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John play: Hero for hire


RHAAN 27, 997

“Welcome John Play.”

Play looks up to the hovering creature. “errrrr…. Hi……” He is not sure whether to attack, run, bow or prey. The last he saw one of things beings an entire nation died.

=I have been watching you. You are a curious individual to watch. You have an interesting destiny. I enjoy it very much.= It communicates within his mind.

“How do you know my name? You seem to know me but I don’t know you.” says Play still not putting his weapons away.

=I am aware of all things with a destiny. This includes you.=

Still unsettled, Play finds he cannot look the creature eye to eye. “So… you believe you know my destiny….” He leaves his comment hanging.

=Yes and you are not following it.=

“Yeah…. I’m known to do the unexpected.” Play finally lowers his bow but continues to not meet its stare. “Was it fate I would be here?”

= Perhaps. Fate is a strange thing. It is like points in history. How one connects the dots is the thing of freewill.=

Play remains quiet for a moment. He is uncertain what to do. His lantern training never covered Mothmen. “Glad you are enjoying the show. Can I go now? I have unfinished work in Sharn.”

=True but it is not with Zinter d’Cannith. It is with family and friends=

Play finds the nerve to look up and meet the creature eye to eye. He honestly isn’t sure if he will turn into stone or something like that. Play finds he is fearful of the creature but equally enthralled by it.

“Family? Everyone is dead.”


“Yes. My father died protecting the king.”

= Augustus Play died saving the king. Your father died stopping Gnolls from attacking a village.=

Play opens his mouth to argue then stops to reconsider that course of action. Just what does this creature want of him?

= I wish to have you return to the path of your destiny. I may have to educate you first=

“Educate….?!? What the hell are you……” Play begins to argue but again stops. Those damned eyes….

=Do you know where you are?=

“North of Eldeen reaches. On an island within Eldeen bay.”

=True but you are also somewhere important=

Play looks on impatiently.

=Humor me John Play. Follow me=

Play follows him to a stone wall. He has been here taking cover from the warforged before.

=Do you know your planes?=


=This island is a gateway to another plane. It leads to Dolurrh=

“Isn’t that like…. The dead?” Questions Play with a great deal of unease.

=Yes. Only the dead or agents of fate may enter the realm=

“And you are…. An agent?” Play hopes at least.

=I and many others. I wish to show you something within however.= replies the gaunt creature as it unfolds its long arms.

“Now wait a moment…. Only the dead and agents of fate may enter. So I’m an agent?”

=Yes= and it touches Play whom is frozen in fear. =but not of fate=

Play’s eyes roll back and he collapses.

Play’s heart has stopped.

Play is dead.

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“RHAAN 27, 997”

Grey skies

Grey and bare trees

Grey stones


Play wants to close his eyes again and wake up.

=Welcome to Dolurrh John Play=

The Dark lantern rolls over and sits up. “Where are we?”

= Dolurrh=

“But I’m not….. I am dead. Why did you kill me you son of a bitch!?!?!” Play gets to his feet quickly and turns on the creature. The look in its eyes stops him.

=You have left the path to your destiny. I wish to point you in the correct direction=

“I don’t understand….”

=In Time John Play. In time….=

The creature’s red eyes peer into Play’s heart and soul. Play feels uncomfortably vulnible before it. “So what am I supposed to be doing then?”

=Follow me. In Time you will find the correct path to your destiny= The creature turns in midair and floats away across the grey landscape.

“But I don’t have time for this. I need to find and bring Zinter to justice!” The Mothman ignores him and seems to float away even faster. “Damn it!” and Play gives pursuit.

The dull grass crunches under Play’s feet as ne moves through the meadow. The creature floats onward. Finally a stone pillar comes into view.

“Is that where we are going?”

=In Time everyone mortal comes here=

Play feels he is missing something…. Time and destiny…. What is this creature up to? “And where is that?”

=the realm of the dead=

They come to a gateway cut into the stone and enter the darkness. They go down a long set of spiral stairs. There is no outer wall… only the center column the stairs hold onto. Sometimes he believes something is moving in the darkness but nothing ever appears. “Where again?”

=I am about to give you a great gift. I hope you appreciate it= Says the gaunt and tall creature looking down at Play.

Then play begins to see movement in the darkness. Swirling dark energy… ghosts? Souls…… he sees apparitions swirling about and moving around.

