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Jin Chi loses to Orlandu (Chat Match)

Jin Chi

First Post
Frustrated by his inability to maintain his record, Jin Chi goes off in search of another battle.

Jin Chi
The Path of Honor

Green Belt-1

Signature Styles: Blizzard, Staff, Jaguar
Dojo: Phoenix
Fists of Fury (x1)
Chi Strike
Master of Emotions

Record: 8-8
Yen 3

Item: Ornate Golden Staff (5 yen)
+ Staff Signature Style (5 yen)

[Prefer MB or judge-gen moves]
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First Post
Orlandu, Honorable Ogre Magi

Brown Belt 0
Signature Styles: Turtle, Sword, Frog, Ki-Rin, Manta Ray
Dojo Style: Northstar
Fists of Fury x2
Chi Strike
Mastery of Emotions and Movement
Ogre Clan Sword (Grants Wielder Signature Location Mountains and the Sword Style)
5 Yen

I accept your challenge


First Post
[01:13] <Skarnkai> !mb ybinsult
[01:13] <Meowthbot> Skarnkai: I find your gardener to be brazen, your city to be cursed, and your zen to be unskilled.
[01:13] <Kalanyr> Depending on how my fight with Wrath goes I might have gained 4
[01:13] <Jin_Chi> Orlandu...post your stats in my thread for easy judicial access.
[01:13] <Reiella> Kalanyr, heh
[01:13] <Jin_Chi> !mb ybinsult
[01:13] <Meowthbot> Jin_Chi: I find your daughter to be nonexistant, your sky to be pretentious, and your kick to be sloppy.
[01:14] <Jin_Chi> Have we got a judge?
[01:14] <Reiella> Kagan was dark path?
[01:14] <Jin_Chi> Was is the operative term.
[01:15] <Reiella> ya
[01:15] <Reiella> the dark boon is nice
[01:16] <Kalanyr> Yah Dark's give two tiers
[01:16] <Kalanyr> ranks i mean
[01:16] <Kalanyr> :)
[01:16] <Kalanyr> I see the debate on Sig Loc vs Sig Style
[01:16] <Reiella> course if wrath wins, she goes up 3 ranks too
[01:16] <Reiella> Ya
[01:16] <Kalanyr> Hmm since Light is supposed to trump yakuza
[01:16] <Kalanyr> mastery should be swapped for changing a move loc I guess
[01:16] <Kalanyr> I think I might go and add that
[01:17] <Kalanyr> Whatcha all think?
[01:18] <Jin_Chi> Skarn....we fighting?
[01:18] <Skarnkai> Ok
[01:18] <Skarnkai> yea posted
[01:18] <Jin_Chi> Someone up for judging a chat match?
[01:21] <Jin_Chi> Anyone?
[01:21] <Jin_Chi> Bueller....Bueller....
[01:22] <Skarnkai> apparently not :p
[01:22] <Kalanyr> I will
[01:22] <Jin_Chi> Did you see the insults?
[01:22] <Kalanyr> Oh and will someone explain why everyone forgets I can't REDEEM DARKS!!!!!!!
[01:23] <Skarnkai> Because they are stupid?
[01:23] <Kalanyr> Anc can someone set the day and loc of Kal vs Wrath please?
[01:23] <Jin_Chi> Oh, what does the day matter. you'll just change it. :p
[01:26] <Jin_Chi> You judging Kal?
[01:27] <Kalanyr> Yep
[01:28] <Skarnkai> Well then
[01:28] <Kalanyr> The day matters because I might have to waste a Holy Day on the first round otherwise
[01:28] <Skarnkai> I go first eh?
[01:28] <Skarnkai> well
[01:28] <Kalanyr> Who's logging?
[01:29] <Skarnkai> I can
[01:29] <Jin_Chi> What's logging?
[01:29] <Jin_Chi> :p
[01:29] <Kalanyr> I don't think i can judge unless you'll all wait 10 mins dinner is coming up
[01:29] <Kenji> I'm already logging...so if you need...
[01:29] <Kalanyr> Sorry If U wait I'll be back ASAP
[01:31] <Kalanyr> going now back in 10
[01:39] <Kalanyr> back now
[01:40] <Kalanyr> Ready to judge
[01:40] <Skarnkai> ok
[01:40] <Kalanyr> !mb ybmaster
[01:40] <Meowthbot> Kalanyr: MeowthBot has decreed this match to take place at the dungeon north-east of the Sea of Stars on the dawn of the fist.
[01:41] <Skarnkai> judge insults
[01:42] <Kalanyr> Where are the insults?
[01:43] <Skarnkai> on here
[01:43] <Kalanyr> You vs Jin_Chi?
[01:44] <Kalanyr> Unskilled Zen is bad insults to Orlandu
[01:46] <Skarnkai> ok
[01:46] <Skarnkai> 8 Flag Speed Strat Match
[01:46] <Skarnkai> 5 move hands
[01:48] <Kalanyr> Where are the moves posted?
[01:48] <Jin_Chi> Here now.
[01:48] <Jin_Chi> Had to set my animation to render.
[01:49] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The fox flips in the midst of the spring and tumbles by the spring; dominates the speed of the comet!
[01:49] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 2: The blizzard drifts atop the city; reduces the tempest of the shadow!
[01:49] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 3: The vine speaks below the tower; quells the thrust of the canine!
[01:49] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 4: The blizzard punches across the village; reduces the rising of the wyrm!
[01:49] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 5: The manta ray strikes the well; leaps over the assailment of the thorn!
[01:49] <Jin_Chi> How did you do that?
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 1: The turtle overwhelms the delta; guards against the tempest of the armor!
