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JA's - The Princes Own - Start Date 15 June

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Hi Folks,
As we are all developing items that represent ourselves, skills ans worth, I remembered a set of rule from Black Company that I though might be useful for some of our items. JA has approved them, so feel free to use them for ideas if you wish.

Black Company Equipment Rules

• Accurate: +1 to hit (any weapon)
• Balanced: +1 to initiative when readied (any weapon or shield)
• Concealable: +4 to slieght of hand checks with this item (any item)
• Crushing: Inflicts an additional 2 points of non-lethal damage on successful hit (any blunt weapon)
• Deadly: Increases the threat range of any x2 weapon by 1 (any weapon)
• Decorative: Gain +1 to diplomacy checks while displaying item (any item)
• Fortified: 10% of any critical hit or sneak attack damage being negated (any armor)
• Guard: Wielder may reduce attack rolls by 1 for an entire round gains deflection bonus to AC of +1. This deflection bonus is doubled if the item is a shield. (any weapon or shield)
• Light: Item is 10% lighter than normal (any item)
• Mastercraft: Reduces armor check penalty by 1, to a minimum of 0 (armor or shield)
• Rugged: Item gains +2 to hardness and break DC (any item)
• Sharp: +1 to damage - bonus applied before multipliers (slashing/piercing weapons)
• Sturdy: 50% increase in item hit points (any item)
• Thick: A suit of medium or heavy armor provides damage reduction of 1/- against physical attacks - this DR is applied prior to any Damage Conversion (any armor)
• Threatening: Wielder gains +2 to intimidate checks when displaying item (any item)
• Well-Crafted: Provides a +1 bonus to a specific skill when used as intended (any item)

There are six levels of Masterwork items:
• Fine: 1 benefit
• Excellent: 2 benefits
• Exceptional: 3 benefits, may double once (ie, one double, one single benefit)
• Superior: 4 benefits, may double once
• Masterwork: 5 benefits, may double twice or triple once
• Masterpiece: 6 benefits, may double twice or double once/triple once


First Post
I am unfamiliar with the Black Company equipment rules, could you explain what is needed to gain their benefits? I'm guessing it has something to do with the Masterwork 'quality'. I have my fighter/rogue's stats ready to go so equipment is the next step.

Also is there an RG for this game or do you want us to simply place or characters here?


Black Company rules:
Ok, the Black Company setting is a low-magic setting, so these rules help provide the bonuses to weapon to compensate for it. However I am more interested in the other aspects. The special item is supposed to represent us and our culture, so it should reflect that. These need not apply to weapons and armor alone either.

Now, it is up to you/JA to decide how many benefits you would like to apply.

But imagine our Cavalier, perhaps his armor has the decorative benefit so when wearing his shiny, decorated armor he gets a +1 on Diplomacy checks when wearing it as people are impressed by it.

Perhaps a wizard has a spell book with the Well-crafted benefit any so gets a +1 on spellcraft checks.

A rogue may have a dagger that is Concealable and easier to hide.

Feel free to combine these ideas with standard magic ideas.

Maybe my fighter wants a big-assed axe that is scary and so it is masterwork (as per core) but I also add the Threatening benefit and Sturdy benefit.

Be creative, have fun, make these items more than a standard +1 widget.

J. Alexander

First Post
2 cents worth - Just a guide of what may be possible..use your imignations etc but don't get greedy :)..and it does not have to be a magic items it can be something mundane as well. The challenge has many implications for the grand design but it is also a test to get you to really think hard about your character and what you wish to represent. And no worries if you pick a mundane item....everything will be balanced...and in fact the mudane item with no tweaks may even be more beneficial as the game developes.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
in the TT game I was in, the masterwork value had to be at least 150 gp before it was quality enough to be magicked later. just a thought.

i think the prices went:
• Fine: 50 gp
• Excellent: 100 gp
• Exceptional: 150 gp
• Superior: 300 gp
• Masterwork: 500 gp
• Masterpiece: 1000 gp
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First Post
Those this mean that for 100GB I can have a Excellent sword that has a +1 to hit and a +1 to damage. Rather than Pathfinder Masterwork which is 300GB for +1 to Hit?

J. Alexander

First Post
In this instance yes once we get started though we will revert to pathfinder costs .. This is to reflect the best work of your regional craftsman ... Hope that makes sense

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