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ISRP Member Character Description Directory

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Please feel free to post your character descriptions and character pictures here. You may then link the post link in the new chat software.

To link your description:

Post your description to this thread.
Right Click on the # of your post and open in a new window.
A new window should open with just your post.
Copy this link.
Place this link in your chat profile.

More instructions to come soon...

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First Post
Kovoo said:
how do you link them
This is for use with the NEW chat software, the one does NOT contain the "/describe edit" or "/look at" features. The current version of chat is supposed to go away sometime this summer. The new version has a very small description field in the "user profile" so for those who want a description longer than 100 characters you'll need to put in a link (a URL, a web address) to your description instead. You can make the link be either to a post in this thread or to your own website.

Links to the new chat and a link to the user guide are available here:

When you go into the new chat, click on your name to bring up your profile and insert the link to your description. You must put it in your "Home Page" field, since the description field can't be clicked on and can't be copied to paste into a browser. You must type it in by hand, since you can't paste into these fields. And leave off the "&postcount=#" from the end.

Opening post in new window gives the URL:
I then type into "Home Page" field:
Clicking on user's "Home Page" button:
brings up a new browser window with my description post

To keep this thread on topic (character descriptions and pictures only), please don't ask further questions here but open a new thread.


First Post
Trelian's description

(picture will come sometime :) )

Your eyes are drawn to the pleasant smile and warm brown eyes before noticing the rest: a human of medium height and build, no more than thirty years of age, with short dark hair more curled than straight, light brown skin, high cheekbones, and a way of moving that suggests familiarity with weapons other than the two daggers currently carried. A heavy black cloak covers much of the gold-trimmed dark red tunic, the wide leather belt holds a number of pouches as well as the daggers, and brown pants tucked into darker brown boots complete the outfit. There’s an amulet of the marshals of Juxta (scales in perfect balance) worn around the neck and several rings on each hand, though only the gold one on the right index finger bears a gemstone, in red. The voice is as pleasant as the smile and in a mid-range hard to place between male and female.


First Post

(Once commonly known as Ariel_Nightshade)
Once golden hair faded mostly to soft grey-silver, falls to her waist and beyond. Wisps escape the hood of a dark cloak that hides deeply set eyes, faded to a sullen grey with sadness. Her lips almost match her pale face in colour, curved in a thin line. Pointed ears protrude from her hair when the hood of her cloak is removed. The robe shifts around her when she moves, covering worn brown breeches and shirt that hang loosely on her waif like body. On her waist hangs a single pouch, followed by an aged sword that barely shines and a simple looking flask. Old boots cover her feet, the soles well worn. Perhaps you glimpse a ring on her right hand with a black stone; while on the left hand a simple band of silver circles the base of her ring finger, very plain and unadorned. Her shoulders slump somewhat, as if the weight of the empty looking pack on her back were more than it seems.

With silent strides she wanders, her gait revealing the patience born to the elves, slow and sturdy. Beyond her simple steps lies a methodical approach, a suggestion of strength hidden beyond even the most prying eyes; its hints found only in the quiet edges of her voice. Her eyes form a glaze of respect, as if she sees in everyone something of interest, some special quality, be it good or bad. They appear to glow in some lights, a cool grey inner fire which she usually keeps dim unless prowling at night. New to her attire is a shoulder cloak, under her usual cape made of a fine but matte grey fur, clasped in the middle just below her neck by a river stone, hollowed naturally in the center.



The half-Qualinesti wears her red hair long, plaited back into a thick braid, leaving her slightly pointed ears exposed. Sparkle and joy have returned to her green eyes, the ready smile returned. She dresses in clothes suited to work or travel, including boots and a gray-green cloak with Krynnish embroidery. A star-shaped pendant is among the jewelry she wears, with a glowing stone at its heart. More freckles are visible on her fair skin, evidence that she's gotten a touch more sun than she had during the colder months of the year.



Kovoos'[ decription

Before you stands a man of 6'6 and very muscular. You will always see him wearing a fire colored robe and carrying his trusty typhon with the enchantments of fire, divine power, and lightning. The other weapons he carries are a belt of daggers and a willow bow with the quiver built in. He is a psionic proclomancer with the knowlage of many spells and other magics. He is 27 and is employed as a paliden. On the days hes not working he owns a shop in the emporium. His eyes are blue and his hair is jet black except when he goes into a trance called the " Proc Attack Mode" And his eyes turn red with flames as pupils, his hair turns a fire color and his body is engulfed in flames that act as a sheild. For his abilites he has a wide range that are consisted of: summoning, teleportation, invisiblily, true sight, dead aim, advanced psionics, manipulation and emune to poisons and fire. Althogh he has a, some would say, demonic nature, he is actully a kind and nice person.



This drow stands of average height for an elf, his short-cropped white hair sometimes covered by a bandana, his dark visage clearly visible to all. His voice is quiet more often than not, and has a melodious quality, even when he is not singing. His clothing is largely unremarkable -- the usual garb of a traveler: pants, a shirt, vest, and a belt with assorted pouches, although it is not uncommon to see a knitted scarf in evergreen draped loosely around his neck, or fingerless gloves sheathing his hands. Around his neck on a mithral chain hangs something, commonly hidden beneath his shirt. On the ring finger of his right hand rests a heavy signet ring, on his left, a simple mithral band.
He is usually not without an instrument on his person, either carrying his guitar case or with a flute secreted away someplace on his person. The only visible weapon he carries is a well-made sword that hangs from his right hip. The smell of tobacco is faint about him, but still evident to those who come near.




Wrapped in a cloak of finely woven wool towers a woman with eyes the color of quicksliver, eyes that seem perhaps a little sad, as if she's suffered a great deal through the years of her life. A bandana covers her short-cropped hair, which matches her eyes in color. Her slender build and an almost sickly pallor seem strange for some reason....is that perhaps a hint of a silver cast to her pale flesh? It's hard to tell, sometimes, except for when the light hits just right. Thin leather gloves that fit almost like a second skin protect long-fingered hands. Her clothing beneath the cloak seem to be simple, utilitarian -- a leather vest, heavy pants, and a close-fitting shirt. Little else is remarkable about this young woman, but for ears not quite pointed enough to be of an elf, perhaps of the child of an elf and a human...



"Waara" Eligre Ai'loki, description.

At a glance, you perceive an extremely young female elf of the forests, no more than 180 years old, with bronze coloured scale wings of a dragon. She seems to be about 5'2", but it is hard to tell, as she sits huddled in a corner of the building. Her rags and skin are terribly travel stained, to the point that it is impossible to tell her natural skin pigmint from the sandy dust. Long hair the colour of fresh soil reaches her waistline, and shows many signs of disrepair and tangles, as well and much sand from the trails and her trials. You come to realise this elf is often sitting in corners of taverns. The young maiden has the look of a beggar, someone below society’s ranks. She shows signs of starvation and loneliness, and looks enviously at the other patrons.

Many have puzzled over Eligre’s existence, as the Synvanesti often take care of their own. Her eyes continuously flit around the room, watching nothing and everything at once. She flinches as a patron walks by her in the room, further recoiling into the shadows. Her tarnished bronze coloured wings occasionally involuntarily twitch forward to cover herself, as an armour versus whoever, or whatever, had wronged her. Her arm quickly shoots out, and picks out a small crust of bread that fell from the nearby table, and then retreats to her corner, half shrouded in darkness, seemingly frightened of retribution for such an act. As she calms, she sees you, and hides her face within her knees and wings, shakily humming a calming tune.

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