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Is Call of Cthulu fun to play?

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Yonshalmnu said:
Um, actually, I meant, making extra characters for myself. I'll be the player, not the dm. :)

Haven't tried d20 Cthulhu, but, in the original, you could make characters pretty quickly. Also, characters specialized by skill, so you'd make up a character who "just happened to" have a skill the party needed at the time.

"Chauncy, Robert seems to have gone mad. Would you dig up another graduate student, say, from the Middle Eastern department? Make sure he can translate Swahili. There's a good man."

aka. Washu! ^O^


First Post
brak1 said:

If you're looking for more action in your otherwordly, insanity-causing horror RPG you might try a Delta Green game (from Pagan Publish - uses the CoC rules with a D20 verson on the way). It's a more military/intrigue feel to the Cthulhu mythos. I wish I could say the players last longer when their heavily armed - but it just isn't true. :D
Sheesh, I had forgotten all about Delta Green! I'm planning on running a game that mixes Spycraft and CoC - I may have to grab a copy of Delta Green to throw into the mix as well. Any idea when the d20 version comes out?


First Post
Nothing on Chaosium's site about any upcoming d20 Delta Green. I would say get a hold of the BRP version and convert what stats you need.


kengar said:
Nothing on Chaosium's site about any upcoming d20 Delta Green. I would say get a hold of the BRP version and convert what stats you need.

That is 'cause Delta Green isn't from Chaosium, but from Pagan Publishing ;). There was a news item on Pagan's site about a d20 updated Delta Green a few months ago.... and since Tynes did the d20 CoC with Monte I expect it will eventually see the light of the moon. :)


Shirt Guy John

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I've played one short game of CoC, and while I do not own the book, I have read through it a few times. I have to say that i liked the game a lot, and I loved the whole horror-RPG gaming, but I wasn't... enthusiastic about the lovecraftian things (I know, it's the whole game). I like the sytem a hell of a lot, but I didn't(and don't) really care for the Lovecraftian monsters and gods and such.

Gameplay is great, and from what I've seen is much more entertaining when you're not worried about sanity loss. In our game, I was the only one (out of the three players) who was not too afraid of sanity loss (I had the highest starting sanity. Yay...), and my character took the greatest beating, lost the most sanity, and reaped the greatest rewards. It's sorta like gambling, but more fun to "lose" at.


Amateur Fortean
LcKedovan said:

That is 'cause Delta Green isn't from Chaosium, but from Pagan Publishing ;). There was a news item on Pagan's site about a d20 updated Delta Green a few months ago.... and since Tynes did the d20 CoC with Monte I expect it will eventually see the light of the moon. :)


Yeah, I remember that. Unfortunately the Delta Green site (www.deltagreen.com) now doesn't say anything about a D20 version and Tynes is apparently working on a DG video game.

Still, most of the basic book is source material. I think between that and CoC D20 you'd be able to run a pretty decent D20 Delta Green game.


First Post
I would say yes :)

I started my campaign yesterday with what I would call an introduction (not a lot of dice rolls, more roleplay) wich we played for about 2 hours. Everyone loved it and can't wait for the first real session.

My GMing skills are better than expected ;)

Falcon of Lugh

First Post

Definate yes with a competent GM. We currently have a CoC d20 game going once a month that leaves me and my fellow players afraid to look out windows. I'd equate it to playing Silent Hill 1 at 3 AM when everyone is sleeping (or supposed to be).

Yellow Sign

I am currently running a game of COC d20 and my players and me are having a blast. Some great role-play and a few scares. I have been slowly raising the wierdness factor and its got my players really nervous :D. Just mention a rat and they go into fits.

It's a great game with a great mood.

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