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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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What's your point, FarseerwithHeartsOnFire? THat is exactly why we're discussing it. Because these suggestions aren't going to Wizards, they're going to the makers of the new one.

Would asking to get rid of the DM thing be a median between Limbo and PRs? I'm wary of PRs because in almost every chat Ive been on with them, they were abused.

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Perhaps I should say more, they abused the RP through private rooms. The rooms were used mostly for cyber, sometimes (but by far not always) needing to pressure the opposite player into it for a start. The rooms became cliques and just like at highschool this meant pettiness in competition. Private rooms were where people went to break the rules they knew they were supposed to be following.
I enjoyed the wizards site because mostly I didn't see that crud and the rating made it "safe" for me and my friends. If we decided to follow some play that was less abiding, we went offsite. That act was like the switch - we knew what we might be getting into.
Private rooms though, you can't expect to maintain a set of rules or rating to follow if you have them open for abuse.

Dragon Master

First Post
Kit'r said:
Perhaps I should say more, they abused the RP through private rooms. The rooms were used mostly for cyber, sometimes (but by far not always) needing to pressure the opposite player into it for a start. The rooms became cliques and just like at highschool this meant pettiness in competition. Private rooms were where people went to break the rules they knew they were supposed to be following.
I enjoyed the wizards site because mostly I didn't see that crud and the rating made it "safe" for me and my friends. If we decided to follow some play that was less abiding, we went offsite. That act was like the switch - we knew what we might be getting into.
Private rooms though, you can't expect to maintain a set of rules or rating to follow if you have them open for abuse.

Seconded. It would be interesting to have private rooms, but I can only see them being used for genuin RP rarely. Most of the time I'd be guessing it'd be abused. If someone needs to use a private room that badly for genuin RP, better to take it off site. But thats just my opinion.



I'm sorry but I have a real belief most of the people on the site have to ability to use PRs for the proper purpose. if you are worried about cliques and people leaving the "community" stand point, limit the number of people in the PRs to 5 max. but I can't even tell you how many times the conversation went like this "do you have yahoo? no? AIM? no? ICQ? no? oh sorry I don't have windows messenger. can we use mIRC? can't get it to work huh? hmm"

so the idea of "best to take it off site" is all fine and dandy IF we can find ichat sites WITH PR or some other similar site, but as it stands, I spent an hour last night looking for chat sites with PRs that are securable. the only other one I know of is the exact kind of site that wouldn't "keep an honest person honest" and is no site I'd send someone to.

so for those of you who HAVE chat sites with PRs, feel free to start a thread. it'll only be around for 6 days though..


Jaya Ballard Balla'th

Cystuni said:
I'm sorry but I have a real belief most of the people on the site have to ability to use PRs for the proper purpose.

Given the abuse the normal rooms have taken over time - regarding 'cybering,' sexuality, and so forth - and the amount of whining over cliques and the excommunication of newer players, you have a great deal more faith than I.

If people have complain so readily about both these things for years, I don't see how private rooms would do anything but further the degrade. Frankly, if it's a matter of mismatched messangers, I don't see what's to stop a couple players from moving to the Lobby and doing their scene out of PM except explicit content.

I'm not going to debate the need of extreme violence or sex in RP, because that's a can of worms we don't need right now, but in the end, two players are capable of PMing their scenes, and 3+ have had the ability to use Limbo. Messangers have only allowed a slight convienance and the ability to set outside the Code of Conduct. Private rooms effectively eliminate their need, so logic dictates that they would only replace them.



Jaya Ballard Balla'th said:
Given the abuse the normal rooms have taken over time - regarding 'cybering,' sexuality, and so forth - and the amount of whining over cliques and the excommunication of newer players, you have a great deal more faith than I.

If people have complain so readily about both these things for years, I don't see how private rooms would do anything but further the degrade. Frankly, if it's a matter of mismatched messangers, I don't see what's to stop a couple players from moving to the Lobby and doing their scene out of PM except explicit content.

I'm not going to debate the need of extreme violence or sex in RP, because that's a can of worms we don't need right now, but in the end, two players are capable of PMing their scenes, and 3+ have had the ability to use Limbo. Messangers have only allowed a slight convienance and the ability to set outside the Code of Conduct. Private rooms effectively eliminate their need, so logic dictates that they would only replace them.

