JollyDoc's Kingmaker-Updated 7/4/2011


4.0??? What's that?? If I wanted to play Warcraft, I'd go over to Ricky's on Saturday!

Yea, Ricky is a big nerd.;)

Wer'e Hard Core Pathfinder, and we LOVE it! BTW, the new game table is shipping June 2. You should make a special trip over just to see'd be like taking a pilgrimage to Mecca!!

I got an 8ft (cherry wood I think)conference table for $0.00 from Carraway Hospital. Really good looking but nothing like the Emissary... (Now where did I put that jig-saw?:hmm:)

Veloxs' backstory/discription has piqued my intrest. Sounds like there could be Veritas blood in him.

DEI JUDICIUM The judgment of God. This name was given to the barbarous and superstitious trial by ordeal.

Whats the opposite of an evil-gasmn 'cause I had one when I read this.!!

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DEI JUDICIUM The judgment of God. This name was given to the barbarous and superstitious trial by ordeal.

Whats the opposite of an evil-gasmn 'cause I had one when I read this.!!

Yeah, I have been stealing from Latin and Italian for my Celestial and naming conventions. Velox = Swift in Latin. Vendicatori = Avenger (or the plural thereof...) in Itailian.

It got pulled out of the backstory somehow in one of my edits, but Velox' father's name is Santo, or 'holy' his name Santo Vendicatori, or Holy Avenger...appropriate for paladin, no?


There was death here. It lay sprawled across the ground of what looked like a bandit raid gone wrong. Although no tracker, Davrim could see that two sets of prints led away from the scene, one walking, and the other full out running. Choosing to follow the latter was obvious; either their owner was in need of help, or he was attempting to escape the justice he deserved. Davrim set out at a jog, one hand clutching at his chest where he still felt the pulse that had begun when he had arrived at the massacre site. She had called him there.....

“Spatter be good,” the orc babbled. “Spatter knows he done good! Boss put him in charge! He get big reward when he return! For long time Spatter and his boys been taking many shinies from fool humans on the road, in small villages, and even a church! Spatter always take best loot! In first village he took woman. Spatter in charge of taking care of woman! Spatter do good job, never hurt her!”
The armor clad warrior listened patiently, not showing emotion as the last of the orc raiders sputtered on about what had happened over the past year, every so often begging for forgiveness. His crimes were obvious, and it seemed that he knew little else of use. Standing, the warrior drew his sword and beheaded the orc in one fluid motion. He turned and strode towards the rest of the Judges, who stood waiting behind a tent that had been set up for the young woman. Judge Graham was still inside, attending to her. They were the Judges, Iomedae's greatest law bringers. They were sent all over Golarion to the most ruthless, lawless places in the world. The orcs had sacked a church that had been one of the faction’s supply posts. The Judges were the first responders because, unlike the clergy, they used any means necessary to bring justice to the guilty. A cry and the sight of Judge Graham leaving the tent caused them all to turn.
"She will be fine physically,” the taciturn woman said, “but her mind is gone. Sad. I have never witnessed a more quiet birth, but compared to the ravages of orcs for a year..... well,” She shook her head. “We were sent here for some purpose, and I believe it is the Inheritor’s wish that we take her and the babe back with us.”

Davrim ran for the better part of the day, stopping only to stow his armor when it began to hinder his maneuverability as he sprinted through the dense woods. When he could no longer see the tracks, he went on instinct. Finally, he came to a clearing and saw what he had been hoping for. A man stood, looking nervously about him, a dagger in his hand as he waited for a pair of travelers to unhitch a set of horses from their wagon. Taking out his bow, Davrim knelt and loosed a single shot. He dropped the bow before he saw whether or not the arrow hit, and drew his falchion as he charged across the clearing. The arrow had missed its mark, but had momentarily distracted the bandit. The brigand saw the large half-orc barreling towards him, and his eyes went wide. Dropping the dagger, he fell to his knees and began begging and pleading. Davrim came to a stop before him.
"Tell me of your crimes," the half-orc intoned.
The bandit immediately began stammering out the events of the past day, his eyes never leaving Davrim’s chest. Davrim listened in silence,and then, when the murderer had finished his confession, he removed the man’s head in one, clean stroke.

Sometime later, Davrim was awoken by the rumble of wagon wheels crunching over dirt and stone. A woman quickly leaned over him and held out a water skin. He nodded to her in gratitude and accepted the drink. Davrim assumed he must have passed out from exhaustion after dispatching the bandit.
“You have my thanks,” he said, his voice raspy and dry. “Where are we bound?”
“It is you who are deserving of gratitude,” the woman smiled shyly. “We no doubt owe you our lives. We are headed to Restov, and thence into the Stolen Lands. We are farmers, and we have heard that the Swordlords are offering land charters to those willing and capable,” she beamed proudly.
Davrim nodded and lay back, but the young woman persisted in her chatter, subtly prodding for information about who he was, where he had come from.
“I am a Judge of Iomedae,” he sighed at last. “I too am going to the Stolen Lands to bring the law the Church to the lawless. I serve the Church in all things, and if Restov hopes to bring civilization to the bandits and monsters of the wilds, then I shall see that Justice is brought with it.”
Seeing the questioning look in her eyes as she glanced towards his chest, Davrim sighed again.
“This is the mark of my Lady,” he said. “I was raised by the Judges of Iomedae since my infancy. That is all I wish to explain this evening, madame.”
Closing his eyes again, he found peaceful rest, knowing that he had done his Lady’s will once more.


