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It's FREE RPG DAY, So Head To Your Local Game Store Today!

Today is Free RPG Day! Free RPG Day was created in 2007, and enables gamers to play and pick up free tabletop roleplaying games at local game stores from publishers such as Paizo, Atlas Games, Steve Jackson Games, Goodman Games, Monte Cook Games, and more! want to find a participating retailer near you? Use this handy tool here!

Today is Free RPG Day! Free RPG Day was created in 2007, and enables gamers to play and pick up free tabletop roleplaying games at local game stores from publishers such as Paizo, Atlas Games, Steve Jackson Games, Goodman Games, Monte Cook Games, and more! want to find a participating retailer near you? Use this handy tool here!


The list of participating publishers is:

  • Atlas Games
  • Paizo Publishing
  • Q-Workshop
  • Steve Jackson Games
  • Flying Buffalo
  • Goodman Games
  • Monte Cook Games
  • Renegade Game Studios
  • Chaosium
  • Chessex
  • Lamentations of the Flame Princess
  • Ulisses Spiele
  • Pelgrane Press
  • Troll Lord Games
  • Word Miniatures
  • Off World Designs
  • Studio9 Publishing
  • UltraPro

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I'm with TrippyHippy on this one: the potential for marketing is there, the potential to drive sales is there, but for reasons unknown it doesn't happen. In my local town the FLGS does not participate anymore, seeing it as not worth it (I assume they know their market better than I do). A brand new store has popped up in recent months which actually did participate, with a much better response/turnout. Meanwhile, there are a lot of local comic shops and they all participate in the equivalent Free Comic Book Day event, which generates a massive amount of turnout for the local shops who make very big deals out of these events. They clearly drive sales for the comic shops, and the new game store seems to understand this potential, too.....but this is a brand new phenomenon to see happening in my town (an FLGS actually doing the free game day thing).

I GMed a Fate Accelerated game to a table full of people at the local store for Free RPG Day, and there were six other games going on over the course of the day. As a GM, I got a free Free RPG Day shirt and pick of stuff that was reserved for the GMs. I got to see a couple of my friends that I only get to see at conventions and events, now that we're all busy grown ups. I picked up a copy of the Fate Horror Toolkit. Over all, it was a good time.


The EN World kitten
No store in my town was participating, so a friend and I drove to the next town over to find a store that was.

The store itself was only two years old, and this was their first year doing Free RPG Day. I have to say though, the lady running the event was extremely nice; she said we could take three books per person, and was very cool with my friend taking two extra items on top of that (one each for two of our friends who couldn't make it). He didn't buy anything (which ticked me off a bit), but I made sure to pick up two hardcovers that I'd been wanting for a little while (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes and Into the Borderlands) to show my support (and, of course, mentioned that Free RPG Day was what brought us there).


I've been taking my kids to Free Comic Book Days for years. I always make it a point to buy a couple of items to show my support for the store. The owner also usually invites a local comic book artist or two to set up a table to meet fans & sell their books. One year they were doing a Marvel Heroclix demo, and my daughter won a handful of Heroclix figures. Done correctly, such events can drive lots of traffic to your store.

Unfortunately, none of the local game stores participate in Free RPG Day (as far as I know). Too bad; we'd love to through some extra support their way...



To be fair, the store Bill cites is breaking the rules. The Free RPG Day organizers stipulate that you have to give the items away, free, on request, (although you can limit how many any customer may take, even to just one). Putting conditions on it breaks both the spirit and the letter of the Free RPG Day rules.


My local game store was all set to have a big event on Free RPG Day, they had advertised on Facebook and their website and had significant interest. I went in on the Friday to pick up the 5e adventure to run it on the Saturday only to be told that it wasn't going to happen. Their shipment had arrived from the distributor and the Free RPG Day kit wasn't included. The owner rang the distributor and was told that they (the distributor) had been short-shipped so he (the owner) missed out. Apparently he was one of the "lucky" two to miss out on the kit. And the distributor didn't bother to inform him, they just waited for him to ring to find out what was going on.

Tony Oseland

First Post
Myself, I have the great pleasure of living over an hour away from any game store where they might have participated. No sympathy from anywhere when I asked about what WE are supposed to do on FRPGD, so I have given up on this as a lost project. I'm glad those living in urban and suburban environments were allowed to participate, but shouldn't there be a way the rest of us could pay the postage and get a broad selection of the free materials?


Not all but some of the companies make their Free RPG Day material available as a free pdf to download, so you should be able to pick some of it up that way.

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