• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

JollyDoc's Kingmaker-Updated 7/4/2011



“Is this all of them?” Davrim asked.
The companions gathered around the grisly tableau of the dining table, the ghastly remains of the villagers poised in their death throes.
“Doubtful,” Mox said. “Varnhold’s population was much more than this. Still, I wonder why these were singled out. Unfortunately, we don’t have a description of Varn himself.”
“We can mourn these souls later,” Velox said impatiently. “Whomever or whatever is behind these murders, we have to find and stop him before there are no souls left to save.”

They climbed to the gallery which overlooked the dining hall, then made their way down a wide passage on the far side. From up ahead, they heard the sound of burbling water. The passage opened into a wide chamber. A large fountain and pool that stank of sulfur occupied its center. A shallow channel cut into the stone floor passed beneath a pair of bronze doors, funneling the foul water out of the pool in that direction. No sooner had the first of the companions set foot in the room, than the fountain exploded upwards in a great plume, and coalesced into a vaguely humanoid figure…an elemental!

“Curse these foul guardians!” Davrim bellowed. “Where is your master, beast?”
The inquisitor drew his sword and charged, Velox right behind him. The pair dodged right and left, ducking beneath the flailing arms of the elemental. As they passed beneath its reach, each struck in turn, their eldritch blades slicing into the outsider as if it were a creature of flesh and blood.
“Foolish mortals,” a sinister voice suddenly sounded from behind the others, from the hallway they had just come from. “Your challenge has been answered. Vordakai has awakened from his long slumber, and has found this world infested with those who once served his people as mere kine and chattel. Yet my rest has left me but a shadow of my former self. I hunger, and the souls of your kinsmen are not nearly enough to sate me. I shall devour all of your lands, and my empire shall rise again!!”
Tungdill turned slowly around, and his face drained of all color as his eyes widened in terror. Behind them stood a towering cyclops, though it was emaciated to the point of gauntness. Its grey flesh hung loosely upon its bones, and its once rich robes lay in tatters. From within its single hollow eye socket burned a crimson gem easily the size of a man’s fist.
“Back devil!” the druid cried, and he loosed serpentine coils of fire from his palms. The flames coiled around the lich, but its putrid flesh merely darkened instead of burning. Terrified, the dwarf quickly grabbed the handles of the door and slammed it shut on the nightmarish apparition.
“We got trouble, lads!”

Velox, his eyes glazed over and his tongue babbling as the holy power of Iomedae overwhelmed him, barely heard Tungdill’s words. The oracle nimbly dodged another hammer blow from the elemental. This time, the monster’s huge fist pounded into the paving stones, shattering several into fragments and sending a large cloud of dust into its own eyes. It reared back, flailing about wildly, temporarily blinded. Velox and Davrim continued their assault, darting in and slashing at the beast, and then dashing away again as it sought to find them.
“If you boys are finished playing,” Mox shouted, “we’ve got problems of our own back here!”
The sorceress hurled a fireball into the elemental, causing a cloud of steam to fill the area. Velox turned towards her just as the creature swung again, this time blindly connecting with the oracle and sending him head-over-heels. Mox loosed her magic again, this time sending acidic missiles into the behemoth. It roared in pain, and as it was distracted, Velox leaped to his feet. He and Davrim charged in for one final attack, and as they landed their blows, the elemental collapsed in on itself into the pool once more.

The door to the hallway started to open, and in desperation, Stevhan flung himself at it, seizing the handles and pulling it shut again.
“If you’re going to do something, make it fast!” the ranger cried. “I can’t hold this for long!”
“I’m on it, boy!” Tungdill yelled. “Just hang on fer a second er two! I got somethin’ fer’im!”
The druid began to chant, and as he did so, a swirling vortex of light began to coalesce before him. Within a matter of moments, it solidified into the form of a large, two-headed giant.
“Go get’im, boy!” Tungdill commanded.
The ettin reached out and shoved the doors opene, and Stevhan charged forward. Vordakai was waiting. As the ranger drew near, the cyclops-lich reached out one clawed hand and grabbed him by the head. Stevhan went rigid as stone, then collapsed to the floor, unmoving.
“No!” Mox shouted as she loosed another acid missile at the necromancer. Vordakai didn’t seem to notice, even as the caustic fluid ate through his decrepit flesh. Instead, he gathered dark energy about him, then flung it out from himself. When it passed through the companions, they felt the chill of the grave wash over them, leaving behind a bone-numbing cold in its wake.

