Is Dr. Who Kid-Friendly? [possible spoilers]

So. Is it?

My daughters are 13, 12 (twins), and 8. They enjoy fantasy, cartoons, and pop fiction. My spouse and I are fairly conservative in what we permit them to view. They're allowed to read whatever they wish, but we limit what they see. We didn't, by way of example, permit them to see Firefly.

I've never seen Dr. Who, but it sounds like something my spouse and I would enjoy. If it's kid-appropriate, we can watch with the girls and enjoy it as a family. If it's not, ok, but my husband and I will have to watch after hours.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
It's a kid's show. It's very much aimed at them. Though it has plenty for the adults, too. It's pretty much the definition of a family show. Watch a couple of eps yourself if you want to be sure, but you're squarely in the demographic there.


it doesn't seem to have any swearing
it never shows people having sex
kissing seldom happens

People do die in it, though the doctor (and most of his companions) seem to not be actively killing people.

I might be wary of letting an 8 year old watch it, but your 12-13 year olds know everything anyway.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
it doesn't seem to have any swearing
it never shows people having sex
kissing seldom happens

People do die in it, though the doctor (and most of his companions) seem to not be actively killing people.

I think that's an important point. While there are exceptions, the show's primary message is that the heroes win not by violence but by thinking.

Plus any violence there is usually cartoon violence from the bad guys - no blood or gore or anything, generally. People get disintegrated and stuff.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Some of the aliens can be a bit scary, particularly in the show's second incarnation with its much better costuming and props. My 10 year old son isn't a big fan of the weeping angels. The show can get a bit suspenseful at times as well. If your kids don't handle suspense very well, some episodes won't be good fits for them.

I don't consider Doctor Who to be aimed at a kid demographic. It's aimed older than that. But it is generally kid safe, and intentionally so. Torchwood is the Doctor Who spin-off aimed at an adult audience that is not kid friendly. The Sarah Jane Adventures is the Doctor Who spin off directly aimed at kids.


the show's primary message is that the heroes win not by violence but by thinking.
And running. Lots and lots of running.

My daughter is almost 8, and has seen snippets of Who. I haven't made a point of watching it with her because there are scary moments that I know will frighten her, but I think she'll be fine with it when the next season comes on. There's no sex, no heavy/overt sexuality, and violence is gore-free. Fighting is usually with blaster-type weapons that cause people to disappear or just fall to the ground.

Honestly, my biggest reservation is that I'll have to translate from English to English for her.

There are lots of clips and bits on Youtube that you can watch to get a sense of things.


My friend's children, ages 10 (girl) & 12 (boy), have been watching the show for several years now and they love it. Especially the Weeping Angels.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
If your children have very vivid imagination it may give them nightmares. Mine at 11 and 13 and don't watch it for that reason.

You'll have an idea of how much your children are affected by visuals and concepts though. Some will worry about monsters under the bed at that age, others won't.

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