Limbo requires a DM be present. the new chat system has an easier moderating ability, so explicit content can be taken care of, a 5 person limit can eliminate cliques. besides, anyone that Cliques becomes stagnant. I should know use to happen to me

in addition PRs are a goo way to show new people how to act and use the new chat system. I've had to geb permission from many a wizo to borrow limbo for this purpose. but it all seems to be moot, we're getting the PRs and I thank Raven for them. it's always easier to start with something and take it out than to add it later.

I am in complete shock and awe that this is going on.

To make matters worse some of us who rely on this site for speaking to old friends will no longer be able to unless they log into the site before the ISRP area is deleted. I am sickened by what I have read and saddened beyond words.

TSR was kind to us, listened to us and took care in making sure those figureheads running the areas were removed if they did a poor job. They took pride in the ISRP area, the old tavern, the patrons and those involved with running the site who didn't have an alterior motive.

WoTC however kept some under it's belt to keep tight regins on the ISRP, some who voiced when the company was TSR running the show that the whole FFRP area should be shut down. Amazing how their wish was granted as they moved up the ladder of oppurtunity. Mel and Adele I do not speak of you, but I speak of the one who ultimately clipped my wings when I was a TSRO (And yes I was one, I am still listed under "Retired TSRO's" on the site as Moondyre). I just cannot believe Hasbro will allow this to happen, that somewhere someone would allow this to save an all mighty dollar.

I have offered time and time again after my questionable dismissal from the TSRO team to rejoin and work and was denied because the one I had words with off the board and out of uniform still remains on site away from the ISRP area. I offer that AGAIN and offer it without pay IF Hasbro/WoTC would see fit to keep this site running again. Due to real life problems I was unable to come here for some time. I see now all that I have missed in my absence and I am truly, truly sorry. Many of the old WiZO's here know of me, know of my love of gaming and know that I would do anything I could to aid this site when asked. I've helped numerous times to alert those working to problems, to CoC breaking, and to activities that were illegal. But it matters little now, and that is what is unfortunate.

I know that Mel and Adele would not allow this to happen on their watch, I know they would not have signed happily away their positions here. But I do hope that they will voice to those above them how badly people seek to keep this site around. This site has saved lives, not figuratively, but litterally. One gamer who I will not name came in distraught some years back, he wrote to me and a few others of his deep sadness of life. We advises him to seek help, to do something before things got worse. He did that and we know those of us who spoke to him that he lived simply because this site was here, he sought a friend, and he found them. To remove this site would ulimately dismantle a comunity that can pick up where they left off after a day or a year of not seeing another member. This site is the only sanctuary some have to escape a horrible home life or a lack of real life friends. This site builds people courage, courage to face what problems they may have when they click off their computer. It allows that man in a wheelchair a chance to walk, the deaf girl to hear again, the sick and weak to BE healthy to BE strong. Some of these people cannot get a real RPG going due to lack of local, so they come here and come to meet some of the finest gamers I have ever had the chance to play with.

My heart simply breaks hearing this, it breaks even more knowing our small area here on the message board will be wiped clean. We will no longer exist in the world that for many of us have played in since it's birth. I can only hope that SOMETHING can and WILL be done to keep this wonderful place where it rightfully deserves to be, and allows those who love it a chance to remain here for as long as THEY wish to stay. Please tell WoTC if money is a problem I am sure all of us would be more then willing to chip in anc collect a years server maintence or fee's they would need. So do let them know that we will do anything to keep from being wiped away and a memory.

I've said my thoughts and I truly hope they are heard



oh gods.. Ethera... you break my heart honey..
I read that and felt your pain and bewilderment all the way over here. Its none of that... I dont want to rehash it here, you can email me kayn@wizo.wizards.com or bearnest@gmail.com or get me on AIM WizO Kayn and we'll talk. *hugshugshugshugs you*

Go over to the UH site...


sign in, read up.. everyone will be there after Monday August 15, Gabriel's made a little chat that's a lot like ichat and people will play there until Unworld begins hosting the whole thing on their site. Adele's with the group..overseeing and advising, Siani and Gabe are Leading, eveyone is pitching in and your help would be appreciated. It's an all volunteer group.

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