Davrim recovered first from the assault, and he was on his feet and running before he’d even given thought to what he planned to do when he reached the lich. Raising his sword above his head with both hands, he brought it down with all his strength upon Vordakai’s shoulder, hoping to sever the fiend’s arm in the process. The blade rebounded as if he’d struck a stone wall, leaving only a minor laceration in the cyclop’s flesh, which quickly began to reknit itself. Vordakai struck the inquisitor with a back-handed blow, and as he did so, a flash of arcane energy detonated, knocking Davrim back several feet. The lich began striding purposefully towards Mox, Tungdill and Selena. As he passed the ettin, the giant swung both of its clubs, which shattered upon the lich’s flesh like glass. Vordakai never spared the giant a second glance. Desperately, Mox flung a fistful of arcane bolts towards the advancing horror, but they seemed to strike some unseen barrier before they reached the lich, and he chuckled evilly as he began his own incantation. Davrim leaped to his feet again, and charged in a second time. Once more, Vordakai stopped him with an almost casual slap, sending the half-orc sprawling across the floor. Suddenly, a wall of flames sprang up from the floor, enveloping the lich as it did so. He roared in pain and frustration, ripping himself free of the conflagration, his robes still smoldering. His crimson eye fixed on Velox as the oracle’s own opaque gaze met his in return. With a snarl, the lich seized Tungdill, preparing to hurl the dwarf at his companion.
“Hands off, ye filthy cur!” the dwarf growled.
The feisty druid quickly began another chant, calling a column of white fire down from the ceiling. Vordakai was caught in the center of the blast, and he dropped Tungdill to the floor as he reeled away.
“Now!” Mox cried. “Strike together!”
She opened her mouth and spewed a stream of acid at the lich. Simultaneously, Velox hurled searing light. The twin energies engulfed the cyclops, searing great chunks of flesh from his bones. Screaming in agony, Vordakai swirled his robes around him and vanished in a flash of blinding light.

“Where is he?” Davrim shouted, twisting this way and that.
“He dimension stepped!” Mox cursed. “Doubtless he’s gone to lick his wounds. He could return any time!”
“Then we must move quickly,” Velox said, once more himself.
He moved to the stricken form of Stevhan and drew a roll of parchment from his belt. As he unfurled it, he began to read the arcane inscription printed upon it. When he spoke the final word, the scroll disintegrated in his hands, but a moment later, Stevhan blinked his eyes and drew in a great breath.
“Easy, my friend,” Velox said. “A lich’s touch can last a lifetime. You are bound to be somewhat stiff for a time.”
“I’ll move easy enough when that one-eyed devil shows his face again!” the ranger snapped.
“What do we do now?” Davrim asked. “Just wait for him to come back?”
“No,” Mox replied. “We keep moving. Maybe we can find the survivors of Varnhold before he regains his strength.”

The companions quickly crossed the chamber to the double doors on the far side. They opened easily enough, but immediately the heroes wished they hadn’t. The chamber beyond stretched into darkness. The channel of sulfurous water ran down its center into a placid pool tinged in red and surrounded by kneeling forms. Nearby sat a small stone shrine decorated with several freshly severed human heads. Just beyond the grisly altar, a hideous throne made of bones loomed above the pool. As the group slowly approached the pool, they saw that the kneeling figures had all been eviscerated as well as beheaded, and their entrails had been laid out in intricate patterns. A slanting hallway exited the chamber on the far side, and a soft glow emanated from it. The companions made their way slowly past the horrible tableau, trying to avert their eyes, but morbidly compelled to gaze upon it.

The short hall opened into a circular, dome-ceilinged room. The walls were filled with stone niches, each of which bore a number of strangely shaped glass jars. Each jar was about a foot tall, stoppered with a clot of black wax, and contained a swirling plume of glowing white smoke. There were dozens of them on display, and the swirling light each emitted gave the room an otherworldly feel. Gingerly, Mox reached towards one of the jars, feeling drawn to it. As she laid her hand upon it, her eyes flew open wide.
“Who…who are you?” she asked of no one.
“Mox, what is it?” Velox asked.
“There…there’s someone inside,” the sorceress said in wonder. “She says her name is Lana, and that she is from Varnhold. She says she wants to go home.”

