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ISRP Basic How-To Seminar


preacher of nothing

hmmm....i had more ideas in mind....about 20 of them to be more precise.....but two packs of cigarettes a day can screw with your mind....
Oh well....maybe i'll post them tomorrow after my own College of Evilness....

ps: no answer from shenlong....he must be away with something

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Peacher> Yes, college is more important than replying to the threads.

Nugan> Let's start off and say, I just plain don't like, as a character and as a player. Second, it technically isn't heresay when the words about [edited]have come from the people that have complained about it, and you.

Bhryn> You know me, sorta. Unless they make an attack at my family, I'm not going to waste my time echanging derogetory, er, deregotory, yes, egotory, that seems to work best for at least Nugan, remarks.

Don> Yay, you've replyed.

All> Feh, personally, add whatever you want, and take into mind, I'm still doing edits over my posts, and liek I said, college is more important to me than doing those edits in an expediant manner. And yes, this is a HELPFUL thread, and it is Trel's given right to delete every post upon this thread that isn't helpful including this one I have posted here. And my final point on this. If you don't have something to say here that is on-topic, take it to the off-topic threads, you're just disrupting this one.



Just some thoughts...

Well, some interesting banter and thoughts passing back and forth here.

I think I will add my own. First off, I would be considered relatively new by the standards of this chat, since I've only really been RPing in ISRP for about 8 months. I have two characters that have been heard of by at least a few of you, that you've probably seen around, or that have interacted with some of you. Since the decline of ISRP here, I have been on less and less, and spending more and more time on [edited], where I feel the community is more forgiving and has a bit more equality than here.

1) When I first came to wiz, I created a name that I use quite frequently for online email accounts and what-not. I stumbled into ISRP, not having a clue as to what was going on. After I looked around for a bit, "without" opening my mouth, I realized that this was much different then what I had originally thought. With that in mind, I started looking up the literature to read and figure out basic commands. Armed with the bare basics, I entered ISRP and began to interact. Luckily, I stumbled across someone who had been relatively new as well, where I am now, and she was able to show me some of the stuff and explain some of the things I didn't understand. I also ended up asking one or two WizO's questions as well. Anyway, long story short, some advice for newbies.
1a) When first coming in, you should try to read as much about the site as possible, if just to learn the minimum you need in order to be able to keep your questions in PM. (" /tell soandso "can do that for you) Also, if you can find someone agreeable to teach you, it helped me a lot.

2)1a leads directly into the second suggestion. A lot of oldies and middle-time players tend to act hostile towards newbs. As often as possible, and whenever they will listen to me, I offer advice and to teach newbs how to play. I also realize that newbs tend to get offended if you offer them too much advice right away. I have been told by one that they had someone who kept telling them "how to play, this is the way it's done." They told me they found that stifling. I also had that problem, fortunately, I, like many creatures in the world, have this amazing adaptability, and was able to work around the boundaries, though recently felt stifled again because of one particular rule, but let's not go into that at the moment, that is neither here nor there.

3)Lastly, or at least for now, a point was made earlier about oldies sitting in the tavern, or the emporium for that matter, though I've found the emporium more welcoming, and ignoring anyone not either directly involved in their storylines, or previously in their storylines. Now, I don't mean to just pick on oldies, by any means, cause I have seen everyone do it, old, middle, new. Also, I have seen people ignore 15 foot trolls who's very steps shake the ground when it enters the tavern or emporium. I realize that almost all the characters who are in ISRP have seen everything, but how many trolls can you honestly say you have seen in ISRP. Of course, I've not been here as long as some, but I've only seen one. I'm not saying you should all quake in fear, or even look startled. If something was shaking the ground, would you not look up and see what the hell it was? I play all my characters, some more so then others, depending on their experience, so that they will look at anything out of the ordinary, or someone shouting, or a fight breaking out. Even if it's a ":glances over at the fight, an eyebrow raised." Like the real world, as I'm sitting at a table on the porch of some restaurant, and someone at a table across the way suddenly freaks out, stands and flips over their table, I'm going to look. It's just something we all do as people. My thought is that even if we are fantasy people, we'd look. But enough on that subject, I think I beat it to death.

