Is there a list of the 4E artifacts?


I want to give my players an artifact in my early paragon adventure. Since artifacts don't have any real guidelines for creation yet, I wanted to look at a number of existing artifacts, especially for the early paragon levels.

Does anyone know if there is a list of all the currently published artifacts for 4E yet? The Compendium isn't very useful, with various searches showing a couple of the later ones, and those just having the core abilities. Does such a list exist?

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First Post
I've got an incomplete one.

Ilthuviel's Blackened Heart (paragon, 16+)
Blue Orb of Dragonkind (epic, 21+)
Spear of Urrok the Brave (heroic, 6+)
Unconquered Standard of Arkhosia (paragon, 11+)

Dungeon Master's Guide:

D&D Insider:
dr 364: Spear of the Skylord (paragon, 11+)
dr 368: Broken Blade of Banatruul (paragon, 16+)
Figurine of Tantron (paragon, 16+)
The Immortal Game (paragon, 11+)
Helm of the Madman's Blood (epic, 21+)
du 159: The Deluvian Hourglass (epic, 21+)

Open Grave:
Whelm (paragon, 11+)
Jet Black Ioun Stone (paragon, 11+)
Mirror of Secrets (epic, 21+)
Orb of Light (heroic, 6+)
Silver Mask of Kas (paragon, 11+)
Soul Sword (paragon, 16+)
Sword of Kas (epic, 21+)
Tome of Shadow (epic, 21+)
Von Zarovich Family Sword (paragon, 11+)

The Module Series:
[There are several, but... I've only read KotS, which doesn't have one. I believe one artifact is present in Pyramid of Shadows, and I think there is at least one in the online Dungeon modules--which, again, I've not read.]


Here you go, I think this might cover it.

The Invulnerable Coat of Arnd - Armor - Dungeon Masters Guide
Orb of Light - Holy Symbol - Open Grave
Spear of Urrok the Brave - Weapon - Draconomicon
Head of Vyrellis - Wondrous - H3 Pyramid of Shadows

The Hand of Vecna - Hands - Dungeon Masters Guide
The Eye of Vecna - Head - Dungeon Masters Guide
Jet Black Ioun Stone - Head - Open Grave
Silver Mask of Kas - Head - Open Grave
Unconquered Standard of Arkhosia - Magic Item - Draconomicon
Seed of Winter - Magic Item - Dungeon Magazine 165
Ilthuviels Blackened Heart - Neck - Draconomicon
Skull of Sartine - Orb - P3 Assault on Nightwyrm Fortress
Spear of the Skylord - Weapon - Dragon Magazine 364
Broken Blade of Banatruul - Weapon - Dragon Magazine 368
Soulsword - Weapon - Open Grave
Von Zarovich Family Sword - Weapon - Open Grave
Whelm - Weapon - Open Grave
Nightbringer - Weapon - P2 Demon Queen Enclave
Figurine of Tantron - Wondrous - Dragon Magazine 368
The Immortal Game - Wondrous - Dragon Magazine 368

Mirror of Secrets - Hands - Open Grave
Tome of Shadow - Hands - Open Grave
Helm of the Madmans Blood - Head - Dragon Magazine 368
Eye of the Old Gods - Head - E1 Deaths Reach
The Deluvian Hourglass - Magic Item - Dungeon Magazine 159
Blue Orb of Dragonkind - Orb - Draconomicon
Axe of the Dwarvish Lords - Weapon - Dungeon Masters Guide
Sword of Kas - Weapon - Open Grave
Marlspire of Najara - Head - Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Scepter of the Chosen Tyrant - Magic Item - Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Manshoons Bloodmask - Head and neck - Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Thakorsils Seat - Wondrous - Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
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Who can tell me about the Silver Mask of Kas - Head - Open Grave?

Also: what's the designation after the name (head/weapon/neck/etc.): the carry slot that the item occupies??
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Who can tell me about the Silver Mask of Kas - Head - Open Grave?

Also: what's the designation after the name (head/weapon/neck/etc.): the carry slot that the item occupies??
Right now I am house sitting and don't have my Open Grave with me to describe the Silver Mask of Kos. You are correct about the keywords being the slot the magic item occupies.

I will also note that the "Heart of Vecna" is mentioned as well. It's not so much an artifact, as something one of his lieutenants has. It
s more a bit of fluff and probably accounts for some of her abilities. If she was ever completely defeated, I could see it as an artifact. Admittedly using that one crosses over into "Head of Vecna" territory.


Still no convenient way to get the Compendium to list all artefacts?

And nobody you know that maintains an up-to-date list?

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