Selena Belladonna was raised unaware that her mother was a witch. She knew only that her mother had powers that were unexplainable, and that she always had a crow sitting upon her shoulder.
Another fact that Endora, Selena’s mother, never shared was that she was also the granddaughter of Baba Yaga, one of the greatest, and foulest witches ever known. Endora had fled from Whitethrone when the riders had appeared with news that her own mother was going to be replaced by Queen Elvannia. Endora had no interest in being moved to some place or some plane else that she did not know, and so she took her child and disappeared quietly into the Stolen Lands.

Selena began manifesting powers of her own shortly after she found her pet, a viper she named Miss Sinister. Her mother guided her in the use of her abilities, and finally disclosed her true heritage as she lay dying of old age. Endora also told her daughter that danger was coming to their home. Civilization had found them, and the lordlings to the north were sending pioneers into the Stolen Lands to found a new kingdom. She sent Selena to Restov to find the group and establish herself as a member, so that in befriending them, she might bend them to her mother’s cause…
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Stevhan liked the rasp of the whetstone against his long, steel blade. When he wasn’t out tracking down bandits with his father, the sheriff, he could usually be found sharpening his sword outside their small home. That was where Victor found him.
“Well, no bandit will ever complain that you almost cut off his head, boy,” said the gruff, middle-aged sheriff.
Stevhan chuckled softly, “No, I suppose they won’t. Any news from town?”
“Actually, there is something,” said Victor. “Looks like the swordlords are issuing charters for adventurers to enter the Stolen Lands. They want to pursue the bandits beyond the borders – maybe even chase down the Stag Lord himself.”
“It’s about time,” said Stevhan. “We could’ve chased them back time and again, but we didn’t.”
“True…true,” the older man mused. He closed his eyes, and chose his next words carefully. “Boy, I think you should go.” The rasp of the whetstone stopped, but Stevhan said nothing. Victor looked up at the boy he had raised and said, “There is something you should know. Your real parents,” he began, “I had always told you that your father was a friend of mine, and that I took care of you when he went missing. Well, that’s true. What I didn’t tell you was this: Before I took up working for the Andori, I was the huntmaster for another family…House Rogarvia. One of the younger sons loved to hunt, and he was my best friend…but he had a problem. He had got one of the ladies-in-waiting with child. Then, all of a sudden, the Rogarvias disappeared. I married the girl, and she gave birth to a son. She didn’t make it through the birth, but you did.”
Stevhan realized that he had stopped breathing. His whole world had been turned upside down. The Rogarvias were the rightful rulers of Brevoy. All of the living members of the family had disappeared almost twenty years ago…all, it seemed, save an unborn babe with royal blood flowing in his veins.
Stevhan exhaled sharply, then looked up at Victor, and said, “I didn’t see that coming.”
“No, I suppose not. No one knows about you. I kept the secret well all these years, but now it’s time for you to chart your own course. You’re a skilled tracker, a competent archer, and a deadly swordsman, if I do say so myself. Hells, I taught you everything I know, so you should be pretty good,” Victor laughed. “You can carve out your own legacy in the Stolen Lands, and who knows, one day you might just reclaim your birthright.”
“I don’t even know where to start” said Stevhan.
“Well, it’s getting late,” said Victor, “let’s talk about it over breakfast in the morning.” The sheriff reached out a scarred hand and pulled Stevhan to his feet. Victor looked at his son with pride, and they went into the house together.


Brevoy is a land divided…but then it always was. Two hundred years ago, when Choral “the Conqueror” Rogarvia crossed the Lake of Mists and Veils, it was Lord Nikos Surtova of Issia who met him on its shores under a flag of truce. They worked out an agreement whereby Issia would surrender its land and people but the Surtovas would retain their power and wealth, serving the new ruler as stewards and duly sworn vassal lords.
This arrangement did not sit well with Issia’s southern neighbors, the Aldori swordlords of Rostland. They rallied for war and secured their strongholds, yet they were ultimately no match for the discipline and tactics of Choral’s forces. The swordlords made their last stand in a narrow valley…and were devastated when the Conqueror unleashed his greatest weapon…a pair of red dragons! In the aftermath of the defeat, Rostland pledged itself to Choral as a way to save its traditions from total eradication.
For the next two centuries, the Rogarvias held the Ruby Fortress and ruled Brevoy from New Stetven, molding the former independent nations into a unified country. Then, in the middle of winter in early 4699 AR, every member of House Rogarvia vanished without a trace. There was no evidence of foul play or struggle…the nobles were simply gone. A brief period of chaos and panic followed, but by the end of the year, the Surtova’s had made their move. Citing age-old ties with the Conqueror’s line, they quickly seized power in New Stetven and began to extend their reach across Brevoy. With all of Issia backing the move, Rostland had little choice but to bend its knee again. King Noleski Surtova had gained control of the Ruby Fortress and the Dragonscale Throne…but for how long?


The time is now, twenty years after the disappearance of the royal family: the Stolen Lands, which lay between the southern borders of Brevoy and the River Kingdoms, have long resisted attempts at civilization and colonization. The term “stolen” is defined differently depending upon who is asked and who is doing the asking. Brevoy considers the land stolen from their southern borders by bandits and barbarians, while in the River Kingdoms, it is believed that Brevoy allowed the lands to fall into the hands of monsters and worse in order to rob the lords of the Kingdoms of more lands to rule. Regardless of what the truth may be, the fact remains that the swordlords of Restov have been spurred to action by an increase in aggression among the bandits of the Stolen Lands, and by building political tensions with their northern kinsmen in Issia. They have begun to send agents and colonists into the disputed region to explore, settle and, if need be, conquer. The establishment of new kingdoms beholden to Restov’s swordlords, and the rest of Rostland, would not only bring freedom from banditry and raids along the border, but also the resources and clout needed to give Rostland the political footing it needs to challenge the Surtova hold on the crown.


Well, we finished Council of Thieves tonight, and will be beginning Kingmaker next Sunday. Regular posts should begin shortly thereafter.

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