Suddenly, a flash of light erupted in the center of the room, and Vordakai stood before them once more. Before they could react, the lich hurled a ray of sickly green light at Davrim, and the inquisitor instantly felt his strength being drained from him. He sank to one knee, the weight of his own armor suddenly pulling him down. Stevhan cried out in fury, and ran forward, but the cyclops was too fast. He whipped about like a snake, catching the ranger with a heavy blow just as his sword descended. Stevhan tumbled away, bruised, but at least still mobile. A second flash of light appeared in front of Tungdill as the druid summoned more of his extraplanar allies. A huge tiger, followed by a dog-sized ant materialized out of thin air. The creatures leaped at the lich, clawing, snapping and biting. They did very little actual harm to the necromancer, but they provided a critical distraction. As Vordakai batted the nuisances aside, he failed to see Velox closing in on him. By the time he noticed the oracle, it was too late. Velox swung with all his might, and his blow connected solidly with the lich’s jaw, dislocating it with a sickening crack. Vordakai couldn’t speak. He couldn’t voice the words to his spells. For the first time in centuries, the necromancer knew something akin to fear. Desperately, he struggled to put distance between himself and the battle-mad oracle, but Davrim and Stevhan had managed to flank him in the melee. Though his undead flesh was as strong as steel, the sheer number and ferocity of the blows rained down upon him by the three warriors began to weaken him, overwhelming his unholy regeneration. Frantic, he seized his broken mandible with both hands and wrenched it back into place. Triumph gleamed in his crimson eye, but even as the words to a spell came to his cracked lips, Mox sent an acidic missile straight into his throat. He gagged and wretched violently, and as he doubled over in pain, Davrim brought the keen edge of his blade down upon the lich’s neck, severing his head from his shoulders.

As the others drew a collective sigh of relief and began tending to their many wounds, Selena walked unobtrusively over to Vordakai’s head. The fist-sized ruby had dislodged from his eye socket and lay glowing upon the floor.
“What have we here?” the witch whispered as she quickly wrapped the gemstone into the folds of her robe.

Carefully, one-by-one, the companions took each of the soul jars off of the shelves. As they touched each one, they made brief contact with the essence of the spirit trapped within. Each of them named themselves a citizen of Varnhold, though none among them was Maegar Varn. Also not among their number was the spirit of Aecora Silverfire’s daughter, Xamanthe. Mox reassured each of the souls that they were now safe, and would soon be returned to their homes, but not until they were free of the lich’s stronghold. For safekeeping, the jars were placed gently into a pair of sacks, enchanted to contain large extradimensional spaces within.
“There is still one place we haven’t looked yet for the others,” Velox observed.
“How did I know you were going to suggest that?” Mox asked bitterly.

The black doors depicting the river Styx stood just as they’d left them when the companions had decided to avoid the sinister portals. The blood-stained altars still stood silent vigil on either side.
“Ya know this here’s a trap jes waitin’ t’be sprung, don’tcha?” Tungdill asked the others.
“And yet we have no choice,” Velox said. “We cannot leave this place until we’ve insured the safety of every salvageable soul.”
“Figured you’d say that,” the druid grumped. “Jes thought I’d warn ya.”
“Duly noted,” the oracle smiled. “Now, I suggest you all stand back…,”

Bracing himself, Velox stepped to the twin doors and grasped each handle, then firmly pulled them open. Instantly, the two altars burst into black fire, which swirled in a vortex that quickly filled the entire room. Unlike true flames, however, its touch did not burn…it froze to the marrow, for it carried with it the taint of the unholy river of the underworld. Each of the companions felt their breath momentarily stop in their throats as the taint of Death itself flowed through them. Just as quickly, it passed, but upon each of them, sickly gray patches appeared on any areas of exposed flesh. The construction of the chamber beyond the doors differed from the rest of the stronghold. The ceiling arched to double the height of most of the other rooms, and appeared to bear many fractures in the rock. In the center of the area, two columns of mortared stone supported the overhead arches. Before the group had a chance to recover from the mystical fire, a mist began to gather in the center of the room. Before their eyes, a creature from nightmares stepped out of the fog. It walked on two legs, but it resembled some sort of demonic crustacean, with large pincers instead of hands, and a quartet of ropy tentacles surrounding an area where its mouth should have been.

