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D&D General Is This Evil? D&D Morality.


Why does it matter?
"Gee Bob, those aliens are exterminating us. Should we do something?"

"I dunno. Do they have a moral, amoral, or immoral reason for it?"

"I feel like if we don't do something about it, we're dead either way."

"Look, Jim. If they're not evil, my hands are tied. In fact, if' they're actually moral based on completely arbitrary criteria I can't vet personally, I'm obligated to herd you and your family into the kill lasers myself."

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I struggled with alignment for decades as nothing ever satisfied. There was always something that didn't work for someone ... until I just stopped using it without telling people. If I were to revise the game, I'd just drop it from the rules as obsolete. I'd still have the concept of evil - but no mechanics tied to it. Rather than have an alignment in the monster entries I would have 5 adjectives to describe the typical mentality of the creature. Which is more useful to a DM in a stat block for a burrowing beast: Unaligned or patient, tricky, timid, hungry and industrious.

Here is how I handle it when it comes up in the limited ways it does still:

1.) Alignment is opinion, and the opinion that matters is the one granting the magic that is making a determination. Do the ends justify the means? Do you make the decision to pull the trolley from killing four to killing one? There is no absolute answer, so you need a judge. Thus magic from a cleric of a Duty God and a cleric of a God of Freedom might find different results from their magics that evaluate the alignment of a person that willfully broke an agreement and betrayed allies in order to free criminals that had been given life sentences for relatively minor crimes so that they could work in the mines for the king.

2.) Just don't bring it up. If the players ask an alignment casually, shrug. If they use magic to determine it, see above. But as a DM, just don't make use of the magics that trigger off of alignment. There are plenty of other ways to use spell slots and other resources that might trigger off of alignment. When NPCs refer to evil and good, have it generally be to the absolutes in the games: Celestials, Fiends, etc... Make sure that they're referencing the absolutes.


No I'm not attempting to convert people to vegetarian.

I used some modern examples so people can relate. Pre industrial society had a lot smaller populations I just phrased it that way.

I'm trying to get people to think about if another species judged us by our own actions.

Say if aliens turned up tomorrow an announced "your species is destroying the planet as judgement we're culling you down to XYZ.

Our mere existence has driven other species to extinction. We ate them all or destroyed the environment.

One thought I had the other species has precognition they see humans as a threat attack but lose and their precognition caused their downfall.

I'm saying that argueably our expansion and consumption is unsustainable another species might do something about it. Alien mindset or something like extreme Druidism was what came to mind first beyond "eat now".

Eat now was what I thought of with insectoid species or hivemind.
Well, by using D&D morality, they're evil. Precognition or not.


For the aliens, it would come down to "Killing Sentient Beings." If you know a being is sentient, and kill them like they are nothing, then that is an evil act.

And in the magical D&D world you'd have divinations like Detect Sentience and Know Aligment Outcome. So it would be easy to know when you were or might be wrong. And, you can always ask a god or other wise, knowledgeable being.


Right. So humans are evil for eating meat.
Humans don't eat any sentient creatures....as far as we know. But yes, if there is Cosmic GOOD and EVIL, and any animal on Earth has sentience, then yes all those humans are evil for eating that meat.

Though, the point is with magic and super intelligent beings.....you would KNOW.

Humans don't eat any sentient creatures....as far as we know. But yes, if there is Cosmic GOOD and EVIL, and any animal on Earth has sentience, then yes all those humans are evil for eating that meat.
Do you know what sentient means? Our current understanding is that almost all animals are sentient, including insects.

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