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(IR) What would your PC do if he or she received the Wanderer's Sending - Thread Two

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Edena, refugees from City of The Shade rebuilt their city, under Prince Rivalen, and joined The Shade Empire.

I assume that above spell suceeded? Then Greyhawk, renamed to The Shadow Throne and its neighberhoud are filled in eternal darkness, in effect it has all Shadow Plane qualities, but is still a part of Material Plane.

As I said armies from Plane of Shadow are being transported there Edena, so take it into account when determining power level.

Meanwhile Shadowlady`s Ahlissa( female Shade Drow, enchantress 5/Rogue 7/ Arcane Trickster 10/ Shadow Adept 10) agents are trying to make deals with many assasin and thieve`s guilds in many Oerth cities, we also have a very liberal recruitment policy, any non-good being can join the Shade, and we can offer power in many ways, especially Shade transformation and Shadow Magic.

Edena what realms are in neighbourhood of Shadow Throne( city of Greyhawk), also if anyone can give me a link to decent online map, I will be very grateful.

Kalanyr if you want the title of Shadowlord, you must undergone The Rite of Shadowy Ascendance( Shade transformation), with your generals.

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Black Omega

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My, this thread does move along fast, doesn't it...
To the Rising Sun Alliance:
An ambassador is sent, a serious, solemn elf.
"A great darkness threatens our lands. Not just the Darkness of Vecna. But the meddling of Toril as well. The destruction in Toril was terrible, and wehat happened to the elves there is unspeakable. And now they have brought the same teachings that started that to Oerth. The alliance of Highfolk, Vesve, Sepia and the Seelie Court offer alliance. If we are to come through these times it will take cooperation as wel as strength and rightiousness. A stand must be taken against both Vecna and Toril if we are to save this world."

To the Kevellond League:
An ambassador is sent, a younger, cheerful elf:
"We greet you in peace. There has been a long history of peace between our people's and we honor this. We pledge to stand against Vecna, as should all right minded folk. We will join the search for him.
However, we are gravely concerned over Toril's involvement in this world. What happened to the elves on Toril must not be repeated here. Perhaps much of what the Wandered said was slander, but there was truth as well. We must regretfully regard the Technomancy of the Lortmils with great suspicion. The teachings of Toril might lead to power but they also lead to death and destruction. Please consider our words. We look forwardto continuing the tradition of peace our people's have shared these many years.

Start searching for Vecna, as promised. And if more pixies happen to be searching around Lortmils, it's not our fault. Vecna can be anyplace...and they might pick up some other interesting information besides...

Bad things are happening...it's time to prepare for the worst and start summoning elemental and nature help.


First Post
Please refer to the list of Power Levels above, folks.

Done, Melkor. Greyhawk is gone. In it's place is the Shadow Throne, and the Shadow Throne it will be from here on.
I will make an adjustment to the list above to reflect the change.

Serpenteye must answer to you, Mr Draco, concerning the attempt by Acererak to contact Vecna. And what comes of it.
Of course, this aspiration of Acererak is no small thing, hardly any smaller than what Vecna wanted ...

Edena, Shade will try to contact Vecna`s agents. We offer him an alliance, to conquer Oerth together, than invade Aber-Toril, for we desire nothing more than to see it in ruins!

We inform Kalanyr about it., but only after he undergoes the Rite of Shadow Ascendence, so we can trust him.


First Post
Acererak has entered the world, and from his Tomb in the Vast Swamp of Sunndi begins to bring in his legions.

Though he has not made himself known to the world, the marks of his entrance cannot be ignored. All over the land, the dead unearth themselves from their graves and head into the swamp. Shadows, Ghouls and all kinds of undead creatures break out of their crypts and tombs and join in the exodus. The occupied city of Kalstrand was panicked as a veritable wave of vampires in Dire Bat form blotted out the moon one night, in their flight south. Several powerful Necromancers have also been seen passing through the lands with great haste.

Several enormous Nightwalkers have made the transit from the Negative Plane where Acererak has his Fortress of Conclusion, and he has likewise brought in the Demon Lord Tarnhem, his thralled Balor father.

Tarnhem has instructions to likewise bring the Demons from the abyss, and furthermore to start wresting the loyalty of the Demons being summoned by the Drow and Iuz away from them. Besides his authority over demonkind, he will appeal to their penchant for betrayal, and promise them unbridled slaughter when they turn against their keepers at the right time. Besides, their allies have brought in filthy Baatezu! Since when do the Abyssal Hordes fight on the same side as Devilspawn?

He prepares himself to quickly move his base of power should Vecna accept his proposal.


First Post
An invasion of Toril is not now possible, by any means.
The assault of Vecna has caused the Torilians to strengthen their Border Guard, to the point where no amount of power you possess can break through (or, if it did, their main power would be brought to bear on you at once.)

Toril is effectively out of it.

This is now an Oerthian affair, strictly.

Melkor (Talos) ...

To the west of the Shadow Throne is the Kevellond Alliance, and beyond that is the Baklunish Confederation, and beyond that is Esmerin and the Celestial Imperium.

To the north of the Shadow Throne is the Empire of Iuz, and beyond that are Blackmoor, Heimmorj, and the Solistarim.

To the east is the Eastern League, and beyond that is the Great Kingdom of Aerdi, and northeast of them is Ratik and the Frost/Snow/Ice Barbarians; far out to sea east of Aerdi are the Lendore Isles.

To the south is the Lortmil Technomancy, the Orcish Empire of the Pomarj, the Iron League, and the Scarlet Brotherhood.
Extremely far to the south are Varnaith and the Yuan-Ti Empire.

Geoff, Sterich, the Duchy/County/Principality of Ulek, lie southwest of the Shadow Throne.
Highfolk, the People of the Vesve, and the Gnomes of the Sepia Uplands lie to the northwest of the Shadow Throne.
Sunndi and Rel Astra lie southeast of the Shadow Throne.
Celene, which is in turmoil, lies south of the Shadow Throne.
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First Post
Ok, Maudlin.
This has two effects:

You have joined the Planar Arms Race.
You have started an Undead Plague, which I will count as part of the Planar Arms Race.

As for whether you can seize the demons from the drow and Iuz, we will see ... for I do believe they will fight back ...

I am adjusting the list above to take into account your entry into the Races ...
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First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:
Ok, Mr Draco.
This has two effects:

You have joined the Planar Arms Race.
You have started an Undead Plague, which I will count as part of the Planar Arms Race.
Incidentally, is there a reason you keep referring to me as Mr. Draco? :D (Edit: nevermind, you caught it :))

To the contrary, his Rel Astra forces have some considerable contingent of undead among them, I seem to remember. These should be near enough to start feeling a nagging pull on their minds...
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First Post
My pardons, Maudlin. Too many things at once.

Again, you can attempt to seize the undead away from Drax and Kas in Rel Astra, but the player, Mr Draco, may declare they are fighting you.

Drax is an undead animus himself, but he has great power, being created by Ivid.
Kas has much greater power than Drax, and could resist you better than he could.

However, yes, you can make the attempt, and all too likely it may well work ...

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