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It usually starts with a dinner party


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Game here= http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=155507

Shorah Enworld, new poster here; and I've got a few ideas of a game I'd like to run in a cross setting campaign (startng out in Ebberon).
The game itself will be intrigue and exploration heavy, with your run of the mill climactic battles ending every chapter. Make no mistake, this is an ambitious cross setting game that I'd like to eventually take into the high teen levels, if not higher.

-Ghestalt 8th level

-38 Point buy, HD= 3/4 hp roll

-36,000 starting gold

-6 Players

-Templates or HD apply to only 1/2 an of a Ghestalts two class mix, but cost an additional +1 for every two points of ecl ((Thusly a 1 stays the same, 2 becomes 3, 3 becomes 4, 4 becomes 6, etc))

-Incantations, Reputation, Honor, and Taint (all from Uneartherd Arcana) are included rules sets

-a player selecting the fighter class may choose between either a d12 hd or 4 skill points+int modifier per level and two additional class skills, with the removal of heavy armor profciency

-Most of the time players are required to post at least once a week, in situations of high stress (combat, crossing a burning bridge, audience with a particularly important NPC) the requirment becomes once at least every other day until the situation is finished. First offense will be ignored, second and your character will be NPC'ed until you return, third time is a removal from the game. (I've watched too many games die out because one or two posters simply stoped) If you go on a trip or your computer becomes unavailable or you simply run out of inspiration (this happens) and are unable to post in the given time please see arrangements with me or a someone else to run your character until you can return.

-All materials are allowed after a review. I'm pretty open to most ideas and materials (including 3rd party sources) but if I decide an item, feat, mechnic, PrsClass etc is out of whack or game breaking then I'll ban it.

Player List-

JimAde- Caspar Hauser- Human Sorceror8-Fighter 8
Steve Gorak- Kalandar the Enlightened- Human Monk8-Psion 8
Icycool- Oskar Mroranon- Dwarf Wizard 5/Runesmith 2/Cataclysm Mage-Cleric 5/Divine Oracle 3
JonnyFive- ao3x3- Warforged Monk8-Fighter8
Shaggy Spellsword- Gavin D'Orien- Male human Paragon 1/Fighter3/Orien Heir4-Wizard 8
Dracomeander- Korantash- Kalshatar Urban Ranger8/psion (nomad)8

Undecided and/or Alternates-

obi459- Ratcatcher- Human ranger/fighter/bounty hunter/rouge
Erudite- Ral Irothu-Human Archivist 8-Ranger 1/Artificer 7
Lastly, this game will be in my version of these worlds, which may or may not conflict with what is published. If you prefer to stick to published canon you might want to consider staying out of this Campaign.

I'll post more on the game later, but for now I'd like to hear from potential players, what you enjoy about D&D games and what you'd like to see once we get the ball rolling on this.
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This sounds like a game with potintial, but I suspect the listed posting frequency could be a turn-off. Most folks like near daily posting.


First Post
Gosh, sounds great! I'd go with an (Changeling or Human ) Archivist (Heroes of Horror)/Artificer build.

Ral Irothu stumbled as he climbed across the huge rock. Once, it had been part of the roof of this temple, but some disaster or war long ago had turned this place of worship into one big wreck. He scrambed up and over the carved piece of ceiling and approached the altar. His companions, old associates of his from Morgrave University, had for the moment disappeared, but he was unconcerned. They were all quite capable, and spread out to help him search.

Fortunately, the ancient clerics of this temple had done a good job of protecting their altar: when the roof had collapesed, they had managed, through some long-lost magic, to protect the altar from damage. Ral was here to obtain that knowledge, and as he absently stroked his darkish blond hair, he spied what he had came for: a large book on the altartop carved with Lillends, glimmering with magic.

Carefully making his way up the stairs of the dais, Ral approached the altar cautiously. Who knew what ancient curses protected this holy place from non-believers like himself? But the runes stayed dark, and allowing himself a smile, he scampered to the other side of the altar and carefully opened the book.

He frowned as he flipped through the pages of fading ink and yellowing parchment. The spell he was looking for wasn't there. But as he began to turn back the way he came, a passage caught his eye. Ral set his glasses on his nose and read:

"And lo, for as soon as Kynthi had spoken the Holy Words and offered his hands in benediction to the Silver Flame, the afflicted townspeople were freed from the grips of the medusa's stony gaze. And the town rejoiced, and offered many wheat portions to the Flame in thanks."

Ral flipped back a few pages. Once he had found the words and motions, he took out a dog-eared prayerbook filled with blank pages. Carefully, he copied every word into his book, then smiled. Even though he hadn't gotten the protection spell he had hoped for, he'd found an easier and faster way of lifting curses on creatures. Besides, this would allow him an additional opportunity to earn admiration back at the University.

