Jonathan Tweet talks "13th Age"


Wow, this is sounding very interesting. I'm getting the sense that they're going for a bit f a high-brow, indie-flavored 5E - a game for those that want something a bit off center of 5E. Sign me up.

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"Diegetics", by L. Ron Gygax
I have to admit, I'm intrigued.

I don't know if they're going this direction, but I'd pony up if their work needed a "kickstart".

I like, that 3e and 4e people can work with one another. Can play together and do so. Open minded people are great.

Why can´t gamers get along with each other on forums equally well?

I hope this game will be great and appeal to some gamers. I will check it out!


What? Me Worry?
Even if Tweet had only worked on Ars Magica and nothing else, my interest would have been piqued. The amount of D&D experience of these two designers makes it even more intriguing.


"13th Age" a New Hurdle for D&DNext?

D&DNext is an attempt to provide all D&D players with one rule set/game that all D&D players...past and present can play and enjoy together.

"13th Age" seems to be targeted to players and DMs who favor an old school, theater of the mind, less standardized, less balanced, more free form D&D gaming experience.

When I look into my crystal ball, I see more fragmentation of the D&D playing (and buying) community.

How many of you will give "13th Age" a try?

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