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Its a Small World is going to be CLOSED!


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Relique du Madde said:
Disneyland is closing It's a small World. Well.. not really. Apparently, Americans are getting so fat that the boats on It's a Small World routinely hit bottom (and become lodged in place) AND are becoming too fat to fit in the boats that Disney decided that it was time to remodel the ride.

When the ride reopens late next year, expect a wider/longer boat and a deeper trench to play havoc with those who decide to jump ship halfway through the ride's torturous song.

This means they'll finally collect over 30 years of coins tossed in the waters?

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Staff member
Worse, the FAA is going to have to start weighing people before you get on a plane.

Actually, in the early days of flight, that was the norm.

us americans need to lose some damn weight, never really realized how fat we were until I started living in other countries, it was rare to see a fat korean kid where i lived, but now its just about the opposite in the US.

Every time I leave the country for a week or more, I lose at least 10lbs. Why? Because in most of the world, you have to do more walking than you do here in America.

When I visited Russia in 2005, most buildings I visited- even modern ones- did not have passenger elevators. All of them were reserved for freight only. Thus, if your office was on the 5th floor, you walked up those stairs in the morning and after your lunch break every day.

Even in Western Europe, where cars are almost as plentiful as they are here, not every building has its own parking lot. As a consequence of keeping their "Old World" architecture intact, parking lots are often blocks away from the buildings they serve.

Many cities outside the USA even have major thoroughfares that are not even car-accessible. You either walk or ride a bike. For the record, you're starting to see more American cities renovate their downtowns in ways that mimic those of foreign cities...IOW, more bike and pedestrian friendly.

... land-whales ...

... Porkers ...
Please don't call people/groups insulting names on these boards. This goes for everyone, of course. Thanks.

At 5'7", 250lbs, I am a Fatican American. I admit this.


Aurora said:
The "It's a small world" ride is air conditioned though, right? We had a Smurfs ride that was similar at King's Island for years. It was a wonderful break from the summer heat despite the annoying music.
The Smurf ride was an even more annoying Hanna Barbera boat ride first. Then it became a generic haunted house, and is now a Scooby Doo haunted house. Still a good summer ride for the AC, but you can always go to the Fest Haus to cool off.

Darth K'Trava

First Post
Relique du Madde said:
If you think about it, Disney SHOULd do what I suggested considering that they threw McDonalds under the bus last year for "supporting an unhealthy life style that leads to childhood obesity." Their current stance just seems to be a PC way of back peddling and and a way of ignoring their commitment to fight child hood obesity.

Now if only Disney had the balls to stand as firm on this issue as they are on the issue of having low income housing within 2 miles of their Anaheim park

But yet they still have a McDonald's on Disney World property..... It was right up the road from the resort I stayed in this year.

I've seen way too many fat kids recently. Someone said that one girl was a "big girl". My opinion: TOO BIG. She probably weighed about as much as a kid twice her age.... and those kids who can't tie their shoes because they're too damn fat.

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