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JiCi's Beastiary [updated January 2nd 2007]


First Post
next: a new chromatic dragon

Grey Dragon
Dragon (Air)
Climate/Terrain: any mountains and underground
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, or very old: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 plus 2-5 offspring); ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary.
Challenge Rating: Wyrmling 3; very young 4; young 5; juvenile 8; young adult 11; adult 13; mature adult 16; old 18; very old 19; ancient 21; wyrm 22; great wyrm 24.
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Always neutral evil.
Advancement: Wyrmling 6–7 HD; very young 9–10 HD; young 12–13 HD; juvenile 15–16 HD; young adult 18–19 HD; adult 21–22 HD; mature adult 24–25 HD; old 27–28 HD; very old 30–31 HD; ancient 33–34 HD; wyrm 36–37 HD; great wyrm 39+ HD
Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +5; very young +5; young +5; juvenile +6; others —
Diamond Dragons by Age
Age           Size  Hit Dice (hp)    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha  Base    Attack Fort Ref  Will 
                                                              Attack/ Bonus  Save Save Save
Wyrmling      S     5d12+5 (37)      13  10  13  10  11  13   +5/+2    +7    +5   +4   +4  
Very young    M     8d12+16 (68)     15  10  15  12  12  14   +8/+10   +10   +8   +6   +7
Young         M     11d12+33 (104)   17  10  17  14  14  15   +11/+14  +14   +10  +7   +11
Juvenile      L     14d12+56 (147)   19  10  19  16  16  16   +14/+22  +17   +13  +9   +12
Young adult   L     17d12+85 (195)   23  10  21  18  18  17   +17/+27  +22   +15  +10  +14
Adult         H     20d12+120 (250)  27  10  23  18  18  18   +20/+32  +26   +18  +12  +16
Mature adult  H     23d12+161 (310)  29  10  25  20  20  19   +23/+40  +30   +20  +13  +15
Old           H     26d12+208 (377)  31  10  27  20  20  20   +26/+44  +34   +23  +15  +20
Very old      H     29d12+261 (449)  33  10  29  21  21  21   +29/+48  +38   +25  +16  +21
Ancient       G     32d12+320 (528)  35  10  31  21  21  22   +32/+57  +40   +28  +18  +23
Wyrm          G     35d12+385 (612)  37  10  33  22  22  23   +35/+60  +44   +30  +19  +25
Great wyrm    G     38d12+456 (703)  40  10  35  22  22  24   +38/+65  +47   +33  +21  +27

Age           Breath      Frightful     SR  Initiative  Caster Level
              Weapon (DC) Presence (DC)     
Wyrmling      2d6 (13)    -             -   +0          -
Very young    4d6 (16)    -             -   +0          -
Young         6d6 (18)    -             -   +0          -
Juvenile      8d6 (20)    -             -   +0          1st
Young adult   10d6 (22)   20            22  +0          3rd
Adult         12d6 (25)   24            24  +0          5th
Mature adult  14d6 (27)   27            26  +0          7th
Old           16d6 (29)   31            28  +0          9th
Very old      18d6 (31)   34            30  +0          11th
Ancient       20d6 (34)   38            32  +0          13th
Wyrm          22d6 (36)   41            34  +0          15th
Great wyrm    24d6 (38)   45            36  +0          17th

Age           Speed                    Armor Class                Special Abilities
Wyrmling      40 ft., fly 100 ft.      15 (+1 size, +4 natural)   Resistance to electricity 30
              (average), burrow 20 ft  touch 11, flat-footed 15   Resistance to fire 30
Very young    40 ft., fly 100 ft.      17 (+7 natural)            
              (average), burrow 20 ft. touch 10, flat-footed 17
Young         40 ft., fly 100 ft.      20 (+10 natural)           [I]Fog Cloud[/I]
              (average), burrow 20 ft. touch 10, flat-footed 20
Juvenile      40 ft., fly 150 ft.      22 (-1 size, +13 natural)  Pierce concealment 10%, spiked tail
              (average), burrow 20 ft. touch 9, flat-footed 22    [I]Solid Fog[/I]
Young adult   40 ft., fly 150 ft.      25 (-1 size, +16 natural)  DR 5/magic
              (average), burrow 20 ft. touch 9, flat-footed 25
Adult         40 ft., fly 200 ft.      27 (-2 size, +19 natural)  Pierce concealment 20%
              (poor), burrow 20 ft.    touch 8, flat-footed 27
Mature adult  40 ft., fly 200 ft.      30 (-2 size, +22 natural)  DR 10/magic, [I]Call Lighting Storm[/I]
              (poor), burrow 20 ft.    touch 8, flat footed 30    
Old           40 ft., fly 200 ft.      33 (-2 size, +25 natural)  Pierce concealment 30%
              (poor), burrow 20 ft.    touch 8, flat footed 33  
Very old      40 ft., fly 200 ft.      36 (-2 size, +28 natural)  DR 15/magic
              (clumsy), burrow 20 ft.  touch 8, flat footed 36
Ancient       40 ft., fly 200 ft.      37 (-4 size, +31 natural)  Pierce concealment 40%,
              (clumsy), burrow 20 ft.  touch 6, flat footed 37    [I]Control Weather[/I]
Wyrm          40 ft., fly 250 ft.      40 (-4 size, +34 natural)  DR 20/magic
              (clumsy), burrow 20 ft.  touch 6, flat footed 40
Great wyrm    40 ft., fly 250 ft.      43 (-4 size, +37 natural)  Pierce concealment 50%
              (clumsy), burrow 20 ft.  touch 6, flat footed 43
A reptilian quadruped creature walks smoothly toward you. Its grey scales slightly shine and its long tail ends in sharp bony spikes. Its body is lean and sleek and its claws are dirty ivory colored. The dragon’s head has a long snout with a heavy-looking jaw, revealing sharp teeth. A pair of blackened horns protrudes from its cheeks, its brow and its lower jaw, each growing outward in a curved shape. A large frill descends from the top of its head, down its long neck and its tip of its tail. Two smaller frills grow aside the larger frill in the same pattern. The dragon’s eyes are light grey, almost featureless, but these eyes hide a cunning intellect, a keen vision and a mischievous desire to destroy.

