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Kerrz's d20 Modern "Be Yourself" Campaign


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Alright folks. Here's the place to post your character sheets. Try to keep them out of the main recruiting/ooc thread, and try to keep any discussion out of this thread.

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Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Keith Vargas, PhD: Dedicated Hero 1, Academic

Name: Keith Vargas, PhD
Player: Vigwyn the Unruly

Class: Dedicated Hero
Starting Occupation: Academic (neuroscience postdoc)
Character Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 32
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 184 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Very dark brown to black, w/ graying temples
Skin: Caucasian with average complexion

       Stat   Points
STR	11	03
DEX	09	01
CON	12	04
INT	16	10
WIS	14	06
CHA	12	04
Total	 	28
Explanations of ability scores:
Strength: I am of slightly less than average strength. However, I have extensive knowledge of the neuromuscular system from my research (I have three published papers in the area), and this knowledge allows me to leverage the strength that I do have to accomplish what an average person could.
Dexterity: I am of slightly less than average dexterity. I'm not very fast, don't react particularly quickly, and don't have great aim.
Constitution: I am of slightly better constitution than the general population. I don't get sick very frequently and have quite good stamina. However, I do find certain challenges quickly overwhelm me, such as extreme heat, or I would have given myself a higher score.
Intelligence: My test scores place me in the top 99.6th percentile. That means that if you grab a thousand people at random, only 4 of them will be as smart as I am. If you grab a hundred at random, chances are I'll be the smartest.
Wisdom: I have lived a rich life full of varied experiences. I am happily married and a father of three. I was raised in an enlightened but spiritual home. I have had many setbacks in my 32 years, but have used all of them to learn valuable lessons about life. I have a classic liberal arts education, but also keep up with the latest in current events, politics, and cutting-edge technology.
Charisma: I am relatively empathetic and reasonably handsome. Additionally, as a scientist, I have a modicum of social status and I have learned to use this to my advantage. So, my charisma is a little bit higher than average.

HP: 7 (1d6+1)
AC: 10 (10 -1 Dex, +1 Def bonus)

Initiative: -1 (Dex)

BAB: +0
Speed: 30'

Fort: +2 (+1 base, +1 Con)
Ref: -1 (+0 base, -1 Dex)
Will: +3 (+1 base, +2 Wis)

Reputation: +1
Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: +7

Melee: +0 (+0 BAB, +0 Str)
Ranged: -1 (+0 BAB, -1 Dex)

Skills: (4/2)
As an Academic, I'm adding Research to my class skills list, and taking a +1 competence bonus to Knowledge (behavioral sciences) and Knowledge (earth and life sciences)
Computer Use: +7 (+3 Int, +4 ranks)
Knowledge (behavioral sciences): +8 (+3 Int, +4 ranks, +1 competence) Note: my undergraduate degree in a Bachelor of Science in Behavioral Sciences, with a Concentration in Psychology
Knowledge (current events): +9 (+3 Int, +4 ranks, +2 Educated feat)
Knowledge (earth and life sciences): +10 (+3 Int, +4 ranks, +1 competence, +2 Educated feat) Note: to make this character more in line with the real me, I would prefer to add only half of my bonus to earth sciences checks, and use the full bonus only for life sciences checks
Knowledge (technology): +7 (+3 Int, +4 ranks)
Research: +7 (+3 Int, +4 ranks)
Sense Motive: +6 (+2 Wis, +4 ranks)
Treat Injury: +8 (+2 Wis, +4 ranks, +2 Healing Knack talent) Note: I can perform surgery without penalty, from Surgery feat; in reality, I perform lots of animal surgeries in my work

Educated [Knowledge (current events) and Knowledge (earth and life sciences)]: 1st level
Surgery: 1st level
Simple Weapons Proficiency: Academic

In reality, I only speak English fluently. However, I have some familiarity with both Russian and French from classes I took in Junior High and High School, and I am proficient with technical and scientific jargon. Instead of giving the character bonus languages, perhaps I can play the character as proficient in technical and scientific jargon, and make level checks to understand things written in French or Russian.

Talents/Special Abilities:
Healing Knack: 1st level (I have kids, and am a trained live animal neuroscientist)

Allegiances: (in order of importance)
My Family. This includes primarily my wife and three kids, but also applies to my extended family.
Rationalism. I believe that reason and objective observation are better than faith both in guiding how we understand this world and in deciding how to treat one another. I have a generalized distrust of people whose faith is the most important thing in their lives. However, I know this is an ugly character trait of mine, and I try to see the best in people regardless of their religious views; I constantly remind myself that some of the people I admire most (for example, my mother) have very deep faith.
America. I love my country and consider myself a patriot in the Jeffersonian tradition. I consider America to be the greatest country on the face of the earth. However, my patriotism does not rise to the level of Jingoism, and I am concerned that many in America today are using the concept patriotism to erode our traditions of personal freedom and liberty. Rather than believing "My country, right or wrong", I have an intense desire to make America an even better place, a place that lives up to its best ideals. I believe America has been, and should continue to be, a beacon of hope in the world.
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First Post
Name: Chad Meir
Player: Tyreus

