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ISRP Chat Moving Off Wizards' Website

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aww stupid fairness...
anyway i didnt expect that it would work anyway but i had to suggest something. has anyone got an actual reason that they are dumping us? or is it all just hearsay?if it is due to cost and everything thats not so bad, but if they are ditching it because people complained about the new software that is just :censored: now, from all ive seen the ISRP rooms have been rather subdued latly which would be good if it were not from people being upset and/or not playing anymore. it kinda depressing really. i hope that the new site will be as good as it was, and i will play where ever it goes unless it gets all shacked out and stops being fun. best wishes to ya all, and there seems to be the faint chance that we will get it back, so all we can do is hope for the best and keep playing.

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Upthread,Amryl says "a couple of questions- first off, is wizards getting rid of all chat? if not the ISRPers could just take over one of the other rooms."

Speaking as the area lead of the RPG Chat area, I would like to say that anyone is welcome to play D&D or any other dice based, rules base role-playing game in our game rooms. We don't only engage in out of character gaming chat. Wizards chat has always had game rooms, even back when it was TSR Online and it was on AOL. However, you would have to have characters with stats, a DM and use dice in any games played in those gaming rooms. Some of the game rooms require advance reservation, and some are for "pick up games", meaning any game that occurs on the spur of the moment. Pick up games still require a dm, character stats and the use of dice, however.

If you have any further questions about the use of gaming rooms, please feel free to email me at ginger@wizo.wizards.com



Denah - When I said that 'further arguments of how this new software is the death of ISRP would only help to concrete the decision made,' I was not stating I agreed with the decision. What I have heard some argue is that ISRP on the Wizards Site, under the new software, would be essentially deserted, which does not encourage a company to continue exploring options and work arounds. I never agreed with that. I have always felt that while the new software may not be as ideal for role-playing as the last, it was workable. I think our numbers would have evened out at a respectable level and perhaps even grown through all the setting changes and new activities we planned to add. Let's face it, people role-play on instant messengers if they have to, especially when it means being part of a community. I saw no reason we couldn't adjust to the benefits of the new software. I also agree role-playing will continue to thrive on other websites. I'll be completely honest, I still don't understand all the reasons behind the decision myself nor why some of them couldn't be worked on. I wish I could understand. I would feel much more at peace if I did. You're right though on one thing. I've been holding onto some hope that there could be a salvaging of this community, if not here then somewhere else, and that maybe in the future we could be a community on the Wizards Website again. But some of the comments I am reading here on this thread have shown me that at least the vocal few who comment here either do not desire that future, or do not care to pursue it. I'm seeing a lot of bridges being burnt, which helped contribute to this mess to begin with. It's a shame when the discussion could be headed in other directions instead.

Amryll - RPG Live and it's related chat will continue to exist, on the new software. However, their gaming area is set aside for dice based gaming with a DM. I do not know the specifics on the new non-Wizards chat. I believe Raven is working out those details now.

Seeing ISRP close is not easy for me. It is the last thing I ever wanted for this area. And if I could change things I would. But I do not have it in my power to force anyone, including the patrons, to act or decide a certain way. I can and will continue to ask everyone to reconsider and behave like adults. It's all I can do. I still believe that there is no such thing as too late. We might not achieve our ideal wish, but we certainly won't be more miserable for it. Our last days here could be full of venom and spite, or camaraderie and enjoyment. It may affect the present and future in ways we cannot anticipate. It's not fair, nor has it ever been, for a vocal group to ruin things for everyone. I resent those who's negative actions had anything at all to do with influencing this decision. It was a very selfish act to behave as you did. Before anyone starts pointing fingers, they should own up to their own part. Those doing the most accusing right now should remember they've tossed a few mud pies themselves along the way which has most certainly not helped build a constructive relationship and encourage a cooperative future. It wouldn't hurt anyone to try and be the bigger person here. The road to cooperation often begins with a few slices of humble pie and a willingness to leave blame and anger behind.



you never know

hey guys you never know this new site might be just as good as what were using now..........i sure hope so at least. i thank everyone for all the fun ive had on ISRP.........thanks Rajak for the interesting situations Amas been in, thanks goes out to Utens, Larok, Valun, Matt Norr, Vapora, Mara, Ice, and Ka'yn youve all been good friends and such to Ama and i sure hope to see all you guys at the new site...........i dont think i couldve hung around as long as i did without you guys because i wouldve got bored out of my mind without all her friends. also thanks goes out to Re'Shak, Defcarr, Anzer Sacril, Milosh, Aelfric, Rucaro, and quite a few that i cant remember at the moment for being enemies to Ama because it kept everything very interesting whenever id come on and at least one of you guys were on to spice things up lol.

so with all that said i hope to see everyone at the new site though i probably wont but hey what can you do?


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WizO_Adele said:
Please note that neither Wizards of the Coast, nor the WizO staff, are not affiliated with the new website. It is an act of courtesy that they have provided this free advertising and transition period to assist the transition of a community and help ISRP regulars locate a new home.

While I wish there was something we could do to change this outcome (and maybe there is some hope in the long term for a role-playing type chat area of Wizards), I really do not believe further hostility is representative of ISRP, nor is it how we should desire to be remembered. It does everyone a great disservice and is rather thankless not only to Wizards, but also to the WizO's, who have long served the community and even now have agreed to stay on to provide you a final month together and an opportunity to wrap up your storylines.

