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Jedis Deflecting Blaster Bolts

Relique du Madde

Darth Shoju said:
I've always told myself that they started work on Death Star II shortly after they started DS I.

That, and a whole lot of "innocent" contractors got massacred on the second one.


Don't forget about all the "innocent" Ewoks that died in fiery holocaust that was caused by rebel alliance's victory against the death star II. :D


Best ending EVER!​

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Darth Shoju

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Relique du Madde said:
Don't forget about all the "innocent" Ewoks that died in fiery holocaust that was caused by rebel alliance's victory against the death star II. :D

Best ending EVER!​


Never seen that before. Thanks!



First Post
Relique du Madde said:
Don't forget about all the "innocent" Ewoks that died in fiery holocaust that was caused by rebel alliance's victory against the death star II. :D

Best ending EVER!​
I'm sure I read once that the radio script for Return of the Jedi explained that the fireworks at the end of the film were not really fireworks. They were chunks of the Death Star burning up and that the fighters flying overhead were actually intercepting and destroying any larger chunks that would have impacted the ground.

Even if so I'm sure that Endor would not have been a favourite holiday destination for a while :D


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Padril said:
Even if so I'm sure that Endor would not have been a favourite holiday destination for a while :D

Well, given that Ewoks apparently have little or no compunction about eating humanoids without something stopping them, I wouldn't want to go there, either.



First Post
Relique du Madde said:
Everything broke down in the decade and a half between episodes 3 and 4.

Which makes me think of another possibility for the Ben-age thing. Maybe the Ben we see in the prequels is really much older than he looks. Once he exiles himself to Tattooine, however, cosmetic surgery becomes much more difficult to come by than on Coruscant. :)


First Post
Well, official canon puts Obi-Wan at 57 years of age during Star Wars, and Sir Alec Guiness was 63 years old in 1977. The extra years can be credited to the suns and dryness of Tattooine wrinkling up his skin more than if he lived in, say, Naboo.


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Glyfair said:
And the step before that was the Clone Wars series that has Mace Windu use the force to push down an entire army of droids and, for most of the battle, fight an army of droids and a giant spaceship by himself.

That being said, that's more fun to watch. If you think to much about it you'll see the flaws. Many people don't watch it, I just avoid thinking too much about it :) I have more fun that way.
As great as Clone Wars was, it certainly very Dragonball-Zesque towards the end with ridiculous displays of power.

Steve Jung

Relique du Madde said:
Don't forget about all the "innocent" Ewoks that died in fiery holocaust that was caused by rebel alliance's victory against the death star II. :D


What comic was that?
Klaus said:
Well, official canon puts Obi-Wan at 57 years of age during Star Wars, and Sir Alec Guiness was 63 years old in 1977. The extra years can be credited to the suns and dryness of Tattooine wrinkling up his skin more than if he lived in, say, Naboo.
He shoulda used moisturizer.


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Remus Lupin said:
*However, somebody help my memory here: Obi Wan in the prequals couldn't be older than 30 or so at the time of episode III, but he's at least 60 or 70 in episode IV. Shouldn't he have been closer in age/ability to Qui Gon by the time of episode IV?
Grymar said:
I cringe now watching the original trilogy because of all of the continuity errors that the prequels caused, Obi-wan's age being just one of them.
Cthulhudrew said:
Maybe umm... FTL technology somehow breaks down over the course of the intervening decade and a half between Episodes 3 and 4, such that it now takes much longer to transverse the distances between planets, and thus the reason Ben seems older is because he took many trips on and off Tattooine in that time? Maybe? :p
Not sure what all the hubbub about Obi's age is here. Why can't Obi be older than 30 by the time of episode III? Of course Ewan McGregor hasn't visibly aged at the same pace as his character, but there's thirteen years between episode I and III. Obi Wan could easily be around forty years old at that time; the seasoned-but-still-active-in-the-field jedi master to a young padawan in his early twenties. Just like in cop movies!

And that means he's around sixty in episode IV. Guinness was only sixty-three in 1977, so it's not a huge leap at all.

It's kind of funny how just in the last few decades we've come to think of fifty as the new forty. In 1977, it was socially acceptable to be wrinkled and haggard and ready to drop dead from natural causes in your late fifties. Now, one's expected to be doing extreme bungee-jumping or something.,,,
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