Is this an appropriate question?


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Is it acceptable and in keeping with board guidelines to ask about purchasing experiences with a specific online retailer? I am not looking for controversy or argument, but simply to verify that people have had good experiences with a particular online retailer that I simply have't dealt with before.

Put more simply (sorry...long day at work), will the following question get my thread yanked?

"Hey, anyone purchased from ________? How was it? Good? Bad?"

I know some boards have peculiar policies about those kinds of threads littering the boards...

Thanks in advance,

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First Post
EricNoah said:
Sure, no problem. Let us know if it gets out of hand for some reason.

Wow...that was like...a lightning response.

This is probably a stupid question and I didn't mean to make it melodramatic. I just get paranoid about giving financial info to online retailers I haven't done business with and who aren't big (brick and mortar) outfits.

Looking to make a purchase from



why don't you start a thread in General RPG -- asking the question here in Meta won't get you much of a response. :) As for me, no, I don't have any info or knowledge of that vendor.

Phineas Crow

First Post
I have made multiple purchases at DOorDICE and I've yet to have a problem with any of my orders.

The last purchase I made there was in fact earlier this month when they had a sale on d20 products and I picked up few things I've been meaning to get (Interludes: Bluffside, Jade Dragons & Hungry Ghosts, AU: Legacy of the Dragons).

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