Is there anything we can do to make WotC change its mind?
In the long term, it may be possible to rebuild something of a role-playing related community on Wizards. When, I do not know. What, I do not know. But if there is a true need, and it can fulfill the requirements of a successful area I am sure Wizards will consider it. I have no doubts that we as a community could build something that would satisfy the needs of Wizards while satisfying the needs of the community. We always had the potential, just never much of the drive. Perhaps, we can find that in the wake of this decision and someday create something better for everyone.

Why make us go through the discussions on the settings only to shut the area down?
The decision to close ISRP was recently made in the days after the new chat software open house and announced to the ISRP team (myself included) within the last week. I can assure you we would never have willfully and knowingly engaged in such discussions had we known, nor do I believe it was Wizards intent to let us waste effort.

Will the ISRP boards be shut down?
Yes, after the chat area closes the related ISRP boards will be shut down and then deleted. Once Upon a Time and the other creative boards will be relocated under the RPG Boards team and will continue on. I have requested that Melanie archive the ISRP boards for a short period of a week or two, after the chat and board closing, before a final delete, to provide everyone an opportunity to back up any important threads in their final form. I will keep everyone appraised of Melanie's decision.

Did the patron count thread have anything to do with this?
No, it did not. It was a simple question of my own after auditing the setting votes. I was curious just how many people were actually following the boards, much less were actually in chat. I was hoping to see how many patrons we actually had in ISRP. It was not used to make the decision. On a personal level, I would still like to see how many lives ISRP has touched in it's time here, and for that I'd still like the thread to continue. Please encourage your friends to post on it. But be honest. It's not about jacking up numbers but showing an accurate portrayal.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to me directly I am available at adele@wizo.wizards.com.

None of this is aimed at Adele. I quote her only because she was the [un]fortunate one to post these words.

A few things:

Yes, I suppose Wizards is being kind, of a sort to have even said anything... though to be truthfully honest, they could have not said a word and we'd all still find our way, eventually, to the new site.

As for coming back?

I vote no. Seriously. Why would we want to come back to a site that would only restrict us, and when they get sick of us again, punt us once more? No thank you. They want the sever, then I say sever--and stay that way permanently.

I won't say anymore because frankly, I'd be rude because I'm at the point where I just don't give a darn anymore. But I'll be nice.

As far as not saying anything and it reflecting poorly, all I have to say is this: I feel I would be doing a disservice if I didn't speak my mind. I do my best to not be rude, and I know some rudeness slips in: but I feel it is better to be blatantly (and sometimes rudely) honest than couch my words in cotton and have them possibly be misunderstood. But then I see things a bit differently. I'd rather have a fight with someone and have them be rude to me but honest then try to soften the blow. I see that as the ultimate rudeness.


First Post
Why do I have the strangest feeling that Hasbro has something to do with this? Like they are planning to do to Wizards what they ddi to Avalon Hill after they first bought them out, or had preasure from the religious community to start "toning it down" or something. Eh me being paranoid again.

Yes I do like ISRP even though I havn't been on there for awhile and my characters are more then a bit incompitant. But frankly I just hope where ever they move it to supports a Macintosh OS. Otherwise see ya.

Good luck!


First Post
This is all pretty devestating. How can we praise Wizards when they've just dug the hole and told us to jump in? I mean honestly I could rant and rave, chuck a few tantrums etc but that's as good as jumping straight in. I suppose there is one positive about this change, and that is that now we are more a community than ever. We are feeling the same, and have a similar vision in mind. All in all Wizards, previously at least, hasn't been a particularly bad provider. Lets not loose sight of all the positive times they have provided us with. Still, if they dont want us...well then we'll just have to make do by ourselves. There is not really a chance of going back; as I see it, it's like moving out of home: Once you get into the rhythm of it, there's no way you'd ever move back in with your folks! Fingers crossed the new designated area for ISRP provides a place we'll never want to come back from.



As a former (long time ago) FFRP'er, current Live!er I think its a shame to see ISRP going.

I would encourage those that are dealing with the new chat software to ensure that the settings not only it fits the needs of the current community, but look to make it accessible to newcomers. If it is going to survive, then fresh members will be needed.

Once a chat room has been set up if someone can PM me the URL I will pass it on to anyone who asks after it in RPG Live!




An offer.....

I have little to say to the effect of what is happening, other then this...

I operate an FTP server, a palace Server, and an online storage server.

IF the wizOs that are attempting to take over the ISRP chat, need server space, or any assistance.

I will happily DONATE server space to the order of 10GB for nothing, as long as the chat can stay active.

you are welcome to e-mail me or message me if interested.

MSN: charmmingfatora@hotmail.com



Of course, orcy!

And Thanks Fatora. I'm not involvd much in the tech side (I'd be hopeless lol) so I can't speak for them. The continuation of ISRP is being discussed on the Unlikely Heroes Forums which Nevine mentioned earlier. Those boards are not WotC however. They require separate registration.

Slyen, I'm sure our current techs have differences in systems in mind. ;)

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