“Who are these people?” asks Play cautiously.

=Everyone whom has ever died=

“That’s a lot of people…. This can’t be everyone.” says Play as he tries to take it all in. “Why am I not out there then?”

=my will keeps you anchored here next to me=

“So what do you have to show…..” Play begins to ask but then stops. A lone spirit has stopped and begins to float towards the two of them. Play knows who it is.


The spirit moves closer. It looks sad and defeated.

“Father! It is me- your son! Its John.”

Another spirit stops and floats towards them. Then a few more.

Before him floats several people he knows well….. Augustus Play, Clem Play, Amanda Play and a family friend- Welter d’Deneith.

Augustus stares with hollow eyes at John. He is studying the Dark Lantern. “Father- don’t you recognize me?” It stares more with a questioning expression on its face.

“What is happening here? Why doesn’t he recognize me?”

Play, trembling and near the point of tears reaches out but the spirit is too far away.

=word of caution Play…. The dead should not be touched within the realm of Dolurrh=

“It’s my father….. he would not harm me.”

=not on purpose. Even the man that raised you would not.=

Play is about to begin a new argument but begins to catch on. He doesn’t want to listen to it….. but asks anyway. “Are you…. are you suggesting he is not my father?”

The creature says nothing.

“Are you suggesting he may be alive then?”


“My brother, sister and family friend are here but not…….” It begins to sink in. Tears flow… both from pain, confusion and betrayal.

“Welter….. he…. But I don’t have a dragonmark.”

=Not all children of the Dragonmarked bare marks themselves=

Play stares at the two of them….. his father and his…. Biological father…… “Why? “

=scandal…. And Jocasta never told August the truth. She hid it with magic.=

“Look- I’m getting tired of your hints of things…. What is going on?” Play begins to raise his voice. His anger is growing in strength. The fear of the creature next to him is leaving him.

“Show me my mother. She will explain this to me.”


Play spins and raises a fist to the creature. “She’s not here. She’s not here! She is alive! Is that my fate? Is her being alive why I am being shown this?”

=Time will tell. You have been directed to the path again. Now we return=

“No!” He screams “I want answers now! No more games. Tell me…………”

Play feels dizzy and begins to collapse. The last words he hears is “In time….”

Play awakens laying on the ground. He spits out the dirt and leaves on the stone floor he finds himself laying on. “In time….. what is that evil and demented thing trying to get at?!?” Play rolls over and lays up against the wall. His back is itching again and he can’t help but rub at it.

“Why Mother? Why?”

Play quiets down for a moment and tries to take it all in again.

1. Destiny

2. Augustus is not his father

3. He is a Denieth

4. Mom is alive

“When I get off this damned island I’m going to find her.” Declares Play.

“John! I found you finally. I knew I would but I just never know how or when.” Says a friendly and familiar voice.

“Glyder? Glyder Freetime- is that you?” Says Play rubbing the tears from his eyes and cheek.

5. The reoccurring word and phrase of “In Time”


RHAAN 27, 997

“Glyder dear- WHEN are we this time and where are we- OH! Hello. Who are you?” exclaims a surprised female gnome. Play thinks he recognizes her but can’t place it.

“I hope you are here to get me outta here.” Exclaims Play as he gathers himself. He puts out his hand to shake a greeting to the other gnome standing above him. Glyder Freetime. Play knows Glyder. He is a time traveling gnome and friend of Kim Elderich. It has been a few years since the last time he saw the gnome but the gnome looks much older. Time travel…. So confusing. “and whom is your lady friend?”

“Catti d’Sivis… this is my friend John Play.”

“THE John Play?!? I have heard so much of you….” she says in a strange and very fake way.

“Sivis…. Now I know you. You are a reporter.” He says with some coldness. He senses she is holding something back. “I’m not in a mood for an interview. Glyder- can you get me outta here and back to Sharn?”

“All in time John.” Says the gnome. He senses the tension between Catti and Play. “Just to get this out in the open- Catti already knows you….. She did an extensive interview with you in her past…. In your future.”

Play takes a moment to absorb this. He remembers having a conversation with Kim about how confusing it is to keep up with Glyder. Glyder travels through time. Many of his stories amazed Kim. The confusion of time travel was brought up.

“Sorry….. I’m a bit… off right now. I apologize Catti. I meant no disrespect.”

“And I you. I was uncertain if we had done the interview yet or not.”