These are just some things I've noticed. None of what I say is meant to insult anyone, or meant to be hostile in ANY way. These are the opinions and observances of one man, and you can either agree or disagree, that is your choice and right. Thank you for listening, and I am sure I will have more to add at a later date.


First Post
Shenlong_Gundam said:
Nugan> Let's start off and say, I just plain don't like, as a character and as a player. Second, it technically isn't heresay when the words about [edited] have come from the people that have complained about it, and you.

I don't know you, as a character or as a person, so I've got no idea how you've developed such strong opinions about me. In fact, I had never even heard of you until you posted this thread. Anyway, I'm not going to personally attack you, because: a) its against the CoC, which I still abide by, even if I disagree with it, and b) How could I complain about someone I don't even know? That would be awfully presumpous of me, wouldn't it?

As for complaints about my site. I encourage those people to email or contact me directly and discuss whatever problems they have had. We are very open to suggestions over at [edited].

Also, thank you to all the people who posted to show support for [edited].

Anyway, I don't have the slightest idea of what the grounds for these posts, but I'm very sorry for disturbing this thread, had the attacks been against me only, I wouldn't have even posted, but, like I said before, this site is my baby, and I'm going to protect it against attacks that are made while its still in its infancy.


Bhryn Astairre

Alright guys, come on. This is an ISRP thread for help, not an open ground for bickering.

If you really want to do that, then make a whole new thread for it (I love watching people argue ;) )

I'm on Nugan's side either way. We're both part of offsite clubs that have members that did/still do come to Wiz, for differing purposes maybe, but the context is still the same. It could easily have been my offsite boards mentioned, in which case I would likely have my fur as ruffled as Nugan's is. Please, stop mentioning whatever you've heard.

It's what -you- have heard and not what others will hear. If they wanna go, let them, they'll find out if they like it or dont like it for themselves. That's called choice and all part of the freedom which democratic goverment ideals allow us.

You want to dictate? Don't do it here.

Come on Nugan... here's your bag.

:: hands him his pink bag and carts him off ::


First Post
Alright Boys, seperate corners!

This is a board, about helping others on WIZARDS.

So, No More talking about other sites. This is about helping out gamers, of all levels of skill and experiance, that visit Wizards.com.

Staying on topic, would be great.

But a continual argument and flame war against each other, will only end up closing a thread that is meant to aid others.

So now, back on topic darlings.



Topics topics topics

I tried to stay on topic, giving my advice and opinions that will hopefully make -everyone- better RPers, on Wizards, other sites, and all over the world. But, as it happens, digression is a human talent, and the best of us get caught up in it. I have said my two cents on behalf of part newbs everywhere(though they can feel free to disown me at a moments notice!). I now turn the thread back over to those who orignally started it, and will no longer post unless I feel it necessary! :D

Thank you, and have a nice day! ;)



eternalkarma said:
3)Lastly, or at least for now, a point was made earlier about oldies sitting in the tavern, or the emporium for that matter, though I've found the emporium more welcoming, and ignoring anyone not either directly involved in their storylines, or previously in their storylines. Now, I don't mean to just pick on oldies, by any means, cause I have seen everyone do it, old, middle, new. Also, I have seen people ignore 15 foot trolls who's very steps shake the ground when it enters the tavern or emporium. I realize that almost all the characters who are in ISRP have seen everything, but how many trolls can you honestly say you have seen in ISRP. Of course, I've not been here as long as some, but I've only seen one. I'm not saying you should all quake in fear, or even look startled. If something was shaking the ground, would you not look up and see what the hell it was?

No, because if something was shaking the ground with every footstep I (and quite a few of my characters) would run away as fast as was (in)humanly possible! Maybe the world's changed but just because you deal with hulking giants on a daily basis is no reason to pick on us old fogies who can't hear the thunderous footsteps without our hearing aids. ;)

The simple compromise you have to face if you unlimited freedom of character creation is that not everyone's characters are going to be in any way, shape or form vaguely compatible. If someone wants to play a sheltered and timid priestess of a peaceful diety seeking enlightment through serenity then she's just not going to be able to react properly to a Balrog that's out to spew flames and create chaos without fleeing screaming is she?