A seeker of knowledge, he is constantly trying to understand the dark dangers surrounding the people of Khorvaire, dangers he believes were far better understood by the ancient peoples of the past. The giants of Xen'drik, the dragons, even the hobgoblins, all posses secrets neccessary to preserving civilization as he knows it. Toward that understanding, he haunts mouldering libraries, risks his life hacking his way through steaming jungles to search time-haunted ruins, and takes apart cursed artifacts to learn awful secrets. All of this he is certain will be needed to avert some awful catastrophe, he is certain. If only he could convince others...

Ral Irothu holds the extremely important position of Curator of Antiquities at Morgrave University, and works closely with acquaintences who have frequently proven resourceful in his travels around the world. While influential at the University, he had to constantly fight the negative perceptions of the other great centers of learning in Khorvaire, who respected him personally, but could not accept his theories due to his affiliations. He continues his quests for knowledge anyway, certain that digging up sufficient truths will convince his brothers and sisters in academia.

Unlike many academics, Ral is rugged and sturdy, with a practical nature that comes from being in the field frequently. He is young for his relative position, being only 35. He has a passionate crush on Ziv, the General Studies Chair of Metamagical Physics.

All sources can be provided to the DM upon request.
Archivist (from Heroes of Horror) can also be found at: http://wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20051007a&page=3

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First Post
Erudite said:
Gosh, sounds great! Let me think of something appropriate. Probably something along the lines of a Chameleon (Races of Destiny) build. I should have something up by tonight.

Any idea of where the game will start, or how the characters will know each other? This will influence to some degree my choice of character, background, and flavor.


I've got RoD but I'm not sure how well the Chamealon is going to balance out with the ghestalt setup, so I'm going to have to look over this afternoon and give you an awnser by this evening.

The game will start Mid to early November, so we've got plenty of time to work on character concept, history, and connections between characters.

As for histories I want you all to pick people with influence, you're powerful people in the setting not only level wise but influence wise as well. This doesn't neccessarily mean a noble or some high-up in the Dragon-marked house, but these are options.

Characters should be members of the Wayfinders, Acquisition Directorate, or a similar orginization if your character isn't familiar with the 5 nations. If you (or anyone else playing) isn't familair with the Eberron setting you can PM me for more info on what's avaialable and preferred.

I'd prefer to have characters with a history together but maintain a cultural diversity within the party, so we'll see how close to that we can come.

Well done backstories or histories that provide plenty of plot-hooks will cause your character to start with more action points...mostly because these make my job easier :heh:
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First Post
obi459 said:
The game sounds good.I will post my character later, but I think I would like to play an elf clerc/rogue.

Glad to have you aboard, but I'm looking for a concept first, class and game statistics can come later. (we've got plenty of time before the game actually gets going)


First Post
I'm interested but I don't own any Eberron stuff. Is that OK?

I can do daily posting frequency, except on week-ends (no internet link at home until the construction is all done).

I'll probably go with a melee combatant of some kind. Does your fighter mod mean +4 skill points (for 6+int modifier per level) or 4+int modifier per level. Either way is fine, but I just want to be clear.

Since it's Gestalt maybe I'll do a Fighter-Sorcerer.

Steve Gorak

Masleh said:
I've got RoD but I'm not sure how well the Chamealon is going to balance out with the ghestalt setup, so I'm going to have to look over this afternoon and give you an awnser by this evening.

The game will start Mid to early November, so we've got plenty of time to work on character concept, history, and connections between characters.

As for histories I want you all to pick people with influence, you're powerful people in the setting not only level wise but influence wise as well. This doesn't neccessarily mean a noble or some high-up in the Dragon-marked house, but these are options.

Characters should be members of the Wayfinders, Acquisition Directorate, or a similar orginization if your character isn't familiar with the 5 nations. If you (or anyone else playing) isn't familair with the Eberron setting you can PM me for more info on what's avaialable and preferred.

I'd prefer to have characters with a history together but maintain a cultural diversity within the party, so we'll see how close to that we can come.

Well done backstories or histories that provide plenty of plot-hooks will cause your character to start with more action points...mostly because these make my job easier :heh:

I'm definitely interested!
Would you accept a Human barbarian/warrior-warlock build?



First Post
Steve Gorak said:
I'm definitely interested!
Would you accept a Human barbarian/warrior-warlock build?


Warlock's probably fine, but I'm going to need to know how your character gained the class in the first place.

--additional note-- someone willing to play a Cataclysym mage (Explorers Handbook) is almost garunteed a spot

Voidrunner's Codex

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