Keep on the Shadowfell (OOC)


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Khoros, of House Tharashk

The character
Name: Khoros, of House Tharashk
Race: Half-orc
Class: Ranger (Bounty Hunter)
Role: Striker
Level: 1

Khoros, of the Dragonmarked House Tharashk
Khoros is a darkly skinned Half-orc, whose tenaciousness, brawn and scars speak of a life of fighting, travelling and adventuring. He wears heavy cut hide armour embroidered with the Dragonne emblem of House Tharashk and carries a variety of weapons, notably a short-handled Battleaxe and a cruel looking war pick. His gear is well cared for and designed for the outdoors. His speech is colored in the accent of the Shadow Marches.

Born and raised in the Shadow Marches, Khoros, Half-orc from the great Dragonmarked House Tharashk, has been joining daring raids and treasure hunts into the forbidding swamps and mysterious ruins of his homeland since he was able to lift a weapon. Much to the chargin of his renowned father Thoraos of Tharashk, a famous bearer of the greater Dragonmark of Finding, Khoros, his fathers' youngest son, never manifested the Mark of his house.

Though House Tharashk places less importance on Dragonmarks for social standing than many other Houses, Khoros, ambitious and driven nevertheless felt lessened and restrained in the shadow of his fathers glory. Leaving the Marches and keeping only sporadic contact with his House, Khoros now sells his skills as tracker and bounty hunter in various places as he searches for his destiny to unfold.

[U]Ability scores[/U]
Strength     : [B]16 (+3)[/B]     Hit points : [B]33[/B]
Constitution : [B]16 (+3)[/B]     Bloodied   : [B]16[/B] 
Dexterity    : [B]16 (+3) [/B]    Surges     : [B] 8[/B]
Intelligence : [B] 9 (-1)[/B]     Surges/day : [B] 8[/B]     
Wisdom       : [B]12 (+1) [/B]    Initiative : [B]+3[/B]
Charisma     : [B]10 [/B]     

Armour class : [B]16 [/B]
Fortitude    : [B]14[/B] 
Reflex       : [B]14[/B] 
Will         : [B]11[/B]

Acrobatics    (Dex): [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Athletics     (Str): [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Dungeoneering (Wis): [B]+ 6[/B]  (trained)
Perception    (Wis): [B]+ 6 [/B] (trained)
Stealth       (Dex): [B]+ 8 [/B] (trained)
Common, Giant

Racial traits
Running charge (+2 speed on charge), Warrior's Surge

Class features
Two-blade fighting style, Hunter's quarry, Prime shot

Action surge, Toughness

Weapon Proficiency:
simple & military ranged & melee

Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light[/sblock][sblock=Powers]
Basic attack
:bmelee: Attack: +5 vs. AC; Damage: 1d10 +3, versatile

War pick
:melee: Attack: +5 vs. AC; Damage: 1d8 + 3. off-hand, high crit, versatile
Nimble Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +5 vs. AC Damage: 1d10 +3
-- shift 1 square before or after attack --

Twin Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; 2 Attacks: +5 vs. AC Damage: 1d10 (Battleaxe) & 1d8 (War pick)
-- make two attacks --​

Warrior's surge (Race)
Spilling the blood of your enemy invigorates you.
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +5 vs. AC Damage: 1d10+3
-- you can spend a healing surge --​

Evasive Strike (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; Attack: +5 vs. AC Damage: 2d10 +3 (Battleaxe)
--- shift 2 squares before or after the attack ---​
Jaws of the Wolf (Class)
:melee: Standard Action; 2 Attacks: +5 vs. AC Damage: 2d10 +3 (Battleaxe) & 2d8 +3 (War pick)
--- half dmg on miss ---​
10 gp. 

[U]Equipment           Price    Weight    Other[/U]
Hide armour         30 gp    25 lb.    Light armour
Battleaxe           15 gp     6 lb.    Versatile 
War pick            15 gp     6 lb.    Off-hand, high crit, versatile

Adventurer's kit    28 gp    30 lb.    
  Backpack           2 gp     2 lb.
  Bedroll            1 sp     5 lb.
  Flint & Steel      1 gp      -
  Pouch, belt        1 gp   1/2 lb.
  Rations, trail     5 gp    10 lb.    10 days
  Rope, silk        10 gp     5 lb.    50 ft.
  Sunrod (4)         8 gp     4 lb.   
  Waterskin          1 gp     4 lb.      

Climber's kit        2 gp    11 lb.    +2 for climbing    
  Grappling hook     1 gp     4 lb.
  Hammer             5 sp     2 lb.
  Pitons (10)        5 sp     5 lb. 

[B]Total               90 gp    78 lb.[/B]

Normal load:    160 lb.
Heavy load:     280 lb.
Max. drag load: 800 lb.
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First Post
Alright, character concept posted above. Fairly straightforward, swashbuckling Eberron explorer type ;)

Didn't opt for Warlord because I am already set to play two. If you absolutely want more healing, I could draw one up.

Charwoman Gene

I'm gonna be shifting my character around in the next 2-3 days to be human. I might go with a minior member of a dragonmarked house, maybe just a snooty Brelish family... ((I'm drawing odd inspiration from Jim Darkmagic, of the New Hampshire Darkmagics.))


First Post
No offence taken, my apologies for not explaining. I used to post on here under the name "TRD" but for some weird reason Enworld stopped working when I changed ISP's. I am changing to a different ISP so thought I would come back, if you got room for a spot, let me make a character, see what you think, then bring me in on the basis of that.

On second thought, if you've got a good idea for a cleric or warlord (or a non-defender with some multiclassing into a leader class), go ahead and write up a character.


First Post
Ok, I will go for a background in the Church of the Silver Flame then. Will have to do a bit of reading-up for that though, but sounds like Sirianina's cup of tea.


First Post
Alright, character concept posted above. Fairly straightforward, swashbuckling Eberron explorer type ;)

Should be good. I noticed you took advantage of my quickly improvised half-orc house rules :).

I'm gonna be shifting my character around in the next 2-3 days to be human. I might go with a minior member of a dragonmarked house, maybe just a snooty Brelish family... ((I'm drawing odd inspiration from Jim Darkmagic, of the New Hampshire Darkmagics.))

I'm not familiar with that source, but if it leads to a cool character, who cares?

Thanks, will have a character and history statted out by tomorrow.


Ok, I will go for a background in the Church of the Silver Flame then. Will have to do a bit of reading-up for that though, but sounds like Sirianina's cup of tea.



First Post
Should be good. I noticed you took advantage of my quickly improvised half-orc house rules :).

A sure ;)

Actually been playing around with some more convoluted backstories to fit in some multi-classing. But Action Surge Half-orc Treasure Hunter makes for a nice 'early-days' Eberron type of pulp hero.. so I just thought to keep it simple.. for now.


First Post
One more thing -- since the artificer is up in Dragon (albeit in preview form, and without enough at-wills for a human to play one unless they take two multiclass feats at 1st level), it's an available option. The artificer is an arcane leader, in case you were wondering.


First Post
Err... I'd like to be able to start this tomorrow (as I've got the day off, and not much to do), and I still need updated PCs from most of you. Thanks.

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