Class: Fast Hero
Starting Occupation: Athlete
Character Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Skin: Caucasian with tan

Abilities: (28 pt)
Str: 14
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 10
Wis: 14
Cha: 12

Explanations of ability scores:
Strength: I have a large frame and weight lift Monday-Thursday. I play football which requires strength and explosivness. I am also aggressive and have alot of adrenaline.
Dexterity: I jump rope and do plyametrics(agility drills, jumping on boxes, ect.) four days a week. I can juggle and am pretty good at target shooting guns. (rifles, shotguns, and pistols)
Constitution: I have good stamina and endurance. I run several miles every week (15 this last week) and usually play basketball everyday. Heat doesn't bother me much and I don't throw up when we workout for football. I am never sick and haven't been to the hospital since I was really little. (stitches I think) I don't drink pop or eat fast food.
Intelligence: My IQ is 130.
Wisdom: I don't have alot of experiance, being only 16, but I am pretty mature and aware compared to my peers. I have a good survival instinct.
Charisma: I'm popular in school and don't have any trouble getting a girl. All of my friends and girlfriends parents like me alot as well.

HP: 9 (1d8+1)
AC: 15 (10 +2 Dex, +3 Def bonus)

Initiative: +2 (Dex)

BAB: +0
Speed: 35 ft

Fort: +1 (+0 base, +1 Con)
Ref: +3 (+1 base, +2 Dex)
Will: +2 (+0 base, +2 Wis)

Reputation: +0
Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: +6 (parents)

Melee: +2 (+0 BAB, +2 Str)
Ranged: +2 (+0 BAB, +2 Dex)

Unarmed: +3 1d6+2

Skills: (4/2)
As an Athlete, I'm adding Climb to my class skills list, and taking a +1 competence bonus to Balance and Tumble.

Balance: +6 (+2 Dex, +3 ranks, +1 competence)
Climb: +3 (+2 Str, +1 ranks)
Drive: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 ranks)
Escape artist: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 ranks)
Hide: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 ranks)
Knowledge (popular culture): +2 (+0 Int, +2 ranks)
Knowledge (streetwise): +1 (+0 Int, +1 ranks)
Move silently: +6 (+2 Dex, +4 ranks)
Tumble: +6 (+2 Dex, +3 ranks, +1 competence)
Gamble: +4 (+2 Wis, +0 ranks, +2 confidence)
Intimidate: +3 (+1 Cha, +0 ranks, +2 confidence)

Personal firearms proficiency: 1st level
Confident: 1st level
Brawl: Athlete


Talents/Special Abilities:
Increased speed: 1st level

Duffle bag
Clothes, casual
Basketball shoes
Cell phone
Cash, wealth bonus +1
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Ranger Rick

First Post
Fast Hero 1/ Law enforcement
HP 11
Action Points: 5

STR 14
DEX 14
CON 16
INT 12
CHA 10

Class Skills:
Balance (Dex) 4 (+2 mod) 6
Drive (Dex)(Occp +1) 4 (+2 mod) 7
Intimidate (Cha) 3 (0 mod) 3
Knowledge (tactics) (Int) 4 (+2 mod) 6
Move Silently (Dex), 4 (+2 mod) 6
Read/Write Language - Spanish
Tumble (Dex) 4 (+2 mod) 8

Base Attack Bonus +0
Fort +3
Ref +3
Will -1
Defense Bonus +3
Reputation Bonus +1

Class Features
Defensive Talent Tree

Feats:, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Personal Firearms Proficiency, Defensive Martial Arts, Elusive Target

Explanations of ability scores:
Strength: A life time of lifting things and HS/Uni/Post School athletics.
Dexterity: Better ballance than most most people.
Constitution: I do not get sick, no major alments and just staying healthy.
Intelligence: I am smarter than the average bear.
Wisdom: I had to go low somewhere.
Charisma: Average.


First Post
Name: James McKean
Player: Khavren

Class: Smart Hero
Starting Occupation: Technician
Character Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 190 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Skin: Pale Caucasian

Abilities: (28 pt)
Str: 9
Dex: 14
Con: 10
Int: 16
Wis: 11
Cha: 14

Explanations of ability scores:
Strength: I've never done much in the way of building muscles, and most of the exercise I've done relates to running or jumping
Dexterity: I took gymnastics in school, shot bow in competition and do karate and akido
Constitution: I'm probably about average for this
Intelligence: I'm quite bright.
Wisdom: People frequently come to me for advice
Charisma: I'm the one picked out of a crowd when people need help, in any given social situation I usually end up with a degree of authority

HP: 6 (1d6)
AC: 12 (10 +2 Dex)

Initiative: +2 (Dex)

BAB: +0
Speed: 30 ft

Fort: +0 (+0 base)
Ref: +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex)
Will: +2 (+1 base)

Reputation: +1
Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: +9

Melee: -1 (+0 BAB, -1 Str)
Ranged: +2 (+0 BAB, +2 Dex)

As an Technician, I'm taking a +1 competence bonus to Computer Use, Craft - Structural, and Repair.