The pieces suddenly fell into place for Davrim. The river Styx, the Four Horsemen, and now this, a piscodaemon. All things connected to the plane of Abaddon. Could the cyclops lich truly have been involved with such evil? The inquisitor didn’t have time to ponder the matter further. The noxious green fog behind the fiend began to move purposefully. Casting its claws forward, the creature directed the mist towards the companions, and as it enveloped them, they began gagging and retching as its foul vapors drifted into their lungs. Stevhan collapsed to his hands and knees, his sword falling uselessly to the floor beside him, vomiting repeatedly as he tried to draw in great, whooping gasps of air, only succeeding in inhaling more of the fumes. Davrim’s eyes watered and ran, but he could still make out the shape of the daemon standing within the fog. He moved towards it, but as he swung his sword, the fiend batted his blade aside and clamped one of its claws down upon his wrist, while at the same time lashing at his exposed face with its tentacles. The half-orc wrenched his arm free, and swung furiously, imbuing his blade with the holy power of Iomedae as he did so. The steel sliced into the daemon’s carapace like a hot knife through butter, and the creature screamed an otherworldly wail. It vanished into thin air, and too late, Davrim remembered that the creatures could teleport.

Mox discovered this fact as well when the daemon reappeared right beside her, looming out of the fog like an apparition. She tried to scream, but her voice choked off as she inhaled the stinking gas. Her voice merely a whisper, she managed to choke out the words to a spell, and exhaled a cone of freezing ice into the daemon’s face. It recoiled, covering its head with its claws, thus failing to see Velox as he emerged from the mist. The oracle’s blade glowed like white fire as the power of his goddess flowed through him. Too late the daemon saw the coming blow, and when it threw up one claw to protect itself, the sword cleaved straight through it. Mox struck again, spewing liquid ice upon the fiend a second time, freezing its joints in place. Velox rushed in, his sword a blur of motion. Pieces of the daemon flew in all directions, until finally, it simply exploded into a cloud of sulfurous smoke.

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Fairly epic my a$$, this was truely epic! I guess no one expects a lich at that level. :) Now to me this reads as a 100% completion of the quest. Shame though, Vordokai having been one of the world's most ancient residents... All the evil, undeath and madness aside, he could have made great dinner conversation!

Was the jaw-shattering an actual critical hit or more in the line of story telling goodness?


Fairly epic my a$$, this was truely epic! I guess no one expects a lich at that level. :) Now to me this reads as a 100% completion of the quest. Shame though, Vordokai having been one of the world's most ancient residents... All the evil, undeath and madness aside, he could have made great dinner conversation!

Was the jaw-shattering an actual critical hit or more in the line of story telling goodness?

We use the Critical Hit and Fumble decks, and Velox actually did crit Vordakai, and shattered jaw was the card he drew. Vordakai used his channel neg energy ability to "fix" it/relocate it, but by that time, it was too late.



The piscodaemon, as it turned out, was little more than a glorified jailor. Beyond the chamber in which it stood guard, the companions found an unconscious, badly beaten female centaur shackled to the wall of a dark cell…Xamanthe Silverfire. To make matters worse, she was also rigid as a board…another victim of Vordakai’s touch.

The nobles of Kardashia carefully and gingerly removed Xamanthe from the lich’s tomb, then, after making camp for the coming night, made their way back to Varnhold over the course of the next day. Once there, Tungdill and Velox set to work nursing the young centaur back to health, while Mox and the others went about the tenuous task of restoring the trapped souls of Varnhold’s citizens back to reality. The folk were grateful, though in a state of disorientation and shock. None remembered the circumstances of their capture, nor had any concept of how long they’d been trapped. When they learned of the deaths of so many of their friends, and family, as well as all of their leaders, including Maegar Varn himself, they were overwhelmed with grief and heartbreak. They were adrift, rudderless. Their gratitude for their restored lives was effusive, but they were lost. They had no idea what was going to become of them. In the end, the answer was right in front of them. Unanimously, they came to Mox and her companions as a community, and petitioned the nobles to bring their township into Kardashia.

When Xamanthe was fit enough to travel, the group took their leave from Varnhold, promising to return soon to begin the process of annexation, and made their way back to the centaur encampment in the Dunsward. Aecora was overjoyed at her daughter’s return, and immediately vowed to make a lasting truce and peace with the Kardashians. All she asked in return was the Dunsward be left to her people as their sovereign home. Mox agreed without hesitation.

