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It's 3:30 AM and I'm sleep-deprived. I made a Druidic Circle that lets characters turn into animated objects. TRANSFORM AND ROLL OUT!


First Post
So yeah, just wanted to get some feedback on this nightmare-fuelled mess.

Also, have a bonus clip of the Turbo-Teen opening song. It's related, trust me.

Circle of Machination

To say that members of the Circle of Machination are unusual for druids would be a vast understatement. Unlike the majority of druidic circles, who at best are merely tolerant of civilization, the Circle of Machination views civilization - and specifically the technology that springs from it - as another aspect of "survival of the fittest". Machination druids live in cities, promoting justice and balance from behind the scenes, ensuring that over-foresting and over-hunting do not occur in order to provide future generations with enough resources to thrive.
In addition to the basic wild shapes of all druids, Machination druids can transform themselves into common crafted items. In order to maintain a low profile, they often transform into objects that most people would not think twice if they saw them moving about the city. Wagons, chariots, and carts are all commonly used forms; druids that work in water-based settlements might also take on the appearance of boats or rafts.

Object Forms
The traditions of your circle grant you the ability to transform into animated versions of common technological works. Starting at 2nd level, you can use your wild shape to transform into an animated object of medium size or smaller. All animated objects have a Constitution score of 10; otherwise, the statistics of the object depend upon its size:

SizeHPACAttack BonusDamageStrDexCR
All animated objects can make slam melee attacks that deal bludgeoning damage. The DM might rule that your particular form deals another type of damage instead (for example, an animated knife might deal slashing damage). Your movement speed is 30 feet while transformed. If your form has no obvious means of locomotion, you hover up to five feet above the ground when moving.
While transformed into an object, you are indistinguishable from an ordinary version of that object, as long as you remain stationary. If an unattended object would move without attracting attention, you may move in that fashion - for example, you could transform into a cart and have a horse (or an illusion of a horse) hitched to the front, and thus move through city streets without seeming suspicious.
At 6th level, you can tranform into a large object. At 12th level, you can transform into a huge object.

Superior Construction
At 6th, 12th, and 18th level, the hit point maximums of all your animated forms each increase by 10, and you roll one additional damage die when you hit with their attack. This feature applies even to forms you did not have at those respective levels. For example, if you are at 13th level and you turn into a ship (a huge object), your hit point maximum is 100 and you deal 4d12 + 4 damage when you hit with your slam attack.

We Have the Technology
Starting at 6th level, your understanding and belief in your animated form's own inner workings is such that your attacks have innate power. Your slam attacks in object form count as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage, and your movement speed increases to 45 feet when you take the form of a land vehicle. If you turn into a water vehicle, you instead have a movement speed of 0 feet and a swim speed of 45 feet.

Monument Form
At 10th level, you tap into the underlying power of statues and monuments. Your own features become more sculpted, heroic, and - wait for it -statuesque. When you transform into an animated object, you can instead chose to transform into a perfectly sculpted statue of any beast or humanoid with a challenge rating lower than your druid level divided by four. Your stats change according to the guidelines outlined in the Wild Shape class feature, except that your armor class can never be lower than 16 while in your monument form.
If you choose to transform into a humanoid, you cannot choose a humanoid that has the the Spellcasting or Innate Spellcasting traits. You can use any non-magical arms and armor included the stat block, but cannot take them with you when you transform back to your normal form, as they are considered part of the statue.

The Omnispark
At 14th level, you can cast animate objects at the lowest spell level once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest to regain the use of this feature.
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