Grey dragons are a new kind of chromatic dragons that rely on ambush and magical clouds to tear enemies apart. Their sharp eyes can pierce concealment, reducing some creatures’ chance of survival.

At birth, a grey dragon’s scales are dull grey, reflecting almost no light. As it ages, the scales become lighter and smoother, like silver. Its eyes start as black with a yellow iris, much like a bird of prey, but as it ages, the eye become duller, until it become a full grey, almost featureless orb.

Grey dragons’ origin is still a mystery to sages and dragons alike. One theory is that Tiamat created grey dragons before the original chromatic dragons, similar to a prototype, and with ages this specie bred through. Another theory is that Tiamat’s lost sister, the same who created orange, purple and yellow dragons, created these dragons as well, but eluded Tiamat’s wrath. One last theory is that a small clutch of silver dragon eggs was stolen and altered by Tiamat to her guise. If the latter is true, this would send Bahamut is such a fury that it might turn the tide in the Dragonfall Wars.

Grey dragons make their lairs on mountaintops, where clouds drift slowly inside and around their home. It digs through the stone to form tunnels and floors that sometimes a lair rivals a wizard’s tower. Being territorial, a grey dragon routinely inspect its lairs and put multiple spells and traps throughout the floors. Grey dragons are also reputed to be pack rats; they collect just about everything they find, from gold coins and gems and small shiny stones. The same goes for hunting trophies and food, which it cast gentle repose on to keep it bloody fresh for later. When aside their lairs, they fly smoothly through the sky. They often fly during storms, where their scales almost blend with the clouds.

While their pack rats attitude might make them a bit dim-witted, grey dragons are evil to the core. They plot delicate robberies, such as for a single, yet valuable item, murders and conquests, focusing on mountains as well as its resources. On success, a grey dragon kills any notable threats and enslaves the rest of the people, making dwarves, gnomes and goliaths prime acquisitions for slave-trading. They show no mercy to them; they sometimes eat their own slaves, in order to terrorize and intimidate others. The grey dragon often make alliances with other chromatic dragons; it treats these creatures as equals and rarely competes for territory with these dragons, but it defends at all cost its own.


Grey dragons usually attack from hiding, either from cover or from its spell-like abilities. Its breath weapon counters most resistances and rarely resist the urge of breathing, even in close combat. Older grey dragons take a round or two to enhance with defensive and vision-blurring spells. Since their eyes can see through almost anything, they do not hesitate to use them.

While outdoor, a grey dragon usually circles its targets, breathing and swooping down. If the weather can permit, it hides in clouds, often to retreat or rethink its strategy. During harsh weathers, it calls lighting bolts from the sky to shock its opponents. A favorite tactic is to dive from a raging thundercloud, further shaking targets.

Breath Weapon (Su): A grey dragon has one type of breath weapon, a cone of plasma mist. Creatures within the cone take half fire damage and half electricity damage.

Pierce Concealment (Ex) : A grey dragon’s eyes are sharp and can almost see through anything. When attacking an opponent hidden due to concealment, other than total concealment, a dragon can negate a certain percentage from its attack rolls.

Spiked Tail (Ex): Starting at the juvenile stage, a grey dragon can slap opponents with its tail. However, due to the bony ridges, the tail slap deals both bludgeoning and piercing damage. This ability extends to the tail sweep and other tail-related attacks.

Spell-like abilities: At will – Fog Cloud (young or older) 3/day – Solid Fog (juvenile or older), Call Lightning Storm (mature adult or older); 1/day - Control Weather (ancient or older).

Skills: Appraise, Intimidate and Hide and Spot are considered class skills for diamond dragons. Furthermore, a grey dragon has a +2 racial bonus to Spot per age category.

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First Post
next: a celestial of the Sublime Way

Martial Deva CR 9
Always NG Medium outsider (angel, extraplanar, good)
Init +3; Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +14, Spot +14
Aura: Protective Aura
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Tongues
AC 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17
(+3 dex, +3 natural, +4 adamantine chain shirt)
hp 58 (9 HD) DR 5/evil and 1/--
Immune acid, cold, petrification;
Resist electricity 10, fire 10;
Fort +8 (+12 vs. poison), Ref +9, Will +8
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (good); Flyby Attack
Melee Adamantine bastard sword +16/+11 (1d10+5/19-20)
Melee Adamantine bastard sword +16/+11 (1d10+7/19-20)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +9; Grp +14
Atk Options Combat Expertise, aligned strike (good)
Special Actions Alter size
Spell-like abilities (CL 13th)
At will – arcane mark, instant summons (can only be applies to weapons or weapon-like objects, regardless of size)
Maneuvers and Stances Known (IL 9th)
Stances – flame’s blessing (1st), leading the charge (1st), pearl of black doubt (3rd), step of the wind (1st)
Strikes – bonecrusher (3rd), claw at the moon (2nd), comet throw (4th), foehammer (2nd), radiant charge* (5th), searing charge* (4th), steel wind (1st), white raven strike* (4th)
Boosts – boulder roll (4th), cloak of deception* (2nd), sudden leap (1st)
Counters – rapid counter* (5th)
Others – iron heart surge* (3rd), shadow stride* (5th)
Disciplines: Desert Wind, Devoted Spirit, Diamond Mind, Iron Heart, Setting Sun, Shadow Hand, Stone Dragon, Tiger Claw, White Raven.
*readied maneuvers
The martial deva can use each readied maneuver once per encounter. It can recover all expended maneuvers with a swift action, which must be immediately followed in the same round with a melee attack or using a standard action to do nothing else in the round. It cannot initiate a maneuver or change stances while recovering its expended maneuvers, but it can remain in a stance in which it began its turn.
Abilities Str 20, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 16
SQ Weapon Versatility
Feats Adaptative Style (B), Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword), Combat Expertise, Flyby Attack, Combat Reflexes
Skills Balance +14, Concentration +14, Craft (weaponsmithing) +16, Diplomacy +15, Hide +14, Intimidate +15, Jump +16, Listen +14, Martial Lore +16, Sense Motive +14, Spot +14, Tumble +14
Possessions Adamantine bastard sword, adamantine chain shirt, random weapons
Advancement by character class; Favored Class swordsage; see text
Alter size (Su) A martial deva can change its size to match its opponent’s, in order to duel in a fair way. As a standard action, a martial deva can grow or shrink in size, from Tiny to Huge. For each size category it gains by growing, it gains a +4 size bonus to Strength, a -2 size penalty to Dexterity, a +2 size bonus to Constitution and a +2 size bonus to natural armor. For each size category it loses by shrinking, it gains a -4 size penalty to Strength, a +2 size bonus to Dexterity and a -2 size penalty to Constitution.
The size change also affects the deva’s modifier to AC and attack rolls and its base damage. The deva’s space and reach change as appropriate to the new size, but its speed does not change.
If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the deva attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it — the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size.
All equipment worn or carried by the deva is similarly enlarged or miniaturized by this effect, though this change has no effect on the magical properties of any such equipment.
Any enlarged or miniaturized item that leaves the deva’s possession instantly returns to its normal size.
Weapon Versatility (Ex) A martial weapon practices with a large range of weapons and can change its style by spending 1 hour, training with the new designated weapon. The martial deva can readjust any feat it knows that can be applied to a single weapon, such as Weapon Focus, with the new weapon it wants, assuming it has it available to practice with. However, if a weapon-specific feat requires another feat in order to use, such as Weapon Specialization, which requires Weapon Focus, the deva must change all the feats, not just a single one.