So what's fair? We tell the Balrog's player that he has to leave because the priestess was here first? Or we tell the priestess that because she's not reacting accordingly she's a bad roleplayer and she should leave? Neither. We just accept that they'll have to roleplay around each other and let them both have fun their own way.

So if you want to play a fifteen foot troll, a balrog prince, a god/goddess, etc then one of the things you should consider before you start is how many characters are going to be able to interact with you on a meaningful level. Stifling? Perhaps. But certainly less frustrating and more rewarding in the end than coming up with a character that half the room only reacts to out of obligation to make you feel welcome.

Also keep in mind a character's reason to be there. Juxta is by far a more open setting because it's basic premise is a world that links to everywhere, so strange and unusual creatures are to be expected. CRT's premise is it is a tavern designed around human standards on Oerth, therefore it is less accomodating to those who are extremely unusual.

Finally there is the issue of spam/implied action to consider. If we have a room with fifteen people in it, and they all turn to look at every notable figure who enters that's a minimum of fifteen emotes that appear (half a page of chat) just to acknowledge someone's presence. Rather it's easier for the player of bizzarre creature to simply assume someone saw him come in, same way you can assume that when someone picks up an item they use a hand or that they look at it to locate it before they pick it up.

So put simply, if you're not getting the response you expected with your character there is quite possibly a good reason for it and just as you don't want other players to tell you "this is how to do it" then you shouldn't expect them to automatically change for you either.

Different people like different things and if someone told you "This is how you do it, because that's how it's done." what they meant was "This is how I think it should be done, because this is how I find it goes best.". When hunting monsters be careful that you don't turn into one.

Oh and live and let live. ;)


First Post
I suppose I should weigh in here, if only to let you know that I'm still paying attention to the thread. :cool:

Firstly, I'm not going to have any posts deleted unless specifically requested to do so. Which I haven't seen yet (let me know if I missed it). Sometimes things have to generate a strong reaction before people pull themselves back to say "I didn't mean that" or "I did mean it then but now I see where you're coming from" or even "I did mean it, and still mean it, but this here is a more reasonable explanation of why I mean it." Keep calmness in mind as an attainable goal even if not immediately evident.

Learning to play in ISRP is an on-going process complicated by the continued changes to ISRP itself. Prevalent styles of play change but also the underlying settings and rules and interpretations of rules change over time. Stay flexible.

Interacting with other characters is a free choice. You're not required to do so and others aren't required to interact with you. But it is part of Interactive Storytelling RolePlaying. If your char has no reasonable excuse for interacting with others, you're going to be very lonely. Or, unfortunately, disruptive in an attempt to force play. Be friendly as a player, even if you have an evil char.

The role-playing part of Interactive Storytelling RolePlaying can't be restricted to those that meet your own ideals. We have a minimum level of acceptable behavior, defined by the Code of Conduct. To grow from "acceptable" to "preferred" to "outstanding" can take some people a long time and sometimes they need to grow at their own pace. Or even choose to stay where they are. This was never set up to be an elite site.

Where most "fail" is the middle part of Interactive Storytelling RolePlaying. It becomes a place to meet your friends and chat (in-character please :( ) instead of a place to grow your character into a more interesting person. There aren't clear levels here, but that doesn't mean you're in stasis. Even if your char never gets kidnapped or pregnant or gets vampired/un-vampired or any of the other standard storyboards, it can still be affected by what happens around it. Which means, pay attention to what happens and see where and how and when to get involved.

Feh, this is turning into another lecture. :rolleyes:

Keep posting, I like seeing what others have to say.


preacher of nothing


::stretches and yawns, then takes a drink of the pint of tea, placing the mug back down and lighting a cigarette::

Jardel, you make a valid point with this:

Different people like different things and if someone told you "This is how you do it, because that's how it's done." what they meant was "This is how I think it should be done, because this is how I find it goes best.". When hunting monsters be careful that you don't turn into one.