Class skills:
Computer Use: +9 (+3 int, +4 ranks, +1 competence, +1 Savant)
Craft - writing: +5 (+3 int, +2 ranks)
Craft - Visual art: +4 (+3 int, +1 ranks)
Craft - Structural: +6 (+3 int, +2 ranks, +1 competence)
Disable Device: +6 (+3 int, +3 ranks)
Knowledge - History: +5 (+3 int, +2 ranks)
Knowledge - Tactics: +4 (+3 int, +1 ranks)
Knowledge - Theology and philosophy: +4 (+3 int, +1 ranks)
Navigate: +4 (+3 int, +1 rank)
Repair: +7 (+3 int, +3 ranks, +1 competence)
Research: +7 (+3 int, +4 ranks)
Search: +6 (+3 int, +3 ranks)
Profession: Computer Guru +4 (+3 int, +1 ranks)

Cross-class skills:
Drive: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 ranks)
Hide: +4 (+2 Dex, +2 ranks)
Move silently: +3 (+2 Dex, +1 ranks)
Balance: +3 (+2 dex, +1 ranks)
Diplomacy: +4 (+2 Chr, +2 ranks)
Bluff: +4 (+2 Chr, +2 ranks)
Handle Animal: +3 (+2 Chr, +1 ranks)

Simple Weapons Profeciency
Defensive Martial Arts
Archaic Weapons profeciency


Talents/Special Abilities:
Savant - Computer Use

Clothes, Business casual
Trenchcoat, grey
Digital Camera
Contractor's Field Bag
Laptop w/ Broadband and Cellular, upgraded
Multipurpose tool
Cell phone
Duct Tape
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First Post
Name: James Thompson
Player: Festy_Dog

Class: Dedicated Hero
Starting Occupation: Investigative
Character Level: 1
XP: 0

Age: 20
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Shaggy Brown
Skin: Caucasian

Str: 10
Dex: 14
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 14
Cha: 12

Explanations of ability scores:
Strength: Never proven to myself that I'm anything more or less than average in that department.
Dexterity: Capable on my feet, and a mean shot.
Constitution: I often surprise myself with my endurance, not that I'm big on sports any more, just that I somehow remain pretty fit without doing much. Don't get sick often and when I do it doesn't seem to hinder me much.
Intelligence: Approximate translation of my IQ using that interesting equation linked on the Wizards boards.
Wisdom: I was dubbed with the nickname 'Grandpa' in preschool because they thought I was so mature. I continue to try to maintain empathy, understanding, and an awareness of my surroundings, but it's a hard stat to measure or explain.
Charisma: I figure I get along with new people and have sufficient friends to justify me being a little more charismatic than average.

HP: 7 (1d6+1)
AC: 13 (+2 Dex, +1 Def bonus)

Initiative: +2 (Dex)

BAB: +0
Speed: 30 ft

Fort: +2 (+1 base, +1 Con)
Ref: +2 (+0 base, +2 Dex)
Will: +3 (+1 base, +2 Wis)

Reputation: +0
Action Points: 5
Wealth Bonus: +7

Melee: +0 (+0 BAB)
Ranged: +2 (+0 BAB, +2 Dex)

Investigative - decipher script and search

decipher script +4 (2 cha, 2 ranks)
investigate +8 (2 int, 2 feat, 4 ranks)
knowledge (behavioural science) +6 (2 int, 4 ranks)
knowledge (streetwise) +4 (2 int, 2 ranks)
knowledge (theology and philosophy) +4 (2 int, 2 ranks)
listen +4 (2 wis, 2 ranks)
search +6 (2 int, 4 ranks)
sense motive +8 (2 wis, 2 feat, 4 ranks)
spot +4 (2 wis, 2 ranks)

simple weapons prof. (automatic)
personal firearms prof. (occupation)
attentive (1st level)
point blank shot (1st level)

familiarity with French (spent 1 skill point, learnt during high school)
familiarity with Chinese (spent 1 skill point, learning at uni)

Talents/Special Abilities:
Empathy +1

aluminium travel case (40lb cap.)
standard range pack
4 casual outfits
business suit
sheepskin coat
black woolen overcoat
digital camera
cell phone
leatherman (mult. tool)
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