A tall humanoid figure stands before you. It wears elegant clothes and bits of a chain shirt can be seen underneath them. Its long black hairs are flowing in the wind and a dark red mask hides the creature’s face, revealing only its brown eyes. A pair of large, white feathery wings sprout from its back. It holds a sharp sword in front of it, ready to face challengers.

A martial deva is a shock trooper and a sharp duellist from the celestial realms. Deeply immerse in the Sublime Way, these devas make use of their maneuvers and cunning intellect to vanquish opponents. Throughout their immortal lives, they keep training and improving their art, never turning away from it. They challenge any potential opponent, and take their weapons in guise of victory.

Strategies and Tactics
Martial devas prefer to fight one on one instead of in a large battle. They discreetly observe their opponents, basically anyone who can wield or carry a weapon, and when a party is unaware of it, it shows up and challenges one of the members, and it changes size to match its opponent’s.
When duelling, a martial deva starts by activating a stance, depending on the opponent’s nature. For example, against an efreet, it will activate the flame’s blessing stance. It then starts slashing, usually along with a maneuver.
A martial deva tries to use multiple maneuvers at once, in order to deal maximum damage and to end the fight quickly. Some good combinations include the cloak of deception boost along with the radiant charge strike, a flyby attack followed by a comet throw and the shadow stride maneuver and the rapid counter maneuver.
A martial deva never kills a challenger, unless it is a truly evil creature such as a demon or devil. It reduces their opponents to near death, hampering them to submission and taking their weapons. If an opponent stands up and tries to backstab the deva after its defeat, the deva is likely to dodge the attack and retaliate by using the back of its sword, rendering its opponent unconscious.

Martial devas are said to be born from the souls of great Sublime Way warriors, but sages speculate that it extends to any great warriors who has died when proving themselves or did not prove their talents as mortal beings. They breathe, but do not eat or sleep. They keep themselves from destroying an area’s surrounding, preferring wide empty spaces to battle, yet they know a good opponent can show up anywhere.
Love is an odd concept to them, as they see it as a battle in which the outcome is random. Conquering one’s heart is a victory, but being seduced and fall for one is a defeat. Furthermore, it poses a distraction from their training and meditation, which engages the deva into a battle of wits. Nevertheless, martial devas form families and raise children like humans do, with a hard, progressive training with weapons. Devas mate for live and have been known to make dynamic duos when fighting, since both want to protect and impress the other.

As good-aligned extraplanar creatures, most martial devas are seen in Celestia, among the solars and other devas. Some are in Ysgard and Acheron, where battles erupt at any moments. A few go “hunting” in Gehenna, Carceri, the Abyss and Baator. Those who visit the Material Plane are on a quest to train themselves and to find a suitable opponent.
Typical Physical Characteristics
Martial devas stand at 6 to 8 feet tall, weigh about 180 to 200 pounds. They look like humanoids with large white feathered wings. Their face are covered with a crimson mask, revealing only their brown eyes. Martial devas can be male or females, but their characteristics are the same.
A martial deva is always good. Some are loyal to the deities’ causes, other act on their own, but never turn away from good. They never lie, cheat, or steal. They are impeccably honorable in all their dealings and often prove the most trustworthy and diplomatic of all the celestials.

Martial devas live a life of improvement and hard training. Each day is a new opportunity for them to improve their fighting prowess. From meditating to duelling other martial devas, each one develops new routines and combinations in order to win.
Martial devas gather in clan, where they can practice with each other. They treat their clan members as equals and others as rivals, but never as bitter enemies. Defeated devas may harbor a grudge against victors, but they uses this as a source of motivation to keep training and improving its techniques.
Families are deeply bonded, because whoever martial devas pick as a consort is considered a sparring partner and a helpful ally. Male and females are treated as equals and anyone can become the clan’s leader. Succession is gained either by family bonds, such as a father choosing its son, or by duel, and whoever wins become the new leader. These duels, however, are held once per year. Fortunately, these are non-lethal fights, since each deva can learn from their defeat and try again next year.
Typical Treasure
A martial deva often carries a single exotic weapon of high quality or made of special material, such as adamantine, along with a light armor made of equal craftsmanship. Since they collect opponents’ weapons, a martial deva may have 1d4, 1d6 or even 2d6 random weapons, all sheathed in a quiver-like scabbard slung in their back. Each weapon, including the deva’s weapon of choice, is arcane marked and can be summoned if it wasn’t in the deva’s possession. A martial deva’s mask is not magical, but whoever picks or steals one will likely be pursuit by its possessor.

