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Is there no love for d20 modern?


Ranger REG said:
Meh. You'll have to keep track of (plurally) income, accounts, bills & expense, credit & debit cards financial portfolios (stocks & bonds), etc., unless the DM wouldn't mind being burden with your finance (e.g., deduct upkeep from your total cash award) and just give you petty cash award to fill your wallet ... literally.

Heh its not that bad Ranger REG, keeping track of such things can be handled by a self calculating spreadsheet that can be whipped up in minutes. And would provide you far more detail than say roll a DC 30 wealth check ;)

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Strutinan said:
My experience with d20 Modern are limited, mainly due tot he first game I played. The DM made the characters, and roped a few of us into the game with promises of "realistic modern-day RPG action".

Then my Tough Hero, while rinsing off the grime of a cage match, got ambushed in the shower by six uzi-wielding government agents. Don't ask why, but it involved a "True Lies" moment with tearing down the bathroom wall.

While buck naked and covered in soap, I survived the hail of gunfire (all with no-screen rolls), got my car keys, piled the other PCs into my 86 Cadilac, and took off. Alive and well.

Realistic my left leg! It might be "tight" as a cinematic game, but if you want something beleivable I'd recomend avoiding it.

Hence my "lack of love" for the system, lol.

I'm not completely sure I understand you. Are you saying because you gave the system a limited try, you don't think it to be a good system, or are you saying that you're against the system because its not beleivable? By "system", I mean d20 Modern.

To be honest, I truly hope that it is the latter and not the former. If its the former, try a couple more sessions. If the latter case is the reason, well, we're never going to agree, mainly because I - personally - think "believable" systems (otherwise referred to as realistic) is an improbable ideal, though if one is ever created, I don't think it will be, what's the word....oh, fun.

Real life isn't fun. Games are supposed to be. I'll take mine "cinematic" any day of the week.

C. Baize

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Strutinan said:
My experience with d20 Modern are limited, mainly due tot he first game I played. The DM made the characters, and roped a few of us into the game with promises of "realistic modern-day RPG action".

*** S N I P ***

Hence my "lack of love" for the system, lol.

Uhm... ewww.

Play under a better GM.

Ranger REG

Neo said:
Heh its not that bad Ranger REG, keeping track of such things can be handled by a self calculating spreadsheet that can be whipped up in minutes. And would provide you far more detail than say roll a DC 30 wealth check ;)
Oh, joy. And I thought the Rolemaster combat spreadsheet is bad. :p

(Not that I have anything against RM.)

Is it now crucial to have PDA in RPG session? I thought the PHB, pencil, notepads, dice, and character sheets are enough.

The Shaman

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Neo said:
...keeping track of such things can be handled by a self calculating spreadsheet that can be whipped up in minutes. And would provide you far more detail than say roll a DC 30 wealth check ;)
Wow...Papers and Paychecks is now a real game! ;)
Strutinan said:
Vitality shields Hit Points, and regenerates rapidly?
Your GM imported vitality points/wound points from another game - d20 Modern has hit points like Dungeons and Dragons, not VP/WP like Star Wars RPG.
Strutinan said:
"Talents" that allow low-level characters to spontaneously regenerate Vitality?
If you're talking about Second Wind, yes, it allows you to recover a number of hit points equal to your CON modifier at the cost of an Action Point. It's a pretty expensive way to recover hit points, however, particularly at low levels when APs are few and far between.
Strutinan said:
Or that provide Damage Reduction?
Up to a maximum of DR 3/-, which requires expending three of your four talents over a total of eight levels of Tough hero - hardly gamebreaking. It also applied only to that class, which is by definition intended to be able take the kinds of damage that Medal of Honor winners survive, for example.
Strutinan said:
Characters with severe gaping wounds from missing limbs have no statistic penalties, and only bleed to death if they are subjeted to a "bleeding" wound? (what else would you call a missing arm?!?!)
This isn't found anywhere in d20 Modern that I know of - sounds like another one of your GM's house ruled variants...
Strutinan said:
Handguns that literally CANNOT kill a person in one shot?!?!
Low-level characters in Modern can be laid-low with a single pistol shot - higher level characters with an unexceptional CON can be dropped to -1 hit points on failing a Massive Damage saving throw.
Strutinan said:
Sorry folks I don't buy this in a modern-day setting, or even a futuristic one. If you want to play in an action-movie game, by all means use this system. If you want to play in a realistic game....this is not it.
I wouldn't be too quick to judge - it doesn't sound like you've actually played a game of d20 Modern yet... ;)
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First Post
Well, IIRC, Strut seems to have his own brand of d20 to sell, anyway.

Seeing as VP/WP aren't even in the book, well, one wonders.

I'll say that I've played in a lovingly crafted "high realism" game. Worst hour and a half I've spent gaming. Took us an hour to build characters and pick gear, all fine-grained and well researched with FBI database statistics, etc etc. Character lived fifteen minutes. Which was more than average, I found out. :(

I'll pass.


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