• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



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There are between the ~300-400 active posters (according to most popular polls this week). They are reporting dozens of books are breaking date. Which brings me to my point:

WotC please mail out my core handbooks directly and immediately. By cutting out the sloppy middle men you teach a lesson and bring in more profit.

/PS I will pay tripple if they are here by close of buisiness. :D
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Great Old One
Jack99 said:
Argh, for real? They better not be late with the core books as well...
Well, that's what my FLGS was told by Enigma (the WotC distributor for Scandinavia). They are in København, so I trust you to exact justice if they fail to deliver the core books on time. ;)


Imaro said:
Found some at a Borders in Chicago...decided not to get it when I saw the format. For $30 I want something that can take a little wear and tear, I still have Shateered Gates of Slaughtergarde and these folio adventures are, IMHO, kinda flimsy products. In my gaming environment (carried in a bag, snacks, pencils, drinks, etc.) I would appreciate something more sturdy. Just my oppinion though. So I guess I'm waiting for the corebooks.

I was a bit leery as well, but I bought it anyway, and I was pretty happy once I got it open. (Of course, I was using that Borders Rewards 40% off coupon, which expired today--thanks for breaking the street date, Borders! ;) ) Three double-sided battlemaps with lovely artwork and useful labeling is worth at least half of that price to me (decorative plus functional for the win!), and would require careful handling to maintain with any kind of packaging. And the adventure looks outstanding, from what I've read so far. (Have to see how it actually plays, of course ...)


First Post
nightspaladin said:
Barnes and Noble in Sacramento has it too. It is amazing!

B&N in Citrus Heights had several copies out on the shelf (I bought one). The Sacramento (Arden) store would not sell them until the street date. Curious, neh?

I called my FLGS to find out if they had it, but they said they wouldn't get it until Tuesday. :(

Though I'm glad I got mine, it's kind of uncool of them to break the street date.

The maps are gorgeous, but I wish I could re-create (or modify) the characters. The rogue has a better BAB than the fighter and the cleric has the worst BAB, from what I can tell. Many of his powers aren't going to work often since he can't hit for :):):):).

Interested to see what DDI has for this in the upcoming week.
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First Post
Does anyone know if this comes with a free PDF from DDI once they get this off the ground? And therefore does this mean that the battlemaps will be at scale in PDF as well?


I do wish they had images of the posters so I could use it for sessions. Having to replicate it with blocks of color isn't as satisfying.

That said, I just finished the first encounter with some associates from another forum... so much fun.

The halfling rogue exploded things with his daggers, and the wizard had a cookout.


First Post
dnd3dm said:
The maps are gorgeous, but I wish I could re-create (or modify) the characters. The rogue has a better BAB than the fighter and the cleric has the worst BAB, from what I can tell. Many of his powers aren't going to work often since he can't hit for :):):):).

Here are some doc files that mindshadow2k created and I contributed to. It has all 5 KotS pregens (with errata and multi-class power for the half-elf) and a Tiefling warlord, Elf ranger, and Eladrin warlock stated up from the PrRC 2.5. Hope these help.

P.S. I also am looking forward to Tues. and whatever might be out there for us.

Apperantly, I can't upload the same file twice. So click here for the other pregens.


  • Dragonborn Paladin.doc
    373 KB · Views: 67
  • Dwarf Fighter.doc
    359 KB · Views: 88
  • Half-Elf Cleric.doc
    380 KB · Views: 92
  • Halfling Rogue.doc
    343.5 KB · Views: 82
  • Human Wizard.doc
    358 KB · Views: 76
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First Post
Daelkyr said:
Here are some doc files that mindshadow2k created and I contributed to. It has all 5 KotS pregens (with errata and multi-class power for the half-elf) and a Tiefling warlord, Elf ranger, and Eladrin warlock stated up from the PrRC 2.5. Hope these help.

Thanks! I'll see what I can do with these and the PRRC when I have time to mess with them. Now all we need are 2nd and 3rd level improvements for the warlock and other characters.

I really hope RPGA doesn't decide to adapt KotS to LFR, because I will have just eaten the mod...


First Post
I went to my local Borders and found, as many of you appear to have, that KotS was indeed on the shelf (3 copies). I didn't buy one and this kind of makes me mad. How are local small comic and gaming shops like the ones I've been going to for years supposed to deal with stuff like this. I know my local retailer has notified WotC several times in the past that the chain stores were breaking street date, yet they do nothing.

If Wal-Mart started selling a movie 4 days before the release date, they would get the crap sued out of them by competing stores and the film studio. Why doesn't WotC make any effort to enforce its street dates? As someone in support of local gaming, its going to piss me off when I'm the last person in my area to own a copy of the core books just because I want to support the place that supports my hobby and not some faceless corporation. WotC should be sending cease and desist letters to all these places. They found time to send one to a friend of mine who was drawing on Magic cards (adding Batman suits, or whatever) and selling them for a couple bucks a pop, why the hell won't they do anything about this?
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The big name companies are likely not people you can mess with and win.

Even if you sue them successfully, they can still punish you for it via shelf space.

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