Martial Devas with Class Levels
Being martial adepts, martial devas continue to the path of the Sublime Way. While some are crusaders and warblades, most devas are swordsages, their favored class. Martial class levels stack with the martial deva’s initiator level. When choosing maneuvers, they can choose for all 9 disciplines, instead of the ones imposed by the class. Crusaders choose Heironeous, Kord, Pelor or St. Cuthbert as their deity.
Level Adjustment: +5


First Post
next: a dragon of the Sublime Way

Martial Dragon
Climate/Terrain: any mountains and forests
Organization: Wyrmling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adult: solitary or clutch (2-5); adult, mature adult, old, or very old: solitary, pair, or family (1-2 plus 2-5 offspring); ancient, wyrm, or great wyrm: solitary.
Challenge Rating: Wyrmling 4; very young 5; young 7; juvenile 10; young adult 13; adult 15; mature adult 18; old 20; very old 21; ancient 23; wyrm 24; great wyrm 26.
Treasure: Triple standard
Alignment: Any.
Advancement: Wyrmling 8–9 HD; very young 11–12 HD; young 14–15 HD; juvenile 17–18 HD; young adult 20–21 HD; adult 23–24 HD; mature adult 26–27 HD; old 29–30 HD; very old 32–33 HD; ancient 35–36 HD; wyrm 38–39 HD; great wyrm 41+ HD
Level Adjustment: Wyrmling +4; very young +5; young +6; others —
Diamond Dragons by Age
Age           Size  Hit Dice (hp)    Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha  Base    Attack Fort Ref  Will 
                                                              Attack/ Bonus  Save Save Save
Wyrmling      M     7d12+14 (59)     17  12  15  16  11  13   +7/+10   +10   +7   +6   +5  
Very young    L     10d12+30 (95)    21  12  17  18  12  14   +10/+19  +14   +10  +8   +8
Young         L     13d12+39 (123)   25  12  17  20  14  15   +13/+24  +19   +11  +9   +10
Juvenile      L     16d12+64 (168)   29  12  19  20  16  16   +16/+29  +24   +14  +11  +13
Young adult   H     19d12+95 (218)   31  13  21  22  18  17   +19/+37  +27   +16  +12  +15
Adult         H     22d12+110 (253)  33  13  21  22  18  18   +22/+41  +31   +18  +14  +17
Mature adult  H     25d12+150 (312)  33  13  23  24  20  19   +25/+44  +34   +20  +15  +19
Old           G     28d12+198 (378)  35  14  25  24  20  20   +28/+52  +36   +23  +18  +21
Very old      G     31d12+248 (449)  37  14  27  26  22  21   +31/+56  +40   +25  +19  +23
Ancient       G     34d12+306 (527)  39  14  29  26  24  22   +34/+60  +44   +28  +21  +27
Wyrm          G     37d12+370 (610)  41  14  31  28  26  23   +37/+64  +48   +30  +22  +28
Great wyrm    C     40d12+400 (660)  45  14  31  28  28  24   +40/+73  +49   +32  +24  +31

Age           Breath      Frightful     SR  Init.  Initiator   Maneuvers    Maneuvers     Stances
              Weapon (DC) Presence (DC)            Level       Known        Readied       Known
Wyrmling      2d8 (15)    -             -   +1     -           0            0             0
Very young    4d8 (18)    -             -   +1     -           0            0             0
Young         6d8 (19)    -             -   +2     1st         6            4             1
Juvenile      8d8 (22)    -             -   +2     3rd         8            5             2
Young adult   10d8 (24)   20            22  +3     5th         10           6             3
Adult         12d8 (26)   22            24  +3     7th         12           6             3
Mature adult  14d8 (28)   25            26  +4     9th         14           7             4
Old           16d8 (31)   27            28  +5     11th        16           8             4
Very old      18d8 (33)   30            30  +7     13th        18           9             4
Ancient       20d8 (36)   32            32  +7     15th        20           10            5
Wyrm          22d8 (38)   35            34  +8     17th        22           10            5
Great wyrm    24d8 (40)   38            36  +8     19th        24           11            5

