• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Just posting to make you all jealous, I HAVE THEM


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I don't think WOTC is capable of reacting that quickly to sudden leaks.

If they went through all this trouble, they probably were not expecting a leak.

And even if they were, I doubt their ability to simultaneously contact ALL sellers of the books. If anything, they will help major sellers like Amazon, B&N, etc, while hurting FLGS all over the country.

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jackston2 said:
Can someone post some cheap trinkets for the players to buy while playing shadowfell?
What do you mean by "cheap trinkets"? Just standard items that might be found in the world? You're pretty much looking at the same set of items as 3.X in that case - Lanterns, Adventurer's Kits, Ammo, Flasks, Rope... the only really interesting items under "adventuring gear" are the Everburning Torch (provides light as a torch but no heat, always on, infinite usage apparently) and Journeybread (fills you up for a day with only a few nibbles of bread). Those items are 50gp each, Journeybread lasting for 10 days.

Ipissimus said:
The Skill Training feat vs. skill training from Multiclass feats: is there a difference? Is it just any one skill becoming trained on the first and selecting one from a limited list on the second?
That's right. Take the Skill Training feat and you get training in any Skill you choose, and you can take this feat more than once. Take a Multiclass feat and you get training in either a specific skill (Arcana for Wizard, Religion for Cleric, etc) or a skill on that class's Skill List. But with the Multiclass feat you get the added benefits of multiclassing (at-will powers, etc) so it balances out.

Question oh knowledgeable ones:

For the low level teleport abilities of the eladrin and others, does it say anything about t-porting through physical barriers, or can a jail actually hold eladrins?


First Post
PrecociousApprentice said:
In order to ease my mind on this whole illegal pdf thing, I went down to the local bookstore. It is a chain, so the guy didn't know the whole hubub going on. I told him that some people have gotten their books already and I was wondering if they had them in. I said I understand that they aren't supposed to be out till 6/6, but I would appreciate it if he could give me some info. He checked store records, and they are in stock, but not on the shelves until 6/6. I didn't pester him, because he was sorta doing me a favor to begin with.

So there are illegal copies going around, but the books have at least shipped to the retailers at this point. Some people already have legit copies. I am a little frustrated that WotC went to all this trouble to make sure that everyone got their books at the same time, and then the whole plan went to crap. This would all be OK if they would just say, "Since we screwed it up, we'll just release them early." Why is it that they would push good people to find illegal copies, even when the books are available to be sold? Sure, no one is forcing anyone to get the pdfs, but I understand those that do. Some people already got their books, and now it isn't fair. We should all beseach WotC to let the books be sold now.

I whole-heartedly disagree!! You are merely suggesting that from now on, rather than a company attempt to set a release date and hope everything works right, instead they simply have to announce a product, wait long enough for the unscrupulous a**holes out there to find it and release it, then the company will go ahead and release. You're arguing for letting the a**holes win. And that is nothing but wrong.

Instead what should be done, is to find a way to find all the a**holes, gather them in one place, and summarily skim off body parts until they recant their a**holish ways. Then take one more body part to drive the point home.

And don't go crying that it isn't fair. At no time during my life on this planet did my parents ever sit me down and say, "Son, remember, life will be fair. You will always get what is coming to you, and so will everyone else."


First Post
Jail cells can hold Eladrins if the doors are solid and there is no way an Eladrin can see outside the cell. Teleport requires line of sight.


eleran said:
I whole-heartedly disagree!! You are merely suggesting that from now on, rather than a company attempt to set a release date and hope everything works right, instead they simply have to announce a product, wait long enough for the unscrupulous a**holes out there to find it and release it, then the company will go ahead and release. You're arguing for letting the a**holes win. And that is nothing but wrong.

Instead what should be done, is to find a way to find all the a**holes, gather them in one place, and summarily skim off body parts until they recant their a**holish ways. Then take one more body part to drive the point home.

And don't go crying that it isn't fair. At no time during my life on this planet did my parents ever sit me down and say, "Son, remember, life will be fair. You will always get what is coming to you, and so will everyone else."
You are right, I was just whining. At the same time, right now the a** holes win, no? It's not like I actually bugged the guy at the store. I can wait. I did look online for the torrent files. They are there. I didn't get them. But they are there. It is interesting how this is working out. The unscrupulous ones always win, at least in the short run. Now only honest gamers don't get to game. Some times it sucks to be honest.


First Post
PrecociousApprentice said:
You are right, I was just whining. At the same time, right now the a** holes win, no? It's not like I actually bugged the guy at the store. I can wait. I did look online for the torrent files. They are there. I didn't get them. But they are there. It is interesting how this is working out. The unscrupulous ones always win, at least in the short run. Now only honest gamers don't get to game. Some times it sucks to be honest.

Totally agreed. It does indeed suck to be honest sometimes. But we get the added benefit of not having to worry much about landing in jail for other bad choices that our dishonesty would cause. So, no cellmates named Bubba who ask you to use lipstick to draw **** on your back. Unless thats what your in to. Not that theres anything wrong with that...


First Post
Rzach said:
Jail cells can hold Eladrins if the doors are solid and there is no way an Eladrin can see outside the cell. Teleport requires line of sight.


wow, color me surprised by that one. And not terribly happy about it, but I will just have to deal.

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