• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Just posting to make you all jealous, I HAVE THEM

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First Post
If you DO leak information, then please, please PLEASE

Leak something useful. The leaks we keep getting from people who viewed the rulebook tend to go like this:
Typical Leaked Info Post said:
I finally had the chance to look through the rulebooks, and I'm so excited for 4e! I only had a few minutes to look, and I wasn't allowed to take pictures, so I made sure to spend it on the most important question I could think up- Are Krenshar still in the Monster Manual? And I'm happy to say that yes, yes they are! Its a load off my mind. I was going to go through the PHB and check to see what the different subclasses were for each character class, and commit a few of the more interesting early level powers to memory so that I could tell people playing KotS, but I didn't have time after I took out tracing paper and copied the art for the Krenshar. Oh well!


First Post
so really who did you get them from? I got them at amazon and was wondering if I should hope to get them before june6.

Thanks from a mortal.


Cadfan said:
If you DO leak information, then please, please PLEASE

Leak something useful. The leaks we keep getting from people who viewed the rulebook tend to go like this:

That was great, Cadfan.


Cadfan said:
Of course now that I've written that, the only thing he's going to leak will be the Krenshar statblock.
Actually on the RPG.net thread that he created with the same announcement, he's already said that half-elves get +2 Cha and +2 Con.

Which is... confusing.


Amy Kou'ai said:
Things I've been curious about:

What is the wording to the dedication to EGG?
How do wizards learn new spells known?
Are all magic items combat-related? (Barring ritual scrolls, of course.)

A simple "Dedicated to the memory of E. Gary Gygax"
You can add to your spellbook rituals, daily and utility castings when your level says you get new ones. You can retrain so that you get rid of some spells and add others.
Will check up on magic items.

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