Age           Speed                    Armor Class                       Special Abilities
Wyrmling      40 ft., fly 150 ft.      17 (+1 dex, +6 natural)           Alternate Form (Medium)
              (average)                touch 11, flat-footed 16          Proficiencies
                                                                         Immune to mind-affecting effects
Very young    40 ft., fly 150 ft.      20 (-1 size, +1 dex +9 natural)   Quick to act +1
              (poor)                   touch 10, flat-footed 18          
Young         40 ft., fly 150 ft.      22 (-1 size, +1 dex +12 natural)  [I]Shield[/I]
              (poor)                   touch 10, flat-footed 20          
Juvenile      40 ft., fly 150 ft.      25 (-1 size, +1 dex, +15 natural) Quick to act +2
              (poor)                   touch 10, flat-footed 23          [I]True Strike[/I]
Young adult   40 ft., fly 150 ft.      28 (-2 size, +1 dex, +18 natural) DR 5/magic
              (poor)                   touch 10, flat-footed 25          
Adult         40 ft., fly 150 ft.      31 (-2 size, +1 dex, +21 natural) Quick to act +3
              (poor)                   touch 9, flat-footed 19           Dual Boost 3/day
Mature adult  40 ft., fly 150 ft.      30 (-2 size, +1 dex, +24 natural) Alternate Form (Large), DR 10/magic                                                    
              (poor)                   touch 8, flat footed 27           [I]Stoneskin[/I]
Old           40 ft., fly 200 ft.      34 (-4 size, +2 dex, +27 natural) Quick to act +4
              (clumsy)                 touch 8, flat footed 32           
Very old      40 ft., fly 200 ft.      38 (-4 size, +2 dex, +30 natural) DR 15/magic
              (clumsy)                 touch 8, flat footed 36           Dual Strike 3/day
Ancient       40 ft., fly 200 ft.      41 (-4 size, +2 dex, +33 natural) Quick to act +5
              (clumsy)                 touch 6, flat footed 39           [I]Discern Location[/I]
Wyrm          40 ft., fly 200 ft.      44 (-4 size, +2 dex, +36 natural) DR 20/magic
              (clumsy)                 touch 6, flat footed 42           
Great wyrm    40 ft., fly 250 ft.      43 (-8 size, +2 dex, +39 natural) Quick to act +6
              (clumsy)                 touch 6, flat footed 41           Stance Mastery
This reptilian creature has a sleek frame with a long neck and tail. Four sturdy legs extend from underneath its body, all ending with sharp claws. Its head has a long snout, dagger-shaped teeth and large yellow eyes. Two horns protrude backward from its brow and small bony spikes grow from its spine, all the way to the tip of the tail. Its scales are deep blue and its wings spread out almost two times its body length. In a blink of an eye, the dragon suddenly shrinks, and starts standing on its hind legs like a human. Its chest and fore legs become human-like, but this new form still possesses the dragon’s claws, scales, wings, fangs and tail.

Martial dragons are creatures that practice the Sublime Way and can execute deadly maneuvers instead of slinging spells to defeat their opponents. Furthermore, they can also change their shape in order to wield weapons and to blend into the crowd.

At birth, martial dragons have light blue scales, but as they age, these become darker, reaching a beautiful deep, striking blue shade. Their eyes are slit and reptilian in appearance, but as they age, their eyes become featureless golden orbs.

Martial dragons’ origins is still a mystery. According to sages, no deities is associated with the nine swords nor the Sublime Way, and no dragon deities would have created a dragon that can form alliances with any creature either. A theory goes that long ago, when a honorable swordsage dies in fighting, it is reincarnated into a martial dragon. It is possible that these dragons bred through and thus forming a new specie. It is unknown if the reincarnation kept the mind and memories of the swordsage.

Martial dragons make their lairs in recluse areas, such as a mountaintop or the heart of a forest. Their dedication for the Sublime Way needs a calm place where meditating and practicing will not be easy disturbed. A martial dragon might make its lair near a monastery or sacred shrine, or even near a city. Martial dragons are not actively interested in coins and gems like other dragons. Instead, they value weapons, armors and special materials, such as adamantine.

Martial dragons have different moralities and philosophies, so they can cooperate with any dragons, whether chromatic or metallic. Their alternate forms are less imposing, making them more friendly to other humanoids. A monastery may have a martial dragon in alternate form as a guard or even as a master. Martial dragons prefer companions with a good fighting spirit, such as fighters, barbarians and paladins. These dragons tend to hint and educate other with strategies and tactics. Spellcasters are considered slightly inferior to martial dragons, since they can’t rely on their own strength to take care of problems, but they do not harass and intimidate them to submission.


Martial dragons shift forms according to the threat. Larger groups of enemy will face the dragon in its true form, while a single opponent or small band will likely to meet a weapon-wielding half-dragon. Since any item carried while in alternate form melds into the dragon’s true form, a martial dragon can guarantee to have a weapon ready anytime it change shape, as well as a suit of armor.
Regardless of its shape, a martial dragon uses its maneuvers and stance in deadly concert, in addition of its breath weapon and natural weapons. It breathes usually in close combat, to give little time to its foes to react but to eliminate any followers. The martial dragon starts its combats by flying around its targets, watching them closely and softening them with its breath weapon. Once it is done, it dives toward them, possibly in conjunction with a maneuver and starts rampaging.

Alternate Form (Su) : A martial dragon can transform into a Medium, more humanoid version of itself, much like a half-dragon, as a standard action. While in this form, the dragon’s land speed changes to 30 feet and its fly speed to 60 feet (average). It can now wield weapons crafted for humanoids and can still use its natural weapons, except crush and tail sweep attacks, and very young dragons can use their tail slap as well. The damage is reduced to Medium. Its natural armor changes to +4, its breath weapon to 6d8 points of damage and its frightful presence is reduced by 8. The dragon’s ability scores change as follow per size decrease: -4 size penalty to Strength, +2 size bonus to Dexterity and -2 size penalty to Constitution.

At mature adult stage, a martial dragon can adopt a more larger form. It is the same humanoid-shape form, except in Large size. While in this form, the dragon’s land speed changes to 40 feet and its fly speed to 80 feet (average). Its natural armor changes to +8, its breath weapon to 12d8 points of damage, its frightful presence is reduced by 4 and its size changes to Large, including damage. The ability modifiers are the same.

The dragon can adopt either form at will. Any normal items carried or worn while in these forms when the dragon changes back into its original form melds into its body, becoming non-functional until it reassumes these forms. Magic items, being able to resize themselves, can either be melded or kept worn, and thus remaining functional.

Breath Weapon (Su): A martial dragon has one type of breath weapon, a line of ki energy. The damage is pure energy, meaning it bypasses any resistance or immunity.

Dual Boost (Ex): An adult martial dragon can use two boost maneuvers simultaneously. Whenever it initiates a boost maneuver, it can also initiate any other boost maneuver that it knows as a free action. Both boosts it initiates are expended normally, and it can use this ability three times per day.

Dual Strike (Ex): A very old martial dragon can use two strike maneuvers simultaneously. Whenever it initiates a strike maneuver, it can also initiate any other strike maneuver that it knows as a free action. Both strikes must have the same initiation time, and are both expended normally. It can use this ability three times per day.