“John, I came here to bring you home but first……” the gnome reaches out to Play and Catti…. A glow and a sense of a warm pulsing wave of energy flows over Play… and the two time travelers.

A tall gaunt creature with red eyes witnesses it all….. =All in Time John Play…. All in time=



“Push Jocasta! Push!” calls out the halfling midwife. Her enhanced Mage Hands are ready for the delivery.

“Ahhhhh! Third and…. LAST time….” The sweaty woman growls as she prepares to push again.

“I see a head. You are doing well! Push!”

“I…. #$@&* am!” she growls. The midwife smiles at her spirit.

“Here it comes…. One more Jocasta… one more push for me and the baby….”

“Ahhhhhhh------- “ Wahhhhhhhhhhhh is shared by two voices now…. Two Plays.

“Congratulations! It’s a boy!” The Jorasco halfling midwife gently uses her magics to cradle and clean the child. The cord is cut and soon the exhausted but joyful mother receives her third child.

“Too bad Augustus could not be here. I will be sure to contact the capital’s Sivis’ house to send word to him.”

“Yes…. Ever dedicated… to his… king and country……” she pants weakly and with a sense of hurt. “He is in Wroat this week.”

The midwife gets up and leaves the new mother with her new-born child. Five minutes go by when a curtain is pulled back. A man dressed in light armor and a red cape steps out. “Jocasta…. How are you?”

Welter d’Deneith creeps over to her side quietly. He holds her hand and gently kisses and holds it. “How is our child?”

“He is fine. His name will be John I think.”

“I like that…. My father’s name was John.”

“I know.”

“As was your great grand father’s name. Augustus will accept it without question.”

“Yes my sweet.”

“But…. Does he suspect….?”

“If so…. He is more concerned with duty and honor to worry about me. It is YOU that completes me now.”

“Our bloods…. Will he… John…. Will he have…. A mark?”

“It is possible. It is very possible.”

“Augustus will know then…. That John was not his.”

“Then I will work on that problem. But until then- we have John and our love.”



“… I was informed we may travel through time some.” Finishes the Gnome.

“WHAT! But the last I …knew… you…. had no control …over it. Crap.” Replies Play as he sees it is too late. The pine trees and stone ruins have been replaced by a hot and humid swamp. At least they appeared on dry land.

Calli looks around. “Xen’drik, Argonnessen or Q’Barra?” she asks Glyder.

Play answers. “Q’Barra.”

“How do you know….oh.” says the gnome reporter as the Lizardfolk stop before them.

“Don’t suppose either of you speak Lizard?” says Play while sliding his batons into his hands.

“Hello- we have lost our way. Can you perhaps help us?” asks Glyder in near perfect draconic.

Silence. One lizardfolk flicks out his tongue which nearly sets Play off.

“Are we near Newthrone?”


“Oh crap……” Glyder sighs. In draconic- “Haka’torvhak?”

The creatures tense up and grip their spears better. Play exposes his weapons which doesn’t calm or intimidate the creatures at all.

One of the lizardfolk steps back and points through the trees and brush. In the distance is a tall dark colored cliff with gray smoke rising from the top. Bits of obsidian and brass shine in the sun.

“Great. We are in Q’Barra near the lizardfolk center of power. It is a ruin that acts as a holding cell for many fiends from ages ago. Depending on exactly when we are, there may be either a real nasty dragon here or a fiend.”

“Good dragon or bad?” asks Calli.

“From our point of view…. Bad.”

“Oh goody. First I die, learn everything in my life is a lie, come back to life and get misplaced in time…. Only to die again. What can happen next?” grumbles Play shaking his head in bewilderment.

“Must…. Come with…. Us.” Says a figure behind the lizardfolk line. The lizardfolk move aside and kneel to the ground with their heads down. A cloaked tall figure holding a staff walks up to them. “Must… be shown…. The Caves.” The figure pulls down the cowl revealing a ½ lizard ½ humanoid person that perhaps is female. “The gods…. Insist.”

The three of them look to each other and sigh. “Here we go. Thanks Glyder. Next time call me up a boat instead.”



The jungle is thick and the insects large and numerous. The lizardfolk ignore them while Play swats at them. Glyder and Calli, with their smaller size are intimidated by the flying insects. They follow a path that crosses over several reed and wood bridges until they reach a dark colored rock mountain. No trees grow on it but the vines are thick and certain plants are growing using the vines for leverage. Pockets of clouds cling to the sides. Steam hisses out of unseen cracks in the rock.

