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Jolly Ole' Saint Nick


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Saint Nicholas, this is a character in my campaign.

He is based off of Santa Claus, not Saint Nicholas. An odd thing, but I was at a Convention at the time, and had no access to a computer, so in the few moments I had to invent a new campaign, I just named him Saint Nicholas.

He shows up from time to time, and gives gifts to all who are worthy (party members), always these things are magic, and quite often they are unique.

what do you think of the idea of a character like this in a campaign? I liked it. It gave a nice bit of humour while not being a joke.

I based him off of the Santa from The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.

Magic Items in my campaign, unfortunately, are not accessable via money. No one, ever, sells magic items. Not for any price. Especially not wizards or people who can make them (the XP cost for magic items, after all, says that it is in fact a part of your soul being taken out and put in the item, I don't think many wizards would really sell a piece of their soul like that).

This effectively changes game balance a lot of course. I mostly just have the characters get the normal items of their level. Although, starting gold is totaly wack in the campaign, I've just been having all new characters start with 50,000gp, regardless of what their level is (there is nothing even approaching that cost besides a castle or something anyway).

But disregarding that. The main benefit of this approach is that Artifacts and other really powerful are no more special then less costly items. All items are equal (except for Rarity). Plus if I throw in a +5 Unholy Anarchic something something, the characters don't get any money for it (but it does sometimes make a good little bit of roleplaying).

There are explanations for these changes, but it would take a long time to explain them. But I will note that new magic items of any caster level higher then one or two are not possible to be made (magic has come down with a little bit of a cold lately). All magic items are older then 1000 years. So, one use items are pretty rare. Although, lately most immortals have been braking out the stores because of some oncoming events. But this is no longer related to Saint Nick.

So yeah, Nicholas is my favorite way of getting new magic items into the game. He's more fun then evil characters who have to be killed. Something I've been forgetting lately.

I think this method is better. It seems like my players enjoy it more to get magic from him. Rather then a long list of magic items read through slowly or anything..

so, anyone else got any stories about how they give out magic items? it might be fun to explore other methods too.

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