Maneuvers (Ex or Su): A young martial dragon learns maneuvers from any of the nine disciplines of the Sublime Way, and may ready a few of them. These readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter, and a martial dragon can recover them by quickly meditate, spending a full-round action that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

Proficiencies (Ex): A martial dragon is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, all armors and shields.

Quick to Act (Ex): At very young age, a martial dragon gains a bonus on initiative checks. This bonus is equal to half its age category.

Spell-like abilities: At will – Shield (young or older) 3/day – True Strike (juvenile or older), Stoneskin (mature adult or older), Discern Location (ancient or older).

Stances (Ex or Su): A young martial dragon learns stances from any of the nine disciplines of the Sublime Way. Unlike maneuvers, stances are or expended, and it does not have to ready them. All the stances the martial dragon knows are available to it at all times, and it can change the stance it is currently using as a swift action.

Stance Mastery (Ex): A great wyrm martial dragon can have two stances active simultaneously. When it uses a swift action to initiate or change its stance, you can initiate or change one or both stances.

Skills: Appraise, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump and Martial Lore are considered class skills for martial dragons.


First Post
next: a new specie of Spawn of Tiamat

A tall, muscular, scaled humanoid marches toward you, a bloodstained battleaxe in its clawed hand. Its head looks like a mature red dragon, as its eyes are pupil-less and glowing. It then unfolds its wings and waves slightly its tail. Its scales then darken to a black tone, its head shrinks to a skull-like head with two curved horns jutting from its cheeks. As it keeps walking toward you, its scales changes to a greenish tone, its head changes to a crocodile-like head with a large crest on it. Soon after, a large horn protrudes from its snout and large ear frills from its head, as its scales adopt a blue color. Moments later, the scales become white as snow and its head shapes into a sleek profiled, almost lizard-like one. This creature is riding a large winged dragon, which in every step matches its rider form.

Omnispawn Warrior CR 4
Always NE Medium monstrous humanoid (dragonblood)
Init +0; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., Listen +8, Spot +8
Languages: Common, Draconic
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 20
(+3 natural, +5 armor, +2 shield)
hp 30 (4 HD)
Immune acid, cold, electricity or fire (see below), paralysis, sleep;
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +5
Speed 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 40 ft. (average), Flyby Attack
Base 30 ft. (6 squares), fly 60 ft. (average)
Melee battleaxe +8 (1d8+3/x3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +4; Grp +7
Special Actions breath weapon, chromatic shift, reactive shift
Abilities Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
SQ Tiamat’s Blessing
Feats Alertness (b), Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), Flyby Attack
Skills Intimidate +4, Listen +8, Spot +8
Advancement by character class; Favored Class fighter; see text
Possessions battleaxe, breastplate, dragonbone heavy shield
Breath Weapon (Su) 30-ft. cone or 60-ft. line, once every 1d4 rounds, 2d8 varies, Reflex DC 15 half. The breath weapon damage increases by 1d8 for every 2 additional HD. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Chromatic Shift (Su) The omnispawn warrior can change its draconic nature to match a chromatic dragon’s all its features transform into the new form, from the skull-like dragon head of a black dragon to the sleek profiled head of a white dragon. This shift also alters the omnispawn’s immunity and abilities. As a standard action, the omnispawn can change its scales to match the black, blue, green, red or white dragon as follow.
Dragon	        Breath weapon	        Breath weapon	        Energy	        Tiamat’s
Color		Area			Damage		        Immunity	Blessing
Black		60-ft. line		Acid			Acid		Acid
Blue		60-ft. line		Electricity		Electricity	Electricity
Green		30-ft. cone		Acid			Acid		Acid
Red		30-ft. cone		Fire			Fire		Fire
White		30-ft. cone		Cold			Cold		Cold
Reactive Shift (Su) Four times per day, the omnispawn warrior can use its chromatic shift as an immediate or swift action, such as to negate a fire spell by changing into a red dragon form. The omnispawn can use this ability for a number of times equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
Tiamat’s Blessing (Su) Depending on the omnispawn’s current form, every creature within 5 feet of it gain immunity to the energy keyed to its nature (see below).


Omnispawn Steed CR 6
Always NE Large magical beast (dragonblood)
Init +1; Senses: darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Listen +7, Spot +8
Languages: --
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
(-1 size, +1 dex, +10 natural)
hp 57 (6 HD)
Immune acid, cold, electricity or fire (see below), paralysis, sleep;
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 100 ft. (average), Flyby Attack
Melee bite +12 (1d8+6) and
Melee 2 claws +10 (1d6+3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Base Atk +6; Grp +16
Special Actions breath weapon, chromatic shift, reactive shift, Maximize Breath
Abilities Str 22, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6
SQ Tiamat’s Blessing
Feats Alertness (b), Multiattack, Flyby Attack, Maximize Breath
Skills Listen +7, Spot +8
Advancement 7-12 HD (Large), 13-18 HD (Huge);
Breath Weapon (Su) 50-ft. cone or 100-ft. line, once every 1d4 rounds, 3d8 varies, Reflex DC 17 half. The breath weapon damage increases by 1d8 for every 2 additional HD. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Chromatic Shift (Su) The omnispawn steed can change its draconic nature to match a chromatic dragon’s all its features transform into the new form, from the horned dragon head of a blue dragon to the crocodilian head of a green dragon. This shift also alters the omnispawn’s immunity and abilities. As a standard action, the omnispawn can change its scales to match the black, blue, green, red or white dragon as follow.
Dragon	        Breath weapon	        Breath weapon	        Energy	        Tiamat’s
Color		Area			Damage		        Immunity	Blessing
Black		100-ft. line		Acid			Acid		Acid
Blue		100-ft. line		Electricity		Electricity	Electricity
Green		50-ft. cone		Acid			Acid		Acid
Red		50-ft. cone		Fire			Fire		Fire
White		50-ft. cone		Cold			Cold		Cold
Reactive Shift (Su) Five times per day, the omnispawn steed can use its chromatic shift as an immediate or swift action, such as to negate a fire spell by changing into a red dragon form. The omnispawn can use this ability for a number of times equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum 1).
Tiamat’s Blessing (Su) Depending on the omnispawn’s current form, every creature within 5 feet of it gain immunity to the energy keyed to its nature (see below).

