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Item Creation


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Hey there, I very much dislike the third edition item creation rules, simple craft isnt so bad, but magical item creation really bothers me

I know its for a balance issue, but does anyone out there really actually do it? i know the players in my group all detest it, in the time it takes to make, with the cost and experience required, usually your better off just spending that time adventuring.

So i know some people are going to like it, and you are entitled to that opinon, im not gonna argue that its bad or good, i just wanted to know if there are people who share my view, and have created house rules as a fix, or use some sorta optional rule, and i'd like to know what they are and how you think they work?


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Craft points system still cost experience, it just reduces time, and i dont get the reasoning behind only a certain amount per level, i mean i get thie reasoning, but...if you just craft, thats all you do, you eventually run out of craft points at your level...anyways

thanks its close, but not quite what im looking for


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In our game yes to all the above time, money and xp all take a bit of a hit, our DM usually has us very mindful of the time, when we hear of an army mustering, its not like we can take the next few weeks crafting magic items and then still hear of the army mustering.

No if we want to take those weeks crafting its comes of no surprise to next hear that, the army is marching and headed towards what ever city we're in. Luckly we're not really expected to take on the army by ourselves we usually have other goals to achieve then we might see if we can nibble at the army a little.

However there are times like after this army is defeated we might have more relaxation time to do all the crafting we need/want


I have problems with the item creation rules, but it has nothing to do with the time it takes to make magical items. Making powerful magic items SHOULD take a lot of time, otherwise, your PCs can just pop out the exact staff they need at a moment's notice. However, if you do dislike the time it takes to make items, perhaps craft points are for you. Check it out. You can find the system in Unearthed Arcana. Essentially, you can a number of points each time you level up equal to 100 x your current level and you can use these points to make magical items. XP and GP requirements are the same, but by spending craft points, you can have the item made within the next day. The assumption is that your character has been working on the item all along in his spare time, you just did not specify it, much like leveling up works in many campaigns.

As for my house rules, I have been using a skill-based system for scrolls and potions for a while and I recently expanded it to include all magic items. However, you must bear in mind that this system is also under the caveat that no character is ever allowed to have a higher base ability score than 18 except under rare circumstances (or powerful magic, such as a wish spell). If you want to use these rules in a more typical D&D campaign, I suggest raising the DCs for more powerful items a notch.

Potions require the Alchemy skill, scrolls require the Spellcraft skill, and all other items require the Artifice skill. The Craft DC for potions and scrolls is 25 + spell level. This makes creation of these items POSSIBLE for lower-level characters (even 1st level characters), but it does not become easy until they are higher level. Crafting time is one day for a potion and one day x spell level for a scroll. My rules for other items are still in experimental stages, but I have two methods worked out. Under both systems, Wands are caster level 25 + spell level and staffs are 30 + caster level. For other items, one system involves using the caster levels listed for each magic item as part of the DC. Rods, Rings, and Wondrous items are DC 20 + caster level. In the other system, market price is the basis for DC. The DC of rings and rods is 30 + 1 per 20,000 gp cost. The DC of wondrous items is 25 + 1 per 20,000 gp cost. In both cases, checks are made by the day, with the result times the DC equaling the amount in gp finished. If that equals or exceeds the cost of the item, then the item is done, otherwise, it represents the fraction of the item completed. Failing by 5 or more results in ruining half the raw materials. There is no XP cost for either system.


Have you heard about the levin rules in Green Ronin's Advanced Gamemaster's Guide? They intruduce a mechanic for characters to harvest a magical substance from the carcasses of supernatural creatures that can be used to replace the XP costs in magic item creation. Essentially, it lets the DM give out potential magic items as treasure, instead of actual magic items the PCs may or may not not be interested in.


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Check this out. It's a variant crafting system I'm working on; it kind of slid down the page because I got sidetracked with a semi-related project, but I'm going to start working on this thing again and hopefully finish it up soon.

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