The half-breed leads them to a series of openings covered by thick overhanging vegetation. The caves are not deep and thus maintain the heat of the day. Several lizardfolk are here but they look sad…. Even defeated. Beyond them are mats of thick straw and brush. Nests thinks Play.

“In the past few ….months we had thieves take our eggs. The eggs …..were returned just as mysteriously ….and silently as they were ….taken a week later. They hatched but the eggs were not ours. They belonged …..to lizardfolk but the hatchlings were ….slightly bigger and darker in color. Uncertain …..of what to do, ….we began to nurture them …..while we looked for our own hatchlings.”

“Why?” asks Play.

“They would have …..died otherwise.” The half-bred calmly answers.

“well….yeah right- go on.” The ex-Dark Lantern gives in. Not very far back in his mind he thinks he knows what this is about.

“Please finish your story.” Glyder politely says while giving Play a look of annoyance.

“The Black ….scales…. as we now…. Call them, they grew and grew. Then last week… they disappeared. We ….hope you can help us…. Find them ….and our original….. hatchlings.”

Play doesn’t trust her. Something seems wrong. He has fought the Black Scales before. It was just a scouting party and he and the warriors from Breland had been forced off course in a raid by the Elves. Now that Glyder is suggesting a dragon is involved…..

“Yes, we can help.” Complies the gnome time traveler.

Later…. When the three of them are alone. “Why did you volunteer us to search for their children and the nasty black thugs? You do realize these misfit children are the larger black cousins of the lizardfolk.” Growls Play in impatience.

“Oh course they are. But how? I feel like we are here to learn how the Black Scale race came to be or maybe something about the dragon that will in time come here.”

“Assuming it is not here already-“ adds Calli.

“Maybe they are related. Maybe it wasn’t the dragon that unified them but created them.” Offers Glyder.

“Let’s time travel back to 997 and ask one?”



“So, what do you REALLY know about the dragon and the Black Scales that you are NOT telling us since it may mean I go crazy and take my frustration out on them leading to a hiccup in time and thus destroying everything?”

“It doesn’t work like that but yes- the less you know of the future the better.”

“Doesn’t work…..” I am NOT having a good year. Speak clearly Glyder.”

“YOU. You need to back down.” Declares the reporter. “Glyder will tell us what we need to know and that is all.” She says but her eyes wonder about things like Play had.

“Alright. From what I have seen, you can effect time but not change it. I used to think that a misstep was like a ripple in a pond. Each ring spreading out and changing things. But it doesn’t work like that.”

“Oh? And how does it work?”

“Instead of a pond it has current. It is in constant motion. It is like throwing a rock into a stream. There are ripples but the ripples are quickly corrected to what they were already.”

Play stares at the gnome for a few moments trying to decide if he is trying to trick him or not. “So… what next then?”

“We explore. We try to find out why we are here. Sometimes we are to merely witness something, other times to correct time.”

“Wait a moment- first you say time can’t be altered and now you are saying YOU alter it?”

“I am an agent of Chronos. Some ripples need more shaping then others. Just as some streams of time are a roaring river.”

Play opens his mouth to begin a new point then thinks twice of it. The sooner this is done the sooner he can begin to look for his mother.

The three of them walk out of the shelter provided for them by the lizardfolk nesters. It was an uneasy sleep. Both Glyder and Play know that nearby are fiends and those they influence. Within a hundred years, these fiends will grow in power and influence… unnoticed by the five nations whom will be at war with each other.

“Welcome outsiders.” The three of them turn to face the voice. It is the half-breed, Attilla. “I can take you… to the last ….known area of the…. Black scales.”

They follow her past the caves and nests to the jungle. She stops and looks to the three.

“What can you tell us John? Are there tracks?” asks Glyder.

“I’m not much of a tracker but I’ll amuse her.” Play wanders to the brush and mud and looks around. He sees clawed marks in the mud and soft earth but they walk over each other. He cannot decipher direction or number.

“Try again Play.” Says Calli as she begins to whistle an enchantment.

Play sighs. His mind is elsewhere…. Another time. The whistling carries a tune that settles in his mind. It refocuses him and he tries again. The tracks come in and circle impatiently before leaving. Three…. No four come in…. four leave. Clawed feet. Lizardfolk. Play begins to follow the trail into the jungle followed by the whistling bard and the time traveler. The half-breed watches with her head down. After a moment, she follows.