Omnispawns are a new kind of spawn of Tiamat that can change their shape to those of the chromatic dragons. Tiamat wanted to create a new life form to her multi-chromatic nature. While she still uses her other spawns for specific tasks in specific terrains, her omnispawns act as versatile guerrilla forces she can send everywhere she likes in the Material Plane.

Strategies and Tactics
Omnispawn warriors fight in rank formations. They marsh toward opponents and attack ferociously, rarely retreating or even surrendering. They develop battle signals in order to adapt a specific form so that their breath weapons will not damage each others. Omnispawn warriors scout in teams of three or four, led by a warrior mount on an omnispawn steed. If they must ambush something, they do it from the air if possible.

Omnispawns, whether warriors or steeds, are born from any chromatic dragon egg. Newborn spawns appear in a chromatic shift keyed to its dragon parents. When it reaches full maturity, they can change to any shape. At this stage, either parents or Tiamat herself take care of training omnispawns into loyal soldiers and mounts.
Omnispawns live in any kind of terrain they were born into, but they do not have a preference over another.
Typical Physical Characteristics
A sandswimmer is about 6 to 7 feet high with a 4-feet long tail and weighs about 250 lbs. Omnispawns are genderless, so they possess no means to procreate.

Omnispawns, when born, are perceived as a blessing from the Dragon Queen. They are raised like other wyrmlings, and are sometimes kept as guards for their parent lair. Every omnispawn treats each others as siblings or comrades, as they usually work together on the battlefield. Each squadron train day and night for upcoming battles, yet they know how to celebrate a victory. They view the other spawns of Tiamat as equal without resignation.
Typical Treasure
Omnispawn warriors do not carry treasure aside from their gear. Extended voyages might force a warrior to pack rations and water, but they do not usually carry coins or gems.

For Player Characters
Omnispawn steeds make excellent mounts for their speed, breath weapons and energy immunities. Riding a omnispawn steed requires an exotic saddle.
However, their evil nature make them wild and bloodthirsty, thus challenging to train and rear such a creature as a mount. For all but the spawn of Tiamat, Handle Animal DCs with omnispawn steeds increase by 10 and Ride check DCs increase by 5.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a omnispawn steed is up to 519 pounds; a medium load, 520-1,038 pounds; and a heavy load, 1,039-1,560 pounds.

Omnispawn warriors with Class Levels
Omnispawn warriors fight every battle day and night, so their favored class is fighter. Many of them take the blackguard path to make tyrannical leaders.
Level Adjustment: +3


First Post
next: a template that grants spell-like abilities, with a price.

Spell-Infused Creature

Spell-infused creatures are normal creatures that were wounded by magic while in contact with a magic-blasted field, such as a battlefield. These fields radiate faint magic that hit these creatures and imbue them with magical powers once they are healed, as their blood become tainted with that magical trace.

Spell-infused creatures are sturdier and more cunning than their counterpart. Each time they use their blood spells, their eyes glow and their skin slightly ripple.

Creating A Spell-Infused Creature

“Spell-infused” is an acquired template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, living construct, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A spell-infused creature uses all the base creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points.

Size and Type: Animals and vermin change to magical beast. Size is unchanged.

Challenge Rating: Same as base creature + 1.

Attack Options: A spell-infused retains all the attack options of the base creature and also gains the following option:
Blood Spell (Sp): A spell-infused can cast a single spell as a spell-like ability at will. The spell level depends on the base creature’s HD, and the caster level is equal to the base creature’s racial HD. However, each time it casts the spell, it takes 1d4 points of damage per the spell level. (A 0-level spell deals 1d2 point of damage). The save DC, if any, is either intelligence-, wisdom- or charisma-based, depending on which spell list the base creature has chosen its spell from. For example, a spell-infused creature with a druid spell will have wisdom-based save DCs.

Spell      Min. HD              Min. HD         Min. HD       Min. HD
Level      (Clr, Drd, Wiz)      (Sor)           (Brd)         (Pal, Rrg)
0           1/2 HD               1/2 HD          1/2 HD        -- 
1           1 HD                 1 HD            2 HD          4 HD
2           3 HD                 4 HD            4 HD          8 HD
3           5 HD                 6 HD            7 HD          11 HD
4           7 HD                 8 HD            10 HD         14 HD
5           9 HD                 10 HD           13 HD         --
6           11 HD                12 HD           16 HD         -- 
7           13 HD                14 HD           --            --
8           15 HD                16 HD           --            --
9           17 HD                18 HD           --            --

Abilities: A spell-infused creature’s ability scores are modified as follows: Con +2. Depending on which spell list the base creature has chosen its spell from, it gains a +2 either to Intelligence (Wiz), Wisdom (Clr, Drd, Pal, Rgr) or Charisma (Brd, Sor).

Special Qualities: A spell-infused retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following quality:
Spell resistance equal to 5 + the base creature’s HD
If the base creature already has spell resistance, use the better value.

Level adjustment: Same as the base creature + 2

Variant: The spell-infused template can be converted into a power-seeded template. The powers can be picked from the psion, psychic warrior or wilder list. Power-seeded creatures may augment their mind power if possible and do not keep scores of power points, but each they manifest their power, they takes 1d4 points of damage per the power level plus the number of power points they would have normally used.

Controlled Blood Casting [Monstrous]
Your blood spell does not cost you much of your health.
Prerequisites: Blood Spell ability, Con 17.
Benefit: When using your Blood Spell, you can convert half the damage you take from the ability into non-lethal damage.
Special: For psionic variant, this feat is called Controlled Mind Manifesting.

