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Janek and Lady Felicia


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On day 9, while all of the duels are taking place, Ceru will attempt to track down Janek. I believe he was speaking with Oceas at some point, so I imagine he would get an opportunity to speak with him. He offers to buy him dinner that night and discuss some matters that have been troubling him. He says he believes Janek may be able to help. Ceru will also invite any members of the party along if they wish to come.

As they sit down to dinner, Ceru begins by explaining that for all of his life, the spirits that grant him his powers and abilities have always guided him through his dreams. Lately though his dreams have seemed to become distant, vague, and difficult to interpret. It seems as though something is there that the spirits want to teach him, but there is something preventing him from reaching that potential. This has been the case since just before the festival. The more Ceru thought about it though, the more it seemed that these issues may tied in some way to what Janek had spoken of about making sure an opportunity doesn't pass you by. This creates an interesting situation. Ceru has only recently become familiar with the idea of dieties and divine powers granted by them, though he feels that Janek's Lady Felicia may be able to restore his ability to understand the spirits if he appeases her, like Janek suggested. The question then is, how might he appease the Lady? It had occurred to Ceru that the ghost tower his companions only recently told him of, could be a possiblity. It seems the tower is notable in some way, though none have managed to enter it. The nature of the tower though, as incorporeal, seems very similar to the spirits Ceru interacts with. Perhaps Ceru's unique situation will permit him a way to enter? Does Janek think this would work? And if so, does he think it would be enough to gain the favor of Lady Felicia?

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Tormal, if able, will accompany Ceru when he goes to talk to Janek. He won't say much until the two of them are done speaking unless somone asks him a question. Tormal, towards the end of the conversation will state that
"He hopes not to displease Lady Felicia and believes the group wants to become ledgends in their own right. He believes the group may need more guidance - if either him or the lady may be able to give them any. If not, then Tormal will certainly try to find the best opportunity available."


Janek sits back and listens to Ceru while sipping some wine. When Ceru finishes, Janek thinks quietly for several moments. Finally, he sets his wine on the table and leans forward.

"Norlak the Ancient faced a Fallen Angel and defeated it.

Two centuries ago, the warrior of a small village, Tormak, held off an orc raiding party, by himself, for 3 days, before he succumbed to their assault. But, all the villagers managed to leave before the orcs killed them.

Thirteen hundred years ago the Elves left this place to see which among them would become gods, four succeeded.

Seventy-Five years ago the pirate king, Bastille, held a thousand miles of coastline under his rule through fear and terror.

Five hundred years ago the Fire-Mage of Tir-ilon, Ankhar the Merciless, notable for burning 200 people alive in a ritual of offering to a vile demon, was slain by Modak the Pentitent. But not before swearing that he would, one day, return.

Three weeks ago, three young brothers outran goblin worg riders to warn their duke of a raid from devil-blooded goblins. It was supposed to be a sneak attack, but the speed and endurance of Derrick, Math, and Simon Vance foiled the plans of the goblins.

What do all of these stories have in common?"

Janek takes a quick drink from his wine before he continues.

"The only commonality is that they are stories. Stories that will become legend, and then fade into myth. Stories are how people place themselves in relation to everyone else. Stories create ties between people, and they create rifts. Without stories, legends, and myths, groups of people cannot distinguish themselves from others. My Lady governs these stories. They are her dominion. From these stories, she controls who can wield power. I call her Lady Felicia, because I revere one aspect of her. Others might call her Lady Valoria, or Lady Morganica, or any of her other names. It does not matter what you call her. All that matters is whether you rise up and seize the fullness of your opportunity. To do that, you must take part in a story. More specifically, you must place yourself into that story so that your name will not be easily forgotten. In this way, you create a new story that defines the world and you expand My Lady's influence.

I cannot tell you which story is the one you should pursue, because I am not a priest with divine gifts. What I can tell you is that you draw near to pleasing, or offending My Lady. She cannot force you to fulfill your own potential. Free Will is always a factor and cannot be denied by any of the Gods. However, if you do not placate her, then your potential is lessened. I do not know how any individual will be affected, but it would stand to reason that it would be harder to excel as you once did."

Janek sits back and steeples his fingers, his gaze becomes vacant, as if he is lost deep in thought. Finally, he regains focus.

"There are a great many events happening in the world right now. There are many stories forming. You could step into one of those stories, especially if you were not seeking quick fame or notoriety." Janek holds one finger up. "No, your altercation in the forest is not enough. It was no more significant than any of the countless bandits and brigands that have killed the guards of Greerson in the past millenia. You need something a bit more significant. There are wars where you might seek a place, but that is a slow route. You would need to win a name for yourself in battle before you would be entrusted with tasks of true significance." Janek looks at Ceru. "If you believe you are being held back by my Lady, then you may want to appease her sooner. I do not know if she has taken offense, but if she has, then you will likely need the assistance of one of her Gifted Priests to atone and ask her forgiveness. If you truly have no idea what might appease her, then you might also be able to ask guidance through other offerings to her." Janek shrugs. "Though, that might not work either. She really prefers that you seek out your fame or infamy yourself. Those that make the best legends do not wait for man or god to tell them what must be done."

Janek leans back and stretches in his chair.

"A thousand years ago, a small band of people made this world a better place. Sure, Ternell, the Hero of Pter died. As did Korliss, Hero of Lune and Champion of Ft. Greerson. Yes, Aaron the Relentless disappeared to fight a serpent god. Ardel the Aspect of the Cougar joined him. Still, this band of people made the world a better place and saved this city to be rebuilt. That is why the names of Lady Crill and Lady Gwen still hold meaning. There are small boys that pretend to be Falon Dragon-Blooded so they can cast down lightning and breath fire on evil doers. General Trigolar stopped an army of Goblins that came from the Southwest. Scholar Dervon raised several of the fallen at the end of the battles and then spent the remainder of his life trying to recover a small bit of what was lost in the Necromancer Wars. These people eventually died, as all things must die. But, they live on in legend. It is possible they once sat here, in this very spot and plotted how they would make their mark on the world. My Lady is still pleased with them. You have the same opportunities before you. You too can make a mark on the world. Find something notable to do, and do it."


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BardStephenFox said:
I call her Lady Felicia, because I revere one aspect of her. Others might call her Lady Valoria, or Lady Morganica, or any of her other names.

Tell him who we were working for in the dream!

And, by the way, though Li wouldn't seek this knowledge himself, is there a Eastern name for Lady Morgancia/Felicia/Whatever? Wu Cho Mentioned an Eastern name for Pter...


Interesting observation Sage.

I wonder how many NPC's you guys have met. I wonder how many you are keeping close track of.

A different name for Lady Valoria? Reasonable question. I will need some time to make one up. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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