended them from slander and danger. Some have made greate sacrifices, including laying down their lives for others.” Gwilym remembers Hazen being ready to be tortured to stop the Red Goo and his transformation. He remembers the battles in the Hellfurnaces as related to him by survivors. He remembers the destruction Vecna wrought first in the Blood Wastes and the attack of the city of the Gods. He remembers the desperate battle against the Red Armada, and the desperate response of Forrester and Anabsercorian, a cure at least as worse as the disease.

“You may feel the right to call for justice. Yet justice must never be the issuing of rigid adherence to a law without knowledge of the facts of a case. Even those we once deemed evil have proven capable of repentance. Indeed, facts as well as intent must be judged as well.” Gwilym remembers with wonder Hazen’s words of the forming of the Oerth Alliance and the bravery and cunning of Turrosh Mak. He remembers Lord Kalanyr’s rejection of his demonic past and his devotion to goodness and compassion. He remembers people- regardless of race or land – standing together against common foes.

“Yes, there are many governments on our worlds that believe its citizens exist to serve the State. Indeed, some have take this to new extremes. However, the Angels have said that you are a good people, a people of justice and compassion. We ask you to remember your values in your dealings with us.”

“I know of no other mortal power that I can ask to save innocent lives. We have free will and the gods may not become involved directly in our affairs. We are a people of many faiths, many beliefs. I believe, as does President Hazen, that there are many delightful paths to truth and enlightenment. We do not proselytize our face or demand that others conform to a single mind or become a single race. We believe that all beings, regardless of race, world, station, or belief, have the right to make their own destiny. Hazen has said that the choice between good and evil, as well as other choices, has no meaning without freedom. Also, he has said that life, liberty, and love are three of the greatest gifts any may know. Now life and freedom are threatened for many.” He remembers Hazen’s belief in an Eternal Power of Light, Love and Justice, known to many worlds and faiths and his ability to reconcile it with his traditional beliefs. Gwilym recalls Hazen’s tales of Earth, its faiths, its cultures, the tragedy that tore it apart, and the courage of its people to rebuild.

“We will respect whatever decision you reach regarding whether you wish to aid us. You have the right to make your own decisions. However, for the sake of the innocent, we humbly ask you to save our peoples. I am prepared to answer any questions that you may have, to the best of my ability. If you wish it, President Hazen of the Oerth Alliance and Acting President Ian Icarus Lannon of the United Commonwealth of Toril are prepared to meet with you at your earliest convenience and answer any questions that you wish to ask.”

“May Rao and all the powers of life, love, light, justice, and mercy bless you, your people, and those whom you have sworn to protect. May the Eternal bless us all.”
Gwilym recalls the hymns of thousands of faiths on many worlds and the goodness of so many people and cultures. He recalls Hazen’s tale of the people of Earth at prayer still holding onto their many faiths despite the destruction of their world. Surely the faiths of so many people of so many worlds had much in common, expressed differently.

As Gwilym fell silent, he remembered the people he had meet from many worlds, young and old. His heart felt panged when he thought of so many of them being murdered in the coming conflict. There was fear in his heart, but a hope that although the hour was late, that there was still time to save the innocent.

OOC: Someone has to try to keep over 100 billion people from being slaughtered. I have offered a reasonable alternative to complete surrender for either side. Yet I find it distressing, and some others do as well, that many players seem to be indifferent to the fates of the nations they represent. In real life, such indifferent leaders would cause massive revolts.

Also, the only way to determine WHO the Taraakians really are and what they will do is to interact with them.

Also, no one but Edena and the Taraakians knows this conversation has occurred.

(OOC-Sorry for the misunderstanding)

"Perhaps you are right Lord Ronald, perhaps you are wrong...long speeches tend to bore me though and I'm afraid it will be hard for me to stop my assault if there is no evidence or proof that your fellow factions, including the Union of Oerth, will comply with your decision...time is running short and I think you underestimate my power."

Voidrunner's Codex

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