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Justice League Unlimited and Teen Titans 9/18 [Spoilers!]

The Serge

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Although I enjoyed this episode immensely, I do miss the presence of the Big Seven (well, I suppose it's the big seven since we're not including Aquaman... heh heh heh). I miss seeing Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman on a regular basis while, instead, we get brief visits by less well-known heroes, most of whom aren't present long enough for most non-fans to appreciate them. I would rather see entire shows dedicated to two or three truly new characters with some backing from an established hero (like the episode with Wonder Woman, Hawk, and Dove or the episode with Batman and Zatanna). I'd truly love an all magic episode with Dr. Fate and The Spectre (we haven't seen him at all yet).

Also, I'm concerned about the slow power-creep we're seeing. While I'm sure many think it's cool that most of Earth's heroes meet on a space station, have lockers, eat lunch, and have "desk duty," it still seems a little too... Well, Marvel.

That said, I still count this as one of my favorite cartoons ever. The animation quality is extremely high and the characterizations are generally on point.

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First Post
I only caught the last ten minutes, and I missed a lot of what was going on, but I still enjoyed what I saw. I thought that Luthor's "pep talk" with Amazo was especially great... though I had my doubts about what was going on in his head. At least until... "In fact, I pity you. :]" Yeah, that's Lex alright.

Very glad to see Kyle Rayner again. Would have preferred Hal Jordan took his place on Superman: TAS (*cough* or Alan Scott *cough* :p) but c'est l'vie. It was good to see them validate his continued existance beyond the comment about "that Rayner kid" from the ep' with Despero.

And Doctor Fate. Man. I love this guy. First-generation Justice Society hero from the '40s, proving time and time again that he's still wicked cool.


Raging blindly since 1969
Olorin said:
In space, I think we had: Superman, Green Lantern, Dr. Light (the woman in the white cape), S.T.R.I.P.E (power armor), Starman, Orion, Captain Atom.

Second line: Supergirl, Rocket Red, Red Tornado and Fire.

Ground team: Flash, Wonder Woman, Steel and Ice.

Umm that was Red Star not Starman. Different hero folks.


First Post
blindrage said:
Umm that was Red Star not Starman. Different hero folks.

No, Olorin's right, that was the second Starman, an alien super-hero (Prince Gavyn) who came after the Golden Age Starman of the JSA, and before Will Payton or the most recent Starman, Jack Knight.

Red Star is a Russian super-hero with super-strength and flame powers. Starman has cosmic powers.


First Post
Man I am definately a Marvel guy I guess, or just old..alot of the heroes I no longer recognize. Or at least the post "Crisis" universe. And I dont like that Superman isnt so invulnerable that he has to wear a space suit. Yuch.

Anyway, my question still stands..why are their two GLs from Earth-who does Reynor protect?

Also, I wonder if Hal Jordan is the Spectre in TAS. Hmmm


Sage of the Scarred Lands
Potato, Potato, (different pronouncations when you read them folks)

Point in fact NO ONE could stop Amazo.


I think the point is this though. The JLA of animation is different from the Comic books one. But there are some things both have. They both have big time casts. They both face powers that would rock the earth to nothing.

Watched the ending and I saw what appeared to be the Ultimen, the return of a Batman Beyond favorite (at least in a form) (and no it's not a villian but it was featured in the ep titled "Heroes.") Plus Bizzaro and some other chick. Seems rather interesting where these next eps go.


I think why there are two Laterns is simple. Raynor was Earth's protector while Jon was learning the ropes. Then they sent Raynor back to Oa/other places to get more experience while Jon comes in fresh and ready to deal with crisises as an experienced GLer.

No idea about the Spectre. It's possible.
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First Post
The Serge said:
Also, I'm concerned about the slow power-creep we're seeing. While I'm sure many think it's cool that most of Earth's heroes meet on a space station, have lockers, eat lunch, and have "desk duty," it still seems a little too... Well, Marvel.

I wouldn't call it a little "Marvel", just because traditionally, Marvel heroes have had it tougher than DC ones. Classic Marvel super-heroes have been considered more down-to-earth and "every man" than DC super-heroes, who were classic larger-than-life characters. But anyway, that's beside the point.

I don't think the changes have been about power creep at all. It's been about going in a new direction; injecting new life into the show. (Mind you, I don't think it "needed" a new direction, although I'm enjoying the hell out of it.) They're doing a LOT of new things with the show this season. New characters, shorter format, new animation techniques (incorporating CGI), new music (using rock/guitar instead of orchestral). (BTW, the CGI and music aren't particular improvements to the show in any way, but I don't blame them for trying something different.)

The change in the League's method of operations is just a reflection of that. It sets the League apart from every other super-team that's been on TV in recent years (Teen Titans, Fantastic Four, Avengers, WildCATs). It gives them a very "professional" image, that works very nicely.


First Post
driver8 said:
And I dont like that Superman isnt so invulnerable that he has to wear a space suit. Yuch.

Anyway, my question still stands..why are their two GLs from Earth-who does Reynor protect?

Also, I wonder if Hal Jordan is the Spectre in TAS. Hmmm

Superman actually just needs a breathing apparatus of some kind. Even in the comics, post-Crisis Superman can survive in space just fine, and can hold his breath a long time, but he needs to breathe. Personally, I like the space-suit look.

When Green Lantern was introduced in Superman TAS, the animators chose Kyle Raynor instead of Hal Jordan, but they gave him Hal's hair and uniform. As far as we knew, this was Earth's first Green Lantern, in the animated DCU.

Then, when WB gave the go-ahead for a Justice League show, the animators decided to use John Stewart instead of Kyle, because they didn't want the team to be composed of entirely White Men, Wonder Woman, and the Martian Manhunter. So they chose John Stewart and Hawkgirl. In an episode in first season of Justice League, they explained that Kyle had gone to OA to train as a Green Lantern, and now John Stewart was Earth's GL. So, it seems Stewart came before Raynor. So, Kyle's still in training, and has not been assigned to any particular region.

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