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I've gone insane and might want to start publishing D&D stuff...


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Yeah, I know, me and every other D&D player out there. Like I said, I've gone insane. Please refer to the preceeding sentence frequently while reading this post.

This is my idea. I solicit adventures from D&D fans. Maps, encounters, text, everything. I weed through submissions. I pick 50 (or 30, or 20, or 100) pages worth of adventures and put them in a magazine. E-magazine, probably, since I spent the last 4 years of my life making PDFs for work, plus equipment for professional magazine printing costs too much. Everybody who gets their adventure published gets a shiny $20 bill, with the hope to eventually be able to reward more.

Content of magazine: Full adventures (what used to be called "modules") only. No reviews, editorials, or articles. Pure, ready-to-use adventures.

Whaddo I do once I laboriously put together a magazine? Why, I sell it for a quarter a pop. 10 cents an issue if you subscribe for a full year (that's a whole $1.20!). I plan for it to be free eventually, with permission to freely distruibute as long as it's distributed in its entirety.

How do I pay for it? The first dozen issues are a labor of love. Probably I can't even afford to promise the contributers the $20 bill mentioned above, just the noteriety of their name in print. After I establish a solid customer base of, say, a hundred people willing to spend their quarters every month for the magazine ($25/month! WooHoo!), I start to contact advertisers and offer them super-cheap ad space for a full year. Ads appear in the magazine in sidebars or pages in the back/front, but are not distracting or obtrusive.

This is the time where the magazine either takes off or bombs (probably bombs). Either readership goes up and I can ask the advertisers for more money, or nobody's willing to pay a quarter for an issue and, well, the preceeding fails to happen.

Ultimate goal: 50 pages of content, X pages of ads, free to download/distribute. Accepted submissions pay $20-$100 based on length of work. All published works are quality submissions and adaptable to any campaign. OGL compliant.

Why do I think I can do this? I am well aware of the time it takes to put together a quality PDF. As I said, I've done it for 4 years to earn my bread. I'm getting my English degree this winter and I work as a technical editor, so I'm at least certain the language and editing will be good. I know how to use graphics programs to create quality D&D maps. I love to do D&D things and spend practically all my free time on it anyway, so I might as well do something for the community that has a slim chance of making me money.

So whaddya think? I'm crazy, right?

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No Merak. It is the path to madness!!!!

Esp for adventures. With Dungeon Magazine around, there's more than enough adventures for most DMs.

And labor of loves look REALLY tiring if you're just spent your 100th hour working on it..


Baraendur said:
Direkobold.com is doing something not entirely dissimilar.
As a current subscriber to Direkobold.com I can tell you they are not, or at least have not for the last couple of months - they seem to have really lost their steam.

Merak - I say go for it. I would be happy to contribute and subscribe!


First Post
Krug said:
Esp for adventures. With Dungeon Magazine around, there's more than enough adventures for most DMs.
Thankfully, I'm not "most DMs". With my busy life and career, I can always use more adventures.

I personally think you're out of your mind, Merak, but I'm intrigued. While price/cost has never been an issue for me - *how* to pay is. I don't do paypal, for example. I'm also curious about maps - this is one of (if not the) most important things when I buy adventures... but it is one of the hardest things to do.

Anyways - I think you're nuts, but I'm interested!
pogre said:
As a current subscriber to Direkobold.com I can tell you they are not, or at least have not for the last couple of months - they seem to have really lost their steam.
What does this mean? I'm hate pdfs, but I like adventures, and I have been humming and hawing over Direkobold.com for a while. "Lost their steam"?


First Post
Hmmm... one warning, one neutral comment, and two potential subscribers!
edit: Another comment while typing, which I'll consider a third potential subscriber!

I'm still thinking about it.... If I do decide to do it, I'll have to make sure all my software works like I think it does, make sure it's I have the proper licenses for it all before I start using 'em for business, and put together a few "practice" adventures to make sure I actually know what I'm doing. I also gotta convince my wife that it's something not to give me too much grief over, etc...
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Red Baron

First Post
I think you're insane to do it for $0.25/issue. Anybody willing to pay that will also pay $2.00 an issue, if your submissions are actually quality. And that's really the hitcher right there -- not too many people are going to submit quality material for $20 total! If you somehow manage to get a few good ones, then you're laughing.

But Merak, the idea is stupendous, and I'd certainly subscribe. I have a million adventures, but the more I have, the more likely it is I'll find one I can actually use...


Edit: Ouch. Just read that last point: That's your final arbiter right there...
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arnwyn said:
What does this mean? I'm hate pdfs, but I like adventures, and I have been humming and hawing over Direkobold.com for a while. "Lost their steam"?

Check out how many adventures they have put out in the last three months or so. I believe the correct answer is 1. They have promised to get back on track and I sure hope they do, but you might hold off until they get going again - or don't.

edit: Just checked in at direkobold. Ross has just posted where he thinks the service is going. Check it out. This may serve as a warning for you as well Merak ;)
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