Experienced Infuser [Monstrous]
You can use your blood spell with greater effects.
Prerequisites: Blood Spell ability, Character level 2 or more.
Benefit: When using your Blood Spell, your class levels, if any, stack with your racial HD.
Normal: When using your Blood Spell, only your racial HD count as the caster level.
Special: For psionic variant, this feat is called Experienced Seeder.

Blood Alteration [Monstrous]
You have learn to modify the arcane energy in your blood in order to change its contained spell.
Prerequisites: Blood Spell ability, Experienced Infuser, 3 HD or more.
Benefit: You can exchange your Blood Spell with another spell, according to what your HD can permit.
Special: For psionic variant, this feat is called Mind Alteration.


First Post
next: one of the missing monoliths, as well as the element creature template.

Storm Monolith CR 18
N Gargantuan elemental (air extraplanar)
Init +10; Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +43, Spot +43
Languages: Auran
AC 31, touch 11, flat-footed 15
(-4 size, +5 dex, +20 natural)
hp 450 (36 HD) Electrical and Sonic Healing; DR 15/--
Immune critical hits, electricity, flanking paralysis, petrification, poison, sleep effect, sonic, sneak attacks, stunning
Fort +18, Ref +27, Will +15
Speed 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 120 ft. (perfect)
Melee 2 slams +36 (4d6+13/19-20 plus 3d6 electricity)
Space 20 ft.; Reach 20 ft.
Base Atk +27; Grp +52
Atk Options Cleave, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Special Actions Shock, Thunder and Lightning
Abilities Str 36, Dex 20, Con 26, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 17
SQ air mastery, elemental traits, electrical and sonic healing
Feats Ability Focus (Thunder and Lightning), Alertness, Blind-Fight, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (slam), Lighting Reflexes, Power Attack, Spring Attack
Skills Balance +7, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +16, Jump +39, Listen +43, Sense Motive +15, Spot +43, Tumble +24.
Advancement 37-54 HD (Gargantuan)
Air Mastery (Ex) Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against a storm monolith.
Shock (Su) Once per round as a free action, a storm monolith can deliver an electrical shock to a single opponent within 10 feet. This attack deals 15d4 points of nonlethal electricity damage to living opponent (Fortitude DC 36 half). The save DC is Constitution-based.
Thunder and Lightning (Su) Once per minute as a full-round action, a storm monolith can emit a blast of thunder coupled with a bolt of lightning.
The thunder deals 18d6 points of sonic damage to all creatures within 60 feet of the storm monolith. A Fortitude DC 38 save halves this damage.
The lightning is a 120-foot-long line that deals 36d6 points of electricity damage. A Reflex DC 38 save halves this damage.
The save DCs are Constitution-based.

A dark storm crackles with lightning and reverberates with the dull rumble of thunder. The cloud has a vaguely-humanoid torso, head and arms, and two large sparks act as eyes.

A storm monolith is a powerful embodiment of a living storm, even mightier than its lesser storm elemental kin. Only the strongest spellcasters can successfully summoned and compel these elemental creatures.

Strategies and Tactics
A storm monolith fights much like its lesser cousins. They stay aloft as much as they can and they call the power of the storm to wipe out groups of enemies.

Storm monoliths are immortal beings that do not reproduce. They are formed when a wild storm is in contact with the Elemental Plane of Air.
Storm monoliths are native from the Elemental plane of Air
Typical Physical Characteristics
A storm monoliths stands at 50 feet tall and weighs about 56 pounds.
A storm monolith, as an elemental creature, is usually neutral.

Typical Treasure
Storm monoliths have no use for magic items and are rarely found with any treasure of their own. Their lairs are something littered with the gear of those foolish enough to attack them.

For Players Characters
A 18th-level spellcaster can summon a storm monolith via the summon elemental monolith spell.

Creating A Storm Element Creature

“Storm element” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin (referred to hereafter as the base creature).

A storm element creature uses all the base creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points.

Size and Type: The creature’s type changes to elemental, and it gains the air subtype. Size is unchanged. Storm element creatures encountered on the Material Plane have the extraplanar subtype.

Challenge Rating: HD 3 or less, as base creature; HD 4 to 7, as base creature +1; HD 8 or more, as base creature +2.

Alignment: Usually neutral.

Speed: A storm element creature gains a fly speed equal to twice the base creature’s base speed, with perfect maneuverability, unless the base creature has a higher fly speed.

Attack Options: A storm element retains all the attack options of the base creature and also gains the following option:
Shock (Ex): In addition to the damage from their attacks, storm element creatures deal additional electricity damage with their natural weapons (including claw, slam, or tail attack). The amount of damage depends on the HD total of the creature (see the Storm Element Creature table).

Abilities: A storm element creature’s ability scores are modified as follows: Dex +6.

Special Qualities: A storm element retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following qualities:
Darkvision 60 ft.
Immunity to electricity and sonic
Damage Reduction (Ex): A storm element creature’s body is resistant to harm, giving it damage reduction (see the Storm Element Creature table). If the base creature already has damage reduction, use the better value.
If a storm element creature gains damage reduction, its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Skills: Same as the base creature. If the storm element creature has an Intelligence score of 4 or greater, it speaks Auran..

Level adjustment: Same as the base creature + 4

[B]Hit Dice	Damage Reduction	Additional Electricity Damage[/B]
1-3		--			--
4-7		--			1d4
8-11		5/magic			1d6
12+		10/magic		2d6

the Jester

Thank you!!

You have quite an impressive collection of homebrews- I'll comment more when I get a chance to read through them all... ;)

Edit: Damn, and the level of detail you put into these entries is fantastic! :cool:
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First Post
well, thank you, pretty much appreciated.

I'm glad you like it. If I got time, I'll keep adding new creatures.
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Inventor of Super-Toast
I continue to be impressed by your wealth of updates. I do especially like the omnispawn, because it's a cool concept, even if the spawn of Tiamat as a whole need to take a break for a while. Keep up the excellent work!

Demiurge out.

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