The companions began their long journey home. They were welcomed back to Veritas with great fanfare, and when news of their success in solving the mystery of the Varnhold vanishing became widely known, their legend grew to epic proportions. The people of Kardashia were overwhelmingly enthusiastic over the idea of Varnhold joining their country. The opportunity for new trade and commerce was a welcome endeavor. Within months, a road was built between Veritas and Varnhold, and the town was officially renamed Cougartown, ostensibly because of the large number of firepelt cougars in the surrounding mountains, (though some wisecrackers opined that it was due to the large number of recently widowed and newly single women in the township). With the annexation of hundreds of square miles, Kardashia achieved official recognition from Brevoy as a formal kingdom. Queen Mox I was crowned in amidst a celebration that lasted an entire week!

Selena turned the crimson gem over and over in her hands, marveling at its beauty…and its power. Weeks of research had finally revealed to her the exact extent of its abilities. It was known as the Oculus of Abaddon, a potent artifact rumored to have been created by one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as a way to reward those who worked as their agents on the Material Plane. It gave its bearer many unique abilities, such as the power to see the unseen, scry upon others at great distance, and even to summon natives of Abaddon, such as the piscodaemon, to do their bidding. Yet by far its most powerful, and sinister ability, undoubtedly that which allowed Vordakai to ensnare the people of Varnhold, was the haunting beckon. Once per year, the bearer could manipulate the minds of a huge number of people, provided the end goal of that manipulation was a tragic or otherwise horrific fate for those being manipulated.

Selena pondered the Oculus at length. That the item was evil was beyond question. Also, the means by which its powers were granted, namely, prying one’s own eye out and replacing it with the gem, was truly repulsive. Still…in the hands of the right user, with the goal of the greater good in mind, it might just prove useful…very useful indeed.

“Greetings, my liege lords! Would that I had the opportunity to contact you via missive in gentler times. Since its founding, Fort Spears has faced many challenges, but recent rumors of a much more disturbing sort abound. A woman has come to Fort Spears bearing warnings that, if they are to be believed, indicate we may face a terrible threat. She speaks of armies of bandits, hordes of barbarians, and worse organizing to the west beyond Hooktongue Slough. To date we have had no trouble with these elements, but this woman is quite convincing. She tells us an army is marching on Fort Spears. If this is true, we will need your aid in defending our homes. Please come as soon as you can.
In good faith, your obedient servant, Mayor Loy Rezbin”

Such was the message Mox received one spring afternoon while tending to matters of Court. Fort Spears had done quite well for itself since its founding, having established a healthy trade route along the Skunk River. Still, the likelihood of an “army” advancing on the small, frontier town was remote in Mox’s mind. It was probably nothing more than a bandit tribe stirring up trouble, but even so, it was still worth investigating. Though the duties of herself and her companions kept them close to home most of the time, she informed the others that she thought it was worth putting in a personal appearance at Fort Spears, if for nothing else than to show that the nobility was “taking an interest.”

When the royal entourage reached Fort Spears, they were met by the commander of the town guard, Captain Coren Lawry. He escorted them through the center of the village, where they drew the attention of every soul present, to the Fort Spears Lodge, which functioned as the town hall. There they were greeted by Mayor Rezbin himself, as well as his wife Latricia and another, younger woman.