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The fist quells the mountain; dominates the descent of the spirit!
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 3: The claw strikes the city; protects against the assailment of the dark sunbeam!
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 4: The needle lies underneath the gate; blocks the energy of the four winds!
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 5: The northstar cuts the desert; shreds the drive of the water!
[01:50] <Jin_Chi> Lots of sigs.
[01:51] <Kalanyr> Stats please
[01:51] <Jin_Chi> http://www.enworld.org/messageboards/showthread.php?s=&postid=63835#post63835
[01:52] <Jin_Chi> 5 out of 10 are sigs.
[01:53] <Jin_Chi> After you Skarn.
[01:53] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 4: The blizzard punches across the village; reduces the rising of the wyrm!
[01:54] *** Rathan has joined #yb
[01:54] <Rathan> wow...I late getting in here tonight..
[01:54] <Rathan> hi all..
[01:55] <Rathan> anyone here???
[01:55] <Jin_Chi> Yes.
[01:55] <Rathan> ok....kewl..
[01:55] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 4: The needle lies underneath the gate; blocks the energy of the four winds!
[01:55] <Rathan> so....seeing as phoenix has tied up both of my characters today...anyone need a judge???
[01:55] <Jin_Chi> Ummmm....Skarn....do you really want to be using my sigs?
[01:57] <Kalanyr> Ok let me see
[01:57] <Kalanyr> Round Jin-Chi by default 1 Flag Jin Chi
[01:57] <Rathan> oh..my bad.....are you guys having a chat match???
[01:58] <Skarnkai> What?
[01:58] <Skarnkai> Dog +P
[01:58] <Skarnkai> *Doh
[01:58] <Jin_Chi> Sorry Skarn. I should have used one of yours as well.
[01:58] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 5: The manta ray strikes the well; leaps over the assailment of the thorn!
[01:58] <Skarnkai> Chi Strike
[01:59] <Jin_Chi> Jin Chi strike. :p
[01:59] <Rathan> lol
[01:59] <Rathan> kenji????
[01:59] <Kenji> Yes?
[02:00] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The fist quells the mountain; dominates the descent of the spirit!
[02:00] <Rathan> feel like having an unoffical match aginst ariel after there done with theres???
[02:00] <Kenji> I guess
[02:00] <Rathan> it can't be offical sense she's in a fight with kith....
[02:01] <Kenji> That's ok, I don't mind...
[02:01] <Rathan> it would be a chat match in here too....... seeing as I wanted to try a chat match as well...
[02:01] <Rathan> I've never done a chat match before..
[02:02] <Rathan> how do you do a move in private with meowthbot???
[02:02] <Kalanyr> 2 Flags Orlandu I like synergy 1 Flag Jin 2 Flags Orlandu
[02:02] <Rathan> you know..like you do when making a meowthbot hand
[02:03] <Jin_Chi> Chi Strike!
[02:03] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 3: The claw strikes the city; protects against the assailment of the dark sunbeam!
[02:05] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The fox flips in the midst of the spring and tumbles by the spring; dominates the speed of the comet!
[02:06] <Kalanyr> The claw strikes the fox excercises 2 Flags all
[02:06] <Jin_Chi> New Hand Time.
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 1: The owl prances near the castle; absorbs the onslaught of the sunflower!
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The dagger burns the gate; guards against the pain of the body!
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 3: The sword punches near the hells; quells the descent of the lava!
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 4: The snake drifts underneath the lake; negates the tempest of the river!
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 5: The courageous turtle devastates the gate; silences the push of the clouds!
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> More damn sigs.
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> And not mine either.
[02:07] <Rathan> ok...how'd he do that in here..make his hand I mean..what's the code I have to put in???
[02:07] <Jin_Chi> I'm just pasting them in.
[02:08] <Rathan> how do you gert them in private from meowth bot single moves and hands???
[02:08] <Jin_Chi> {/msg Meowthbot ybhand}
[02:09] <Rathan> ok..kewl..I got it now....
[02:10] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The panther thrusts the mountain; dodges the pain of the soul!
[02:10] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 2: The snake dodges underneath the valley; shields against the blood of the earth!
[02:10] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 3: The kama severs the plain; slides from the gaze of the canine!