Play follows the tracks until he reaches a shallow stream. The whistling in his ears has begun to lose its power and enchantment.

“I’ve lost the trail.” Says Play but remains quiet that he has picked up on a scout watching them.

“Should I again….” Begins Calli but Glyder nods a slow no. He sees a difference in Play. Play is no longer hunting prints. His alertness is tracking something else…. Someone else.

Suddenly a lizardfolk with red eyes and red claws tears through the brush. Play has been watching it for the past two minutes. Deciding to go easy on the creature, he defends himself then with several swings of his clubs he takes the creature down. Having pulled his strikes, the creature sighs deeply as it sleeps off the hard hits.

“So much for going to 997 to get answers…..” says Play with a smirk.



“Where are the hatchlings?” asks Glyder in draconic.

The still groggy lizard mixed breed rolls its head with its tongue slipping briefly in and out…. “tasting” the air to determine whom is here before opening its eyes. Play doesn’t buy it. He clamps his hand on its snout and covers its nostrils. The creature’s eyes bulge and it violently shakes its head free and tries to bite his hands. “It’s awake.” Says Play very simply.

“Again….where are the hatchlings?” Glyder repeats.

“I could get him to speak up” offers Calli as she pulls out her wand of tongues which begins to glow. She gives the creature a moment to think of some nasty things the wand could do before smiling at it.

“In Tarrask-hut….. all in there” it says in a garbled draconic.

“and where is this Tarrask-hut?”

Play attempts to intimidate it by twirling the tonfas in his hands… which he then drops. Under his breath he grumbles at how he needs someone to officially train him in their use.

Five minutes later the three step aside to discuss what to do. Deciding to leave him tied up they will enter the camp and try to get the hatchlings back. They return to find the lizardfolk crossbred dead. A dagger driven into its neck. The three time displaced travelers look to each other. There is a traitor within the tribe and they all think they know who it is.

After further discussions like what each can do in a fight (yes I know- John Play has met Calli already but this is the first time…. Time travel gets weird ya know).

Using her bardic buffs, the ex- Dark Lantern creeps up to the edge of the camp. Several more of these cross breeds are here. The consensus is these are fiendish lizardfolk. Play feels he can easily handle these and collect the children. Before either gnome can speak up he charges into the camp. He may be limited in tricks with the unique clubs but he is quite good using them as standard short length clubs. Generally two or three strikes with the magical clubs drop each creature as he moves in. The gnomes attempt to sneak into the largest tent figuring that would house the hatchlings.

It does but there is a problem- they have been magically aged to young adulthood.

“John!” Calli calls out magically so that he can hear her.

He rushes the tent. Two guards step up and swing at him. He ducks down, uses the clubs unique “t” handle to trip the creatures up. Time permitting he would have finished them off first but who knows what the small guys have discovered or worse- discovered them.

Barging in there are several large black scale lizardfolk holding large clubs.

Caught unaware, Play easily closes the gap and gets between them and the gnomes. “These are hatchlings?!?”

“Magical accelerated aging. And there must be more.”

Two lizardfolk are dropped as John Play strikes the large creatures repeatedly on the heads and hands. They go down leaving two more. Calli sings a soothing song that makes them weary but as they are not true humanoids they do not fall asleep. It keeps them at bay as Play goes after them next. One goes down and the other snaps out of the daze and snarls at the black garbed human. It swings But Play stepped into and under the swing. Play drops it from behind.

“So- watching, observing or taking them down?” asks Play in sarcasm.

“It is clear the Black Scales were created through magic from normal eggs. This is the first batch. Not sure if this was ordered by the dragon, the trapped fiend or Attilla.” Offers Glyder.

“All of the ….above. Smart and…. Resourceful….. Your actions have…. Killed the clan.” The human- lizardfolk crossbreed steps in; she is covered with blood- lizardfolk blood. “But we know… the magical…. Process works. Soon there will…. Be hundreds of the …. Blackscales.”

Play prepares to attack but Glyder motions him to stay.

“Several other …. Clans have been …. Altered already….. soon to hatch.”

“Unless we destroy them.” Offers Play.

“She still wins. The lizardfolk will band together to hunt down and kill all humans. At least this way, in the future there remains a chance to undo this.” Says the time traveler.