“My Lady! My Lords!” Rezbin said as he bowed deeply. The ladies beside him offered respectful curtsies. “I can’t thank you enough for responding so swiftly to my plea, and in person no less! Allow me to introduce Kisandra Numesti.”
He gestured to the young woman, who inclined her head politely.
“Your Highness,” she said to Mox.
“Who are you, girl?” Mox asked, sternly but not unkindly.
“I come from the Drelev Demesne,” Kisandra replied, “west of here on the far side of Hooktongue Slough. It was established by Baron Hannis Drelev of Brevoy. My father is Lord Terrion Numesti, a knight who once served the baron, but recently went against him and was thrown into the dungeon as punishment.”
“Drelev?” Mox quirked an eyebrow.
“The third charter dispensed by Restov,” Davrim said, clearing his throat. “They sent a group of soldiers and nobleman west, led by a Baron Hannis Drelev, about the same time we came into the Stolen Lands.”
“I see,” Mox nodded. “Continue,” she motioned to Kisandra.
“Well,” Kisandra said, “Baron Drelev earned the ire of a local barbarian tribe known as the Tiger Lords by looting several of the tombs of their ancestors. They refused an offer of peace from our town, but when they attacked, they were easily defeated by our knights and soldiers. The Tiger Lords did not accept defeat so easily, however. Apparently, they sought out and formed an alliance with Lord Irovetti, the bandit king of Pitax.”
“The river kingdom?” Davrim asked.
“The same,” Kisandra nodded. “When the Tiger Lords returned, they were accompanied by mercenaries from Pitax. When Baron Drelev saw the host arrayed against our town, the coward sent riders out under a flag of truce to plead with them to spare his holdings, surrendering unconditionally. Lord Irovetti and the Tiger Lord chieftain, a brute named Armag, accepted, but they wanted even more. They demanded that the townsfolk hand over five of their daughters as hostages until Drelev proved his loyalty. Baron Drelev commanded his senior officers to hand over their eldest daughters. My father refused. The baron made an example of him by throwing him in jail and giving my sister to the barbarians anyway. It was shortly after that when I fled Fort Drelev.”
“I see,” Mox said, “but that still doesn’t explain why there is now an army marching on our lands. What have we to do with Fort Drelev’s woes?”
“Baron Drelev has made no secret that he covets your accomplishments here,” Kisandra replied. “I imagine he hopes to prove himself to Irovetti by attacking you, and also hopes to add your lands to his own in the process.”
“What sort of army are we talking about here?” Velox asked. “How many are they, and what sort of troops are there?”
“Perhaps two dozen of Pitax’s mercenaries,” Kisandra said, “and half as many Tiger Lord barbarians, not to mention a half-dozen enormous trolls!”
“Ain’t exactly an army, now is it?” Tungdill grumped.
“It’s more than enough for our defenses,” Mayor Rezbin snapped. “We have no more than a dozen guards, and maybe an equal number of villagers who are battle ready, though none of them have ever truly been tested.”
“Do we know how far away this force is?” Mox asked.
“Well…,” Rezbin hesitated, “that’s the problem. Our scouts tell us they’re no more than two hours march north along the Skunk River.”
“Nothing like advance warning!” Stevhan exclaimed.
“Then I suppose there’s no time to waste,” Velox said.

Preparations, such as they were, were hastily put into place, and just in the nick of time as it turned out. The mercenary and barbarian troops appeared along the banks of the Skunk River, and when they sighted the town’s walls with its meager supporters, they roared their challenge and charged.

“Stand your ground, men!” Velox commanded from where he paced along the catwalk behind the wooden palisade. “Stevhan!” he called.
“Ready!” the ranger hailed back.
He’d taken up position on the Fort Spears Bridge, along with a small group of archers behind the high rails there that provided cover.
“Fire at will!” Velox signaled.
The archers rose as one and loosed a withering volley of arrows at the oncoming horde. Simultaneously, Tungdill, Mox and Selena stood up from behind the palisade and unleashed a deadly barrage of magic. A sudden storm of sleet and ice erupted over the attackers, causing ice to form at their feet, and sending them slipping and sliding along the sloped river bank. Simultaneously a ball of acid, and a second one of fire exploded among them.

The assault was ferocious, but it only temporarily halted the advancing raiders. Enraged by the temerity of their prey to actually mount a defense, they reached the outskirts of the village and began their attack in earnest. The militia had managed to erect hastily built barricades, and these slowed the enemy, but only just barely. Velox took advantage of the break in the charge to weave his own magic, conjuring a cloud of billowing fog around the horde, and then Mox loosed another fireball, while Selena summoned a column of white flame down among them.

The remaining Drelev forces finally broke through the out defenses and carried the fight into the streets of Fort Spears. The villagers, both guardsmen and common folk alike, rallied to defend their homes. The spell casters could no longer bring their most destructive magic to bear, but Tungdill still managed to send discrete bolts of lightning sizzling among the raiders. The fighting was brief but fierce, until finally, the defenders began to push back in the invaders. A cry of victory went up from the townsfolk, but it was echoed a moment later by a cry of despair. Both sides drew back and parted as six monstrous figures appeared at the edge of the barricades. The trolls had arrived.

