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Is this right?

Majin Trugeta

First Post
I've just started experimenting with conversions and figured I'd take a crack at converting a module. Since the First two Giant's modules have been converted (Only 1 in the newer conversions) I am trying to convert G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King. It's more just for myself then for anyone else at this point as a first practice run to get the hang of things, (I could send it to others when it's completed if they would like it tho).

Anyway, things have been progressing relatively smooth the past week I've been working things out. I'm almost finished the first level of the dungeon, but I'm less the secure in the correctness of some of my conversions and so I would like to post my conversion of King Snurre for any constructive criticism you guys might have. Now before I type out the stats there are some discrepencies I've noticed. The 3 G modules that I have came with my TSR 25th anniversary boxed set, and I also have the "Against the Giants" 25th anniversary book that includes all 3 of these modules as well as some extra stuff. I started flipping through the book and noticed right away that some stats have changed a bit. Like for instance since we're on King Snurre I'll use him as an example. In the original module his ac is 0, and in the Against the Giant's book it's -2. Is there a reason for this particular revision? I'm also wondering if I should just abandon my conversion of the original module and do the entire revised book, your thoughts/comments on that?

Anyway, as I promised here are the stats, please tell me if anything is wrong. To make him stronger I mixed in some Cloud Giant stats as the book mentioned he fights like a Cloud Giant naturally without his sword. Also instead of making an unbalances +#/+# weapon I changed his 2 Handed Sword, to a +4 Flaming Greatsword for convenience sake. I also made his White Dragon Cloak a new magic item. I also beefed up his AC a little to make him more of a challenge for the party levels he would go up against. Was this a bad thing to do? I feel I want to keep it as "official" as possible so that when I do decide to publish conversions for the public, it will be met with as little conflict as possible.

King Snurre, Fire Giant: CR 11; Large Giant (Fire); HD 17d8+119; hp 238; Init +1 (Dex); Spd 30 ft; AC 27 (-1 size, +1 dex, +8 natural, +9 +4 Chainmail); Atk +25/+20/+15 (2d6+20 and 1d6 fire/crit 19-20,
+4 Flaming Greatsword); +12/+7/+2 ranged (2d6+11 and 2d6 fire, rock); Face 5x5 ft./10 ft.; SA Rock Throwing; SQ Rock Catching, Fire Subtype; AL CE; SV Fort +16, Ref +5, Will +5;
Str 33, Dex 13, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 11;
Skills: Climb +12, Jump +12, Spot +7;
Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Sunder;
Possessions: +4 Flaming Greatsword, +4 Chainmail, Necklace of Coral Skulls (15,000gp), Girdle set with 66 (100gp) garnets. Iron crown set with 6 (1,000gp) rubies, 6 (1,000gp) diamonds, and a huge jacinth (10,000gp), Cloak of the White Dragon (See Appendix 2: New Magic Items)

Cloak of the White Dragon: This cloak is made out of white dragon scales. The wearer gains a +3 resistance bonus to for all saving throws (Fortitude, Reflex, Will) from cold-based attacks, and all cold-based damage taken is reduced to half.
Caster Level: 5th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Protection from elements, Resistance; Market Price: 10,000 gp; Weight: 1 lb.;
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okay! found my copy of the 2e adv ... the main difference I can see is that in 2e giants were significantly more powerful ... so that should account for the differences.

as for upgrading him ... just keep normal firegiant stats (or give him the standard npc array then add his fire giant modifiers. Also give him some PC levels in fighter ... say at least 4 so he can get weapon specialization :) (lets see ... 1st, 2nd, and 4th ... that's 3 more feats for him: weapon focus, spec, [edit] improved crit (since he's gonna have better than a +8 for BAB)

I don't think there's any need to mix in any kind of other 'giant' stats like they did for the 2e adv (both cloud and storm giant stats) ... just level him.
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well here is what i did chief.

Grab a copy of pcgen here:

Fire it up and load the MM sources.

Build a new Fire Giant PC

Give him a few levels of his preferred class (is it fighter or barb?) to make him stronger than normal (he's a chief after all)

Equip him just like Snurre was.

Export PC to csheet_statblock.html and then print him out.

Here is an example of what could be for snurre (note: Using fighter for pref class and only 4 levels YMMV):

Snurre, M Fire Giant Giant15 Fighter4 CR 14; Size:L Type Giant; HD (15d8)+(4d10)+152; hp 252; Init +0 (+0 Dex, +0 Misc); Spd Walk 30'; AC 26 (flatfooted 26, touch 9), *Sword +4 (Great/Flaming) +30/+25/+20 0'/S (2d6+15 17-20/x2 Neither L +1d6 fire damage) or ; SA: Rock Catching(Ex),Rock Throwing(Ex),Fire Subtype(Ex); Vision: Darkvision (60'),Normal AL: CE; Sv: Fort +24, Ref +9, Will +9; Str 32, Dex 11, Con 27, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 7

Skills and Feats: Appraise +4, Climb +11, Diplomacy +2, Intimidate +3, Jump +11, Sense Motive +5, Spot +7; Armor Proficiency (Heavy) (1x),Armor Proficiency (Light) (1x),Armor Proficiency (Medium) (1x),Cleave,Great Cleave,Improved Critical (Sword (Great)),Martial Weapon Proficiency,Power Attack,Shield Proficiency,Simple Weapon Proficiency,Sunder,Weapon Focus (Sword (Great))
Possessions: 1 Chainmail +4 (Large), 1 Sword +4 (Great/Flaming), 1 Cloak (Resistance Bonus (+3)),

As you can see he's only a CR 14 here and I would probably chalk him up higher as the PC's will be much higher in level than him when they fight him. perhaps levels in barbarian?

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