“You mean…. We’re going to run?”

“I can feel it…. The Chrono energy. We have done what needs to be done. I can arrange aid in the future before the fiend escapes.”

Glyder, holding Calli’s hand, touches Play and they magically disappear into time.

The lizardfolk look at each other in confusion. The last words they heard (but cannot understand) is the human yelling “This is Bullsh**”.


THERENDOR 9 -1485 Pre Galifar time

Trevor and Sara Delicahn ran through the streets of Sharn in fear of their lives. The HUNTERs were after them. If caught they would be tortured then killed. Sometimes the bodies were found in the Dagger River and other times in the dirty alleys of the growing city.

The Cannith Hunters used magic to hunt them down, the halfling healers would do the torture. It was dismal at best.

“Stop! We wish to ask questions. Mercy will be given if you comply!” The Cannith Hunter grumbles quietly- “at least until we have our information.”

The two twins run further to the south. If they make it to the docks there is a chance. A second pack of Hunters arrive. Too late- they have reached the stairs leading to the docks…. To the water.

The second pack follows closely while the first pack hold up at the city’s edge. Using magic, the Cannith Hunter levitates out from the edge and begins to descend. The halflings that traveled with him frown at this. They begin to hop down the stairs quickly and yet carefully as they built for mankind- not halflings.

The twins are cut off on a dock by the levitator. “You are trapped Aberrant scum.”

Suddenly there is a wind and a whistle in the air. The wind circles and then suddenly emits light. The twins hold hands and nod at each other. They leap headfirst into the water even as three travelers fall out of the teleport. The two smaller people are gnomes and they tumble and bounce just short of falling into the water. The human dressed in black lands on his feet. He looks up at the mage and smiles under his mask and greets the mage with a mere- “allo.”

While holding bloodied clubs.


THERENDOR 9 -1485 Pre Galifar time

“Hold aberrant lovers!” demands the Cannith mage.

“As open sexually as I like to think I can be- aberrant is kinda cruel isn’t it?” replies Play whom assesses the situation quickly. Attack and ask questions later. He moves forward quickly but not quick enough as an unseen wand flashes and Play finds himself held magically. The gnomes try a different method.

“Where and when are we?” asks Calli sincerely.

“Calli!” Glyder hisses. “Excuse me; we are not from around here. I find us at a lost in fact.” He looks about. The cliffs are Sharn but the buildings are nowhere tall enough. Dragonmarked by sight of the blue tattoo on his forearm. Before 1480 or so. Hopefully NOT the war.

To be safe, the mage uses his wand on them also. Calli is held but Glyder rolls and rolls away. “Wait! No there must be a misunderstanding!” He rolls into the water with a hard bodily splash. The Deneith hunters arrive and look at the scene.

“Take the human and gnome to the camp. We’ll see if the aberrations surface or the other gnome. Go!”

They bind Play and Calli and drag them away. Glyder nor the two runaways ever surface and after ten minutes they leave assuming them to have drowned.

Fifteen minutes prior-
The twin aberrant Dragonmarked siblings grab hands as they rush down the dock. This allows their powers to develop quickly. Their powers work uniquely even for Aberrant. Individually, the powers work for a few mere seconds (one round) but if touching each other they last much longer. Their powers are mostly water based. In this case they will breath under water. However the Hunters are here already.

Fearing they will die now, they are about to leap and hope for the best when a sudden flash of light erupts behind them. They leap into the water as the hunters are distracted. Shortly, a strange haired gnome falls into the water. They gather him up and through their breathing abilities; they share mouthfuls of air with him. They wait deep under the dock within pieces of a sunken small fishing vessel and surface only when their powers begin to fade.

Quietly they surface under the dock away from the last hunter whom has just now given up and has begun to walk back to the city. Signaling for the gnome to be quiet, they make their way to another dock and land. They find a covered sewer grate and enter the underground catacombs.

Once they are a safe ways in they speak.

“We are Trevor and Sara Delicahn. We are also at your dept. Thankyou. We wish we could do more for you but he would never understand bringing a non-marked person to the home.”

Glyder debates what to say. “Those men took two of my friends. Where are they going?”

“Again, we are sorry. It is too late for them.”

Glyder knows how dangerous this time period is in Sharn. He needs help now. “The human dressed in black…. He is aberrant.”

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