[02:10] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 4: The chimera attacks the pillars; avoids the cut of the fire!
[02:10] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 5: The scorpion assails the caves; guards against the pain of the dark sunbeam!
[02:11] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 4: The chimera attacks the pillars; avoids the cut of the fire!
[02:11] <Kalanyr> Jin its your turn Skarn has moved
[02:11] <Rathan> what's the number for flags for this match???
[02:12] <Kalanyr> 8 Orlandu's fav number
[02:12] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 1: The owl prances near the castle; absorbs the onslaught of the sunflower!
[02:12] <Rathan> lol.....go ogre magi..... go ogre magi...
[02:14] <Kalanyr> Ooh A wise owl hiding! 3 Flags Orlandu 2 Flags Jin Chi
[02:14] <Jin_Chi> Prancing is not hiding.
[02:14] <Jin_Chi> It's not really fighting either though.
[02:14] <Jin_Chi> :p
[02:15] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The dagger burns the gate; guards against the pain of the body!
[02:15] <Jin_Chi> hold on.
[02:15] <Jin_Chi> What happens if I FofF without usable moves?
[02:15] <Jin_Chi> Nevermind.....go Skarn.
[02:16] <Kalanyr> I meant dodging sorry I'm reading two things at once
[02:18] <Jin_Chi> I gotta go to sleep soon....
[02:19] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 5: The scorpion assails the caves; guards against the pain of the dark sunbeam!
[02:20] <Rathan> kenji.....I think I'll wait till tomorro night for our unofficial match..I'm beat and want to get to bed early tonight.......sorry......
[02:20] <Rathan> see you all later..... have a good night..*S*
[02:21] <Kenji> Alright, good night man
[02:21] <Kalanyr> Jin_Chi has superior defense 3 all
[02:21] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 3: The kama severs the plain; slides from the gaze of the canine!
[02:21] <Skarnkai> FoF
[02:22] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The panther thrusts the mountain; dodges the pain of the soul!
[02:22] *** Rathan has quit IRC (QUIT: Leaving)
[02:23] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 4: The snake drifts underneath the lake; negates the tempest of the river!
[02:24] <Kalanyr> I hate snakes! 5 Flags Orlandu 3 Jin Chi
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 1: The ki-rin prances underneath the foothills; redirects the kick of the stone!
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The kama shatters the caves; shields against the onslaught of the stone!
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 3: The frog bows next to the coast; leaps over the assailment of the clouds!
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 4: The scorpion assaults the mesa; absorbs the descent of the soul!
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 5: The toad slides by the vineyard; parts the chaos of the sunflower!
[02:25] <Jin_Chi> This is getting annoying. That's two sigs of his per hand.
[02:27] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The thunder demolishes the dungeon as it seeks on top of the lily; dodges the speed of the willow!
[02:27] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 2: The crab illuminates the castle; fends off the storm of the river!
[02:27] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 3: The frog seeks higher than the valley; fends off the chi of the snow!
[02:27] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 4: The rose petal dodges higher than the palace; parries the stab of the amphibian!
[02:27] <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 5: The toad drops in the midst of the steppes; avoids the assailment of the ape!
[02:27] <Jin_Chi> <Jin_Chi> <Meowthbot> 2: The kama shatters the caves; shields against the onslaught of the stone!
[02:30] *** MidKnight has joined #yb
[02:30] <MidKnight> All quiet tonight???
[02:31] <Jin_Chi> Too quiet. Your move Skarn.
[02:31] <MidKnight> Good gives me time to think up something to respond to Sabaron's move IC wise...
[02:32] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 1: The thunder demolishes the dungeon as it seeks on top of the lily; dodges the speed of the willow!
[02:32] <Skarnkai> FoF
[02:32] <Skarnkai> <Skarnkai> <Meowthbot> 3: The frog seeks higher than the valley; fends off the chi of the snow!
[02:33] <Kalanyr> Impressive thunder 3 flags and match orlandu


Kalanyr signing off

Orlandu you have overcome the Greenbelt and have risen to Brown Belt 1 with a record of 17-8. You have regained what you lost

Jin Chi there is no shame in losing to a superior foe, whoever while I may feel thus others do not you fall to Green Belt 0 with a record of 8-9

Voidrunner's Codex

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