And in this mentality, i'll say: This is how i do things and it suits me and most people i rp with just fine.
And now to continue from where i left off....

12. When you create your character, IF you use a cs, which i suggest everyone does, since it IS indeed a FREEFORM chatroom, you should at least have some idea of what its powers are. None of this:

assassin tells you ((Ok...so he watched you for much more than 3 rounds, then made a death attack....what's your fort. save?))
You tell assassin ((i have no idea...i mean..err....he's high level, so i think it's....err....high))

If you have a cs, you'll be able to answer directly.

13. This goes together with nr.12. The knowledge of rules is something optional. Most newbs won't know the rules of DnD, or will use them to min/max their characters. Don't be scared of this, or ****** because of it...it's only natural. If you DO know the rules, when you create your character, make sure the first thing you think about is the feel of the character, not the hitpoints he gains or the damage he can deal. If i'm gonna create a char for example that is based on arcane power, i'll make him a shadow adept, because i like Shar's mentality, and he would as well. I won't make him a wiz 3/cleric 3/mystic theurge 10. But this, once more, is up to you.

14. If you don't have a cs and you don't know the rules, stay away from fights. This may sound stupid now.....but fight with someone that does know the rules and all hell breaks loose. It's not your fault and it's not their fault. Freeforming has its benefits and it's all good.....but i won't fight a character COMPLETELY freeform...It can lead to many misunderstandings. Such as a lvl. 17 wizard being defeated by a lvl 7 fighter. The lvl7 fighter might be very good at describing what he does. He can know his weapon (like shen said) as well as he wants....when the wizard casts a powerful spell he's toast. And if the lvl 7 figther doesn't know the rules and is fully freeforming, he might not accept it...

15. Don't fight by using only your cs and no imagination either. That's incredibly boring....to both combatants, and those that watch. Don't keep Pm-ing the other one after each attack ((ok, this attack has a +x attack and will deal +x damage)). First of all, this annoys the one you're fighting and in the end it will annoy you as well. Before the fight, just pm each other the basic stats so you can get an idea of how succesfull your attacks or spells are gonna be....DON'T NERF!!!!!!! If someone pm's you that they have an item or a special ability denying something, don't make your character automatically know this....
When your wizard character will be fighting the rakshasa that is in human form, he won't know that it's a rakshasa and thusly cast only 9th level spells at him...

16. Playing good characters isn't a snap, but it's much easier than playing evil characters. Keep some things in mind. When you create your character think about a few things. Such as....

- Obviously evil characters will be dealt with shortly. (IE, chaotic evil). The CRT is as was stated in an inhabited city....no one's gonna let the blackguard out of sight until he's either dead or out of their hair. Be sure to not expect much luvin when you're playing a chaotic evil character. Also, be prepared for many fights...

- Playing a sneaky thief like assassin character is easier. These usually have the means to disguise their trade. IF YOU'RE PLAYING ONE OF THESE, FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, DON'T TELL PEOPLE WHAT YOUR JOB IS....
While mercenaries may or may not be accepted in some parts of the many realms, a person that says "I kill people for money" sure as hell won't unless the setting itself is evil.

- linked to what i said before, if the setting you're roleplaying in IS evil, (IE, the crt is filled with drow............again........) don't expect to have people be too surprised by what you say. They've probably already done it all or seen it all.

- Lawful Evil characters.....now THIS is something i haven't seen in a long time. I mean, sure, there may be characters in ISRP with LE written on their char sheets, but they sure as hell don't roleplay it properly. I myself have trouble with this alignment. If you're a newb reading this, think Hannibal Lecter. Being Lawful Evil has many opportunities for chars. A well played Lawful Evil character will think of a plan, will think of all variables involved in it and will remove anything that may hinder the developing of it.
Lawful Evil characters will manipulate others, will do just about anything to further their own success....they have a respect for the letter of the law, but will instead of breaking the law, go around it.
if you make a pact with a lawful evil character (the player won't tell you the alignment, but you may be able to figure it out), you can be sure they'll grant you your promised reward....but at a price.