It was time for Mox and her companions to take a more personal hand in the battle. The militia would be quickly overwhelmed by the vicious giants within a matter of moments. Quickly they moved into the center of town, just as the trolls came rampaging into the street. With a raucous cry of bloodlust, the brutes charged…directly into a wall of flames that Velox conjured in their path. Four of the giants stopped short of the wall, trapped on the far side. One made it past, but the last was engulfed completely in the flames. Immediately, Selena took to the sky, soaring high so she could see the trolls beyond the flame wall. Chanting, she called a hex to her, causing the ground around the brutes to erupt in a forest of rubbery, black tentacles. The appendages reached out and wrapped around the arms and legs of the trolls, holding them in place while they began squeezing like the coils of large serpents. The single troll who’d made it past the flames paid no heed to the plight of its brothers. It continued its headlong charge, barreling into Velox and Davrim, swatting them both aside with its massive club.

Velox rolled to a halt within feet of the wall of fire, just as the troll trapped within it charged through. The oracle leaped to his feet and charged at the pain-maddened creature, hammering at its raw, seared flesh again and again. Within a matter of moments, he’d beaten it into unconscious, but he could see that the deep gashes his blade had inflicted were already starting to heal. Davrim, meanwhile, found himself on the far side of the flames. As he regained his feet, a nearby troll wrenched itself free of the black tentacles, and came roaring at him. The inquisitor met it head-on, and drove his blade deep into its gut. The giant recoiled with a grunt, and gazed down at the rapidly closing wound. It leered at the half-orc, as behind it, its three brethren also broke free.

Mox backed quickly away from the oncoming troll as she opened her mouth her mouth and breathed a cloud of acid on the monster. At the same moment, Tungdill called down a column of flame on the brute’s head. It collapsed under the onslaught. Meanwhile, as Davrim continued to battle his foe, the other three trolls barreled through the wall of fire. As they did, Velox ambushed one of them, dropping it in its tracks. Now three of the giants lay unconscious in the street. Quickly, Velox conjured a second fire wall, engulfing those three, insuring they would not rise again. Davrim and his enemy fought tooth and claw, but ultimately the inquisitor won out, knocking the giant backwards into one of the flame walls. Selena, still flying above the melee, pulled a lump of wax from her belt and quickly began kneading it into a vaguely humanoid shape. She spoke a few words over it, and then puffed her breath upon it. Taking it in her hands, she began moving it as if it were walking. Below her, one of the trolls suddenly went rigid. It then turned slowly around and marched itself deliberately into the fire. The last of the brutes collapsed under a second plume of Mox’s acidic breath. Just like that, the battle of Fort Spears was over.

“You are truly the heroes I heard you to be!” Kisandra exclaimed in the aftermath of the battle. “Surely you must know, however, that Baron Drelev will not give up so easily. He will send more troops next time. You must stop him! Please tell me that you will! Go to Fort Drelev and repay the baron for his treachery! Please! You must free my father…free the people of Fort Drelev, and save my sister!”
“You needn’t beg, dear girl,” Mox smiled thinly. “We most assuredly will be visiting Baron Drelev, and let him know in person how we feel about trespassing in Kardashia.”

JollyDoc, when I looked at the EN boards today and found the update it felt like Christmas. Thanks for such a nice present under the virtual EN-tree. ;)

Nice ending to the Varhold module. Did they even miss a single side quest? Cougartown? Nice...

Also, I have to read up on this first Blood for Blood attack group because from the SH, they were able to take quite a beating.


JollyDoc, when I looked at the EN boards today and found the update it felt like Christmas. Thanks for such a nice present under the virtual EN-tree. ;)

Nice ending to the Varhold module. Did they even miss a single side quest? Cougartown? Nice...

Also, I have to read up on this first Blood for Blood attack group because from the SH, they were able to take quite a beating.

Merry Christmas!

I don't believe they missed any of the side quests in Varnhold. With this AP, they pretty much need to hit them all to keep up with the xp requirement.

Remember that in Blood for Blood teh first battle uses the new mass combat rules, except for the fight with the trolls. I think if I'd actually put the battle group against the PC's in a straight up fight, the group would have made quick work of them.


This picture represents only about 1/3 of the forces arrayed against our heroes in the battle of Fort Drelev! Subtlety is NOT their forte!!


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