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Ivellious' Sunless Citadel


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This story begins one week from summer solstice, and the surrounding country side is lush with growth. Sometimes the heat maybe be a little too stifling, but other than that the weather is picture perfect. In the middle of these hills lies a small town by the name of Oakhurst, which only has about seven buildings of note while the rest seems to be small residences. Though the town is small the people are bustling doing chores, shopping, or maybe enjoying a drink or two at the Ol' Boar Inn. You hear the clanging of hammering as the blacksmith hammers away on his latest work, and the laughter of kids as they play by the well in the center of town.
Alright, all dm notes will be made in red. I'm not going to push you all into the inn because I'm going to try not to railroad you all too much. You're allowed to do pretty much what you with your first post. Also I would like everyone to have a different color font when they are speaking to confuse me less. Try to keep OCC to a minimum here, and place them in the recruitment thread which will now be the occ. Other than that have fun. Also if anyone knows how to get a pdf file map onto the thread I would greatly appreciate that
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Vigwyn the Unruly

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Ulfgar: Dwarven Cleric of Heironeous

Surveying the town from the top of the hill with his friend Durann, Brother Ulfgar can't help but feel a stirring of anticipation. He closes his eyes for a moment and offers a short prayer to his god: Thank you, great Heironeous, for leading us to this place. We shall do our best.

The young cleric then tightens the buckles that hold the studded leather armor to his Dwarven frame, straightens his kelly green surcoat, and turns to his friend. Subconsciously rubbing the holy symbol resting on his chest, he addresses her, "What say we get us down to the town? I certainly could use a cold ale to bring relief from this heat, and we should see about rooms for the night—my, won't it be nice to sleep in a bed again after such long travel!—but perhaps we should visit the local place of worship first..."


First Post
It's a fine day to be outside, but Arain sits in the Ol' Boar Inn. It's not that he doesn't like the outdoors, it's just a little too... ambient. He sits alone at a table, his spellbook open before him, and a half-drained mug of ale beside that. His mind isn't really on the diagrams however, instead he thinks of where he will head next, there seems to be nothing worth his time in this little town.

I'll take Light Blue

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Durann Brightstone: Paladin of Heironeous

Vigwyn the Unruly said:
"but perhaps we should visit the local place of worship first..."
Lady Durann shakes herself out of her musings just long enough to say "But of course dear friend. A nice warm bed will do me a world of good. But I wish to see how and whom these people worship."
The lady paladin of Heironeous rubs at her wrists for a moment and then begins the walk to the town square. Her sky blue tunic with the lightning bolt running down the left side blowing in the midday breeze. "Personally I just want a bath and to not have to wear this armor for a few hours. 'By the Thunder' I'm in desperate need of a bath and a dress. Tell me again why we didn't hire a mule to vcarry some of this equipment? I swear I've lost 20 pounds just from sweating in this armor." She says in jest but Ulfgar can see how tired she is.
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Rashford walked down the dirt street sweating with his casual peasants clothes he got from the stranger's house. His hand rose to his forehead as he stopped at the edge of a house and leaned back into it hunched over.
"What a day...and I still have so much training to do. I wish I wasn't everyone's errand boy though. I guess I gotta work for my keep and work for my guilt, repenting is tough work. At least that man's clothes fit me."
He stood back up as some kids ran up to him. Rashford laughed and gave in to their pleads to play with them for a bit. He made a slight ruckus as the children's laugher flooded the place around the well.
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First Post
As Durann and Ulfgar walk into the town looking for a place to worship they begin to realize that there is no such place. Not to say that the citizens of Oakhurst are not religious, but they haven't a set place to commune with their gods. Though there is a healer in the town, who the dwarves identify as a priest of Pelor, hanging blood stained sheets out to dry. Also you can see a man (Rash's descriptions here)playing with some kids by the well, who is approached by an older woman dressed in noble clothing.

While Arain is in the bar musing over what to do next, a young woman, who looks to be no more than 16, approaches him with a pitcher of ale in her hand. Other than her firey red hair, and her emerald eyes the girl looks to be exactly like any other serving wench. She asks him in a sweet tone of voice, "Would you like anything to eat with your ale sir?"

Rashford is too busy playing with the kids to notice the woman approach him till the kids until the kids suddenly stop playing around and stares behind him. When Rash does turn around, he sees that it is the mayor's wife, Kerowyn Hucrele standing before him, staring at him somberly with her sadden blue eyes. "Rash I need to speak with you, away from the children. If you wouldn't mind following me to the Boar." She states more than asks as she turns and heads off in the direction of the inn
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He knelt down placing his hand to mask his mouth as he turned to the kids,
"What do ya think's wrong with her?"
The kids shrugged their shoulders in confusion as he smiled at them.
"Whatever it is I'll take care of it, you think you guys can play safe while I'm gone?"
The kids all nodded in unison.
"Great! I'll see you guys later."
He stood back up walking away waving his hand in the air as the kids said bye. He caught up with the mayor's wife moving infront of her to hold the door open.


Breaks Games
Carlos crests another in a long sucession of hills. Take in the view:

Finally, some civilisation.

His eyes keenly zero in on the tavern - The Ol' Boar Inn. A pint or two to wash away the heat and the trail dust, a bath and change into his finest clothes, then supper and more ale. A bold plan.

As he strolls the last few hundred yards, Carlos idly contemplates owning a fine riding dog. The way a proper halfling gentleman should travel. Arriving, he pauses briefly to check his reflection in the water trough, before pushing open the door to the Ol' Boar and heading over to the barkeep.

A pint of your finest, please.

He turns to survey the bar room.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Durann Brightstone: Paladin of Hieroneous

"What a dum.. *ahem* quaint little town. Bloody sheets hanging out to dry and all. I would say that the priest of Pelor is the religious leader here. We should go and introduce ourselves." Durann says to Ulfgar as she tries in vain to make herself more presentable. She wanders up to the priest and says, "Excuse the intrusion Father. I am the Lady Durann; knight of Heironeous and this is my companion Brother Ulfgar; priest of Heironeous. We have traveled here a great distance from our Temple is there someplace other than the Inn that we may sleep for the night?"
Durann curtsies as best as she can in scale mail and awaits a reply.


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Arain Silvanor, Grey Elf Conjurer

Arain nods to the serving girl, "Yes please, I'll have whatever the special is." He closes the spellbook. "And another ale as well, I'll be at the bar." he adds, noticing the halfling's entrance. After draining his mug, he packs the spellbook into his backpack, which he brings with him to the bar. Arain sits beside the newcomer, "Greetings traveller, my name is Arain Silvanor."

Voidrunner's Codex

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