Lawfulevilwizard says "I'll give you eternal life if you manage to bring me that artifact."
somethief says "How do i know i can trust you?"
Lawfulevilwizard grins, then continues "You don't....but in your line of work profit is the only thing you should be interested in....and if you fulfill your end of the deal, then so shall i."
somethief buys the story....he returns some time later with the said artifact "Here you go wizard"
Lawfulevilwizard 's eyes widen and a grin appears on his face much like that of a child in a candy store
somethief says "Alright....and now for my payment....i'll have you know there's a posse after me....now fulfill your part of the deal"
Lawfulevilwizard smiles and nods, then begins to mutter dark words of power as the air ripples with energy (to make this short, he casts Magic Jar on the thief)
Lawfulevilwizard says: "You see....now you are indeed immortal....i did what i was supposed to do just as you did....i didn't actually expect you to bring me the artifact. But now that you've managed, it only goes to prove you're able enough to steal it from me....hence....i have your soul now, the artifact, and you have your immortality..."

17. As it has become painfully obvious, in fantasy and such writings, good always prevails. IRL, good does not prevail all the time. Rather, when it does not it is due to the machinations of Lawful Evil characters that are not found out by the public. (yes, i am aware i just attributed a DnD alignment to real persons....). When you roleplay, especially an evil character, try to remember that. It's through the use of machinations that power is achieved quickest and at the least cost. Not that you give a damn if you're a Balor....but anyway...

Now back to a few more technical things...:

Shenlong said:
Remember, people don?t enjoy descriptions that scroll the screen, and they want something detailed but quick.

18. I beg to differ with this idea. Your description can be done as long as you want it to be. As long as it doesn't involve ANY kind of background info on your char, nor ANYTHING that speaks about his personality. Sure...you can say that he's the guy in the corner of the room in the robe always moving the prayer beads in his hands and watching. But don't go saying that he likes to sit back and watch, keeping to himself. Let others figure it out through rp... Long descriptions can be a lot of fun. They can indeed be boring, but if done properly, they're ok.

19. Also, remember this when you're making your description: Type it down in a word file first, then check your spelling....i don't know about others, but if i look at a description and find a lot of spelling mistakes, i'll most likely think twice before interacting with the said character. Yes, this may be a stupid point, but as stupid as it may be, i'll tell you that there are more that think in the same manner that i do. Try to keep the description nice and clean.

20. When it comes to descriptions, try to avoid saying "He also has ten daggers underneath his jacket". How am i supposed to know that? I'm not superman and i don't have x-ray vision. And if you play an assassin or a sneaky character, AVOID any such content.

21. Try to avoid saying "There is something about him/her that seems out of place". This is a big nono, since anyone with true seeing or detect alignment will be coming down your head any second...This is a piece of info i stated for the newbs.
For the oldies, writing this can be a GREAT rp-ing method. just imagine the kind of fun you can have when you describe your "apparently" kind old man, and say "There is something about him". Like i said, people will be coming down on you with detect alignment and such. If they're oldies as well, they'll most likely have their characters talk to you so that they can find out what sort of person your char is.

astraldeva says "So....you say you're a simple traveler right? hmmm...there's something strange about your behaviour"
oldguy says "I'm sorry....i don't...know what you mean....perhaps it is simply my mourning for my departed wife..."

Just imagine what the other character is thinking....is he good? is he bad? if he's good and i attack or don't believe him then i'm an idiot....but what if he's bad and i don't attack him.....

22. Back to presuming: When it comes to not only descriptions, but also rp-ing, NEVER PRESUME. For all we know, Bhryn can be an infernal that somehow got out of the Nine Hells with the support of an archdevil and is roaming the Prime finding those that are powerful enough to stand in her way of tearing the World to nothingness. And all this time, while making friends and gathering info, she's slowly coming closer and closer to her goal....Celestia and its destruction....
IT MIGHT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!! :mymy:

well.....that was a lot....damn.....your eyes are gonna hurt after reading all of this crap....must be this tea....give me some input if you want, don't if you don't want to.

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