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Is There A Spell That Makes You Colossal Size?


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Wait, a spell to make someone else Colossal? It already exists - Polymorph any Object. Same issue as Shapechange - you have to find an appropriate form. But that's by no means impossible, and this can have good duration if you do it in stages.

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Spellguard of Silverymoon (player's guide to Faerun) lvl 4 ability:

Spellguard: "(...) At 4th level the spellguard of Silverymoon may cast any personal range defensive aracen spell on another character with a touch. For this purpose a defensive spell is one that improves AC, increase a saving throw modifier, or grants additional hit points (...)."

It may be far fetched to see enlarging someone to colossal size as a defensive spell, but if your DM is lenient enough...


paradox42 said:
EDIT: Then again- it occurs to me that the Beetle is CR 50 in the same way that the Tarrasque is CR 20. A properly prepared group can smash it without thinking twice, and 50th level shouldn't be necessary. Feel free to run playtest combats against one yourselves, and see if you don't agree- consider all the spells mages have now that avoid SR, and factor in the fact that a fighter is involved who can use Giant Size 3/day and is a Greatsword specialist to boot. I'll bet the beetles won't last very long for anybody else, either. They may not be a "real" CR 50.

Too right. In our final session for a long running campaign last Friday night, our group of 17th level characters faced off against the tarrasque. We had legacy weapons (basically the whole campaign had consisted of quests related to acquiring and activating these items) as well as buffs to make the weapons +6 and "epic" for a short period of time. I was playing a monk that had focused on using a spiked chain, taking Improved Trip and Improved Disarm as bonus feats. I also went out of my way while visiting Sigil to have a robe of giant size commissioned (CL 19, 1 use per day). If you think it's easy to beat a tarrasque when you're prepared, you should see how easy it is when the beast is spending almost every turn trying to get back on its feet! ;) And 60-foot reach with a spiked chain is pretty cool too...


I don't know the exact details of the spell, but there was a spell the high-level sorcerer in our last campaign was using that I believe was called Revelling (sp?) Dispel. It let you dispel something off of one person, and move it to another. Combined with the aforementioned Wu-Jen spell?.......


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SolitonMan said:
Too right. In our final session for a long running campaign last Friday night, our group of 17th level characters faced off against the tarrasque. We had legacy weapons (basically the whole campaign had consisted of quests related to acquiring and activating these items) as well as buffs to make the weapons +6 and "epic" for a short period of time. I was playing a monk that had focused on using a spiked chain, taking Improved Trip and Improved Disarm as bonus feats. I also went out of my way while visiting Sigil to have a robe of giant size commissioned (CL 19, 1 use per day). If you think it's easy to beat a tarrasque when you're prepared, you should see how easy it is when the beast is spending almost every turn trying to get back on its feet! ;) And 60-foot reach with a spiked chain is pretty cool too...
Um, wow. I do believe that beats my Greatsword-wielding hack-n-slash maniac pretty handily. :D

Well, okay, he flies too, but that should hardly be a surprise for 30th level, now should it?


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paradox42 said:
EDIT: Then again- it occurs to me that the Beetle is CR 50 in the same way that the Tarrasque is CR 20. A properly prepared group can smash it without thinking twice, and 50th level shouldn't be necessary. Feel free to run playtest combats against one yourselves, and see if you don't agree- consider all the spells mages have now that avoid SR, and factor in the fact that a fighter is involved who can use Giant Size 3/day and is a Greatsword specialist to boot. I'll bet the beetles won't last very long for anybody else, either. They may not be a "real" CR 50.

I think it's more accurate to say that the beetle is CR 50 in the way the 3.0 tarrasque was CR 20.

In other words... it isn't. Prepared or otherwise. It's maybe half its listed CR.

I just can't imagine any of the devastation vermin posing a significant challenge to an epic-level party, even low-epic. Not unless the party was comprised entirely of fighter-types who spent their entire level-appropriate wealth on +'s to armor and weapons, anyway.

Mind you, a beetle, for example, would take forever to kill, but it's very doable and, since the PCs should all be able to fly faster than the beetle can move, and to damage it from outside its reach, it's just not a credible threat. Actually, looking at the poor beetle, it's painfully easy to kill if you're not pressed for time: for all its amazingly high armor class, unexplained spell resistance and over the top AC, it has no energy resistance. Anyone with a fly spell, a bag of holding full of alchemists fire, and a whole lot of patience can kill it. (For reference, it would take an average of 784 alechemists fires to do the job, which would cost 15,680 gp :eek: , so there's probably a cheaper/more efficient way to do it).

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