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D&D 5E Ironfang Invasion (IC)


Dusty Dragon
Lal let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, and looked at Harb. This was the right thing to do.

There would be a moment, he hoped, that the hobbed goblins were made to pay for the mayhem and deaths their invasion had triggered through the region. There hadn't been a need for any of this... Perhaps it was why he was here? Ha, an agent of justice, him a simple mendicant? ... but life was strange, wasn't it.

"Well done" he told Flint- "you said everything with a simple image. If you want, I can show you how to use that axe... but perhaps out of sight of our new neighbors."

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Flint grins, apparently rather proud of himself.

"Ah, 't was nuthin'," he mutters although it's obvious to everyone he doesn't mean it. "You're right, best not to scare off them beasties after just gettin' them back inside. But I'll be takin' ye up on that offer!"

OOC: I thought there was still the lower section to explore before we bring in the villagers? If not, it makes sense to fetch them and skip ahead.


Harb Half-Elf Paladin

Harb Smiles and nods when he catches Lal's eye and it becomes clear that there won't be a fight right now at least. This will likely be an uneasy alliance but making the effort is the right thing to do. On the walk back Harb can't help but wonder how many of their people died needlessly. He has no doubt that a show of force was needed or they would have simply been run off, but was it excessive...

OOC: My understanding was that we already sent word (Note tied to the familiar) to the villagers to come to the cave?

We will need to be there when they get to the cave to make introductions and make sure things don't immediately go south when they meet the Trogs. We can head below and bank on being back up when they get here or we can rest up, figure out at least basic communication and then go down to figure out what is below us when they get here. My vote would be for the later of those two if no one else has any plans.


We are going to go with option two and advance two days. Everyone level up to level four.

As the adventures waited for Aubrin and the other adventures to arrive the troglodytes through drawings, hand signals and a few picked up words were able to inform the group of some of what laid below.

The troglodytes were able to convey that there were several rooms below and that there was some kind of cube that bodies went into and skeletons came out. Also a big monster of some kind, the troglodytes would not discuss it more.

At nightfall Aubrin and the rest of the villagers approached the cave. Aubrin smiled widely as she saw the adventuring group, “You found the caves I see. You are truly a gift from the gods.”


Dusty Dragon
"Well met Aubrin, how are your wounds healing up? And what about the friendly ranger?

As far as being gifts from the god... there is apparently a large monster left deep in the caves, we still have to deal with that. We also came to some peaceful arrangement with the troglodytes, for now at least.


"Sorry about the smell." Loosh told a villager acquaintance of his, referring to the remaining troglodytes insensitively. "Let's get you all settled in and we'll see about moving them deeper, once we find the limits of these caves."


Aubrin smiled at Lal, “My wounds are almost all healed, except for the leg of course and I’ve gotten used to dealing with that issue.”

“Living with troglodytes,” Aubrin said with a slight chuckle, “well it beats being out in the open and to be honest at this point we may not smell much better than they do.”

Her face took on a slight look of concern, “A large monster, well, I guess it’s true what they say every good story must have some adversity.”


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Flint is playing with his greataxe like a gleeful child with a new toy, having practised wielding it with Lal in the last few days.

"We could be leavin' it down there and seal the entrance," he replies to Aubrin between swings. Stopping and looking around at all gathered, the dwarf asks, "Who be knowin' his rocks and stoneworks, and can be helpin' me with that?"


Harb Half-Elf Paladin

Harb pulls the flail from his belt and swings it around a bit, smacking himself in the leg as it proves unwieldy in his hand. Far to heavy to be used with his shield so he hands it off to someone that will put it to better use.

He spends the two days waiting for the villagers helping out. Digging holes to bury the dead bodies, making sure that the water is safe to drink, sing his magical abilities to search the area for anything, dangerous or useful magic or mundane and being a sparing partner for Flint.

When the villagers arrive Harb greets them politely and then addresses Aubrin.
"I am truly happy to see you. Was there any sign of trouble?"

And Flint "I think we should go down and explore it first. We have only found one way in or out of the caves so far, if we are found we might want a way to escape or sally out should we come under siege. Maybe a heavy stone 'door' that we can cover the hole with when we don't need or want it open rather than a permanent seal?"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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