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I've got a problem in my game! Help!

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
It sounds like you are a close friend to this player. In which case I'd have another talk with him. Though I'm not sure that's correct with the "tell one player to tell another". This is a game, it's supposed to be about fun. If what he did makes you not have fun, that's not cool.

One thing you might want to think about if you keep him is make some subtle changes such that if he acts on stuff he "knows", then it screws him and the party.


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theredrobedwizard said:
To play Devil's Advocate, that's a hard thing to avoid. It's like telling a child "Don't ever, *EVER*, push the button on the wall." It's temptation incarnate. Just because he gave in doesn't make him a villain (as it seems he is being made out). Maybe you expect too much out of a lurker.

Knowing that the player mentioned frequents the forums, I'd say it wasn't the brightest idea to ask about it here. There are other RPG related forums, and most likely, your player doesn't frequent all of them. Not trying to make you the bad guy in this, either.

How is this situation any different than playing a PC in a module that you've ran before? Heck, I ran B2 KotBL at least 5 times in high school; I've played in it several times after with different groups. I don't act on information gleaned from running the module, and if your player is saying the same thing, then give him the benefit of the doubt (unless this is a recurring theme, in which case, the last sentence of the next paragraph is important).

Look, bottom line is, forgiveness and friendship are more important than being in the right. Give the kid another chance. If it becomes a habitual thing (reading the modules while playing in them and acting on information gleaned) then, by all means, have a group discussion about that player's future with the group.


I always appreciate the devil's advocate! I'm often one myself. Here are my responses:

1) In my opinion, he didn't give in - he did it on purpose. He barely had time to even think about NOT doing it. Also, I would expect that from a child, but not necessarily from an adult. On top of that, he isn't sorry.

2) I thought about not putting it on this forum, but this is the only one I usually frequent, and I know (not personally, mind you) a lot of the posters on here, whose opinions I respect. I ended up posting here because I thought "Man, I need help... if I can't get it from ENWorld, where CAN I get it? I'll just tell my buddy not to read that thread, and all will be well."

3) Well, its different for a few reasons. The first is that EtCR is a horror-themed module. Part of horror, to me, is that sense that you don't really know what's going on all the time. Stuff is weird and strange at first... that's why horror movies are less scary the more you watch them - because you know what's going to happen. That's gone now. Also, things will come into a play a lot when roleplaying that wouldn't have otherwise. Discussions about what to do next between the players are tainted now because one player knows things he shouldn't.


First Post
theredrobedwizard said:
I'm not saying what was done was excusable, I'm just saying it should be expected. When it *doesn't* happen, you should be pleasantly surprised.

I see where you're coming from with the bottom half of your post, but the first half, and especially the quoted statement... well, I hope you don't take the following statement as an offense, but I think you've got pretty low standards for your friends. I don't think Mouse's moral compass is above average - I think its average.

Being pleasantly surprised when your friends go out of their way to do something that you've asked them not to do? You've got some rough friends, yo.


First Post
Im not trying to say what I did was "right"... but I wouldn't go so far as to say its "wrong" either.

SO maybe *I* know some things about ***SPOILER EDITIED OUT*** ... but Sir Matthias, Paladin of the Lightbringers, Chosen of the Dragonlord, Protector of the Innocent, and Slayer of Evil won't change his plan or reaction to any of these characters.

He is going to do whatever he can to find the pieces of the Sunsword, get more information from the Library of Castle Ravenloft, do the magic activation/bonding rituals (whatever they are...), and stick the whole thing through Strahd's ugly face.

I don't see how its gamebreaking for players to know things their characters don't nessecarily. *I* as the player know what beholder eye rays can do, but for suspension of disbelief, my CHARACTER is suprised by such feats of black magic!

By the same token, my character knows things that *I* may not.

Im not trying to get an 'Edge' or anything.

As for "cheating" well I suppose that depends on your definition. But as far as dice rolls go, I let them fall as they may, DM looking or no.

Sure its cool to have the guy with uber stats once in a while, but the better moments of roleplaying come from 'less than optimal' characters, and some of the most memorable and exciting combats are the ones you LOSE!

In closing, if you want to kick me out of the game or whatever on the PRINCIPLE of the thing, thats your call. Its your game, and if you want to "punish" me somehow, or think the enjoyment of the other players will be better without me at the table, I will bow out gracefully.
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First Post
BenjErik said:
Im not trying to say what I did was "right"... but I wouldn't go so far as to say its "wrong" either.


I don't see how its gamebreaking for players to know things their characters don't nessecarily. *I* as the player know what beholder eye rays can do, but for suspension of disbelief, my CHARACTER is suprised by such feats of black magic!

By the same token, my character knows things that *I* may not.

Im not trying to get an 'Edge' or anything.

As for "cheating" well I suppose that depends on your definition. But as far as dice rolls go, I let them fall as they may, DM looking or no.

Sure its cool to have the guy with uber stats once in a while, but the better moments of roleplaying come from 'less than optimal' characters, and some of the most memorable and exciting combats are the ones you LOSE!

In closing, if you want to kick me out of the game or whatever on the PRINCIPLE of the thing, thats your call. Its your game, and if you want to "punish" me somehow, or think the enjoyment of the other players will be better without me at the table, I will bow out gracefully.

Please keep all spoilers OUT of this thread. Don't talk about the storyline or plot elements.

As for all that, you've addressed a lot of in-game things that were barely addressed in any of the above posts. The issue is NOT that you can't roleplay - the issue is that you can't be trusted to respect my wishes regarding a game that I've put the most effort into, and you don't care.
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Nate Jones

First Post
tylermalan said:
I see where you're coming from with the bottom half of your post, but the first half, and especially the quoted statement... well, I hope you don't take the following statement as an offense, but I think you've got pretty low standards for your friends. I don't think Mouse's moral compass is above average - I think its average.

Being pleasantly surprised when your friends go out of their way to do something that you've asked them not to do? You've got some rough friends, yo.

In my opinion, Trustworthiness is not the only quality to look for in friends. I actually cherish a few of my less trustworthy friends - not only do they have other, very valuable qualities - but I've also found that their inherent untrustworthiness acts to prevent complacency. For me, trust is not a make or break issue. I just accept that I can't trust the person, and likewise, she accepts that that's how it will work, too. And honestly, I wouldn't trade her friendship for something as inconsequential as trust.

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